The US government is bankrolling the engineering of humans

The US government bankrolls the engineering of humans

by Jon Rappoport

August 22, 2013

If you still remember a piece of paper called the US Constitution, you might wonder under what section of that document the government is permitted to alter the human species.

A current Pentagon plan to create a biological platform inside the human body, using it to deliver new genetic information, and thus changing what the human body is and does…well, that is about as outrageous as you can get, when it comes to the violation of permitted federal powers.

Yet, the White House doesn’t care, nor does Congress, nor does the Supreme Court, nor does any federal agency or oversight department. It’s all right. It’s not a problem. It’s a “medical” program, you see. And therefore it will help people, and the government’s job is to help people.

This is the new version of the Constitution: “the government is here to help you, and anything it does in that regard is legal.” Sign up now. Get on the list. Help overrides anything written into the Constitution.

If the government wants to help me, it’s fine. That’s what government is for. It’s like a parent. If the daddy is injecting me with genetic material to make me better, I love it.”

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is preparing to launch these genetic experiments. DARPA is organized under the Pentagon, which is organized under the Dept, of Defense, which is an agency of the executive branch, which means the White House, which refers to the President, where the buck stops. So that’s the chain of command. The violation of the Constitution goes all the way to the top.

Here is a key quote from the DARPA proposal: “…the successful development of technologies for rapid introduction of large DNA vectors into human cell lines will enable the ability to engineer much more complex functionalities into human cell lines than are currently possible.”

DARPA plans to insert a 47th chromosome into human cell lines. That chromosome will serve as a kind of platform that will make subsequent delivery of new genetic information much easier.

New genetic information means alterations in the body, at the level of DNA.

Engineering humans.

(For a pdf copy of the DARPA solicitation in question — which is entitled “Advanced Tools for Mammalian Genome Engineering“, click here.)

The Matrix Revealed


DARPA will justify these experiments on the basis of improving soldiers’ performance on the battlefield, their general health, their capacity to recover from illness, injury, exhaustion. They can justify it any way they want to, but it adds up to the same thing.

We will change you. We will make you better. And, ahem, uh, easier to control.”

But this isn’t a debate about how a human could be made better or what “better” should mean or who should decide. It’s an argument that the whole program is a violation of the Constitution—because if we don’t stand on that, we don’t stand on anything.

Without invoking the law of the land, we allow various people to squabble about lesser issues and determine outcomes based on random and arbitrary factors.

Well, I don’t think the Pentagon should be in charge of this program at all. It should be moved over to the National Institutes of Health, where it belongs.”

I see no problem with Pentagon handling it, as long as there is civilian oversight from, say, the FDA. We could also have university scientists act in a consulting capacity…”

The President should appoint a Genetics Czar. He could supervise the whole thing, with Congressional oversight.”

It has to be run by the government. Otherwise, we can’t guarantee it’ll be done in an ethical fashion.”

No. The whole effort to engineer humans is unconstitutional, where government involvement is concerned. As for private companies taking part, there are already laws on the books about engineering humans. The adequate enforcement of those laws is another problem.

There’s nothing much at stake here. Only the future of the human species.

If private citizens, who are the target of this experimentation, don’t have standing to file a class action suit against the government, who does? A judge denying standing would, in and of itself, create an uproar.

Let me see if I’ve got this straight, Your Honor. We, as private citizens, who would have our DNA changed, don’t have the right to object. Correct? Call us crazy, but we thought potential victims are precisely the class who must take action. Who should oppose this program? Ants? Rats? Chimpanzees?”

If there are any constitutional lawyers out there who see what’s happening here, I advise immediate filings. Take this horror to the most basic level: the gross violation of federal powers. Bury the government where they stand. Make the point. Cut this off at the pass.

If there is any issue around which the American people should be able to unite, the government alteration of their genes should be it.

If not, I suggest consulting travel brochures for other planets.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

33 comments on “The US government is bankrolling the engineering of humans

  1. WHO the F&*k comes UP with these ideas?

    You’re right, some cabal of mad doctor scientists! All little old guys with wiry white hair and round steel-rimmed glasses with really thick lenses.

    THE CREATURE WITH THE ATOM BRAIN—-build it and they will come….

    “Keptain, I canna’ rrrecover his true form frrrum tha data matrix—the trrransporters gonna blowww!”

    Neo: “What is the Matrix?
    Trinity: “The answer is out there, Neo, and it’s looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to.”

  2. Doug says:

    Great Post! I will endeavour to spread this far and wide!

  3. Cliff Mickelson says:

    “Other planets” sound rather appealing at this point. I suspect the subject matter of this very good post is already outdated by a substantial margin….And that’s not a good harbinger. The rule of thumb is…If we know about it now, it’s already been in the works for 10 to 20 years. Time to transport of this trans-human planet!

