Ed Snowden, NSA, and fairy tales a child could see through

Ed Snowden, NSA, and fairy tales a child could see through

By Jon Rappoport

June 25, 2013


Sometimes cognitive dissonance, which used to be called contradiction, rings a gong so loud it knocks you off your chair.

But if you’re an android in this marvelous world of synthetic reality, you get up, put a smile back on your face, and trudge on…

Let’s see. NSA is the most awesome spying agency ever devised in this world. If you cross the street in Podunk, Anywhere, USA, to buy an ice cream soda, on a Tuesday afternoon in July, they know.

They know if you sit at the counter and drink that soda or take it and move to the only table in the store. They know if you lick the foam from the top of the glass with your tongue or pick the foam with your straw and then lick it.

They know if you keep the receipt for the soda or leave it on the counter.

They know whether you’re wearing shoes or sneakers. They know the brand of your underwear. They know your shaving cream, and precisely which container it came out of.

But this agency, with all its vast power and its dollars…

Can’t track one of its own, a man who came to work every day, a man who made up a story about needing treatment in Hong Kong for epilepsy and then skipped the country.

Just can’t find him.

Can’t find him in Hong Kong, where he does a sit-down video interview with Glenn Greenwald of The Guardian. Can’t find that “safe house” or that “hotel” where he’s staying.

No. Can’t find him or spy on his communications while he’s in Hong Kong. Can’t figure out he’s booked a flight to Russia. Can’t intercept him at the airport before he leaves for Russia . Too difficult.

And this man, this employee, is walking around with four laptops that contain the keys to all the secret spying knowledge in the known cosmos.

Can’t locate those laptops. Can’t hack into them to see what’s there. Can’t access the laptops or the data. The most brilliant technical minds of this or any other generation can find a computer in Outer Mongolia in the middle of a blizzard, but these walking-around computers in Hong Kong are somehow beyond reach.

And before this man, Snowden, this employee, skipped Hawaii, he was able to access the layout of the entire US intelligence network. Yes. He was able to use a thumb drive.

He walked into work with a thumb drive, plugged in, and stole…everything. He stole enough to “take down the entire US intelligence network in a single afternoon.”

Not only that, but anyone who worked at this super-agency as an analyst, as a systems-analyst supervisor, could have done the same thing. Could have stolen the keys to the kingdom.

This is why NSA geniuses with IQs over 180 have decided, now, in the midst of the Snowden affair, that they need to draft “tighter rules and procedures” for their employees. Right.

Now, a few pieces of internal of security they hadn’t realized they needed before will be put in place.

This is, let me remind you, the most secretive spying agency in the world. The richest spying agency. The smartest spying agency.

But somehow, over the years, they’d overlooked this corner of their own security. They’d left a door open, so that any one of their own analysts could steal everything.

Could take it all. Could just snatch it away and copy it and store it on a few laptops.

But now, yes now, having been made aware of this vulnerability, the agency will make corrections.


The Matrix Revealed

And reporters for elite US media don’t find any of this hard to swallow.

A smart sixth-grader could see through this tower of fabricated baloney in a minute, but veteran grizzled reporters are clueless.

Last night, on Charley Rose, in an episode that left me breathless, a gaggle of pundits/newspeople warned that Ed Snowden, walking around with those four laptops, could be an easy target for Chinese spies or Russian spies who could get access to the data on those computers. The spies could just hack in.

But the NSA can’t. No. The NSA can’t find out what Snowden has. They can only speculate.

It’s charades within charades.

This whole Snowden affair is an op. It’s the kind of op that works because people are prepared to believe anything.

The tightest and strongest and richest and smartest spying agency in the world can’t find its own employee. It’s in the business of tracking, and it can’t find him.

It’s in the business of security, and it can’t protect its own data from its employees.

If you believe that, I have timeshares to sell in the black hole in the center of the Milky Way.

In previous articles (see Spygate on this blog), I’ve made a case for Snowden being a CIA operative who still works for his former employer. He was handed a bunch of NSA data by the CIA. He didn’t steal anything. The CIA wants to punch a hole in the NSA. It’s called an internal turf war. It’s been going on as long as those agencies have existed side by side.

For example….the money.

