SEPTEMBER 19, 2011. The nomorefakenews September fund drive continues. Thanks to those who’ve made a donation. See the end of this article for how you can help.


Reversals are good.


Instead of looking for possibilities, look for impossibilities.


An Impossibility doesn’t stir an old pot, it stirs a pot that doesn’t even exist. Yet.


We look back on past inventions and innovations, we spot a pattern, a seeming inevitability—but to the person who actually made the breakthrough in the first place, something spontaneous, something beyond the pale occurred to him. He wasn’t just mechanically putting piece 1254 into a puzzle after piece 1253.


People carve up their futures before they happen. They say, “Well over here are all the things that can’t happen. And over here are all the things that are unlikely to happen. And over here are the things that, given my background and training, might happen.” And so and so forth. Nice and neat. Predictable, reasonable, boring.


The cells of the body are waiting for a jolt of newness. That’s what they want.


WHAT’S IMPOSSIBLE? That’s a powerful question. Of course the answers are going to seem absurd. That’s the whole point. Make them absurd beyond absurd. Keep going. And sooner or later, a gem is going to pop up, and you’ll stop and look at it and turn it over in your hand. And maybe you’ll rub it against another idea and discover a spark.


Nothing is settled. Nothing is ever, ever settled.


Settled is an act we’d all like to play, until we play it, and then we feel a little morbid.


There’s another species on this planet that looks like us. And for them, settled is good. Don’t know why, but that’s the way they are. And they’ve got a boatload of stories to explain why settled is wonderful. The more you listen to those stories, the more you think, well, maybe they’ve got something, maybe I’m missing out. Maybe I want to run around pretending I know everything—that would be a version of settled. I’ll pretend I know everything worth knowing, and I’ll sit on that for forty or fifty years and collect whatever I can get my hands on.


If you asked one of these settled people of another species to ask themselves WHAT’S IMPOSSIBLE, they’d never do it, because they’d know, as the answers poured in, they’d shatter like porcelain and be gone.


WHAT’S IMPOSSIBLE? A hell of a lot more than what’s possible. Count on it. You’re in a good place with impossible. You’ve got lots of room to wander around in. And suppose you take one of these impossible things and make it happen. Breathe some life into it.


That’s a kind of power very few people feel.


Jon Rappoport

To donate to the nomorefakenews September fund drive and support this work, go to, click on the send money button, enter and make a contribution. You don’t need your own PayPal account to do this. Many thanks.