Dear Dallas: No one ever proved West Nile disease exists!

Dear Dallas: No one ever proved West Nile disease exists!

By Jon Rappoport

August 17, 2012

Now that Dallas officials have decided West Nile Disease has killed 14 people in the area and infected 557 more, the aerial spraying of a pesticide called Duet will begin (has begun). The objective? Wipe out mosquitoes that carry the virus.

But here’s the bombshell: there is no evidence that the supposed virus causing West Nile exists. This means there is no proof West Nile disease exists.

And this fact has been known for years. Scientists don’t like to talk about it. It’s extremely embarrassing.

The West Nile virus has never been isolated. “Isolated” means discovered. This is a simple notion. Just as you can ask whether an explorer on a ship, journeying to the tip of South America, ever arrived, you can ask whether researchers ever found the West Nile virus.

The answer is no.

Researchers state the virus in question is 0.04 micrometers. At the same time, they admit that the original fishing expedition for the virus employed filters that were 0.22 micrometers. The obvious conclusion? You cannot assume that whatever was trapped in the filter was West Nile virus. The filter was too porous. It was nearly six times larger than the virus.

In fact, Robert McLean, director of the National Wildlife Center of the US Geological Survey, told ABC’s Nick Regush, “We don’t have a purified form of the [West Nile] virus.”

A stunning admission.

The late ABC reporter, Regush, one of the few bright and independent minds in mainstream medical reporting, followed up on McLean’s pronouncement with this: “I find no evidence anywhere in the scientific literature that the rules of virus purification and isolation were thoroughly followed [in the case of the West Nile virus].”

The bottom line? In your search for a new virus, if you don’t purify the material in which you suspect the virus is contained and filter out everything except the virus, and if you don’t finally isolate it, you cannot claim to have located it at all. This is not a mere academic distinction.

Two questions immediately pop up. How are people being diagnosed with West Nile if the virus has never been proved to exist; and what is making people sick if not West Nile?

The answer to the first question is: antibody tests. These extremely unreliable diagnostic tests are indirect. They supposedly show that elements of the patient’s immune system have encountered, in this case, the West Nile virus, in the patient’s body.

But antibody tests can and do register positive for irrelevant reasons. It’s called cross-reaction. The test is pinging positive because other germs or debris in the patient’s blood have caused the sensitive material in the test to respond.

It’s a notorious fact in the case of HIV, for example. In the early 1990s, independent journalist Christine Johnson published a report showing that the HIV test could read falsely positive for 60 reasons—none of them having anything to do with HIV. Other researchers followed suit.

A patient “testing positive” for West Nile proves absolutely nothing.

As to the second question, there are some good reasons people in the Dallas area are getting sick. These reasons have nothing to do with “West Nile.”

A decade ago, another independent journalist, Jim West, launched an original investigation into the so-called “West Nile epidemic” in New York City.

West Nile Virus: Horse Puckey?

West correlated clusters of human and bird “West Nile” cases with several factors; among them, nearby polluting oil refineries, other air pollution (certainly exacerbated by hot summer weather), and the presence of toxic MTBE, an additive that makes gasoline in cars burn cleaner.

Citizens of Dallas should take a clue from Jim West’s work and examine their own environment for these factors.

There are listings for at least eight refineries in the Dallas area. There are also reports of increased air pollution coming from natural gas production in the Barnett Shale. The 2012 summer has been hot. As of of the year 2000, Texas refineries were producing 75% of all the MTBE in the United States.

Now that 20 states have banned or reduced use of MTBE, the domestic market has declined. However, there are new horizons for the chemical: China wants it. The Huntsman Corporation, which owns one of the largest MTBE-producing plants in the US, in Texas, has signed a licensing and production agreement with the Chinese chemical company, Yantai Wanhua.

How embarrassing would it be for Huntsman’s burgeoning business if, in its own Texas backyard, MTBE was found to be contributing to illness and death?

Much easier to blame it on a virus that has never been found. And much easier if other Texas sources of air pollution are also let off the hook.

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.

5 comments on “Dear Dallas: No one ever proved West Nile disease exists!

  1. Mary says:

    So how in the world do we, the public, educate ourselves about medical pronouncements that are false? I looked up the CDC site, where most of us would run to for what we think may be the facts, and it states:

    “West Nile virus (WNV) is a potentially serious illness. Experts believe WNV is established as a seasonal epidemic in North America that flares up in the summer and continues into the fall.”