Wired Magazine, June 2013 issue. James Bamford, author of three books on the NSA, states:

In April, as part of its 2014 budget request, the Pentagon [which rules the NSA] asked Congress for $4.7 billion for increased ‘cyberspace operations,’ nearly $1 billion more than the 2013 allocation. At the same time, budgets for the CIA and other intelligence agencies were cut by almost the same amount, $4.4 billion. A portion of the money going to…[NSA] will be used to create 13 cyberattack teams.”

That means spying money. Far more for NSA, far less for CIA.

Turf war.

Exit From the Matrix

But in this article, let’s stay focused on the fairy tales, which are the cover stories floated to the press, the public, the politicians.

We have reporters at the Washington Post and at The Guardian. We have Julian Assange, the head of Wikileaks. They’re all talking to Snowden. The NSA can spy on them. Right? Can listen to their calls and read their emails and hack into their notes. Just like people have been hacking into the work and home computers of Sharyl Attkisson, star CBS investigative reporter.

But the NSA can’t do all this spying and then use it to find Snowden. Just can’t manage it.

So…everybody in the world with a computer has passwords. The NSA can cut through them like a sword through hot butter. But Assange and the Post and Guardian and Snowden must have super-special passwords.

They got these passwords by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope, along with 25 cents, and a top from a cereal box, to The Lone Ranger. These passwords are charged with atomic clouds that obscure men’s minds so they cannot see or spy. They’re immortal and invulnerable.

The NSA can spy on anyone else in the world, but they can’t get their foot in the door, when it comes to the Post, The Guardian, and Assange.

And if Snowden winds up in Ecuador, that too will become an insurmountable mystery.

Nope, we don’t know where he is. He’s vanished. Ecuador has a Romulan shield surrounding it. The cloaking technology is too advanced.”

Perhaps you recall that, in the early days of this scandal, Snowden claimed he could spy on anyone in the US, including a federal judge or even the president, if he had their email addresses.

Uh-huh. But the combined talents of the NSA, now, can’t spy on Snowden. I guess they just can’t find his email address.

Snowden isn’t the only savvy computer kid in the country. There must be a million people, at minimum, who can cook up email addresses that evade the reach of the NSA. Yes?

What we have here are contradictions piled on contradictions piled on lies.

And in the midst of this, a whole lot of people are saying, “Don’t look too closely. Snowden is a hero and he exposed the NSA and that’s a wonderful thing.”

And a whole lot of other people are saying, “Snowden is a traitor and he should be tried for treason or killed overseas. That’s all you need to know.”

The truth? Well, the truth, as they say, is the first casualty in war. But in the spying business, the truth was never there to begin with. That’s one of the requirements of the industry.

Son, if you think you’ve lied before, you haven’t got a clue. We’re going to tell you to do things that’ll make your head spin. That’s the game we’re in. We’re going to make you tell lies in your sleep.”

And these are the people the public believes.

It’s a beautiful thing. It really is. The fairy tales are made of sugar and the public, the press, and the people eat them. And then they ask for more.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

This entry was posted in Spygate.

66 comments on “Ed Snowden, NSA, and fairy tales a child could see through

  1. Joshua says:

    Brilliant analysis.
    Quite a nice dog and Pony show eh? So what AREN’T we paying attention to?
    Perhaps the bigger question is: Do we even have attention left to pay?

  2. hybridrogue1 says:

    Maybe the biggest fairytale of them all is that NSA is as omnipotent as it claims to be. That is what is at the heart of the panopticon theory – the surveilled assume they are watched continuously and police themselves.

    The technology could all be exaggerated, that may be the biggest secret of all; the myth of the Manichean Devil.


  3. Whiskey Zero says:

    Well said Mr. Rappoport. I think the way you have laid it out here, even a caveman can understand it…maybe not the Sheeple, but at least us thick headed Neanderthals. You can’t set foot in secured NSA areas with USB drives…and you certainly are not going to be able to walk away with multiple laptops. Reminds me of that boogie man from The Usual Suspects, Keyser Soze…”after that my guess is you’ll never hear from him again” “and like that he’s gone” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYXXhn9fMYs

  4. Jon – I really like the perspective you have on this scandal… er, operation. Proudly re-posted on The All-Seeing Eyebama

    link: http://eyebama.onehumanbeing.com/2013/06/25/ed-snowden-nsa-and-fairy-tales-a-child-could-see-through/

  5. Kevin Brent says:

    Reblogged this on World Events and commented:
    This one is right up until it gets to the who. The CIA has it’s own corner on stupid. The ‘handlers’ behind Snowden are at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in Wash. DC. The point of this ‘op’ and it is an ‘op’, is to stamp in your brains that Obama has his eye on you at all times. In your car, in your house, on your computer, on your cell phone on the throne in your bathroom, Obama is watching and if you bad mouth the Obama, he will ‘git you’. It’s the oldest op in the history of police states and is sometimes referred to as the ‘battered wife’ approach to keeping the masses in line and obedient.

