OCTOBER 21, 2011. NOTE 1: Let’s see. Am I supposed to be enraged that a federal loan in the “creating jobs program” (not Steve, he’s dead, and as far as I know they’re not planning to replicate him) and the “creating green energy program” has gone to Finland?
Finland? Making electric cars? On a 500-million-dollar US federal loan? The company claims they couldn’t find a US facility where the cars could be built. They had to go to the frozen tundra of Finland, where they really know how to put together cars.
Is this supposed to make me full of rage, or should I focus on the Occupy Oakland festivities, where we may soon see epidemics of 19th-century disease rippling out from the decaying encampments?
Or how about the delightful innocence of those who believe these protests and riots and killings in the Middle East are the prelude to democratic governments springing up like Jeffersonian bubbles in swamps?
Should I be angry that the whole Middle East madness (plus Libya) is an op designed to foster the perception that oil transport is becoming a more dicey proposition and therefore the price of oil will rise and therefore the cost of solar and wind power will be reasonable when compared with, say, six-dollar gas at the pump?
For all you MBAs who learned squat at school, there are two ways to innovate in the marketplace. You either bring in a product that people will pay for at reasonable price, or you force the the price of your competitors’ product to escalate, so your product, which was entirely unreasonable, becomes sane. The latter is the Real Green Economic Program. And the slithering champ of making a killing in this op is the light-burning, jet-fuel-spewing AlGore.
Should I be angry at the fact that teachers’ unions and government-employee unions are winning the battle to reward chronic incompetence?
Or that toxic Big Pharma “healthcare,” which kills 225,000 Americans every year, is 17.3% of the federal budget? $2.3 trillion in 2008. $7,681 per resident of the US. How about the US military budget? 54% of all federal spending. Of course, you can find hundreds of different pie charts that break these factors down in different ways. Pick your pie.
Maybe I should focus on the fact that the Occupy movement doesn’t seem to care that Obama was bankrolled by Wall Street in 2008, or that his economic wizards are Wall Street creatures. Where are the OBAMA=WALL STREET signs in NYC?
(You want to know how to make millions of young socialists? Student loans. That’s it. If only Lenin knew.)
Oh, by the way, the whole Occupy movement, as we speak, is being folded into the World Democracy campaign, which is guess what? Globalism. World Democracy sounds nicer. It can hook together the Arab Spring and the electric car and the universal health (big Pharma) and the student loans and the freebie-everything and the NAFTA-CAFTA-WTO nightmare and the Occupy Anywhere and the V is for Vendetta and the Power to the People and the public unions and the liberation of Libya and the bankrupt governments and the financial meltdown and the Clinton-Gore-Bush-Rumsfeld-Wall Street-Obama axis into one big Occupy.
The planet.
I thought I knew bullshit during the Vietnam war and the Nixon years and the Watergate infestation, but that was nothing, absolutely nothing compared with this clusterfuck.
So when people ask me why I keep talking about THE INDIVIDUAL, maybe it’s a little clearer now. When The Group knocks on your door, tell them you’re his cousin and he went fishing.
World Democracy, you’d better believe it, is about the funeral ceremony for the individual. If you don’t want to attend, you’d better think about POWER, as in YOUR OWN.
In one way or another, that’s what I’m writing about all the time.
When I say MAGIC or IMAGINATION or CREATIVE FORCE, I’m talking about a world that has no name or label or fancy superstructure or university or theology or messiah. It’s born out of the few who can see beyond this op, who can spit the ashes of the old world out of their mouths and climb to the top of the mountain.
Where they see that The Reality Game itself is a con of enormous proportions, and where they know they have the life force to crack the egg of a planet put together by mass hypnosis.
You first, somebody else next, somebody else next.
Waking up to Self.
Because if that doesn’t happen, you can sign up to become a Zero or a One in some idiot’s formula for What Should Happen to Everybody for the Sake of a Better World.
Occupy Wall Street?
On the other side of that is Imagination Unlimited.
NOTE 2: [received as an email] MEDIA ADVISORY.
“Don’t Turn Us Into Criminals over Milk!” Demand Moms
What: —A group of mothers from across the country who feed their children raw milk plan to hold a demonstration to protest the FDA’s crackdown on raw milk production and distribution, arguing that the government campaign not only criminalizes raw milk, but criminalizes the American citizens who buy and consume it.
