The Starfield Revelation


The Starfield Revelation: The grave extent of medically caused death in America

By Jon Rappoport

Barack Obama and his allies have done everything they can to bring more people into the US medical system. Changing that system has never occurred to these politicians.

Like much of America, they accept the cliches and slogans about American medicine. “It’s the best in the world.” “People are being denied treatment.” “We must take care of our citizens.”

How about this far more accurate slogan: “Let’s force more Americans to die in the care of doctors.”

The American healthcare system, like clockwork, causes a mind-boggling number of deaths every year.

On July 26, 2000, the US medical community received a titanic shock, when one of its most respected public-health experts, Dr. Barbara Starfield, revealed her findings on healthcare in America. Starfield was associated with the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

The Starfield study, “Is US health really the best in the world?”, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, came to the following conclusions:

Every year in the US there are:

12,000 deaths from unnecessary surgeries;

7,000 deaths from medication errors in hospitals;

20,000 deaths from other errors in hospitals;

80,000 deaths from infections acquired in hospitals;

106,000 deaths from FDA-approved correctly prescribed medicines.

The total of medically-caused deaths in the US every year is 225,000.


This makes the medical system the third leading cause of death in the US, behind heart disease and cancer.

The Starfield study is the most disturbing revelation about modern healthcare in America ever published in the mainstream.

On the heels of Starfield’s astonishing findings, media reporting was rather perfunctory, and it soon dwindled. No major newspaper or television network mounted an ongoing “Medicalgate” investigation. Neither the US Department of Justice nor federal health agencies undertook prolonged remedial action.

All in all, those parties who could have taken effective steps to correct this situation preferred to ignore it.

On December 6-7, 2009, I interviewed Dr. Starfield by email. Here are excerpts from that interview.

What has been the level and tenor of the response to your findings, since 2000?

The American public appears to have been hoodwinked into believing that more interventions lead to better health, and most people that I meet are completely unaware that the US does not have the ‘best health in the world’.

In the medical research community, have your medically-caused mortality statistics been debated, or have these figures been accepted, albeit with some degree of shame?

The findings have been accepted by those who study them. There has been only one detractor, a former medical school dean, who has received a lot of attention for claiming that the US health system is the best there is and we need more of it. He has a vested interest in medical schools and teaching hospitals (they are his constituency).

Have health agencies of the federal government consulted with you on ways to mitigate the [devastating] effects of the US medical system?


Since the FDA approves every medical drug given to the American people, and certifies it as safe and effective, how can that agency remain calm about the fact that these medicines are causing 106,000 deaths per year?

Even though there will always be adverse events that cannot be anticipated, the fact is that more and more unsafe drugs are being approved for use. Many people attribute that to the fact that the pharmaceutical industry is (for the past ten years or so) required to pay the FDA for reviews [of its new drugs]—which puts the FDA into an untenable position of working for the industry it is regulating. There is a large literature on this.

Aren’t your 2000 findings a severe indictment of the FDA and its standard practices?

They are an indictment of the US health care industry: insurance companies, specialty and disease-oriented medical academia, the pharmaceutical and device manufacturing industries, all of which contribute heavily to re-election campaigns of members of Congress. The problem is that we do not have a government that is free of influence of vested interests. Alas, [it] is a general problem of our society—which clearly unbalances democracy.

Can you offer an opinion about how the FDA can be so mortally wrong about so many drugs?

Yes, it cannot divest itself from vested interests. (Again, [there is] a large literature about this, mostly unrecognized by the people because the industry-supported media give it no attention.)

Would it be correct to say that, when your JAMA study was published in 2000, it caused a momentary stir and was thereafter ignored by the medical community and by pharmaceutical companies?

Are you sure it was a momentary stir? I still get at least one email a day asking for a reprint—ten years later! The problem is that its message is obscured by those that do not want any change in the US health care system.

Are you aware of any systematic efforts, since your 2000 JAMA study was published, to remedy the main categories of medically caused deaths in the US?

No systematic efforts; however, there have been a lot of studies. Most of them indicate higher rates [of death] than I calculated.

