Even the NY Times is now rejecting Monsanto GMO science

Even the NY Times is now rejecting Monsanto GMO science

by Jon Rappoport

April 9, 2013


This isn’t a leak. It isn’t a timid flow. It’s a flood.

I’m talking about about the criticism of Monsanto’s so-called science of genetically-engineered food.

For the past 20 years, independent researchers have been attacking Monsanto science in various ways, and finally the NY Times has joined the crowd.

But it’s the way Mark Bittman, lead food columnist for the Times magazine, does it that really crashes the whole GMO delusion. Writing in his April 2 column, “Why Do G.M.O.’s Need Protection?”, Bittman leads with this:

Genetic engineering in agriculture has disappointed many people who once had hopes for it.”

As in: the party’s over, turn out the lights.

Bittman explains: “…genetic engineering, or, more properly, transgenic engineering – in which a gene, usually from another species of plant, bacterium or animal, is inserted into a plant in the hope of positively changing its nature – has been disappointing.”

As if this weren’t enough, Bittman spells it out more specifically: “In the nearly 20 years of applied use of G.E. in agriculture there have been two notable ‘successes,’ along with a few less notable ones. These are crops resistant to Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide (Monsanto develops both the seeds and the herbicide to which they’re resistant) and crops that contain their own insecticide. The first have already failed, as so-called superweeds have developed resistance to Roundup, and the second are showing signs of failing, as insects are able to develop resistance to the inserted Bt toxin — originally a bacterial toxin — faster than new crop variations can be generated.”

Bittman goes on to write that superweed resistance was a foregone conclusion; scientists understood, from the earliest days of GMOs, that spraying generations of these weeds with Roundup would give us exactly what we have today: failure of the technology to prevent what it was designed to prevent. The weeds wouldn’t die out. They would retool and thrive.

The result is that the biggest crisis in monocrop agriculture – something like 90 percent of all soybeans and 70 percent of corn is grown using Roundup Ready seed – lies in glyphosate’s inability to any longer provide total or even predictable control, because around a dozen weed species have developed resistance to it.” Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup.

Just as the weeds developed resistance and immunity to the herbicide, insects that were supposed to be killed by the toxin engineered into Monsanto’s BT crops are also surviving.

Five years ago, it would have been unthinkable that the NY Times would print such a complete rejection of GMO plant technology. Now, it’s “well, everybody knows.”

The Times sees no point in holding back any longer.

The Matrix Revealed

Exit From the Matrix

Of course, if it were a newspaper with any real courage, it would launch a whole series of front-page pieces on this enormous failure, and the gigantic fraud that lies behind it. Then the Times might actually see its readership improve.

Momentum is something its editors understand well enough. You set your hounds loose on a story, you send them out with a mandate to expose failure, fraud, and crime down to their roots, and you know that, in the ensuing months, formerly reticent researchers and corporate employees and government officials will appear out of the woodwork confessing their insider knowledge.

The story will deepen. It will take on new branches. The revelations will indict the corporation (Monsanto), its government partners, and the scientists who falsified and hid data.

In this case, the FDA and the USDA will come in for major hits. They will backtrack and lie and mis-explain, for a while, and then, like buds in the spring, agency employees will emerge and admit the truth. These agencies were co-conspirators.

And once the story unravels far enough, the human health hazards and destruction wreaked by GMOs will take center stage. All the bland pronouncements about “nobody has gotten sick from GMOs” will evaporate in the wind.

It won’t simply be, “Well, we never tested health dangers adequately,” it’ll be, “We knew there was trouble from the get-go.”

Yes, the Times could make all this happen. But it won’t. There are two basic reasons. First, it considers Big Ag too big to fail. There is now so much acreage in America tied up in GMO crops that to reject the whole show would cause titanic eruptions on many levels.

And second, the Times is part of the very establishment that views the GMO industry as a way of bringing Globalism to fruition for the whole planet.

Centralizing the food supply in a few hands means the population of the world, in the near future, will eat or not eat according to the dictates of a few unelected men. Redistribution of basic resources to the people of Earth, from such a control point, is what Globalism is all about:

Naturally, we love you all, but decisions must be made. You people over here will live well, you people over there will live not so well, and you people back there will live not at all.

