by Jon Rappoport

November 7, 2012


People voted for two symbols.


They voted for what they thought the candidates stood for.


They voted for what they hoped the candidates stood for.


The candidate, Obama, was perceived as representing what the government can do for the people.


The candidate, Romney, was perceived as representing what people can do for themselves.


Of course, these two candidates are agents of change in exactly the same way. They are laying brick and establishing a highway for more control over the citizenry.


But I want to focus on the public perception of Obama and Romney as symbols.


Obama’s victory signifies the acceptance by about half country that the federal government is a gift-giver. That is its mission.


A smaller part of the nation still believes in freedom of the individual, while the larger part believes in what the government can give them.


The numbers of people who have faith in a gift-giving government will continue to grow. They will no longer enjoy the gifts; they will simply and plainly expect them, just as they expect trees to have leaves.


And expecting them, they will demand them.


Yet some people praise this turn of events. They see it as fairness and equality and justice and humanitarianism and even payback.


But it is an enlarging disaster, not only psychologically and, yes, spiritually, but also in the sense of “beware Greeks bearing gifts,” because Trojan horses are being moved to center stage, presaging an acceleration of attacks on the population.


The gift-giving is a cover for a greater clamp-down on freedoms. The gift-giving is a sop to keep people entranced. The gift-giving is a symptom of Central Planning, in which all citizens are viewed, from the top of the pyramid, as units, ciphers, things to be moved about and regulated and controlled.


This is the future we have entered.


Here is what we give you. Now you are ours. You belong to us. We will watch you carefully. We will track you and take care of you and decide what is good for you. You have your gifts. Now you owe us.”


From the top of the pyramid, the question will be: how much do we have to give them to keep them satisfied? Or: how little can we get away with?


Obama’s victory signifies all this.


Romney’s showing reveals that a significant number of people still believe in freedom, even though they completely fooled and willed themselves into thinking he stood for that principle, when he didn’t.


Large numbers of Americans are in thrall to glossy faith in the New Age. They see Obama as the symbol of generosity and giving…finally incarnated in American politics, for the very first time.


It’s not politics, they believe. It’s kindness. It’s goodness.


Actually, it’s blindness. Their own.


But they won’t permit exposure of their delusion. It’s too painful. They have so little faith in their own individual power, and so much replacement-faith in the power of The Great Pink Bubble, that they’ll do whatever it takes to live inside it.


To live inside it, they’ll accept the “protection” that goes along with the gifts; the protection against harm, against the real world, against the specter of terrorism.


The federal government is reaching out to state and local governments and private citizens, as never before, to bolster its program of universal surveillance and spying and snitching.


The real purpose of this program is to put the idea in people’s minds that there are severe limits on what it is safe to do and say and think. I’d wager you’ve already experienced that.


What if I let my child play in the front yard by himself? What will the neighbors think? What will they say? Who will they tell? Will some person working in some government agency take a dim view of that? Will I be paid a visit? Will they claim I’m irresponsible? Will I be fined or punished? Will my friends think I’m weird…”


This is the increasing price for living in the “gifting society.”


In the next few years, you’re going to read a news story about somebody who, in the privacy of his living room, watching his new Smart TV that records his moves and words, blurted out an “anti-social comment,” and somehow that remark found its way on to YouTube.


Interestingly, the outcry against violation of privacy will fade before angry accusations against the “offender.” How could he say that? What kind of person would say that? He’s sick. He should be locked up…


People will forget that this kind of monitoring was supposed to be all about combating terrorism.


Well, it was never about terrorism.


It will be Christmas every day, but the gifts will drop on to the floor in a room where the walls are slowly closing in.


Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at


  1. maulfair says:

    Reblogged this on Maulfair Medical Center Conversations and commented:
    Here is a voice…my voice says improve, flourish and prosper. Take care of your health, no one will help you if you become seriously ill and are over 55. Be healthy. Be independent. Be industrious. Do not change keep doing the right thing for you and yours, the right thing as you determine it to be.

  2. Sadly in my experience the people who need to be reading this, who need to admit what’s really going on, are the very ones who seem to choose to live in ignorance of it. It’s the old adage, “My mind is made up; don’t confuse me with facts.” Thanks, Jon for being one of the willing few – not just willing to acknowledge the truth, but fearless enough to offer it.

  3. Orson says:

    On 9/11/2001 we all saw the hand of the rogue military/intelligence network and what it’s capable of doing. Since the Kennedy assassination this cabal has refined its act; it’s now using technologically sophisticated weapons. Buildings were powdered into oblivion. The military was flummoxed. The presidency shown to be absolutely impotent.
    All rulers are sociopaths and psychopaths, and if given the opportunity, corporate sociopaths and psychopaths will align with the rulers in order to TAKE IT ALL. Nothing has changed since Genghis Kahn; the difference is that raping and pillaging are now carried out with more finesse and refinement.
    Mr. Rappoport has often sung the praises of self-expression, creativity and imagination. Yes, most people are mostly unaware of the power residing in them. As the Landmark Forum has said: “They are resigned and cynical.” At the same time, I have pointed out that self motivation and self reliance are kinda useless when bombs are raining down on you from B52 bombers, as in Vietnam. I have proposed this problem to Mr. Rappoport who has said that that problem would require a longer answer than he had time for right then. Fair enough.
    I would say that that’s the time when you need to get together with your neighbor, band together, rely on each other and meet psychopathy with a force of equal value. This is what the Vietcong did, and they kicked out the most powerful military force in the world. They didn’t do this by meditating, or looking into their inner selves, or writing poetry.
    It’s not a matter of begging the government for handouts or getting something for nothing. It’s the matter of getting what’s ours, what we as a people have produced as a whole. You would still be working in sweat shops without an 8 hour day if people had not collectively scared hell out of the rulers and corporations and demanded these benefits. The people have created enormous wealth, more than they can possibly realize. One day before 911, Rumsfeld announced the disappearance of a couple of trillion dollars, enough resources to take care of education, health care, roads and other infrastructure long into the future. Instead I see people working two jobs who can’t afford to get their teeth fixed.
    There is no doubt the people have been brain washed, advertised to and inundated with superficiality and the craving of garbage they don’t need. (And most of so-called “health care” is bogus too). The antidote to that would be to turn OFF the television. That alone is an extremely revolutionary act and liable bring to bring us back to reality.
    We’re dealing with sociopaths and psychopaths. We – together – must meet them on their own ground. Afterwords we can all retire to our painting, poetry and meditation.