What was your personal reaction when you reached the conclusion that the US medical system was the third leading cause of death in the US?

I had previously done studies on international comparisons and knew that there were serious deficits in the US health care system, most notably in lack of universal coverage and a very poor primary care infrastructure. So I wasn’t surprised.

Did your 2000 JAMA study sail through peer review, or was there some opposition to publishing it?

It was rejected by the first journal that I sent it to, on the grounds that ‘it would not be interesting to readers’!

Do the 106,000 deaths from medical drugs only involve drugs prescribed to patients in hospitals, or does this statistic also cover people prescribed drugs who are not in-patients in hospitals?

I tried to include everything in my estimates. Since the commentary was written, many more dangerous drugs have been added to the marketplace.

The Matrix Revealed


This interview with Dr. Starfield reveals that, even when an author has unassailable credentials within the medical-research establishment, the findings can result in no changes made to the system.

Many persons and organizations within the medical system contribute to the annual death totals of patients, and media silence and public ignorance are certainly major factors, but the FDA is the assigned gatekeeper, when it comes to the safety of medical drugs.

The buck stops there. If those drugs the FDA is certifying as safe are killing, like clockwork, 106,000 people a year, the Agency must be held accountable. The American people must understand that.

As for the other 119,000 people killed every year as a result of hospital treatment, this horror has to be laid at the doors of those institutions. Further, to the degree that hospitals are regulated and financed by state and federal governments, the relevant health agencies assume culpability.

It is astounding, as well, that the US Department of Justice has failed to weigh in on Starfield’s findings. If 225,000 medically caused deaths per year is not a crime by the Dept. of Justice’s standards, then what is?

To my knowledge, not one person in America has been fired from a job or even censured as result of these medically caused deaths.

Dr. Starfield’s findings have been available for ten years. She has changed the perception of the medical landscape forever. In a half-sane nation, she would be accorded a degree of recognition that would, by comparison, make the considerable list of her awards pale. And significant and swift action would have been taken to punish the perpetrators of these crimes and reform the system from its foundations.

The pharmaceutical giants stand back and carve up the populace into “promising markets.” They seek new disease labels and new profits from more and more toxic drugs. They do whatever they can—legally or illegally—to influence doctors in their prescribing habits. Many studies which show the drugs are dangerous are buried. FDA panels are filled with doctors who have drug-company ties. Legislators are incessantly lobbied and supported with pharma campaign monies.

Nutrition, the cornerstone of good health, is ignored or devalued by most physicians. Meanwhile, the FDA continues to attack nutritional supplements, even though the overall safety record of these nutrients is excellent, whereas, once again, the medical drugs the FDA certifies as safe are killing 106,000 Americans per year.

Physicians are trained to pay exclusive homage to peer-reviewed published drug studies. These doctors unfailingly ignore the fact that, if medical drugs are killing a million Americans per decade, the studies on which those drugs are based must be fraudulent. In other words, the whole literature is suspect, unreliable, and impenetrable.

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

The insane parade: Obama, guns, psychiatric drugs, Adam Lanza, Asperger’s

The insane parade: Obama, guns, psychiatric drugs, Adam Lanza, Asperger’s

by Jon Rappoport

December 20, 2012

American society is now a funnel that slides millions of people into toxic psychiatric treatment. Obama thinks we need a bigger funnel.

At the same time, of course, he’s pushing for greater gun restrictions.

At his December 19 press conference, he said, “We are going to need to work on making access to mental-health care as easy as access to a gun.”

Mental health” is always the go-to institution whenever a mass murder occurs. It’s like “we need more medical research on the problem.” Generalities are spouted by people who don’t have a clue what they’re talking about.

Mental heath in America now means more psychiatric drugs, especially those, like the SSRI antidepressants, that can and do cause violence. Suicide, homicide.

So Obama’s solution to Sandy Hook is empowering and creating more killers. Brilliant.

Could he have chosen a worse idea? No.

Psychiatry is a non-science parading as truth. Nothing abut it is true.

It also creates violent people, including children.

