Why the Washington Post sold itself to Amazon man

Why the Washington Post sold itself to Amazon man

by Jon Rappoport

August 9, 2013


We could start with the fact that the buyer, Jeff Bezos, the boss at Amazon.com, is a Bilderberg attendee. So the newspaper “stays in the family.”

But the Post sold itself because it was hemorrhaging money.

It was going deep into the red because of the Internet—no, strike that. It was wallowing in debt because it was failing to give people what they wanted:

The truth.

There it is.

And that’s why other “great” newspapers are also crashing on the rocks.

Truth sells. Who knew?

Conversely, the same tired lies from the same tired sources wear out. The same heavily restricted contexts surrounding news stories put readers to sleep.

There is a way print newspapers can survive and thrive, even now. But they would have to cancel their membership in the Psyop Club.

These newspapers have major resources. They have reporters who, if let loose, without restraints, would eventually learn how to cover a real story. Anyone could.

And covering an explosive story, from the editor’s and publisher’s angle, means pounding on it week after week, month after month. It means printing, on occasion, two editions of the paper a day, because the story is so hot.

It means digging deeper and deeper, which results in sources who were formerly silent coming out of the woodwork and adding new pieces. The story grows. It sprouts new branches. It encompasses more. It indicts multiple criminals. It exposes roots.

This is the way journalism is supposed to work. Balls to the wall.

Journalism is supposed to make readers eager and excited and on fire to pick up the latest edition.

It’s also supposed to shatter reality. Now, we’re getting down to it. This is what conventional reporting and publishing are afraid of. Bursting the reality bubble.

For example—-the study I’ve often cited: July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Barbara Starfield, “Is US health really the best in the world?”

Starfield determines that the US medical system kills 225,000 people a year. 106,000 of those die as a direct result of drugs which have been approved by the FDA as safe and effective.

Therefore, every decade, 2.25 MILLION Americans are killed by the medical system. 1,060,000 people are killed by the drugs.

This explodes the reader’s sense of reality. And it’s a starting point for a real story. I say starting point because, in the wake of the initial shock and the denials from medical experts (which puts them and their lies on the record), the newspaper launches a full-bore investigation.

There are plenty of people to talk to. Doctors will emerge from the shadows and confirm the death-numbers. More doctors will show up on their heels. This means new breaking stories. This means trapping liars in their own statements.

One of the heaviest protected sectors of society (the medical cartel) begins to ignite from the truth. It breaks into flames. It can’t defend itself.

Reporters get a sense for what a real story is. They feel like they’ve been let out of prison. They wake up from their trance. Their own bosses are telling them to tell the whole truth and torpedo the criminals.

The FDA suddenly swims into the spotlight. That agency certified all the killer drugs as safe and effective. How? On what grounds? What dirty deals with Pharma were concocted? This aspect of the story is waiting to be mined for months. FDA whistleblowers emerge. The Agency is revealed as a rogue murderous enterprise that’s been operating outside the law for decades.

Then we have the CDC. They’re supposed to keep track of, and report on, mortality figures. But they’ve been saying nothing about medically induced deaths in the US—which rank as the third leading cause of mortality, behind heart disease and cancer. The CDC has been looking the other way. They come under the gun. Squealing rats scurry from the shadows.

And what about the most vaunted medical schools in America? Why haven’t they exposed the medical system as a killer? What’s been happening there? Who’s paying the bills?

We have the government agency, the National Institutes of Health, sucking up billions and billions of federal dollars. They’ve reported nothing on the subject.

And Big Pharma is selling lethal poisons like there’s no tomorrow.

After a few months, this story is a tidal wave.

The newspaper doesn’t let up. It attacks. Its people learn what it means to be relentless.

Some advertisers cancel and back away. But others come on board, because the paper’s circulation figures are through the roof.

If a major newspaper covered a hundred stories of this magnitude, it could forget about the red and it would see only black. It would blow the competition out of the water.

Truth be told, it’s easy to edit a paper like this. You let your reporters sniff out a great story and you let the hounds loose. It isn’t complicated.

The Matrix Revealed

Well, you say, this is a great dream but it would never happen. And you’re right. But here’s the kicker. In this day and age of information, NOT following this path of truth guarantees death for a news organization. Eventually, it will fold up and die.

So what we’re looking at with the Washington Post and the NY Times and other huge newspapers is: suicide.

The Washington Post selling itself isn’t a sad day. It isn’t something for “veterans of the news business” to mourn over. Their eulogies are self-serving nonsense. More baloney from the baloney makers.

This is a cause for celebration. If people had any sense, they’d be dancing in the street. Another great lying machine has stumbled.