  4. M-j Raichyk says:

    I have to break this to you.. you need to look at the numbers from the exit polling… try

    There is the full evidence of racism against Romney, yes.. he was ‘white/Euro’ to people of ‘color’ and that shows in the massive profiling… and it will continue, regardless of whether it was set on fire by some criminal cop in Florida… the hoodie incident, to which whites in full turnout demanded the Florida law enforcement’s accountability, could have been a saving incident for anti-racism in itself, but the racists in the Democratic Party turned it into a race-baiting affair, ignoring the crowds who were not white/Euro racists.. to Obama’s ‘color’ benefit… Romney COULD have done what was needed to pound the racist cop, but he was basically silent in the face of what would be a turning point in race relations…

    93% of blacks voted for Obama, 74% of asians, and 69% of hispanics… dare we point to the Trojan Horses that are still there..

    And then Romney and his Republican cronies so busy taking away Ron Paul’s growing attention, diverted the campaign focus from monetary and financial ruin staring at us, by stirring the hormonal fires, sex is always more demanding than the intellectual budget figuring of Ron Paul, and Romney paid the price for that cheating in the balloting because the GOP hormonal gaming brought the women’s fears into the center stage, with the stupid Republican games over birth control of single women and rape and abortion-after-rape… what fools the Romney cheaters were, who were thinking they were so clever in stealing the valid attention that Ron Paul was garnering gradually.. so those GOP string pullers could steal Paul’s growing attention, now bring us another 4 years of Obama criminality…

    The Jewish vote is just another Trojan Horse.. which we will politely decline to pursue at this time… the youth vote (cheated on the value of their education) may also turn over a new idea when Obama attacks the internet, agreed?

    The Republicans brought this on us… After removing those Horses’ damage, then where do we stand on freedom and independence?
    B/c I want to see where we are going in the freedom movement…..
    Could you possibly answer me…? It is important to see.. It just got really exciting to think that we could fathom these movements.. Agreed?

  5. t brown says:

    “Obama’s victory signifies the acceptance by about half country that the federal government is a gift-giver.”

    Thank you for your article, but this statement is not true – there was very low voter turnout (estimated 57%, lower than 2000 or 2004)* – obummer won by about 52% of the vote (note, it is said he actually lost the popular vote, but won at the electoral college). Half of 57% is roughly 28% of the populace. Ergo “half country” did NOT “accept” him or his policies..
    * Much of this attributed to the rethugs over-riding the overwhelming popular support for Ron Paul and sticking in mittens who nobody wanted. Ron Paul supporters just stayed home, or voted for Gary Johnson.

  6. Very-tay says:

    Every once in a while one comes upon an absolutely perfect piece of writing. Today I chanced upon the penmanship of Jon Rappoprt. For me a rainbow has appeared, which despite the imminent political Tsunami that will come as sure as night follows day, I’ve discovered somebody that has a true perspective on how America is currently positioned. The frightening thing is that the majority are totally oblivious to the impending catastrophe that is about to change their lives for ever. There are very few that are prepared to give the clarion call. Jon Rappaport is such a person.

    ‘infinitecontactee’ recognizes the conundrum. There is a great temptation to become myopic, disregard the masses and adopt the selfish ‘look after yourself’ approach.

    My daughter’s philosophy is “don’t waste your time talking to idiots” but I can’t share her view.

    The truth of the matter is that these people are not inherently ‘stupid’; they are victims consequential to drinking tap-water, Sodas, processed and nutrient-deficient food, GMO’s, Aspartame, masses of Big-Pharma products, lack of exercise and continued disinformation/ distraction by the Government’s propaganda merchants – Radio, Television and Press…….. the masses are being programmed.

    We have the same problem here in the UK. It’s as though Government are conditioning us, not dissimilar to the way that Pavlov trained his dogs.

    God Bless.

  7. Jaydub says:

    I respect what you are trying to do and your voter fraud fear is very real especially re: Prop 37, however, you have a blindness about what Obama stood/stands for and why people voted for him. We do need to maintain the value of liberty. We do need to respect freedom of choice and speech but there is something very unsavory about this absolute hatred of Obama and everything he stands for. He is not perfect but he is certainly not the evil doomsayer that you and people like you make him out to be. You my friend, are a drama queen and until you begin to take a balanced, unbiased approach to politics you will always be marginalized. And that is a shame because much of what you believe in and fight for is desperately needed in this country and at this time.

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