Prior to their peaceful demonstration, a caravan of mothers will cross state lines with raw milk and invite the FDA to witness what the agency wrongly considers to be a criminal act. Media are invited to ride along as embedded reporters to report on how the FDA responds to what it wrongly terms a violation of the law.
Where: Across from FDA HQ 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, MD
When: November 1, 2011, 12pm – 3pm EST
Who: Liz Reitzig and Karine Bouis-Towe of the Farm Food Freedom Coalition
Visuals: Cars decorated with pro-raw milk slogans, protest signs, moms and children drinking raw milk, moms handcuffed to gallons of milk, Federal law enforcers will be meeting the protesters.
Background:FDA has engaged in several long undercover sting operations and raids against peaceful farmers and buying clubs. FDA is also pressuring states to restrict raw dairy access.
Under FDA regulations [21 CFR § 1240.61] implemented in 1987, it is illegal for anyone to transport raw milk intended for human consumption across state lines. That includes individuals purchasing it legally in one state and crossing into their home state.
Info about farm raids: www.FarmFoodFreedomCoalition.com
For additional information on raw milk www.westonaprice.org Contact: Liz Reitzig, Founder, Farm Food Freedom Coalition
301-807-5063, lizreitzig@gmail.com
“Language is the part of man which is evolving. Culture carries [follows] along. At the present moment we are able to speak twenty-first century ideas to each other, but our culture is carrying along at about the 1950s level.”
Terence McKenna
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”
Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There
“What do you do, when you are looking at an event that appears unique, has no precedent, and can’t be folded into a previous theory?
What do you do when science insists you need a superstructure of theory in order to swallow up a singular event, in order to understand it, in order to claim it even exists?”
Jon Rappoport, The Magician Awakes
When we approach the subject of language itself, we are quite sure we’re on solid ground.
The rules may differ, from culture to culture, in some respects, but the basic tenets of words and how they are put together are “the same,” because we are all striving to attain clarity and specificity.
Nouns are people, places, or objects. Verbs denote action or state of being. Adjectives modify and illuminate nouns. Adverbs modify verbs, and so on.
When archaeologists find a manuscript no one can decipher—and can’t even figure out what culture it came from—there is the assumption that it presents the same kind of language every society has always had, and it was developed for the same purpose: unequivocal communication. Nothing else would make sense. Only a fool would think otherwise.
And if poetry and music and painting, God forbid, are ambiguous and yet make a more direct approach to feeling—although in what mysterious fashion no one can quite elaborate—the easy answer is to rule them out as languages. They are different. They’re “art.”
Let us suppose that, in the mid-22nd century, a little space ship, evading all detections systems, lands on a lonely plain in an uninhabited region of China, and the crew walks into a cave and finds a few pages of ancient Chinese text—whereupon they immediately begin to work it over. However, these aliens speak and write an entirely different kind of language. They have an approach to language itself which is “light years apart” from ours.
They do, in fact, decipher this manuscript—but their interpretation has absolutely nothing to do with Chinese or the way Chinese is/was put together. They find what they can use, so to speak, and then, over the course of many years, after returning to their home planet, they build upon that interpretation. They expand it into many dimensions.
Several decades later, Chinese Confucianauts, traveling through space, encounter these aliens and eventually discover what they have done with their language. The conclusion? The aliens developed a sophisticated (and incomprehensible) system based on a fundamental flaw of inference.
Well, consider the possibility that our own languages on Earth, through cross-fertilization with each other, developed, in part, through the same “errors.” The same misunderstandings. The same leaps. The same twists.
And at every step of metaphoric borrowing and re-shaping, there was always the chance that people wouldn’t understand the new expression, the new phrase, the new jump into the unknown—until they did.
And now, take this further. Suppose we, at this point in time, not erasing all that has gone before, but taking our own leap, develop languages that are based on a wholly different approach and attitude. We’re not trying to be specific and singular and definitive. We’re being subjective and imaginative and open. We’re inventing languages that call for and stimulate new and unprecedented feelings and sensations and aesthetic motilities that move us into unique realms.
These realms do not exist as shared, hardened, objective entities.
These realms are fluid and shifting and very powerful.
Just suppose.
As an example, and I have proposed this before, we invent “action nouns.” Words that radiate streams of action while still retaining their object-ness. Old Chinese pictographs appear to have served those functions.
These action-nouns would also have the property of chameleons. From minute to minute, depending on the view and imagination of the reader, they would appear as different entities engaging in ever-new actions. But each “snapshot” would be alive, would have impact, would stimulate possibilities.