  6. LadyRavenSDC says:

    Reblogged this on LadyRaven's Whisky In A Jar – OH! and commented:
    And all the while, as we spend hours and hours debating traitor/hero, our eyes are off the real ball/balls.

  7. james says:

    maybe they already have ed snowden making us believe or his family believe he left.maybe he isn’t even here to be found no matter where you look.

  8. June Bug says:

    Our Mafia style of government is NOT ABOUT RULE OF LAW!! It is about blatant disrespect for law. Rule by intimidation and fear.

    This psy-op undoubtedly has a message (if the government gets it’s way).

    If you expose our criminality – you can run but you cannot hide.

  9. Great article Jon and I believe you are right on it. I am catching hell from friends who are championing Snowden and I just will not buy it. Manning and Snowden both had other avenues they could have taken to report this abuse and they didn’t and they should both pay for it!
    Thank you for the great articles, they are always a good read…

  10. George Tirebiter says:

    This sort of contrived event is always to distract the public from the more heinous events that are going on.
    It’s one of the nine spy plots that sell:
    The Snow-Job Supremacy- Catch Me If You Can.
    There has clearly been a strong shift from funding and scripting propaganda in the form of movies to more and more scripting of ‘reality’ shows on the world stage to both keep the sheeple distracted and to cynically present the unfolding agenda of the controllers.
    The widely believed myth of God watching everything we do is being replaced with the myth that Big Brother is watching everything we do.
    Not that far a stretch for the average true believer.
    The object here is always to manipulate the vast majority of controlled sheeple into self-policing, leaving a small group of citizens that will be closely watched.

  11. Apex says:

    If snowden is as smart as I think he is, he will have made 3copies of everything and planned dormant “triggers” to release the info on scenarios

  12. Excellent and entertaining article. My first thought was that ES was a CIA operative…but I am not sure just yet exactly why. Your explanation makes much sense though!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Security is only as good as your boss wants it to be. In the govt you get a security clearance, but its the position thats gives you your power. Every person with a clearance, handling information gets to see as much as the position allows. Some positions are performed behind closed doors with no accountability, except for signing paperwork stating you did what you were told. Your bosses count the stats and thats all. Many times even if the nsa is to make a inspection it never happens, because they are reading the stats generated by the information management officers stating everything is ok and the person received a bonus and step increase because they are doing a great job In America everyone is cutting corners and making easy decisions, but can never work. Someone failed with snowden, it was the security manager and investigator from ft huaquacha az. I have seen it fail and seen so many security breaches its hard to remember them all. But, did the kid actually do all this without help. Thats very unlikely because if you have a clearence like he had someone had to buy the lie to let him in. Just because you have a top secret siop esi it only makes you more watched not more trusted. In the government nobody trusted anybody.

  14. David McLain says:

    So, are they the “smartest spying agency in the world”? 🙂

  15. JoeSung says:

    I saw through this 3 minutes into Glenn Greenwald’s first article. I’m amazed my fellow serfs are so astonishingly stupid. You don’t even have to be particular bright to see that this is all theater.

    My question is about Glenn Greenwald. Is he a part of it or a patsy? I think he is part of it. He is a member of the tribe […] He is extremely smart, and he has come out of no where. I never even heard of him a few weeks ago until his Bill Maher appearance. Since then he has been on every talk show and “news” channel saying all the right things. In fact he so right that it makes you wonder why he is being given almost any forums he desires.

  16. JoeSung says:

    Glenn Greenwald was unknown a few weeks ago but then , out of nowhere , he starts showing up on all of these TV shows and then a very short time later breaks one of the biggest stories in history.

    I smell a rat. The guy is too good to be true. Says all the right things.. Why is he being given a forum to criticize the establishment? Why is he all of a sudden allowed to tell the truth about Obama, the wars and Isreal’s attempt to get the US in another war?

