by Jon Rappoport

July 10, 2012



Ultimately, why do I write these articles? Why do I maintain my site?


My plan has always involved breaking out of The Matrix on every level. This is not an avoidance of reality; quite to the contrary, it has everything to do with what consensus reality is and how to establish a stable beachhead beyond it.


And when I say “consensus reality,” I’m not only taking about social, political, economic, and cultural spheres.


Physics has been nibbling at the edges of the space-time continuum, speculating that it has certain illusory aspects, speculating that there are other universes, speculating that this universe is actually a hologram, a projection of information inscribed on a two-dimensional surface.


Lab researchers have conducted paranormal experiments which show that certain volunteers can violate the accepted rules of physical reality.


These are merely preludes to the main event. They are dabblings and close-to-the-vest explorations within a context of what I would call armchair entertainment. Interesting to contemplate, stimulating, but so what?


There is so much more to discover and experience.


Cultural norms and ideas have caused most people to place themselves within a ridiculously narrow context. Within those walls, they look and peer at What Might Be True


But eventually, unless people actually break through the walls, their “far-out” musings become masturbatory.


The more physics analyzes each of its primary concepts—space, time, energy, and matter—the more illusory each one of them appears. Yet, for us, who are not analyzing, but living, the continuum is as real as real gets.


Why is there a disconnect between the analysis of physics and the experience of humankind?


The answer lies in our minds and bodies. We perceive and contact the world as a key enters a lock. The fit is perfect. There are no rough edges or fuzzy borders. There are no mistakes. We don’t wake up on a Saturday morning and find the bureau in the corner of the bedroom turned upside down or fading away. We exist in a steady state.


This perfect fit is a cardinal aspect of The Matrix.


To guarantee the interlock and the steady-state perception, there is the grim prospect of being called insane if we did suddenly see the bureau floating upside down in the bedroom.


If we shifted gears and used the bureau as a metaphor, we could apply this “standard of insanity” to other areas of life. For example, what happens to a person who grows up in a bedrock family that has voted straight Republican or Democrat for a century, when he announces at dinner that the two-party system of politics is a racket created to foster an illusory difference between conspiring mobsters and thieves?


What happens is some form of excommunication.


On the stark level of physical reality, however, the penalty is much more severe. Whereas you might not mind the occasional singularity of an upside down bureau, you would certainly object to many, many objects in the landscape fading out without prior notice. You would object to your perception of one hour turning out to be three days for everyone else. You would object to exerting the usual amount of energetic pressure on your doorknob, only to find that the whole door smashes through its frame and falls to pieces on the front walk.


We would all prefer to maintain the consensus effect of predictable living. In this venue, the answer to “can’t we all just get along” is a resounding yes. “Do you see that hole in space where the shopping mall used to be” isn’t a question we want to pose to friends and neighbors, when what they see is a one-block tower of concrete, glass, and steel.


No one is looking forward to unhinging his own perception when the result is sheer disorientation and a padded cell.


Although the prospect of levitating a hundred feet in the air might be appealing, you would probably have second thoughts if you were doing it at high noon in Times Square or on the lawn of the White House.


I bring all this up, because there is a confusion about what it would mean to break through the inhibiting limits of the PHYSICAL Matrix. In some ways we want to say yes, and in other ways we want to say no.


It’s interesting to observe two concurrent trends vis-a-vis the space-time continuum. While physics has been breaking down the reliable density of matter, the authority of time measured by clocks, and the geometric shape of space, a whole new secular pop-religion has been gaining power.


The religion of The Universe. As if to counter the discoveries of physicists and bolster our metaphysical comfort level, wise and smiling academic baby-boomers teach us a whole list of scriptural slogans:


The Universe is good. The Universe wants us to be happy. The Universe is the source of our very existence and consciousness. The Universe is there to fulfill our desires. If we pursue a goal and don’t arrive at our hoped-for destination, it’s all right, because the Universe decided it wasn’t meant to be.


And more vaguely: The Universe speaks through us; The Universe is waiting for us; The Universe is our home; The Universe is the ultimate spiritual master; The Universe is Life.


I’ll stop there. If I went on to consider the sub-category of Universe known as Nature, we could be here for three weeks reciting all the religious catch-phrases


As physics has forwarded ideas that challenge the security and the reliability of The Matrix, humans have filled in the blanks with quasi-religious language and thought, whose effect has been to re-define the same old Matrix and re-establish the Troops of Consensus Reality.


We are also told, by many scholars, that Events are on the horizon, transforming events that, without any effort on our part, herald a new existence for all of us. These coming happenings are further proof that life and Matrix are out of our hands, and our only job is to understand the forces that will bring us closer to illuminated spiritual communion with our destiny.


In show-biz terms, this used to be called Fill. When you have blanks in a story, you fill. You insert plot line. You work on the gaps in the machine so new parts appear and mesh with the overall design.


In the Matrix movie franchise, the endless flying combat scenes obscured the need to determine just how reality would look and feel once the grid pattern was destroyed. When the master computer that spooled out consensus was shut down, how would the population experience experience? What would change?


This is the subject I want to approach now in a series of articles.


My work of the past ten years has been collected and expanded greatly in the collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED. I hope you will consider ordering it. Your purchases support my research and writing. THE MATRIX REVEALED lays out the nuts and bolts and the layers and bridgework and struts and foundations of key aspects of the created Matrix.


Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.



2 comments on “A MESSAGE TO MY READERS

  1. John says:

    Don’t you dare stop writing and maintaining your website!!! Many others like myself rely upon and bounce ideas off your sharp wit and unbridled sentiments. Your valuable contributions resonate with untold 1,000’s of souls across this planet every day – and you are very much loved and appreciated in many circles. Let not anyone ever you say that you, Jon Rappoport, were a quitter.

  2. John says:

    Don’t you dare stop writing and maintaining your website!!! Many others like myself rely upon and bounce ideas off your sharp wit and unbridled sentiments. Your valuable contributions resonate with untold 1,000′s of souls across this planet every day – and you are very much loved and appreciated in many circles. Let not anyone ever say that you, Jon Rappoport, were a quitter.

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