As for guns, the grabbers like to point to statistics that compare: numbers of crimes committed with guns versus crimes prevented by citizens using guns.

This is a specious con game. The two situations are not related. On the one hand, we have those people who, with weapons, successfully defend themselves and their families and property from violent criminals. That’s a good thing.

On the other hand, we have people who use guns to commit crimes. They’re called criminals.

The specious comparison is like saying, “Because we can see the Devil is influencing more people than God is, legally ban all religion.”

At any rate, the forced decline of gun ownership and the forced upswing in psychiatric drugging is an elite agenda, at its core. It’s not just a “mistake.”

It’s a plan for the future of this country.

Diagnose and drug more people, take away the guns.

Added together, they produce a prison. But it’s all done under the heading of “we care.”

The agenda can be sold to people in wake of mass killings like Sandy Hook.

Obama is the current mouthpiece.

If you think the fiscal cliff is a long fall to the rocks, this dual-agenda cliff (fewer guns, more psychiatric drugs) is a far more destructive leap.

The Matrix Revealed

Now let’s consider the psychiatric babble about Adam Lanza.

Believing in these psychiatric conditions is a loser’s game. There are no definitive diagnostic tests for any of them. No blood tests. No saliva tests. No urine tests. No brain scans. No X-rays. That’s a fact.

There are menus of behaviors, which are arbitrarily compiled by committees of psychiatrists and given various names, like autism and Asperger’s.

Making delicate distinctions between them is a fraud, since there are no diagnostic tests to begin with.

Now, what was wrong with Adam Lanzer, the accused Sandy Hook shooter, is matter for speculation. He could have had a severe reaction to a vaccine. He could have been poisoned by an environmental chemical, or by chemicals in food. He could have had a severe nutritional deficit. He could have been deprived of oxygen at birth.

Calling it Asperger’s is a way for the psychiatrist to bill an insurance company and impress and assuage parents with his “superior knowledge.” There is no knowledge.

The Asperger’s child” is a fiction. Every child is different.

Having gotten that out of the way, we can see there is no predictive capacity to say whether a boy with “Asperger’s” is prone to violence. That’s a fairy tale.

But we can say something about the drugs used to treat people diagnosed with Asperger’s, because then we know exactly what chemicals we’re talking about, and there are histories of what happens to people who are given those drugs.

We have the SSRI antidepressants and so called anti-psychotics, like Risperdone and Zyprexa. The SSRIs definitely can and do cause violent behavior. Suicide, homicide.

The anti-psychotics are brain hammers that tend toward motor-brain damage. (See Dr. Peter Breggin, Toxic Psychiatry,

So if Lanza really was the shooter, and there are very serious reasons to doubt that, the drugs he was prescribed could have pushed him over the edge into murder.

A neighbor speculates that Adam went on a rampage because his mother was seeking to institutionalize him. Out of revenge, he killed 26 people at the school because she loved the school. So now we have several contradictory accounts: the mother was teacher; no, she was a volunteer; no, the school officials had no knowledge she was in any way connected to the school.

Meanwhile, the psychiatric game is always to “blame the disorder.” If the patient goes crazy on the medications, if he develops serious illnesses from the meds, if he kills himself or kills other people because of the meds, the “worsening disorder” caused it. That’s the con game and the out. Be aware of it.

We still don’t know who Adam Lanza’s doctor was. People in Newtown and Sandy Hook undoubtedly do. They could knock on his door and question him, but apparently they’re too cowed by the “priest in the white coat” syndrome to take the bull by the horns and find out what’s what.

Fifteen years ago, I met the mother of a 15-year-old boy to interview her about an unusual treatment she had opted for, for her son. We sat outside a clinic in Los Angeles and discussed it for a few minutes. Then her son walked up.

His gait was stiff and jerky. He had a big smile on his face. We shook hands. He began talking to his mother. I couldn’t understand what he was saying. His words were oddly pronounced. But his mother could understand him.

At first glance, he certainly fit the definition of “a developmental disorder.” Various psychiatric labels could have been applied. But I knew his real story.