  17. JB says:

    Amazing article.Your cynicism is beyond reproach, and your summations are dead-on.

    But you mentioned a time-share agreement?
    Can I get a piece of that action?

    Something, something, black hole, time share?

    I want in. Help me out here, willya?

    Thanks in advance. You’re a swell.

  18. bob klinck says:

    If the Snowden information is seen by the public as factual, but resistance is not strong enough to bring about a reversal of the policy of universal surveillance, then the public can be said to have acquiesced in the policy and it subsequently will become much less controversial. So, regardless of the bona fides of Snowden, what we are witnessing is the passing of a hurdle in the path to the creation of a Super-Stasi society.

  19. Unmutual76 says:

    Reblogged this on Unmutual76.

  20. Rabbitnexus says:

    As usual your logic is infallible Jon and as I was just saying on a share of this on my Bigbrobook, your wet blanket effect has not made you my favorite analyst but it has made you invaluable to me. I am no optimist, but even I tend from time to time to get excited for a day or two, thinking a crack of sunshine just slipped through.

  21. Rabbitnexus says:

    Joesung in fairness to Glen Greenwald he did not just fall out of a raincloud. I have certainly read good stuff by him over some time, not sure how long but his was a well known name to many. I doubt he’s consciously part of any skullduggery, he doesn’t have to be and he will work better if he is not, so will Snowdon. I reckon it would be too easy with the sort of tools they have at their disposal to set up just about anybody to do their work for them. A person can be an asset knowingly or not and it is the unknowing asset who is most likely to behave predictably and most likely to achieve the desired effect when it comes to convincing others of something.

    Keeping an open mind myself on them both. Assange however I’m pretty much over. His involvement hasn’t helped my trust in Snowdon although it hasn’t harmed it either.

  22. 1Z4X says:

    While I’m sure the whole Snowden ordeal isn’t what it appears. Finding him isn’t the problem. He’s in Moscow. Duh. If I cared to I could probably pinpoint the building he’s in in a couple hours. What makes him hard to get at is the fact that he’s under the protection of an uncooperative foreign government that has at least as many nuclear missiles as we do. Do you wanna go get him?

    I don’t think of myself as a hacker but I do know that if you can sit in front of a computer with desirable information on it, that is to say, the info is physically located inside the machine you’re in front of, and it’s got a mouse, keyboard and monitor plugged into it, there is precious little you can do to protect it. Just boot the machine from a CD with a linux environment that doesn’t give a crap about whatever security your file system has, and you can access anything on the drive.

    Finally, USB drives can be made amazingly small nowadays. I can hide one in my mouth or in my uh.. nether regions… and as long as I dry it off before I plug it back in. It’ll work fine. (I’ve put them through the wash by accident and they still work fine)

  23. Philosonator says:

    I believe we must be careful when we talk about “the government” as if it is some omniscient entity that has all powers and capabilities. I believe we must consider that there are “people” in “the government” and this is where the “cracks” appear in the foundation of “the government.” In short, it’s PEOPLE that screw up, and it’s PEOPLE like Snowden, Manning, et al that “the government” cannot control. Even though “security” is “tight” in government operations, its own PEOPLE are its inherent weakness. Personal security clearances are only half the equation — within the government and or military, information access is supposedly only dispensed on a “need to know” basis, regardless of the security clearance level. So if Snowden actually did obtain all that info, HE (and his security clearance) is only HALF the equation — the other half is the PEOPLE he worked WITH who screwed up and [allegedly] allowed his [alleged] heist to occur. This is how it actually COULD have happened that he got away with it. But it certainly is more plausible that he FOR some other entity such as the CIA, which has PEOPLE whose specific job function is to manipulate security clearance levels with impunity.

  24. joe says:

    Can you send me a brochure and price list for the timeshares please

  25. Dan Gray says:

    So what you are telling me is that all my students over the years, were not really as dumbed down and stupid as they appeared to be in class. Suddenly after going to work for the government ,they have become brilliant computer mavens who only download child porn on government computers as a sick joke. Well, I will bet you a months free use of one of their U.S issued credit cards also used in inanely stupid ways, that they and their three and four letter agencies are not nearly as competent as you are suggesting. Information gathering is one thing. Information parsing is quite another and would require these narcissistic pedophiles to employ brain cells that were pre programmed to atrophy immediately upon entering grammar school. Their plan has been in effect for many years but unfortunately they also are a product of their own destruction of the educational process. One need look no further than Clinton or Bush to see the results of the imposed system. Elite education my arse. Oxford ,Harvard ,Yale whatever, all pieces of the same crumbling edifice.

