Is this the secret behind climate science?

DECEMBER 23, 2009.  What I’m offering here is not meant to be a single theory that accounts for all factors in a massive global power struggle.  Far from it.  But perhaps there are important clues… 

In 1945, Europe was devastated.  It was lying on its back, looking up.  Over the next 50 years, it followed a step-by-step plan to become a super-state, the EU.  It became a player.  In fact, it waged an economic war against the US.  That war, on both sides, is ongoing. 

From the EU’s point of view, the notion of freedom has to be punctured.  The US has to be made into something politically resembling Europe: a socialist operation.  A top-down society where “allocation of resources” and its deployment from a central point of control is the preferred and stifling method of “humanitarian economics.”

114 nations in the world produce oil.  The Western European nations, starting at #12 (Norway), and dropping down to #101 (Sweden), produce about five million barrels a day, for a population of roughly 416 million.

The US produces 8.5 million barrels a day for a population of 300 million. 

And the price of a gallon of gasoline, computed as a percentage of daily individual wealth, takes a much greater slice in Europe than in the US.  According to the admittedly rough figures provided by The Oil Drum, the cost of a gallon of gasoline, as a % of the wealth available daily, per individual, is: Europe—7.53%; US—2.54%.  

On this basis alone, it would be wise for Europe to find a way to level the oil playing field. 

Yes, the EU can obtain foreign oil, but in order to support its socialist state-run enterprises and governments, the taxes it lays on oil make gasoline a very troublesome commodity.  The citizens of Europe are not altogether happy about the price at the pump.

How about a daring end run around the problem?  Suppose the entire global oil industry could be put under the gun.  Would that work?  Suppose the very notion of oil as energy could be discredited through a remarkable propaganda campaign.  Suppose, somehow, science could be co-opted into this plan.

After all, scientists are famously pliable.  With a pittance in research grants, they can be trained like messianic monkeys to support a particular outcome—and they will actually believe in that outcome.





Absurd.  That would never fly.

Oh…but it has.

Instead of trying to block the competitor’s access to the resource, in the traditional manner, why not discredit the whole resource?  Why not call it a poison?

Why not try to level the playing field that way?

“Manmade CO2 is warming the world and the world as we know it will end soon, unless we all find new energies that will sustain us.” 

“Let’s set up a primary research facility in England, and let’s begin to turn out studies that alarm the populace.  Let’s find allies and use them to support our work.”

“If we can bamboozle the world into accepting this threat-to-the-planet scenario, we can level the field: we will all have to find non-oil energies to run on.”

This program ties in nicely with the overall environmental agenda, for which there is already much support and funding.  In fact, at the elite levels of the movement (Rockefeller, Prince Charles, to a lesser degree Maurice Strong, etc.) the vision of a green planet involves far fewer people inhabiting it and far lower needs for energy. 

Now—concerning the question of Peak Oil—do the oil companies believe in the concept?  Do they think the world is running out of oil?  If so, it’ll be easy to convince them to play along.  Manmade CO2 at the root of devastating warming: it would even be a winner for them, if they muscle their way into the vanguard of corporations ready to supply the planet with alternative energies.  And during the transition, they can clean up on carbon transfers and trading and make new fortunes. 

The EU hopes that, in the end, the US will be brought down.  It, as the sole threat to a controlled Earth, will have to sacrifice its notion of individual freedom.  It will adapt to the plan for an organized society of Everyone.  It will go along. 

And then the EU, as the primary regional government now existing, will take its rightful premier place among other such organized regional power structures, and there will be de facto world government.

All right, I’ll stop here.

Yes, I know this sounds quite extreme.  And yes, I know there are holes in this argument.  I know there are unanswered questions.  But I believe we have some clues here.

Several European nations once had far-flung empires.  In modern times, they faltered and faded.  Their star was trampled in two 20th-century wars.  At the end of WW2, they were seething under the utter defeat of their long held ambitions.  They were brought back from ruin by the US and its Marshall Plan. 

Never again would their dreams of conquest be expressed through military conquest. 

From 1945 on, they would have to proceed in a more clandestine fashion.  For example, through financial manipulation.  Upper echelons of European society were already aligned with internationalists in the US, and the globalist agenda was already a work in progress. 

However, in terms of sheer industrial and military might, the US was in a class of its own. 

The military/industrial world runs on energy, and that energy is oil.

Given the superior strength and operating power flowing from individual freedom and the capitalist system, America was more than formidable.  It was nearly untouchable.

Perhaps, at some point, the target became oil.

Weaken that, and you weaken the US.  You bring it closer to the level of the other players.  If everyone suffers in the process, so be it.

Of course, there are real environmental problems. Industrial pollution, where it is severe, causes lung disease.  Chemical spills, oil spills—these are not negligible events.  Ongoing dumping in rivers kills life.  And so forth and so on.  But that is not enough to hook up the people of Earth to a doomsday scenario.

For that, you need science.  You need a provocative theory about the end of all civilization.  You need government agencies to feed stories to the compliant press.  You need the United Nations, a stepchild of the Council on Foreign Relations, one of the important globalist think tanks on the planet.  You need to coordinate many non-profit humanitarian groups.  You need major PR.  With time, with hard work, you can get it.

What we are now witnessing is the “kinder, gentler” rebirth of the Soviet Union, on a planetary scale.  Not only the stifling of enterprise through complex forced interfaces with bureaucratic carbon red tape; not only that.  The whole idea is to corral the entire productive capacity of the world under the umbrella of Resource Allocation.

This concept flows from the notion of Central Planning, where researchers determine what the world can produce and how many people it must distribute this largesse to.  And how it will be done, on a “fair” basis.

It’s the Jesus Christ of industrial calculations.  “We will bring Christmas on Earth to you.  Just be patient.  We’re figuring out the system.  Nations will wage war no more.  Swords will be turned into plowshares.  We’re building the model.”

Part of my argument rests on the fact that, expressed nakedly, this sounds so absurd no one with a shred of intelligence would buy it.  But, you see, we are already stepping out on that road, because Science has told us we must; it’s the only way to save ourselves.  There is a thing called CO2, and it’s killing us, and it’s the Alien that was hiding under the surface of our hubris.  It’s our recompense for all we did to attack Mother Nature, and it fits everything we’re taught to believe about ultimate justice and payback. 

Oil must go down.  Industry must go down.  We must bring natural green back to every corner of the Earth.  It’s not just a pretty idea anymore.  No, we must do it because we have brought the planet to the brink.

Our only chance, and it is a long shot, is to place our future into the hands of wizards, who can determine how to allocate the riches of the world.  Planning.  From above.

The experiment with freedom is over.  We proved how destructive we could become with it.  Therefore, now we must put the house in order and bind up our reckless ways. 

Burn your pride on the altar of Collectivist Realization.  Humble yourselves.  Await messages from the Planners. 

CO2 was just one insight.  The whole unruly world must be organized, so we can escape other threats.

It will be a beautiful thing.

They say.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at