It is as if there are echelons of feeling, sensation, aesthetics, and spirit that remain untapped and totally unknown only because we use language that can’t access them.
And if aliens really did land on Earth en masse and in the open, and they inhabited such regions of feeling, how would we communicate with them? How would the gap be bridged?
The Earth government would gather “the best scientists” to research the problem, and of course they would get nowhere. The aliens would study us and eventually step down their echelon of consciousness—and both sides would meet in the middle. This solution would be disappointing, but it would be characterized as a momentous breakthrough.
Well, that is the state of our world already. People talk and write to one another and meet in the middle. Meanwhile, true artists see this is a huge joke.
NOTE 4: First of all, I’ll be using a word here: CONVICTION. No, I’m not talking about a jail sentence. I’m talking about a coalesced determination. I’m talking about a YES that you hold firmly and powerfully. I’m talking about having made up your mind about something.
All right? I’ll come back to conviction in a few seconds.
All my audio seminars up to this point provide a ground and a foundation and a preparation for actually DOING MAGIC—because that is the goal here. The exercises in those seminars and the essential background I give are really all about energy work that allows people to build up sufficient power to step into what people like to call The Paranormal.
Because The Paranormal is about energy, having it, using it, tapping into it, creating it.
And when you have enough energy, you then begin to see deeper into the sheer power of conviction.
In particular, you begin to see and know and use the power of your conviction to get what you want. To work for what you want, yes, to go after it, yes, but also to bring it into existence out of nothing. All at the same time.
So all those audio seminars I’ve been doing for some years are in this category. Groundwork, foundation, energy, preparation.
From this point forward, we need a decent working definition of magic.
In practical terms, magic revolves COMPLETELY around the question of how deep and strong your conviction is. Your conviction about what you want.
How deep is your conviction that, yes, THIS IS what I want.
There are lots of people who fool around with their own conviction like a toy or a pet cat or a Sunday hobby. They will say, “Well, of course I want X,” but their conviction is mild and weak and spotty, and perhaps they are looking for external permission or something equally misguided.
In other words—nonsense.
Magic comes from you. It doesn’t come from wondering whether tomorrow’s rainbow will somehow give you a map to a pot of gold.
Magic is conviction that translates into bringing about the substance of your deep desire in the world, out of nothing. Out of your creation of it.
And it is paranormal, because with sufficient energy and conviction, you can shape the future. You can invent the fulfillment of what you want.
There is a catch here. There are many people who go around talking about “manifestation,” and what they really mean is: they do nothing, they basically remain passive, they refuse to work—and then on top of that, they wish for something and poof, it comes true.
This is hilarious and it is also hysterical.
Magic is basically the transformation of Passive to Active, through conviction—and most people have no idea how far-reaching that change can go.
When it goes far enough, you get magic.
You get telepathy, seeing into the future, psychokinesis. You get all sorts of phenomena.
More than those, you get what you want.
But don’t for a minute believe this means you get a better shade of nail polish or a more durable hiking boot or a softer pair of gloves or a more effective toothbrush or a prettier doily for the night table or a longer vacation or a taller Christmas tree.
There are layers of want and desire, and if you’re fooling around thinking what you profoundly want is a better car mat, you’re in the wrong pew. Go to eBay.
Magic is creating what you want in the world. That’s what it is.
Conviction—and the depth of conviction—can be looked like a geological formation of many strata, many layers. You think you’re very deep, but you’re only on the third layer down from the top, and there are a hundred layers further below.
With enough energy in tow, your conviction about what you want deepens—if a) you know what you truly want and b) you tap into your conviction about wanting it.
You can go so deep that the conviction alone is enough to bring about external changes that will present what you want on a silver platter…but you’ll never reach that level if you don’t also really work for what you want.
Most people have lost the whole notion of conviction.
So in the December 10-11 Magic Theater workshop, aside from everything else we do, I’ll show you exercises you can do to strengthen conviction.
Energy and conviction work hand in hand. As one builds, the other builds.
Magic isn’t for the timid or shy or passive. It isn’t for people who think ultimate “harmony” will some day enfold them in a gloss of fulfillment if they wait long enough and are Nice long enough.
Conviction is an ordinary word…but when you take the meaning far enough and expand it far enough, you are into the territory of The Paranormal. You are encompassing and projecting and immersing yourself so fully in what you want that it comes about.
NOTE 5: http://healthfreedoms.org/2011/10/14/big-study-vaccinated-kids-2-5-more-diseases-than-unvaccinated/
Survey Study suggests vaccinated kids get more diseases than unvaccinated kids.