  26. Chris says:

    Hi Jon,
    Enjoy your writing and perspective on things,thank-you for your efforts.
    As for this article, I was suss about old Ed myself and the convenience of it all.

    I kinda feel “they” need to let us know what they are doing. They are planning on the fact that after the initial panic public reaction will be followed by the usual apathy and so the show goes on and more and more atrocious are the deeds.

  27. Elizabeth Allen-Restrepo says:

    I saw Glen Greenwald on Free Speech TV more than a year ago and gave a book he wrote to my Dad for Christmas. He has been giving lectures for quite awhile and I knew of him. In one lecture, his theme was the horror he felt when Americans were actually debating whether torture was a viable tool to extract information. I remember feeling the same horror and disbelief that my fellow citizens were even contemplating torture. He is the real deal and an honest broker. That he belongs to the “tribe” is a telling, anti-Semitic moniker. He has criticized Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians- get a clue, people, he is a patriotic American, dismayed at how we are off the track. I am embarrassed at how the rest of the world views us with suspicion- we used to give other countries hope.

  28. W.I. Tobedone says:

    “U.S. officials said they believed Snowden was still in Russia, where he fled Sunday after weeks of hiding out in Hong Kong following his disclosure of the broad scope of programs collecting vast amounts of Americans’ phone records and worldwide online data in the name of national security.”

    Sooo, here we have the most advanced and sophisticated international dragnet ever created, and they can’t figure out where he is? 1,2,3, BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! He’s being aided and abetted by (chuckle), Wikileaks teams of lawyers, and (snicker), at LEAST 4 foreign governments, (guffaw) multiple airline companies, (chortle) and oh, fer crise sakes… I feel safe NOW!

  29. Gina says:

    Jon – you could have written the exact same post for the Norad stand down on 9/11.

  30. Robert Newton says:

    I believe your assessment to be right on. When the story first broke, Snowden was interviewed in a luxury hotel not far up the road from the US Embassy. That would have made it either the Conrad (and American chain) or the Shangri-La, which stands right next to it. You can walk to these hotels from the US Embassy in about ten minutes – and yet he was hiding from them? Giving interviews to the press? Gimme a break!

  31. Joe Cushing says:

    I have had a nagging suspicion that the NSA was outed from the top. They want people to be afraid of the government so as to have a chilling effect on speech against the government. The agency does not have the spy capabilities to catch everyone it wants to, so instead it makes everyone think it is spaying on them when it it can’t. It’s not that it can’t hack into your email, it’s that it can’t know what email to hack into, even with their list of “key words” to look for.

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  33. aethir86 says:

    The truth is the first casualty… this is so true! 🙂

    If this is indeed an “operation”, I have a feeling one of its purposes is to experiment with how much the American people will “accept” their enslavement to the hellish surveillance / police state, when it is made public, but it’s all “OK”, since the war on terrorism (first fairy tale) and bureaucracy (“It’s the law”) is enough to put anyone of us sheeple back to sleep.

    Interesting times…

  34. Hans says:

    Dear Jon, very interesting theory. I have tried to share this link several times on Twitter #Snowden, but it seems to be blocked. Other tweets of my account have been published, though. Any explanations?

  35. Concrete man says:

    Impeccable logic John, I had a funny feeling about this whole affair as did many people, who pointed out that Wikileaks is suspect from the get go. The NSA can’t find him? Ha! I also wondered, why the big hubub certainly wherever he ends up Peter King and the Zio Cons are really that upset they can send in a hit squad and do him in, just like they did OBL! (ha).

    That said, I must say Glenn Greenwald always makes great points in the media and shows them up for the scumbags that they are, but then maybe that is all part of the psy op and GG may not even have to know he is being used. Maybe GG knows it is all a set up too but using it to push his liberty agenda!

    National security? How about national scurrilousness?

