by Jon Rappoport

May 12, 2012


Why go to fiction to learn about power?


Because in art we can see our dreams. We can see ideals and archetypes. These fictional characters have the energy we strive for.


When Ayn Rand, the author of The Fountainhead (1943), was asked whether Howard Roark, the hero of her novel, could exist in real life, she answered, with annoyance, “Of course.”


The implication of “of course” was: don’t you have the desire to discover your highest ideals and live them out?


Roark is an architect who creates buildings no one has come close to imagining before. His refusal to compromise his vision is legendary. He suffers deprivation and poverty and rejection with an astonishing amount of indifference. He is the epitome of the creative individual living in a collective world.


For reasons no one can discover (there must always be reasons?), Roark has freed himself from The Group. Perhaps he was born free.


Roark’s hidden nemesis is a little man named Ellsworth Toohey, an architecture columnist for a New York newspaper, who is quietly building a consensus that has, as its ultimate goal, the destruction of all thought and action by the individual for the individual.


But Roark, in his personality, spirit and force, in the cells of his being, is The Exception to the Rule.


Sometime after reading The Fountainhead, you may begin to feel Roark is cut from pure energy and exists in another dimension. He can take on mythic qualities.


He stands in juxtaposition to The Matrix, not only in human terms, but as a countervailing force that transcends the complication of Need and, instead, is pure Desire.


Desire, plus intelligence, plus creative power.


Whatever dross may once have existed in Roark’s character has been burned away.


Rand allows us to see that society itself is composed to accommodate everything an individual does and thinks that keeps him from being self-sufficient. That is what society, in its advanced stage of dissolution, is for.


Therefore, as Roark moves through space and time, he ignites in others, without trying to, all the emotions that signal their self-betrayal: shame, fear, disgust, resentment, hatred.


But their dedication to endless compromise remains intact. They tell themselves whatever stories they need to, in order to protect their second-hand existences.


They enact the range of feelings that allow for entombment in The Group.


These days, when people talk about “self-improvement,” they unerringly manage to avoid the starkness of these matters. And this is why the so-called “helping professions” fail.


These professions build ethereal mansion of cliches which emulate, like a cartoon, what Roark actually embodies. Roark is creative independence. The independence of creative power.


And most of all he is: vision.


How does vision operate for those caught up in “self-improving?” Well, the trick is to begin by conceiving of work and future taking place in a decidedly small arena. Fueled by small ideas. Small plans. Small ambitions. Dress them up, embroider them with minor dreams, claim these dreams are compelling and even heroic. Pile self-deception on self-deception.


And refer, always, to the cardinal rule of society, the rule of human-association-by-clinging need.


Roark experiences none of this. Therefore, people claim he couldn’t exist. Well, they would claim that. They live, night and day, by the rule of society, in a closed system.


Those who own the system enforce, celebrate, champion, and fund association-by-need.


It’s the drug dealer and his addicts. That’s the model.


But then, what of community? What of family? These are often thrown in the face of The Fountainhead as accusations, as if Rand wants to stamp them out and leave them in the dust.


The obvious answer is, which community, which family? Are the individuals intact, or are they sacrificing themselves to an “ideal” of diminishing their power?


The Matrix has an entrance, a gate on which is transcribed, “Reduce your vision and surrender your separate power.”


Yes, “separate.” A word that is now considered taboo. “Separate” was what we defended before we understood that the only salvation was attained in “coming together” and melting down.


We can even find this Melt in physics. The latest version of coming together is the interpretation placed on quantum entanglement, in which atoms light years apart react simultaneously from a stimulus placed on either atom. We are supposed to believe that the whole universe is arranged as a spontaneously reacting Whole, with no part distinct from another. And this is confirmation that the Collective is the preferred pattern of life in every venue. In other words, political collectivism mirrors cosmic collectivism.


Are you sensing something strange here? You should be.


Once upon a time, in a document called the Constitution, separateness was considered a key element. There was separation of church and state. There was separation of the rights of an individual from what the state could arbitrarily do to the individual. There was separation among the three branches of federal government, a plan enacted to limit overall federal power. There was separation of the enumerated powers of the federal government from the more numerous powers of the states.


DISTINCTIONS that created separation were absolutely necessary. Making and abiding by such distinctions were made possible by minds that could think, minds that could utilize logic—rather than minds that melted down in a puddle of gray sameness.


Roark is shown to us as a man who stands separate from the mass, the crowd, the mob, the group, the collective, the majority, the minority. That is his crime. That marks him as dangerous.


That also marks him as a man who can hold his vision intact, because he isn’t seeking permission or approval or praise or consensus for his work, his art, his buildings, his creations.


The stunning intensity of his Desire isn’t watered down by a Need to be drawn into what the group wants or accepts or believes in.