    Now above, what stands out are the words “potentially,” but especially
    “experts believe.” WHO are the experts? Also, I thought that medical (I assume) experts are supposed to rely on EVIDENCE…PROOF… and NOT on a BELIEF as is clearly and purposely stated here. Since when do our medical laureates depend on scientific BELIEF???

    Nothing in that site talks about depending on antibodies for the diagnosis of West Nile Virus. We, the public, assume, based on the laurels of leading edge medicine, that they have evidenced this virus beyond a doubt… that they have SEEN and IDENTIFIED – caught it in the act – this virus.

    I guess then I can safely say that this proves beyond a doubt that CDC’s statistics of virus/bacteria diseases as well as their associated deaths are absolutely fraudulent. So we actually have NO idea what illnesses we in fact have in our blood – if NO ONE and NO LABORATORY TEST is IDENTIFYING them.


    So how do we educate ourselves to know the facts?

    Do we insist that our doctors produce absolute proof that we in fact have THAT particular VIRUS/BACTERIA in our blood? – or else?

    In what – whom – do we believe??

  2. amunaor says:

    Notice that the target of the virus laden buzzer, is the over 50 crowd. Since the magnificent mental giants in their omniscient wizardry, DARPA, are always seeking out more marvelous ways by which to dispense of fellow humans; have already created a mimicry of the mosquito in mechanical ‘drone’ format, how do we know that this too isn’t some sinister plot by which to dispose of those, who Henry Kissinger purportedly referred so lovingly as ‘the useless eaters’?
    See Micro Insect Drones:

    Also note:
    1. Disease is a big profitable Industry.
    2. Third leading cause of deaths within U.S. is a result of the ‘Pharmaceutical Industry’, only to be surpassed by heart disease and cancer.

  3. prizmgirl says:

    Mary, I totally agree with you on the “verbiage” used. The statement you made “So we actually have NO idea what illnesses we in fact have in our blood – if NO ONE and NO LABORATORY TEST is IDENTIFYING them.”…I really resonated with because it is very difficult to KNOW what labs to even ask for when speaking to a doctor unless you have had some medical training or just spend hours researching everything you can find to educate yourself, then you always have to check those sources as well.

    In whom/what do we believe? That has been the “most difficult” part of my own personal journey in healing!

  4. LivingWithGhosts says:

    So… If you can’t actually identify the virus causing the problem, it doesn’t exist? That doesn’t really make any sense. Think back to 1917/1918. Influenza was killing literally thousands of people across the world. It was a terrible pandemic, killing everyone from Inuits in the Arctic to soldiers on the front lines of World War One to isolated persons in the small Colorado towns where I live. There was no way all those deaths were from environmental concerns. But technology wasn’t as advanced back then. And try as they might, scientists couldn’t find what was causing the illness. They first came across a bacteria, as bacteria are a good deal larger than viruses and easier to find. They named this bacteria ‘Haemophilius Influenzae’ or ‘blood-loving influenza’ being that the type of flu prevalent in 1918 caused people’s lungs to fill up with blood. But they later realised that this bacteria was a secondary infection, something that moved in when the lungs were already susceptible to disease. Eventually, in looking closer, they discovered ‘Type A’ influenza, a truly microscopic virus and, since then, have discovered the other types that kill thousands of humans every year.
    I have known several people who contracted West Nile and some of them have permanent health concerns because of it. And I don’t believe that just because we haven’t found something yet means it doesn’t exist. As technology moves apace, we make more discoveries and we understand more.
    Not knowing precisely what pathogen causes an illness does not prevent it from being lethal. Perhaps we have, indeed, not isolated the organism responsible for West Nile, but neither had we, for many hundreds of years after it destroyed much of civilisation, found what had caused the Black Death.
    That is part of science. In the past, doctors could not simply consult the pages of their fancy handbook to tell them what was wrong. They made reasonable, scientific deductions based on their findings. And I say, that if people are consistently falling ill in a similar pattern across a number of hemispheres in a manner consistent with other (identified) insect-borne diseases after being bitten by a mosquito, is it not an educated guess to say that they have the same disease, whether we have the precise details of its’ RNA yet?
    Doctors are not God. They don’t know everything. And to assume that if they do not have details yet, it must be a conspiracy, is beyond silly.
    I agree that these epidemics are blown absurdly out of proportion, but it does not mean that the pathogen itself does not exist. Sure, it’s silly to be afraid of anthrax when a third of the world has tuberculosis, but that’s human nature for you. And if West Nile does not exist, what caused the massive brain and spinal inflammation of a friend of mine who fell through a broken board into a stagnant pit and was bitten by over a hundred mosquitoes rising out of the water he landed in?
    Is all disease simply a ruse? I don’t think so.

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