    Even if Snowden is a snow job the message along with the murder of MIchael Hastings (his murder was definitely for real and not a hoax!?) is that whistleblowers will be executed, as Donald Trumpet has loudly proclaimed should happen to Snowden. This media event gives the media the opportunity to tell everyone that whistleblowers will not be tolerated, period, even if they are fake!

    In the meantime, the world’s natural bounty is plundered, the elephants slaughtered for trinkets.

    Dark days ahead…

    Your’s, Winston

  36. Anonymous says:

    Elizabeth Allen-Restrepo,

    In regards to Greenwald. Certainly you understand the expression “out of no where” is not to be taken literally. I understand he has been around. The point I was making is that weeks before he broke the Snowden story, he was given a forum from virtually every mainstream outlet to articulate his views, which are in direct conflict with the views of the establishment. I find that very odd. First he is introduced to the world via countless appearances on the mainstream media and two or three weeks later he breaks the biggest story of the decade. Yes, I smell a rat.

    As far as my comment about the “tribe”, It is your reaction that is the telling sign. I was referring to the fact that he is part of the media tribe.. but now that you bring it up, the fact that he is […]

  37. Teri says:

    I think you are right on target, Jon! 🙂

    I worked in Information Security for 20+ years in the Banking/Airline industries, and the Snowden story put out by the (fake) US government and the (fake) media… just doesn’t hold water…. unless, of course, the NSA did not follow their own Information Security Policy…

    Ever hear of FISMA? FISMA requires government agencies, like the NSA, to have an Information Security Policy in place as well hold security awareness sessions for all of the employees to make them aware of the requirements at least annually. Agencies are audited internally and externally several times a year on their Information Security Programs to make sure that appropriate policies are in place and are being followed properly. It’s a pretty big deal.

    Need-to-know is a fundamental security principle that is the basis of any information security program (and policy), especially where confidential/classified information in involved… and the National SECURITY Agency failed to follow it and left this HUGE gaping hole for Snowden to walk through. Yeah, right. There is NO way.

    The Snowden Affair is yet another distraction for the followers of the US government CULT to divert their attention away from the crimes going on by their pedophile PRIESTS (the corrupt politicians they keep electing over and over and over again). You can tell who the blind followers of this cult are by the comments they make. They give themselves away.

    Good work, as always, Jon!

  38. paul jackson says:

    boy am I glad to see this I put a comment on ukcolumn about the same thing when most other comments were talking about snowden being a hero, cheers Jon

  39. Robert Newton says:

    Joe Cushing’s comment about the leak being deliberate as a means of making people fearful of saying what they think is the most likely agenda. It’s rather like the stern parent admonishing the children, saying “I’m watching you ….. ” And make no mistake – they consider us all to be children.

  40. Robert Newton says:

    Further to my last comment, this is all about the politics of perception. They do not have the man-power to watch everyone. Therefore they must give the impression that they do, using the MSM to create the illusion of omnipresent state apparatus and let paranoia do the rest. Why do you think the MSM is rife with cop shows, intel-op shows, medical and legal shows, selected news stories, Idol shows – all of which extoll the power of the establishment. This power would end today if everyone were to stop watching TV and Hollywood. Snowden is just another Snow job. Even his name is their way of mocking us.

  41. waldbaer says:

    Here is one who arguments (indirectly) in the same direction:

    Sibel Edmonds Blows the Whistle on Government Blackmailing:
    (The video is a little bit long, but IMHO worth watching. Better than TV)

    They are just powering up the stove underneath the pot with the frog, in a controlled manner.
    Makes sense.
    Question is: Is the Frog still alive? I mean, out there, in ‘the land of the free’?
    “How is the status of the structural integrity of your constitutional law? From here, it does not look so well, Sir..”

    Dear greetings from germany
    waldbaer (Star Trek fan) 😉

  42. Bruce McAlevy says:

    […] Security in a billion dollar expansion of computer capability is awesomely complex. In 20 years, microsoft has been unable to create an operating system that cannot be exploited by malware. Actually security does not have to be that tight when the ability to threaten one’s workers is possible. It keeps millions of potential whistleblowers under control. All they have to say is “you violate your security agreement and we will send you a video of your wife/child/parent/best friend being tortured to death.” You think these folks aren’t capable of this? They obviously did not have this leverage over Snowdon. If they are doing anything, they are profiling their staff to see if there is potentially anybody else they do not have solid control over. Hastings obviously had no family ties he was not willing to sacrifice, so they “Wellstoned” his ass.