The hallmark of The Matrix is a collective lens, through which the individual is supposed to view his life, his work, and the world.


I see what everybody sees, and they see what I see, and we all see together.”


Talk about fiction. The collective lens is built, step by step, piece by piece, along a path of self-betrayal and corruption.


To speak about individual freedom while living and seeing and thinking through the collective lens is a contradiction and impossibility of titanic proportions.


I have the inalienable right to see things as others see them. To melt down what might, in other circumstances, be my Separate Vision. To melt it down for the sake of the Whole. So that I might better serve others.”


Well, thank you for your sacrifice. I’m sure a gold star is waiting for you in some cosmic first-grade classroom. Now, if we all sacrifice all the time, some day soon we will all be invisible. We will all live in the great mouth of a great nothing. No one will have power. No one will be free. But we will speak as if we are free.


Our false words will sound important. Our rhetoric will, perhaps, convince us and everyone else that freedom still exists.


We will, in fact, be speaking like those politicians do, the ones we accuse of acting on ulterior motives.


If you’re beginning to get the idea that, in my work, I’m not only talking about what THEY are doing to US, but what WE are doing to OURSELVES, you’re absolutely right.


For those new readers coming to my work, here is a description of my new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED.


But first, since I’m speaking so frankly, I’ll also add this. My work is also my business, my enterprise. I create, and I sell what I create. Not only do I think “I deserve to make a living” because of the nature and content of my work, I would love to become RICH because of it.


I’m sure that statement must be a sin in The Great Book of Rules for Modern Living. But I’m willing to sin when sin is good.


Well, Rappoport is doing a great service by giving away all his articles for years and years. He’s providing a real service. He’s selfless. He labors for humanity. He puts aside personal ambition for the sake of others. All right, he’s okay. He’s a member of the Group. He can wear the badge. Especially if he ends up poor and destitute. Then we’ll know he’s a good person.”


No, that was actually never my aim. I stand for what I stand for, and I research and report on what I discover, and I imagine and invent and create. That’s what I do because I want to. The prospect of finding people who will understand what I’m writing is appealing. Any artist will tell you that. But it doesn’t rule what I say or write. IF IT DID, I’D BE USELESS TO YOU AND USELESS TO MYSELF.


But…but…how can writing the truth and truth below that and the truth below that be a BUSINESS? The truth should be free and everybody should have access to it because, well, the cosmos says so.


I guess I missed the conference where that was decreed. I was probably painting in my studio, and I couldn’t be bothered. I think I saw a list of the conference speakers. As I recall, they were thieves and liars who were mouthing the word “truth” as a con, to convince people that EVERYBODY DESERVES EVERYTHING, and they, the liars and the thieves, were going to run that charity operation, and the only price people had to pay to benefit from it was to give up themselves in every possible way.


Sounds like one of those bothersome little contradictions, but never mind. Sounds like a principle of the Matrix, but never mind…




by Jon Rappoport

Copyright © 2012 by Jon Rappoport


Let me start with the nuts and bolts of this product. It is enormous in scope.


250 megabytes of information.


Over 1100 pages of text.


Ten and a half hours of audio.


The 2 bonuses alone are rather extraordinary:


My complete 18-lesson course, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS, which includes the teacher’s manual and a CD to guide you. I was previously selling the course for $375. This is a new way to teach logic, the subject that has been missing from schools for decades. Click here for more details on the LOGIC AND ANALYSIS Course.


The complete text (331 pages) of AIDS INC., the book that exposed a conspiracy of scientific fraud deep within the medical research establishment. The book has become a sought-after item, since its publication in 1988. It contains material about viruses, medical tests for diagnoses, and the invention of disease, the understanding of which is, now and in the future, vital to our correct perception of phony epidemics arising in our midst. I assure you, the revelations in the book will surprise you; they cut much deeper and are more subtle than “virus made in a lab” scenarios.


The heart and soul of this product are the text interviews I conducted with Matrix-insiders, who have first-hand knowledge of how the major illusions of our world are put together:


EILLIS MEDAVOY, master of PR, propaganda, and deception, who worked for key controllers in the medical and political arenas. 28 interviews, 290 pages.


RICHARD BELL, financial analyst and trader, whose profound grasp of market manipulation and economic-rigging is formidable, to say the least. 16 interviews, 132 pages.


JACK TRUE, the most creative hypnotherapist on the face of the planet. Jack’s beyond-Matrix understanding of the mind and how to liberate it is unparalleled. His insights are unique, staggering. 43 interviews, 320 pages.


Then there are several more interviews with brilliant analysts of the Matrix, including recent conversations. 53 pages.


The ten and a half hours of mp3 audio are my solo presentation, based on these interviews and my own research. Title: The Multi-Dimensional Planetary Chessboard—The Matrix vs. the Un-Conditioning of the Individual.