  4. Julia etc. says:

    Hat dies auf Julia etc. rebloggt und kommentierte:
    The next logical step, of course… This is scary shit. But hey, we may get enhanced to be able to transform pesticides into vitamins…

  5. First of all, when the government says they “Plan” to genetically engineer humans, this is a lie. THEY HAVE ALREADY DONE IT. Just do the “red wine hydrogen peroxide spit test” on youtube and you will already see you already have the silicone nanotechnology gel in your bloodstream that is quietly producing silicone nanotechnology in the body.
    When the govt puts something out it means they have been doing it for decades already. See morgellons disease. We all have it according to Cliff Carnicom’s website who has tested 40 people and pets. Even those with no symptoms have nano materials in their blood. We are already being engineered by the evil monsters who are probably trying to merge us with the grey alien DNA or something. That maybe why they are using insect DNA in GMO foods. Since the Grey aliens are an insectoid race. Get it!

  6. btruth says:

    This has everything to do with the Mark of the Beast! They have already perfected DNA & RNA manipulation! The Military Industrial Academic Complex is 100+ years beyond what the controlled news outlets & “main stream” science & technology will ever tell you! Think of both Star Wars & Star Trek combined with a huge dose of Brave New World meets, THX1138 & 1984 & you’ll start to get the whole picture!

  7. Anonymous says:

    I very much wish you would indicate sources.

  8. jeffrey a friedberg says:

    …or vitamins into pesticide?

    That would be cool because then people could p*#s pesticide on these parasites 🙂

    Hahahahah (good one).

  9. John says:

    Indeed, this human modification is about control, not helping people.
    We already know many ways to help people live better lives, yet there is little interest with the controlling elite to apply any resources towards it, which is why it is so easy to feel strongly that there are conspiracies.
    There is little evidence that our government has had the true interest of the people for decades, they are serving only those entities with the most money and power.
    Until enough people come to shift their perceptions from money having intrinsic value, to more honoring human value, we shall see this control continue.
    The controlling groups need worker bees and consumers, to generate more money.
    Your place, should you wish to continue with what you are told, is that of a vending machine!

  10. Frank says:

    One thing you’ll never hear about is the “extra-dimensionals” in the army and the marine corps special operations. They’re literally beings (not human, or possibly part-human) that are involved in the most evil and deadly of operations. No one talks about them but they’re there. Most of this isn’t “alien’ technology like its presented but in fact inter-dimensional beings, i.e. fallen angels, or demons. Whatever they are, they don’t like humanity.

    Pray to Jesus every day and ask for His Mercy in what’s coming. Most humans won’t survive.

  11. […] The US government is bankrolling the engineering of humans. […]

  12. bcfreedom says:

    The issue becomes who owns the human… or the ‘person’ the ‘person’ is a corporation under the corporation of the United States of America… thus its ‘citizens’ are it’s property… that is how this works… So, are you an American… or United States Citizen? And if you don’t know Why I am asking… it is time to learn…

  13. […] The US government is bankrolling the engineering of humans:If you still remember a piece of paper ca…  […]

  14. Reblogged this on Reality Check and commented:
    Gosh, I can’t wait for telescopic vision, needle-nosed fingers to grab tiny things and special nose-picking fingers. Not to mention being able to hear radio waves, see in infravision as well as infrared spectrum…..
    Of course being controlled by a government intent on making humans into docile slave people – well, that’s something that they are really going for and you all know it.

  15. Please remember to take your medication.

  16. Mr. Lee says:

    you might wonder under what section of that document the government is permitted to alter the human species. thanks for this thought….

  17. Mr. Charli says:

    If private citizens, who are the target of this experimentation, don’t have standing to file a class action suit against the government, who does? A judge denying standing would, in and of itself, create an uproar.

  18. Mr. Aarnold says:

    It’s an argument that the whole program is a violation of the Constitution because if we don’t stand on that, we don’t stand on anything.

  19. Mr. William says:

    As for private companies taking part, there are already laws on the books about engineering humans. The adequate enforcement of those laws is another problem.

  20. Mr. Abner says:

    They can justify it any way they want to, but it adds up to the same thing. Thanks to share that..

  21. Mr. Barry says:

    It’s like a parent. If the daddy is injecting me with genetic material to make me better, I love it.

  22. Mr. Axel says:

    Take this horror to the most basic level: the gross violation of federal powers. Bury the government where they stand. Make the point. Cut this off at the pass.

  23. Mr. Bret says:

    It has to be run by the government. Otherwise, we can’t guarantee it’ll be done in an ethical fashion.

  24. Mr. Jake says:

    I really admire to read that article about engineering of humans.thanks for it..

  25. Mr. Alton says:

    Without invoking the law of the land, we allow various people to squabble about lesser issues and determine outcomes based on random and arbitrary factors.

  26. Robert. JOHN HUME says:


  27. Mr. Doyle says:

    There are already laws on the books about engineering humans. The adequate enforcement of those laws is another problem.

  28. Mr.Alex says:

    Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency nice about that with good video & many more..thanks to share it. i really admire to read that..

  29. I am about to tell you what it looks like when your DNA has been messed with. You will see triangles, circles, and designs on your skin. Now, im no scientist, but im also not stupid, I have SEEN this, and it is very hidden. I have the proof.

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