  43. Stu Piddy says:

    The argument made here that [Snowden] is an op is interesting, but here again we are giving too much credit to the CIA and NSA. From my point view these are agencies with lots of money and technology and the staffing, the people who are employed and use the instruments science has provided them are actually naive people, quite dumb, rural in mentality and utterly incompetent at understanding anything and incapable of any kind of analysis.

    The NSA is not an intelligence network. It’s a dumb organization as is the CIA. People are confused by the amount of money and technology they possess. That is confused with intelligence. Intelligence is soley human. People are intelligent or lacking in intelligence, not agencies or machinery.

    These are rural people. Without sophistication, life experience and necessarily somewhat or wholly dimwitted.

    No one possessing real intelligence would join an intelligence agency anywhere. It’s essientially an organization that appeals to fascist, primitive skin heads who see anything dissimilar from them as dangerous and the enemy.

    The enemies are imagined and NOW they have become a necessity for profit of the privatized governmental agencies.

    Don’t give them so much credit.

  44. carol says:

    It is my understanding that Edward snowden is really named Eric snowden and that this is the name that the early reports of his actions showed and that the name was changed to stop the average Joe from doing any of their own investigations of him online. Also that he is married as opposed to having a “girlfriend” as people in his position will not be “hired’ unless they are married ie stable and not running around partying etc. They do not want him verified apparently.
    My question is who is Mr Snowden really. This article is enlightening and I from my reading agree with Jon. And like Jon I also think this rabbit hole is bigger and Mr Snowden may just disappear under his real name or an alternative name. After all this is more theater. Apparently theater credit in high school and college are really paying off for those in power these days. You probably need them on your resume to work in any level of government nowdays. Interesting that.

  45. mtumba djibouti says:

    So if the NSA and CIA are so brilliant, how is it that they missed the [alleged] Boston Marathon killers even though the Russians warned them twice that they had become radicalized? How is it that the biggest spy apparatus in world history – with its hyper-militarized shut down of Boston – couldn’t find the [alleged] missing living bomber (the one who ran over his brother), but instead he was found by some guy checking out the tarp over his boat, who then called police?

    Rappoport makes an interesting argument and indeed there ARE lots of inconsistencies in this Snowden event, but let’s face it, the American spy machine and its total trashing of American Constitutional protections still results in an ineffective bureaucracy that can’t find a terrorist when his name is handed to them.

    Losing our civil liberties to these oppressive clowns is a real travesty.






  46. No Shadows says:

    If you really get to the nitty gritty, Every form of communication contains an approximation, a falsitication, even down to a person’s given name.

    The true understanding of persons is a mind-heart connection, this is also prone to error.

    Reason and the heart are both necessary for survival and proper choice.

    In this global configuration, people will switch allegiances in a heartbeat due to some imagined slight, people who align with power or political leaders are perhaps shortsighted, as fallible as they all are, as fallible as everyone is, you can see that “history judges people based on….’ etc. etc., but in my estimation there is a history that judges people that is not contained to a popular opinion that can be notated in our language.

    There is more of a durability to life and this planet when petty differences are put aside and the larger picture is grasped, and also that one can see a dishonest approach to solving a problem from the outset leads to a lack of trust.

    One wants to know and be known, in order to have a durable sort of existence, but then there is no hiding anywhere in this current earth scenario, it’s just that the person or persons viewing or making the judgment may not have an accurate impression of what they are seeing, or may not be using a fair approach to solving a problem.

    It is most often the case in this corrupted earth that persons who seek a more purified existence get the least friends, or people willing to join. To have a vision of a purified existence is worth keeping, but then to discard that on a petty difference may be shortsighted.

    But I am simply stating a recurring theme of history. To give up something for a greater good is noble, sometimes it is so natural to do one doesn’t realize if others lives may be affected in the process. But I am convinced that everything eventually works out for the good for people who are aligned with the upright stance of those walking through Sodom and Gomorrah among the ape-men.

    I don’t believe a word of this story or what anyone is saying, Ed Snowden has eerily coincidental aspects to his life that people are commenting on here, to mine. So to buy “Ed Snowden is even a real person and not an actor,” I know for a fact he’s an actor, I have numerous actors in the intel field attached to my person with varying degrees of differential in storyline and detail.

