by Jon Rappoport


MARCH 10, 2012. Well, it’s actually vaccine world.


Anyway, let’s start here. In my new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, I print many interviews with a retired propaganda operative, Ellis Medavoy (pseudonym). Ellis is the very best authority I’ve ever found on the subject of media deception and how that game actually works. The nuts and bolts. The cultivating of “reliable sources” who lie to reporters night and day. The spreading of false medical information. The strategies for building a long-term propaganda campaign. The subtle and not-so-subtle methods of hypnotizing the public consciousness. It’s PhD stuff you can’t obtain in a university.


In a conversation about so-called epidemics and pandemics, Ellis handed me this nugget:


Look, there will be one phony epidemic after another. You already know that. You’ve ferreted out the statistics. On the one hand, these non-epidemics are pumped up and promoted to convince people they must get vaccinated. On another level, the promotion is for the purpose of conditioning people to accept any and all medical advice, to drag them into the system.


But here’s what you’re missing. People like me know, up front, that these scare-promotions could very well fail. Because the public is, unfortunately, smarter than we often give them credit for. They’ll decide not to get vaccinated. But you see, I don’t care about that. Because it’s all about cost-benefit analysis. Do you see? What does it cost to promote an epidemic that isn’t an epidemic? And what are the LONG-TERM benefits of doing that? How many people who REFUSE THE VACCINE are nevertheless tipped and tilted a little bit toward accepting, in general, the authoritarian medical religion? How many people are, essentially, hypnotized JUST A LITTLE BIT in the direction of surrendering their freedom to medical dictates?


When I was working full-bore in this area, that’s the way I thought about things, because I knew there would be many, many medical propaganda campaigns over the course of many years. And I also knew that, all in all, they would bear fruit. They would wear people down. And that was my goal. To finally, on that last day, get someone to say, ‘All right, I give up. The authorities must be right.’


That’s what I worked for. That day. That moment. The payoff. You have to pace yourself for the long haul. You have to accept losses and look to the future. Outfits like the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization are trying to get people to accept their falsehoods right now. That’s their job. That’s all they know. People like me didn’t think in those terms.


Really, a major part of propaganda should involve changing the RHYTHMS of the mind. You want to establish certain HARMONIES in the mind that add up to acceptance…”


I was struck by Ellis’ words, because I had known a few people who were very intelligent and very skeptical, people who had been diagnosed with one thing or another, who were still healthy, who had refused to take a medical drug that was prescribed for them. I had seen them, over a period of years, slowly gravitate toward the Priest in the White Coat, slowly believe published studies I knew to be false, slowly give in and finally take that drug—and THEN THEY HAD GOTTEN SICK AND DIED.


Ellis and I had a number of conversations about THAT, and he told me it was one reason he finally retired from the game. He has a lot to feel guilty about and he knows it. He doesn’t ask for forgiveness and I don’t offer it. Just the way you wouldn’t offer forgiveness to a president who sent men and women to die in a war that wasn’t necessary.


Okay. With that as background, let’s move ahead.


I’ve written many articles about the so-called outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics of the last 25 years—SARS, bird flu, West Nile, Swine Flu… The stats show these illnesses, at best, were duds. They never spread to a fraction of the extent predicted.


And was there ever prediction! Everybody and his cousin got in on the act. Doctors, public health agencies, political leaders, conspiracy researchers. Frankly, to blow my own horn a little, I was one of the people who put this crap to bed. I raked the fear mongers over the coals and showed, from a number of angles, why the predictions were based on no firm evidence at all.


But the mainstream epidemic mongers did accomplish one goal. They took the opportunity to hammer the global population over the head with the idea that WE ALL MUST GET VACCINATED.


In some countries, alas for them, it didn’t work. People caught on the to the basic scam.


However, the PR never stops. In one small example, the governor of Washington state, last year, signed into a law a measure that makes it mandatory for parents (who want to opt out of vaccinating their kids) to first visit a health practitioner, who is now duty bound to provide information about vaccines. This doctor’s appointment has to precede a parent’s decision to claim a religious or philosophical exemption from vaccines for her child.


The medical strategy is to keep up relentless repetition about the need for and value of vaccination—and these fake epidemics provide the opportunity in spades.


The PR campaign also provides citizens, who think they’re quasi-doctors and scientific elitists, with the chance to spout off about vaccination as a duty of every responsible parent. Typical boomer nonsense.


However, it does work, because peer pressure is a strong force—and so parents who are on the outside looking in, and don’t want to vaccinate their kids, are thought of as crazies. Dangerous crazies, who are exposing their own children, and other children in the community, to illness.


Many PR campaigns have this component. They may not succeed in all their goals, but they do define two basic groups—the normals and the nuts.


The normals (android types) look at the nuts and build up resentment toward them. And the nuts feel oppressed.


It’s called a squeeze play.


During the centuries of Roman Church domination, it was called excommunication.


From a purely political angle, it’s quite ingenious, this vaccine promotion…because it pretends that, without all the shots, whole populations will fall under the gun of communicable disease and we will all revert back to darker times.


I’ve spent many hours writing and talking about this false premise—how the decline of infectious disease in the West was the result of non-medical factors: basic sanitation, elimination of overcrowding, the rise of the middle class, and improved nutrition. (See Ivan Illich’s groundbreaking classic, Medical Nemesis.)