A newspaper is a mind for the public mind. It selects the important stories, it shapes the information for those stories, it provides the context, it decides which sources to rely on, it buries and ignores other stories. It’s only valuable when it reflects what people actually want to know.

Otherwise, it sculpts false realities. Through covert partnerships, through the influence of money, it becomes a psychological warfare operation.

Its skills are devoted to covering up that fact. It must appear to be doing all the things we expect from authentic investigators, while doing none of those things.

The Washington Post could launch a new policy tomorrow, which would consist entirely of offering a detailed explanation of how it has conned its readers for the last 50 years. That would be the whole substance of its future issues—and it would sell more papers than it is selling now.

Journalism schools should begin teaching students how to invent spurious realities from the ground up, piece by piece. Bring it all out in the open.

Every major newspaper is a covert intelligence agency. Their actions mirror those of a CIA or an MI-6. Agents (reporters), case officers (editors), fake cover stories (articles), false trails, limited hangouts, the invention of superficial enemies, false flags.

The agents (staff reporters) are the true believers. They support and sustain the whole operation by their conviction that the illusion is real. Those reporters who don’t buy into the illusion can keep their jobs by going along with the charade and keeping their mouths shut.

If they speak out, they lose. They’re fired and blackballed.

The newspapers have a standard “book of dreams.” All stories emanate from that book, which establishes the context out of which reporting proceeds.

So it is with most people’s lives. They perceive reality and respond to it in patterned ways. They exist within defined boundaries.

But as a civilization declines, people yearn for escape. They want something new. They want open spaces.

If, by some miracle, major newspapers provided an exit from straitjacket realities, by exposing the underlying manipulation of informational mind control, they wouldn’t be able to print enough editions to satisfy their customers.

But they prefer suicide. So be it.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

10 comments on “Why the Washington Post sold itself to Amazon man

  1. Adam says:

    The best lies are lavish settings for a chip of truth; just enough truth cut precisely to con the rubes into accepting the legitimacy of the content provider. But as you point out, the true power of the media is not what they “report,” but what they do not report.

  2. AdamXYZ says:

    [Y]ou are stating, quite well, what good journalism is supposed to be in contrast with what it is and pretty much always has been, which is too insipid for words. On the other hand, when you write of “mining an area of news,” I am right there, looking over your shoulder while you pluck the nuggets of it from the “creek” in which the story is imbedded, or gouge whole veins it out of a “mountainside.” I don’t know if your kind of journalism has ever come along the pike in the mainstream area, or if it ever will.

  3. If people knew the whole truth of the way this system is run, & how far back it goes, they’d probably go insane.

  4. Ed Movius says:

    Jon, you are my super hero! I’ve never read such fantastic truth from anyone else. I get all fired up reading your material. Super fantastic. I love the ending of this article.”But they prefer suicide. So be it”. Good riddance Washington Post. The wheels are falling off the cabal and their controlled media. I’m dancing in the streets with you Jon.

  5. OzzieThinker says:

    Jon, this is your best article yet. You nailed it!

    My mother works as an administrator for one of the top London “old boy” clubs. For several years now there has been much wailing and gnashing of members who once were wizened old hacks. Their “words of wisdom” have been rejected in place of PR infomercials pandering to corporate or other manipulative political interests.

    To the best of my research I have found no evidence that the Military Industrial Complex-Satanist-Zionist cooperative has procured technologies enabling the production of rebrids (hybrids off the soul network). Therefore humanity’s compass theoretically should work and everyone will eventually turn to the alternative media for their “news”. If everyone keeps their guns, I see dangerous times ahead!

    It would be great to see an article (from you) on the current sorry state of the US police force. Your “boys in blue” are so far off track even the mainstream are starting to panic 😉


    Ed. note:


  6. Philosonator says:

    Jon, The issues you have raised here strike home, of course, to anyone who has any understanding at all. But I suspect that for this particular article on this particular subject, you may not have followed through far enough. I believe you are right on about influence of Bilderberg group, media as psyop, etc, and especially that even after the sale the paper’s M.O. will still not change — but I am thinking there is a plan behind this. What do you think of this idea: the people in the shadows that control the Washington Post have now found a backdoor into today’s world — to “today’s people” — and will now have a “credible” outlet from which to propagate their nefarious purposes. One reason these “old” newspapers are failing is, as you imply, because they have been spewing so much B.S. for so long, they have zero credibility for anyone under, say… 55. But with its new connection to Amazon, it “gains” instant “credibility.” We do not yet know what the mechanizations will be concerning how the Post will insinuate itself into its newfound “audience” but I bet it’s coming.

  7. flyingtigercomics says:

    In the online age people no more need a newspaper than they needed torch bearers in the age of electricity.

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