NOTE 6: Fragment of an interview with Jack True, my late friend and colleague, who was the most innovative hypnotherapist this side of Orion.
Q (Jon): I look at dreams as adventures. Cultures have always been fixated on analyzing them and finding the hidden meanings.
A (Jack): Well, when you think about it, trying to dissect things for hidden meanings happens all over the place. The point is, when you arrive at the meaning, what do you have? The whole business falls apart. You’re sitting there with a few sentences of translated meaning, and it really doesn’t help much. I admit it can be an intriguing exercise, and I’m not knocking it, but it makes me yawn.
Q: The most interesting thing about dreams is that people have them. They’re lying in bed, and they’re entering into all sorts of dimensions, and it feels very real. Adventure.
A: Well, you would say that, because you’re an artist.
Q: What would you say?
A: I agree. Many dreams follow the sequence of desire and then manifestation. You want to experience something, and then, bang, it’s there. You’re in a full-blown setting, and there are other people, and you’re feeling what you want to feel. Or you could reverse it. You’re in a setting, you size it up, you see what you desire, and then it happens.
Q: In other words, it’s natural. It’s what people want.
A: They would like their waking lives to be like that. And in the service of that goal, in dreams, all the rules of physical reality go out the window. Dreams are a glimpse into another kind of reality, where the rules aren’t the rigid context. The rules about what can happen with space and time and what can’t happen don’t apply. In that sense, dreams are like art. In art, you can create what you want to.
Q: So there is a general universality in dreams.
A: The universality is, the rules of physical reality don’t take precedence. They don’t determine the outcome. They don’t inhibit the action. You can be in a room talking to someone one second, and the next second you can be up in the clouds flying over a city. This isn’t “a symbol” of something. It’s not about hidden meaning. It’s what it is.
Q: That’s too stark for a lot of people.
A: Well, sure. But so what?
Q: In a lot of cultures, if you have a dream, you’re bound to interpret it by the doctrine of the current mythology or religion.
A: Yeah. One story used to explain another story. If you wrote a novel, would you feel compelled to write another novel explaining the first one? It’s ridiculous. Dreams have inherent magic in them. Whereas, in your waking life, if you want to go from one city to another, you drive, or you book a flight. You go through all sorts of preparation. Those are the rules. That’s the way it works. In a dream, you can just move from one city to another in no time at all.
Q: That’s what I’m saying. That instant travel—it’s part of the adventure. If you want to think about a dream after you wake up, think about that.
A: Let’s say you actually had a person who could do that. He’s standing on the corner of 42nd Street and Broadway, and then he’s standing on the beach in San Francisco. No time elapses. All sorts of explanations would be given, in addition to all the denials that it ever happened. He’s an alien from outer space. He’s a god. He’s the devil. He’s able to hypnotize everybody and make them think he has this extraordinary power. He was using some fabulous machine to make the space shift happen. It was technology, because otherwise it couldn’t have happened. You see, this is the analysis. The interpretation of the event.
NOTE 7: A brief fragment of a very long poem I’m writing, as yet untitled. Could be The Magician.
“The mirror was cracked in a dozen places, like the windshield of a car on a slippery highway at night, just after the police and the emergency workers and the victims had been dispatched to their proper and assigned locations, and he wondered what it was doing on the wall of a doctor’s office, when he realized the doctor was holding the cards of a played out universe in his hands. End of the line. Can’t make this machine keep on turning over. Not enough science left in the drawer. Three arrow ships came out of a diagonal cloud and dove into a Himalaya of crystal and shattered light and shattered more light and finally burned out eyes that were already blind and then we began to see something. Thirty years ago, I discovered that tragedy was a vast illusion perpetrated by three men playing cards in a hotel room and I shot them after breakfast. The royalties from this were enormous. I am in the maple trees. I am waking up in the green light. I am holding on to the mane of a cloudy leopard I have known for a thousand years and we never speak. ( the secret of everything ) sounds immaterial therefore you don’t mention it. (ten thousand incarnations as earth, then ten thousand as air, ten thousand as fire, ten thousand as water, then you jump off.)”
NOTE 8: McClatchy newspapers, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, the online New Yorker blog, and the Washington Post are reporting on connections between the Libyan rebels and the CIA, particularly in the person of Colonel Kalifa Hafter. Revolution, spooks, deals, oil. Blowback?
Jon Rappoport