This is our best judgment. Don’t worry, be happy.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

30 comments on “Even the NY Times is now rejecting Monsanto GMO science

  1. TamekaGillett says:

    I had to reblog this one because I have been sharing tidbits about Monsanto on my blog because of how the massive amounts of pesticides are disrupting people’s health in surrounding communities.

  2. Rudy Rudziewicz says:

    When Monsanto falls, and it will fall, will prosecutors be very busy because of all of the underlying corruption that has been and still taking place?

  3. #MarchAgainstMonsanto May 25 everywhere

  4. Reblogged this on Enlightened Lotus Wellness and commented:
    Is the party over?

  5. Susan says:

    Reblogged this on Information Should be Found and commented:
    …spraying generations of these weeds with Roundup would give us exactly what we have today. The weeds wouldn’t die out. They would retool and thrive.

  6. michael says:

    people need to print flyers and put them into mail boxes to realy get the message out .the more people the more power.

  7. Anonymous says:

    They wont prosecute Monsanto. Too big. They know they are lying and so do the politicians

  8. ramonthomas says:

    Reblogged this on Motivational Speaker Blog and commented:
    We need more mainstream news media to question GMO and not accept what politicians come scientist-lobbyist say about it.

  9. […] Even the NY Times is now rejecting Monsanto GMO science […]

  10. Reblogged this on Spartan of Truth and commented:
    Thanks Jon…

  11. Anonymous says:

    either man will stop Monsanto, or Monsanto will stop man

  12. […] Even the NY Times is now r GMO science GMO scienceejecting Monsanto GMO science […]

  13. Jeff says:

    Wonderful story.

    Still, it’s too little, too late. GMO’s have poisoned a significant percentage of our entire population. Cancers, tumors, large numbers of physical reactions.

    Greed is killing our people. The perps, and the politicians they bought, have to pay. I suggest we put them in prison (*) and feed them 100% GMO …. for as long as they live.


    (*) once they are affored due process and if found guilty of intentiaonal wrong doing 🙂

    yea, feed them GMO.

  14. […] with claims that GMOs are ‘substantially equivalent’ to non-GMOs.     No wonder the Monsanto Protection Act was […]

  15. Anonymous says:

    it’s never too late.

  16. wdb says:

    The other issue here is the depletion of soil. Non-GMO seed may not fare any better, AND if it grows, will be lacking in proper nutrients. This literally is stealth genocide.

  17. Thomas Fisher says:

    Beyond pure faulty science remains the fact the Bretton Woods era is at an end. The international roll of the oil based $ is at an end regardless of just how much more murder and destruction will be forced upon humanity in a manufactured scenes of “terroism” in order save the defunct empire with the stench of the new world “ODOR” and the corporate lies and deceit. The scheme of forcing all peoples to come under the totalitarian patentented GMO scheme coupled with the grab for total control of the worlds financial empires thus in their insanity are certain to make all people slaves. The corporate controlled media has worked in harmony with that agenda thus effectively blinding the multitudes. I suspect that grandiose agenda is exploding in their face, thus giving rise to creating the current WWW III ploy with the North Korean’s presumably being the sucker to take the blame.
    Question: Is humanity intelligent enough to not destroy itself?

  18. Raymond DeBrane says:

    Here’s a link about a documentary on GMO’s. http://www.naturalnews.com/037438_GMO_time_bomb_Gary_Null.html

  19. […] Even the NY Times is now rejecting Monsanto GMO science […]

  20. Anonymous says:

    Monsanto needs to think about how the science of engineered food will affect the company in the future companies do not look at the long term affect or potential law suits if I were a CEO I would be doing something different

  21. Anonymous says:

    Keep it simple dollars and common sense

  22. The MAD Jewess says:

    I just do not understand why nobody is covering the missile hitting the TX plant and its connection to Monsanto

  23. marycheshier says:

    Reblogged this on How 2 Be Green and commented:
    Fabulous post. TY

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