JUNE 24, 2010.  Recently, I received a note from Karen J, who lives in the Miami area and home schools her children.

Karen ordered my course, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS, mastered the materials, and then taught the 18-lesson curriculum to her kids.

I think you’ll be interested in what she has to say.

“First of all, Jon, you should know I took the home school route because I didn’t want my children to be subjected to ‘social training’ in public schools.  I had no confidence that the values of teachers in that system would reflect the values that are important in our family.

“But when I started home schooling the kids, I realized pretty quickly that I was basically teaching them the same academic materials they would have been getting in public school.

“I didn’t have a big problem with this, but I felt there was something missing.  I wanted my children to have strength of mind.  I wished I had course materials that would help them achieve that.

“When I say ‘strength of mind,’ I mean values, and also something else.  I didn’t know exactly what that was, until I began reading your articles about logic.  You mentioned having tools to separate rational from irrational arguments.  That appealed to me very much.

“I want my kids to be able to do more than parrot information they read or hear.  You’ve given me a way to help them analyze information and see the flaws in it.

“When your course arrived, I studied the teacher’s manual from beginning to end.  I was very pleased to see that you offered detailed explanations about the passages of text that contained logical errors.

I was even happier that the passages you wrote really did resemble news articles and other information people would actually encounter in life.

“When I felt I was ready, I began teaching the course to my children.  It only took a short while to notice that their eyes were opening to a whole new way to think about information.  It wasn’t a grind.  The kids were enthusiastic about learning.

“In one of your articles, you mentioned that logic could be a great adventure.  Well, that’s what it’s turning out to be.  The kids are doing outside work on their own.  They’re taking articles from newspapers and breaking them down and finding the logical flaws.

“My children are going on to college, and I feel very confident that they’ll be able to stay ahead of the game in every course they take.  They’ve learned how to be pro-active.  They like their other courses now because they can apply logic to them.  This is a big change.  Before, they were competent, but not excited.

“I also can report that my own mental acuity has improved.  I used to feel that information was like a high tide coming at me.  Now, I’m more balanced.  I can focus better.  I read an article and I take an active interest in evaluating the material.  I have the tools to do it.

“When I studied the teacher’s manual for your course, I found out many interesting and important things, but the one factor that really got me going was your CD.  To listen to you take apart the six core passages in the course and reveal the logical flaws in them was a real confidence-builder.  I saw how it could be done.  It affirmed my own sense that a great deal of information is shoddy, even though it appears convincing.  Before, this was just an intuition on my part.  Now, I know whys and wherefores.  That old saying, “The devil is in the details,” is true.  I’m very confident I can deal with information with this new logical approach.  It works and it pays off.  That’s the best thing I can say about it.”

Feel free to make inquiries about my LOGIC AND ANALYSIS  course: qjrconsulting@gmail.com

