by Jon Rappoport

August 6, 2012


Media outlets are now reporting that Wade Michael Page, the accused Sikh Temple shooter, received a less-than-honorable discharge from the US Army in 1998, after his last posting in a psychological operations unit at Fort Bragg.–abc-news-topstories.html


Prior to that, Page worked as a missile system repairman. Immediately, questions are raised. Under what circumstances does a missile repair man suddenly switch to a psyops unit? In preparation for later use as a patsy?


Furthermore, given the level of intelligence needed for either of those jobs, we are supposed to believe that Page couldn’t tell the difference between Muslims and Sikhs? The confusion between those two religious groups has been advanced as a reason for a “misdirected” attack on the Wisconsin Sikh Temple.


And now, the Southern Poverty Law Center is weighing in with its profile of Page as a musician in two white-power bands, Definite Hate and End Apathy. SPLC states the lyrics of those groups are filled with genocidal hate against Jews and other minorities.


Missile repair man morphs into psyops specialist and then morphs into genocidal white power musician. At the very least, an odd bio that needs a great deal more explanation before anyone with two active brain cells would buy it.


But the major media don’t need active brain cells. All they need is the ability to parrot an official narrative emerging from “reliable sources.” And as long as the agendas of stimulating “blacks versus whites” and tighter gun control are advanced, actual facts don’t matter.


So we have a neuroscience student killing people in a theater, and now a psyops specialist killing people in a temple. Psyops and neuroscience are both dedicated to manipulating the brain. We’re supposed to ignore this strange coincidence and simply move along because there’s nothing to see? There couldn’t be an MKULTRA connection in here somewhere?


Lost in the chaos of these two massacres, there was a prior church shooting in Aurora, Colorado.


On April 22nd of this year, members of the New Destiny Church were heading toward a massacre.


As the April 24, 2012, Huffington Post reported, convicted felon, Kiarron Parker, 29, in an unexplained agitated state, drove erratically into the Church lot, crashed his car, got out, and, without reason, fired his gun at the pastor’s mother, who had rushed from the Church service to see what she could do to help. Parker opened fire and put five bullets into her, killing her.


Parker then started to enter the Church, where who knows how much more killing he would have done. The pastor’s cousin, an off-duty cop named Antonio Milow, who, unlike private Aurora citizens, could legally carry a gun in Aurora, and was carrying, shot and killed Parker.


Was this another covert op, planned as a massacre, that was foiled by chance because a policeman happened to be in church that day? Was New Destiny Church supposed to be the first in a series of ops?


The ancient psyops adage applies to these days: order out of chaos.


The order is: outlawing guns; tighter surveillance throughout the land (if that’s even possible, given what we already have); “come home to the government, we will protect you”; individuals who stand outside the collective are crazy and dangerous; remain passive and wait for our leaders to take action; report all suspicious activity.


Fascism Central.


Why in the world should we believe this won’t work?


There is only one good reason. Because too many people love freedom too much. Remember that.


Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.


  1. hawks in DC says:

    Well, Holmes and Page have ties to the government, directly and indirectly. Why doesn’t the media acknowledge that. And how is it classified terrorism less than 12 hours after the shooting?

  2. Jubal says:

    As a retire Clinical Psychologist – for the last ten years dealing with convicted felons I add my views to yours.

  3. TPR says:

    Shooter/Page was renting an apt. on HOLMES Ave. What are the chances of that? :-/

    “It’s unclear how long he was in Wisconsin before he began renting a duplex in the 3700 block of E. Holmes Ave. in Cudahy starting in July”:
    Source: 8/6/12:  Oak Creek Sikh temple shooter had military background, white supremacist ties –

  4. TPR says:

    Thanks for asking the obvious questions. Good write-up.

    You mentioned the prior Aurora church shooting. JSOnline also reported today another (older) 2005 church shooting in nearby (from Oak Creek) Brookfield, FYI:

    “That would make for a different situation than the 2005 mass shooting at a service of the Living Church of God at the Sheraton hotel in Brookfield [27 miles from Oak Creek].  There, a church member, Terry Ratzmann, 44, opened fire during services, killing seven people and himself”:
    Source: 8/6/12:  FBI: Motive in Oak Creek Sikh temple shooting unclear –
    & travel distance:,+WI/to/Brookfield,+WI

    BTW, the FBI now says Wade Page did not have a 911 tattoo (maybe it was one of the OTHER 4 guys!) :-/ James Holmes supposedly had a license plate that said ROC 911.

    The FBI has taken Wade Page’s military records. I suppose that’s standard procedure(?):

    “Officials at the Army’s national records center in St. Louis said the FBI took Page’s military records Sunday night”:
    Source: 8/6/12:  Oak Creek Sikh temple shooter had military background, white supremacist ties –

  5. […] ACCUSED TEMPLE SHOOTER WAS ARMY PSYOPS SPECIALIST!  Media outlets are now reporting that Wade Michael Page, the accused Sikh Temple shooter, […]

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