Several years earlier, he had gone swimming in the family pool and drowned. Rushed to the hospital, he was put on machines. The doctors told his mother there was no hope. He had suffered oxygen deprivation and brain damage. He was a vegetable. He was going to die. She should allow the doctors to unhook him from the machines.

The mother refused. She went on a relentless search for help. Eventually, she found a doctor who was a pioneer in hyperbaric oxygen therapy. He said there might be a chance with many treatments in the hyperbaric chamber.

After 50 or 60 treatments, her son was back.

These psychiatric labels mean nothing. Every person is different, and the causes for their problems vary.

Categorizing people and then making authoritative statements about their “condition”….doing that is a sign of insanity.

So when you Dr. Hognutloonidiot on television, making statements like, “Normally, with Asperger’s we don’t see violent behavior, although in some instances it might be possible,” realize you’re looking at a straight-out con man who is also crazy.

If five or 10 TV anchors said, “The drugs you give for Asperger’s do in fact cause people to kill,” and if they offered evidence and stuck to their guns, the whole landscape in America would begin to shift.

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Don’t let your child see a psychiatrist. Ever.


By Jon Rappoport

December 13, 2012

If you have a child, don’t let him/her see a psychiatrist. Ever.


Read Mike Adams’ new article about psychiatry. It’s one of the best I’ve ever read, and I’ve been researching this pseudoscience for 20 years.


Then read this one, too. It’s also excellent. I wrote it.


Yes, I know, I’m bragging, which is a sign of a mental disorder: Self-Inflation at the Expense of Sacred Psychiatry Disorder. The preferred treatment is electroshock therapy and MKULTRA re-programming. I’m opting for a walk in the park coupled with two doses of outrage at these fake doctors who poison brains and believe they’re healers.


Here is a clue. The government gives psychiatry its fake legitimacy. That’s how the game works. The government blesses the medical licensing boards that award psychiatrists permission to drug your children, alter their brains, poison them, and of course make all the fake diagnoses in the first place.


Without the government, these fakes would sink into the waves and be gone forever. Nobody in his right mind or wrong mind would ever step into a psychiatrist’s office. It would be like volunteering to stumble out on to a mine field seeded with explosives.


Media, naturally, go along with the psychiatric hoax. Thousands of articles keep coming out of the hopper to support the authoritative pronouncements of these deranged monsters with medical degrees and “training” in diagnosing mental illnesses.


There are no mental illnesses or disorders. There never have been.


There are people with problems, there are people who suffer, there are people who are in desperate circumstances, there are people who have severe nutritional deficiencies, there are people who have been poisoned by various chemicals, there are people who have been abused and ignored, there are people who have been told there is something wrong with them, there are people who are different and can’t deal with the conforming androids in their midst, but there are no mental disorders.




It’s fiction. It’s a billion-dollar fiction. It’s a gigantic steaming pile of bullshit. Always has been.


There is not a single diagnostic test for any so-called mental disorder. Never has been. No blood test, no urine test, no saliva test, no brain scan, no genetic test. No science.


So why hasn’t psychiatry been destroyed and outlawed? Because there is money in it. Big money. Pharmaceutical money. And because the public is in a trance. Mothers and fathers are quite willing to take their children to these brain poisoners…lambs to the slaughter.


The silence of the lambs.


People are entranced by so-called professionals with fancy degrees who speak technical babble. It all seems real. Because if it weren’t real, then…what? People would be forced to admit they are living in a fantasy. And people don’t want to admit that. They would rather die than admit that.


But that’s what psychiatry is. An elaborate fantasy. If every psychiatrist in the world vanished tomorrow, the world would immediately become a far healthier place.


If every celebrity who outrageously whores for psychiatry would stop on a dime, the world would be a far healthier place right away.


You think Dr. Phil is a fake? He’s nothing compared to psychiatrists with their prescription pads. He’s a saint by comparison. The drugs are brain poisons. If you really want to know the truth about the drugs, go to and read everything Dr. Peter Breggin has ever written about the drugs. He covers the whole slimy waterfront.


