JUNE 23, 2011. In my e-book, THE SECRET BEHIND SECRET SOCIETIES, I mention the Nazis. Who wouldn’t?


You can order the book to read about several slants on their influence.


One mustn’t forget IG Farben, the infamous chemical cartel that pushed Hitler over the top into power in Germany.


One of its lasting legacies is the multi-national corporation, expanded out into titanic proportions. Farben didn’t just buy smaller companies, it forged agreements with huge corporations: Standard Oil; Rhone-Poulenc; Imperial Chemical Industries; Du Pont; Dow.


This was an attempt to remake the planet in terms of power.


Farben held important cards. It employed brilliant chemists who, in some ways, were far out ahead of its competitors. Farben was all about synthetics. Rubber, oil, dyes.


Farben saw itself as a modern version of the old alchemists. Transforming one substance into another. It came to believe that, with enough time, it would be able to make anything from anything. It envisioned labs in which basic chemical facts would be extended so that, in practice, elements and compounds would be virtually interchangeable.


This was in line with the Nazi obsession to discover the lost secrets of the mythical Aryan race and then reconstitute it with selective breeding, genetic engineering, and of course the mass murder of “lesser peoples.”


On one level, there was the idea of chemical transformations, and on another level, the transformation of the human species.


It was really all one piece. The Nazi ideology was the glue.


It was the picture of scientism—the philosophy that asserts science should absolutely rule all facets of life. Nazi Germany showed the world what that philosophy looks like in practice. For example, Farben had prisoners shipped from Auschwitz to its nearby facility, where horrendous medical/pharmaceutical experiments were carried out on them.


At the end of World War 2, the Farben executives were put on trial and, despite the efforts of Telford Taylor, the chief US prosecutor, the sentences handed out were light.


There was a reason for this. A new world was coming into being, and mega-corporations and cartels were at the heart of it. They would be the engines driving the global economy. It was colonialism with a different face, the East India company running on technology and industry and a planetary reach beyond anything ever attempted.


So the Farben moguls, and those like them, were seen by many as designers of the new “peace.”


When you consider the total volume of international trade of goods today—the largest 300 corporations in the world are responsible for an unbelievable percentage of it…perhaps as high as 25%.


So now you see another reason why these treaties like GATT and NAFTA and CAFTA have been launched. Mega-corporations want to be able to ship goods from one nation to another without paying tariffs, which otherwise would cost them an extraordinary amount of money. For these corporations, nations don’t really exists anymore—they are inconvenient fictions.


Farben envisioned and planned for this kind of licentious freedom. It saw itself as more than a German cartel. It was already international, and it was moving toward domination.


However, more powerful forces would overtake it—and I’m not just talking about American soldiers. In the sphere of international influence, there are what I call the Plan A and Plan B people. The Plan A controllers (think Rockefeller dynasty, among others) opted for a softer, gentler approach, a more covert program, whereby, over a long period of time, the world population would be brought under a global management system, in which mega-corporations would play a central role. The Plan B people, Nazis and their allied interests, wanted crushing force and violence to achieve a somewhat similar goal in a much shorter period of time—with Germany as the leading prow of the movement.


It is in the arena of pharmaceutical domination that one of Farben’s goals has endured. Two of its original components, Bayer and Hoechst, have survived and prospered.


For a number of years, I’ve researched and published on this subject. Deaths, maiming, destruction, poisoning—these are correct assessments of the overall effects of drug-based medicine. Judging solely by these effects, one could say that war by other means has continued after 1945. And the fronts of devastation have spread.


Nazism was a secret society, even though many of its actions were visible to the whole world.


You can read more in The Secret Behind Secret Societies.





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