Here is some background on the product and my own history:


In 2001, I essentially left a career as an investigative reporter and rolled the dice on the emerging internet. I started a site called


I didn’t stop investigating and publishing, but my field of operation widened. My first big question was: WHO REALLY RUNS THE WORLD?




I was prepared to deal with these enormous questions, because I had contacts. These were people I had come to know well during my days as a reporter, writing for LA Weekly and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe—and also during a stint on radio at KPFK in Los Angeles.


These people, these contacts, were insiders.


They had deep knowledge in their fields:




They were unwilling to be cited as on-the-record sources in my articles. They knew they would suffer consequences if they went public.


Once I started my website, I did extensive research to confirm the credentials of my insiders. I wanted to make sure they were who they said they were. I wanted to verify they had worked where they said they had worked. This was a laborious process.


When I was sure, I began to interview them.


I wasn’t certain where all this would go.


Gradually, I realized I was getting VERY high-level information on The Matrix. But this was the real Matrix.


As one of my sources described it:


“Imagine a factory that turns out illusions. And these illusions are woven together to make up what we think the world is.”


The actual Matrix involves a number of areas: government; money; energy; the military; intelligence agencies; medicine; mega-corporations; psychology and mind control; science…


I started a members-only newsletter, and word quickly spread. Every Friday, I would email a newsletter to subscribers. Many of these newsletters were interviews with my insiders.


It was quite a job, keeping up with writing (public) daily articles for my site and also putting out the (private) newsletter. I was also collating the high-level information from my sources and making maps of the expanding territory.


I saw that I was looking at global CARTELS. As you will discover in reading this material, these cartels are not frozen organizations. They are evolving.


In this last months, I’ve had some very competent assistance, and I’ve assembled the most important newsletter-interviews for you.


But in addition to that, I’m publishing, for the first time, interviews that never made it into those newsletters. And I’m presenting interviews from very recent days as well.


It’s very instructive to talk to people who have been there on the inside. They are bright, they are informative, they convey the depth of situations they were involved with. They go beyond relaying dry facts, and in doing so, you learn how elite players play the game. You receive a rounded and three-dimensional picture of: the process of constructing The Matrix. How it’s built.


In every case, each insider was relieved to be able to talk with utter frankness, with no fear that his words would be twisted or taken out of context or deleted. So you’re getting the full story.


I met my first two insiders while I was writing my first book, AIDS INC., SCANDAL OF THE CENTURY, in 1987-88. The book was my initial experience in putting together a vast amount of data—which contradicted every official position on a supposedly rock-hard subject: medical science.


At the time, I didn’t really understand how deep I was drilling down into a cardinal aspect of The Matrix. I only knew I was I digging up and exposing long-held delusions broadcast as facts by the Medical Cartel. These false realities went far beyond the subject of AIDS.


That first book of mine started as a pure lark. I had just published a piece in LA Weekly about certain televangelists and their support of an intentionally staged Armageddon in Israel. When the piece was published, I sat back and thought, “Where do I go from here? What could be weirder than this?”


Like other investigative reporters, I was excited by strange and bizarre stories that could blow readers’ minds. I was motivated by that.


So, in 1987, I wondered what could be stranger than the Armageddon story I had just done.


Sitting in my Los Angeles studio, a thought popped into my head. “AIDS. I bet there’s something about that whole thing that’s pretty weird.”


Little did I know…


That was my first big leap.


I had studied logic extensively in college. I had been taught by a philosophy professor who was a very generous soul and a relentless thinker. If you were an inch from accuracy, he would point it out, and he would give you the full reason and understanding that pulled you back to the straight and narrow.


Once I dove into research for AIDS INC., I was amazed at the sloppy thinking and contradiction that was posing as science.


And then I met my first two insiders.


Their basic message to me was: keep going; you’re on the right track; we have a great deal more to share with you.


They weren’t just talking about medical issues.


They were talking about the whole construction of reality from a number of angles.


Each of the insiders I have gotten to know over the subsequent years has a different personal story. They have all left their particular corner of The Matrix-Construction Group. Jack True, my late friend and colleague, was a different man altogether. He was never part of that Group. He was the most informed and brilliant researcher I’ve ever come across on the subject of the mind—the essential link that makes The Matrix work.


Jack started the ball rolling. He was instrumental in making the deal that got AIDS INC published. He introduced me to a few key figures along the way—insiders who proved invaluable.


Why did these insiders want to talk and spill secrets? Well, the process of interviewing them wasn’t always easy. They could be thorny at times. But they all had seen, finally, the abyss toward which they were heading, toward which they were leading the population. And they pulled back.




This Volume is for individuals.




Beyond The Matrix is true individual power.


Despite all the illusions, it has always been there.


It’s for you.


And it IS your power.


Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.