Do you want to eat GM maggots in your fruit?

Do you want to eat GM maggots in your fruit?

By Jon Rappoport

September 7, 2013

The reference is GM Watch (twitter), Sept. 4, “GM fruit flies to be released—contamination threat.” (click here and here).

The GM company engineering the flies? Oxitec (UK). Oxford University is an investor in Oxitec. Why is that important?

The European Food Safety Authority panel poised to allow the insect release has a serious conflict of interest, because panel scientists work at Oxford University.

You know. Business as usual.

The GM fruit flies are an effort to lower the population of the flies, which attack olives and many fruits. The theory goes this way: females babies of the GM flies are engineered to die in the larval stage.

The Matrix Revealed

There’s only one problem. These larvae, which are maggots, will remain in the olives and the fruit. So people who buy the fruit will be eating maggots.

Mmm. Delicious. And healthy, too. Right?

The GM flies are scheduled to be released in Spain and Brazil. The fruit, of course, will be shipped around the world, and sooner or later, dead maggots will arrive at your market.

You won’t see them. You’ll buy them. You’ll eat them.

But you see, GM scientists know best. They’re looking out for all of us. Nothing can go wrong.

Safety tests re human health? Who needs safety tests?

I’m sure if you spray enough whipped cream on your fruit, you’ll forget all about maggots.

Oxitec. Good for the environment. Good for production. Good for fruit. Good for people who like dead maggots.

Don’t zombies like maggots? I believe I heard that somewhere.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

This entry was posted in GMOwar.

9 comments on “Do you want to eat GM maggots in your fruit?

  1. And if GM plants, insects and pesticides start killing off people, no problem. They’ll just sell us GM babies and gene therapy.

  2. patriot9878 says:

    They want to release sterile mosquitoes too and hope they’ll wipe out the mosquitoes. The thing is the mosquitoes serve a purpose. The fish and birds eat them. They’re a nuisance, but even if mosquitoes were gone you would miss them those pesky bastards

  3. Vegetarian zombies are going to hate that more than anybody.

  4. I enjoy your intelligent writing immensely Jon, but that keeps stirring a question inside me. You write, we read and most of us do nothing. We have a brief catharsis that dumps our discomfort so we can go back to sleep. Swallowing flies is not terrifying to a mature adult, even GMO flies. Walking down the halls of an Afghan hospital and listening to the moans that morphine can’t stop might get a little stir of indignation. Maybe seeing the burned, blinded, and amputated children that our taxes pay for in Syria could generate a brief flicker of will.

    We could go to one of “our” torture centers in the Middle East and spend a night listening to the screams. We could imagine that we are in one of those cells, trying to cling to a memory of our home and family while knowing our turn will come shortly. We could imagine facing the part of our self that “would do absolutely anything” to make the pain stop. We could imagine that the “anything” they want is exactly what would betray our closest friends, a group of freedom fighters, courageous men and women who have saved our own life many times over. What does it take to make that real for an American or European who has never lived it?

    “If I ever get out of here, I promise I will….” But that’s exactly how you got in here in the first place, isn’t it?

    You look down at your bloody, throbbing, nail-less fingers and toes. Everything hurts constantly, even through the numbing sleepless din of artificial noise and glaring lights. The blood, urine, and shit on your clothes doesn’t matter any more, nor your broken nose and teeth. The smell of disinfectant is all pervasive. “When will I break? What is it they really want of us? Are they even human?”

    You have a flicker of imagining the American “patriots” who sold out their briefly free country, now sitting in their comfortable homes watching the news with potato chips, or maybe even reading the “not fake news” on their computers. You know that they work long meaningless hours to make the money to pay for your torture, and the weapons that blew up your house, your goats, and your olive trees. You don’t dare to think about your children. You try to picture the comfortable Americans again… “Tsk, tsk,” they say, “isn’t it awful what they’re doing to those poor people. What’s the world coming to? Hey, I think I’ll get another beer and see if the Giants won…”

    Returning from this reverie, I see that Western “humanity” has become so media numb, I doubt anything could reach them. They will march to their own gulags, slaughter pits, and gas chambers just as have hundreds of millions before them. I spend endless hours trying to break through this mind trance with my clients. Its very slow going. “Maybe I’ll be ready to face that part of myself in my next life. I’m just not up for it today, I’m tired.”

    When a film such as “12 Years a Slave” can’t get people to realize that what they are watching…, is about to be them in their very own “back to the future” nightmare, what could possibly move them? Oh yes, they get stirred up a bit, maybe even terrified for a moment, but it goes nowhere. They have no traction. The linkage from passively watching suffering on the inherently “not real” screen to motivating and engaging personal action is broken. Humans are like your ’47 Chevy in the junk yard with no transmission. Even if the motor runs, there is no transmission to the wheels of true compassion…, of will and action.

    Reading your writing is inspiring, as is sharing my own with you, but I realize I would much rather do this than sit through Steve McQueen’s “12 Years as a Slave,” no matter how accurate, honest, true, and artistically beautiful. I’m an empath, and I’ve spent much of my life helping other human beings who have been brutally tortured, broken, and then taught to spend the rest of their lives torturing themselves. The pain is raw and real to me. I have lived through that myself. I don’t need to watch it in a theater. I have myself said those haunting words, over and over as if in prayer, “If I survive this and ever get out of here I will…”

    An excellent detailed film review by Owen Gleiberman is at:

  5. AdamXYZ says:

    @ patriot9878:

    How true. Mosquitoes do serve many purposes in nature. Thus, the whole thing is, does one want to live in nature, where everything is natural and designed by Intelligence that is, hands down, no doubt, radically above that of any man’s, about as far as daylight is from dark? I like nature. When I first moved to this place, in Southern Alabama, I was basically sterile and had not touched nature much until I was in my early forties. This placed nearly consumed me before I adapted. I got into poison plants just walking around on the 80 acre plot I bought, for example, which came a whisker from hospitalizing me. Everything in nature attacked me in this area and I was uncomfortable for a long time. Fortunately, the man in me is not the last word, but adaptation is. Ha, ha, ha. I adapted so well that I can now wallow in any greenery here that I desire and not be the worst for it. I must have adapted even to poison ivy, as I don’t get the rash any longer. The point is: one should adapt to nature the best one knows how, and be able to wallow in anything one desires without being harmed. Harm is the whole thing one wants to avoid, but even there, if God’s Nature is working with one, then let the harm come, turn it into the sun, and let it run. All that Jon says about CREATION is true, and every individual, which is of the nature I AM, has ALL CREATION within one. The question is really, “What does one want?”

  6. MachtNichts says:

    Used to be that if you had an apple with a worm or wasp in it you cut out that part and ate the rest. Now I don’t even buy apples anymore.

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