There is some horrendous handwriting on wall. Believe me. You can see it all around you if you look. The shrinks are treating younger and younger children with the brain poisons, every day. They’re diagnosing children who are practically toddlers and they’re drugging them. They’re ripping their brains. It’s happening. You may not want to know about it, but it’s there. It’s a crime on the order of murder.

The Matrix Revealed

And the bastards at the FDA and the bastards who train doctors in medical schools are going along with it. They’re accomplices to the ongoing crime. They have blood on their hands.


Here is a story Dr. Breggin told in his classic book, Toxic Psychiatry. It says it all:


Roberta was a college student, getting good grades, mostly A’s, when she first became depressed and sought psychiatric help at the recommendation of her university health service. She was eighteen at the time, bright and well motivated, and a very good candidate for psychotherapy. She was going through a sophomore-year identity crisis about dating men, succeeding in school, and planning a future. She could have thrived with a sensitive therapist who had an awareness of women’s issues.


Instead of moral support and insight, her doctor gave her Haldol. Over the next four years, six different physicians watched her deteriorate neurologically without warning her or her family about tardive dyskinesia [motor brain damage] and without making the [tardive dyskinesia] diagnosis, even when she was overtly twitching in her arms and legs. Instead they switched her from one neuroleptic to another, including Navane, Stelazine, and Thorazine. Eventually a rehabilitation therapist became concerned enough to send her to a general physician, who made the diagnosis [of medical drug damage]. By then she was permanently physically disabled, with a loss of 30 percent of her IQ.


“…my medical evaluation described her condition: Roberta is a grossly disfigured and severely disabled human being who can no longer control her body. She suffers from extreme writhing movements and spasms involving the face, head, neck, shoulders, limbs, extremities, torso, and back-nearly the entire body. She had difficulty standing, sitting, or lying down, and the difficulties worsen as she attempts to carry out voluntary actions. At one point she could not prevent her head from banging against nearby furniture. She could hold a cup to her lip only with great difficulty. Even her respiratory movements are seriously afflicted so that her speech comes out in grunts and gasps amid spasms of her respiratory muscles…Roberta may improve somewhat after several months off the neuroleptic drugs, but she will never again have anything remotely resembling a normal life.”

If the smug scum who run the NY Times put THAT story on the front page right under a huge headline, we might see something good happen in this country.


Chronic whiners want to claim the government has to protect everybody all the time, as if that were possible, as if that were really the government’s aim. These whiners are busy-bodies, meddlers, and self-made victims. They sometimes pose as scientists. They love psychiatry. They equate psychiatry with government. You know, “share and care.”


They assert that government knows best. At bottom, they’re vicious little idiots.


But they’re very useful idiots, because the government welcomes their help in keeping the populace in line.


And psychiatry is a cardinal strategy in that regard.


Chemical straitjackets for the lambs.


The silence of the lambs.


Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

8 quotes from a cancer surgeon that will set your hair on fire

Eight quotes from a cancer surgeon that will set your hair on fire

by Jon Rappoport

December 6, 2012

His name is Marty Makary. He’s a cancer surgeon and researcher at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the School of Public Health.

Propublica’s Marshall Allen interviewed him about patient harm, in conjunction with an ongoing propublica investigation.

Keep in mind that these quotes are coming from a mainstream doctor who is inside the system and who believes in the system. That makes Makary’s statements all the more shocking.

…1 in 4 hospital patients are harmed by a mistake.”

A cardiologist in Wisconsin was fired for pointing out that EKGs were misread more than 25% of the time.”

We [doctors] are also evaluated by the number of ‘value units’ at the end of each fiscal quarter. Our management will sit down with us and say your work units are down or up and in order for you to receive a large bonus you need to increase the number of operations you do…”

There is New England Journal of Medicine-level data that suggests that almost half of [health] care is not compliant with evidence.” [In other words, almost 50% of all health care in America isn’t even based on published mainstream studies…and, I should add, there is conclusive evidence that half of these studies are untrustworthy in the first place. Therefore, to say that conventional doctors are winging it is a vast understatement. JR]

…up to 30% of health care in unnecessary…”

I saw cases where a patient was not told about a minimally invasive way of doing a particular surgery because of physician preference or training, and the doctor would just hope the that he [the patient] wouldn’t find out.”