    So accurately nothing can be trusted to be true, but the future is still open for the right thing for anyone to choose at any given time. Or the most positive for all persons in general, without having to sacrifice one’s heart or reason based on some imagined betrayal or slight.

    I expect to live a long time and have no hurry in manifesting what I know will be the future which is already set in motion but a lot of decisions are not mine to make, and I am prone to error myself as we all are, but I expect the world to be much better in the future and to align one’s self with a current government as a choice is shortsighted indeed.

  47. The Chinese and Russians have turned him away. Didn’t pass the smell test.

  48. The rabbit hole is as deep as you dig it.

  49. just brilliant !!..exactly!!

  50. […] The awful sound of hammer hitting nail is louder than you can imagine after understanding this timely piece by Jon Rappoport: http://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/201… […]

  51. freedom007 says:

    I do believe that this man found a gap or hole in security measures and made use of it, no matter how perfect NSA is imagined to be as a company. For, much of the perfection we see, or imagine to see, in everyday professional life is a fake / an illusion. Look round yourself in the company where you work every day and you know it.
    Humans remain human and make mistakes …
    no matter how much machinery they heap around themselves to make up a perfection which does not exist,
    and how much money they throw out of the window in order to build and buy even more machinery to make out of a half-way normal 90 per cent success rate a superhuman 99 per cent…
    spying out, for example, even the insignificant phone and mail babble of ordinary citizens all over the globe – and not only relevant sources as it would fit into the Common Sense pattern?!
    Ever heard about what is called in German “Grenznutzen”?
    Meaning that it is easy to achieve ninety per cent of succes in any given aim which is realizable but if you want to raise success rate above nine tenths it becomes veeery expensive?!
    The mathematical and economic Grenznutzen mechanism is the trap in which NSA probably caught itself, and it seems that the whole globalist supercivilization got trapped in it … perhaps decades before now… Think this train of thought to an end, readers, and you will see how fragile modern Globalism really is and that all ordinary political or economic thoughts about the causes of this fragility will NOT hit the mark or change anything.
    The Globalism mammoth tree produced for itself a lethal worm …
    If you see fake perfection hiding a whole lot of imperfections, and even scandals, in your own company, reader, you see the very wormholes in Globalism´s wooden feet…
    This, to me, is the most valid source of hope for Globalism to fall soon. Sorry, but I gloat at it.

  52. amerikagulag says:

    Yes I agree. I think the Snowden thing is a distraction, or perhaps just a way to let the world know that during the coming catastrophe, you’ll be watched very closely.

  53. Jack Shelley says:

    Well if it is a distraction it surely distracted all of you – and me. Agencies, as someone has already pointed out, don’t do or say anything. Individual PEOPLE in agencies, in government, in companies, do and say things and it is about time that those individuals were held responsible for their actions and words. No shifting blame, no insurance (paid for by shareholders or electors) just personal responsibility. And you can eat all the pigs that you shoot down.

  54. […] bio, which I’ve covered in previous articles (see [ref1], [ref2], [ref3], [ref4], [ref5], [ref6], [ref7], and [ref8]), suggests the NSA-Snowden saga is more than it seems to […]

  55. […] bio, which I’ve covered in previous articles (see [ref1], [ref2], [ref3], [ref4], [ref5], [ref6], [ref7], and [ref8]), suggests the NSA-Snowden saga is more than it seems to […]

  56. […] He walked into work with a thumb drive, plugged in, and stole…everything. He stole enough to “take down the entire US intelligence network in a single afternoon.” Written by Jon Rappoport […]

  57. Dirk says:

    I’m not saying there’s nothing fishy about all of this, but the assessment given by the author is useless without a detailed technical analysis. Remind yourself that the world of computers is one dominated by youngsters. Older generations will never be as good with computers and coding and security and cryptography as the younger generation.

    When the author says that agencies like the NSA should be able to locate Snowden and hack into his laptop, that just shows you don’t really understand the world of computers. There’s defnitely ways to protect yourself. Don’t forget that Gary McKinnon was able to hack the Pentagon very easily. He was surprised by how bad the security of the networks was.

    I’m not an expert on these subjects either, but don’t underestimate the intelligence of whizzkids like Snowden and don’t overestimate the intelligence of Snowden’s superiors who are probably without exception older people from the pre computer era and most likely never had a real interest in the world of computers and coding.

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