The vaccination PR campaign has the objective of making everyone into a Group. One big group. All of humanity. Interdependent. The Global Village. That’s the vector of attack against our freedom to choose, to vaccinate or not:


No, you can’t do that. You’re part of everyone else, and if you don’t follow our vaccine directives, you’re endangering the collective.”


This is why, for the last 23 years, I’ve been educating people about the fact that medical propaganda and enforcement are the very best method for attaining long-range political control. The propaganda has no apparent partisan slant. It seems to favor no political cause at all. It has a neutral concerned scientific attitude. Along with, of course, the notion that the experts know everything and we, the children, know nothing.


And since we know nothing, we have no right to exercise our freedom to choose. That freedom stops at the door of “science.”


If you believe that one, you’re cooked. They’ve got you.


Look up the road into the future. Use a little common sense and a little imagination, and you’ll be able to see where this is heading. Unless it’s derailed.


I’m betting it’s not a place you want to be.


That’s why freedom matters.


I know, freedom is now a dirty word. Well, that’s the result of a whole other propaganda op.


They’re connected, believe me. The medical cartel and political collectivism. They’re together on an elite chessboard.


Two streams coming together.


Here are the best official statistics I could dig up for the phony epidemics I’ve been talking about. These numbers are global, and cumulative:


SARS: 774 deaths.

WEST NILE: 1,088 deaths

BIRD FLU: 262 deaths

SWINE FLU (H1N1): 25,000 deaths.


Keep in mind that the CDC claims ordinary seasonal flu in the US kills 36,000 people a year, and the World Health Organization states that ordinary seasonal flu kills between 300,000 and 500,000 people a year, globally. NONE of that is called an epidemic.


Quite interesting. Quite instructive. What it tells you is this: the phony epidemics are largely PR and propaganda campaigns. They’re launched and funded and maintained to condition people to Medical Authority. Operant conditioning, mind control, brainwashing.


However, the wild card in all this is the Internet. During the last go-around with Swine Flu, there were enough of us who blew the whistle on the CDC and the World Health Organization to derail the whole operation. Governments and their medical partners were screaming and ranting and lying on every front, and it didn’t work. We exposed their lies, chapter and verse. We demonstrated that the “level-six pandemic” was a fraud.


The non-official media won.


Millions of people started to wake up from their trance.


So now the medical/government honchos don’t know what to do. They want to launch another phony epidemic, and I’m sure they will. But they don’t know how to promote it. They’re gagging on their own lies. They’re searching for newer and better methods of propaganda.


The vaccine manufacturers are furious. They struck a deal some years ago with governments that would allow them to keep making vaccines at a high rate of profit, sell those vaccines to governments with a no-return policy, and avoid huge lawsuits when people who took the vaccines died…they were riding high. But now?


The governments and their propaganda machines didn’t deliver. They fell down on the job. They lost the information war. To us. And now we’re ready to pounce on the next load of insanity and de-certify it. We know where the lies are. We can expose them.


This is a model to emulate in other venues. Other issues can be dealt with in this way.


When Swine Flu was birthed in La Gloria, Mexico, on a huge commercial pig farm in 2009, it was assumed the whole world would eventually line up and dutifully take a jab of vaccine.


Of course, what happened on that pig farm was simple. There were, to use a mainstream-media phrase, feces lagoons everywhere. Pig feces. In the open air. And workers were getting sick. Sure they were getting sick, because that’s precisely the kind of environment where people DO get sick. It isn’t one germ, it’s the whole setting. Live in tons of rotting waste for a long time and you WILL get sick.


And then outside contractors came in and sprayed all sorts of toxic chemicals on the lagoons—and more people got sick. No big surprise there, either.


And then, guess what? The CDC sent a team of researchers down to La Gloria to find out what was making the workers sick. Are you kidding me? These researchers dutifully took samples and they announced to the world, after a short pause, that they had found a unique virus. Wow. A virus that could kill millions of people around the world.


And the game was afoot. The lie that compounded into more lies.


CLEAN UP THE FECES! That should have been the “expert medical advice.” But of course it wasn’t, because who makes money from shoveling dung?


And then, several months later, the World Health Organization, BASED ON REPORTS OF 20, THAT’S 20 SO-CALLED CASES OF SWINE FLU, DECLARED THE “DISEASE” A LEVEL-SIX PANDEMIC…the highest threat level possible.


And in doing so, as documented by Peter Doshi in the British Medical Journal, the World Health Organization CHANGED ITS DEFINITION OF PANDEMIC SO THAT IT NO LONGER REQUIRED SEVERE WIDESPREAD DEATH.


They changed the definition.


But not the level of warning and concern and propaganda.


There is a lot more to this story, and I’ve written a number of articles about in this blog.


Point is, the official lies were taken apart one by one, and by the end, it was a debacle for the Church of Biological Mysticism. They retreated into the woodwork.


Understanding the nuts and bolts of propaganda and the subtleties, too, helps to take the machine apart and leave it on the ground, inoperative, next to the feces lagoons.




Jon is the author of the new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, and, with Robert Scott Bell, a 10-hour audio seminar, VACCINES: ARMED AND DANGEROUS.

Jon Rappoport has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize early in his career, Jon has published articles on medical fraud, and politics in LA Weekly, CBS Healthwatch, Spin, Stern, and other magazines and newspapers in the US and Europe.