Medical mistakes are fifth-or-sixth-most common cause of death in the United States, depending on the measure.”

…The desire and reflex of docs to offer something to patients, even when there’s not much more else they can offer. There’s a strong financial incentive. Doctor groups pay for new equipment that they purchase on borrowed money.” [In other words, ‘we have this expensive equipment, we have to use it to pay for it.’ JR]

Since Dr. Makary works at Johns Hopkins, he is no doubt familiar with a landmark review done by the late Dr. Barbara Starfield, who also worked at Hopkins for many years.

On July 26, 2000, the Journal of the American Medical Association published Starfield’s review, “Is US health really the best in the world?” Starfield revealed the following facts:

In the US, the annual death rate, as a direct result of medical treatment, is 225,000 people. Of those, 106,000 are killed by FDA-approved pharmaceutical drugs. The other 119,000 are killed by medical mistreatment in hospitals. This makes medically caused death the third leading cause of mortality in America.

The Matrix Revealed

In 2009, I interviewed Dr. Starfield.

She assured me that, since the publication of her review in 2000, no federal agency had contacted her to ask for help in fixing this unconscionable horror, and no agency had undertaken a significant program to reverse the third leading cause of death in the US.

Aside from the medically caused death rate, there is medical maiming. In 2001, the LA Times published a shocking article by Linda Marsa.

The article revealed that, in addition to the deaths, 2.1 million more people were admitted to US hospitals every year, as a result of severe reactions to pharmaceutical drugs. And, every year, there were 36 million adverse drug reactions in America.

Those people who support the onset of Obamacare might reflect on all these things. With millions of new people brought into the medical system, the horrific pain-and-death numbers cited in this article are going to escalate. And those numbers equal real human beings.

But don’t worry. You’re humane to want Obamacare. You’ll get a gold star on the blackboard for your sentiments.

Keep sending me your emails expressing those sentiments. I print them and tape them to my wall, right next to the death-and-maiming numbers. It’s a nice collection.

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Astounding: Miss America contestant will have both breasts removed, and she doesn’t have cancer

Astounding: Miss America contestant will have both breasts removed, and she doesn’t have cancer

by Jon Rappoport

November 29, 2012

Allyn Rose (twitter), 24, has announced she’ll have a double mastectomy after the Miss America pageant is over.

She doesn’t have cancer.

If I were to win [the contest]…I would have this incredible platform to speak to my generation…” Rose said.

Rose has been making the rounds of media outlets, announcing her intention, promoting what can only be called the medically-assisted culture of self-mutilation.

Read Mike Adam’s devastating article about the new study showing mammograms produce vast over-diagnosis of non-existent cancers, leading to cut-burn-poison treatments.

The case of Allyn Rose goes even beyond that. She has received no diagnosis of cancer. This is now a growing trend: precautionary mastectomies.

In Rose’s case, it’s about a marker, called Wiskott-Aldrich, which signals a very rare immune disorder, almost always found in boys.

Rose has been called a carrier. She is without symptoms.

But because this marker is said to run in her mother’s family, because her mother died at a young age, as a result of breast cancer, and because, we are told, breast cancer “runs in her mother’s family,” Allyn Rose has decided to have both her breasts removed.

Medical literature claims a high correlation between this Wiskott-Aldrich marker and cancers. But breast cancer specifically?

The director of the Wiskott-Aldrich foundation, Dr. Sumathi Iyengar, told the Washington Post’s Reliable Source there was only some anecdotal evidence pointing to a possible connection.

I spoke with Dr. Iyengar and she was much more emphatic, stressing there is “no evidence” proving a link between the Wiskott-Aldrich marker and breast cancer.

On this basis, a healthy young woman of 24 is having both her breasts removed; she has been hailed as a hero; and she will go on the road and function as a promoter for her cause.

Naturally, Allyn Rose is working with the Susan Komen Foundation, notorious for its propaganda about the need for mammograms and “early diagnosis” and treatment.

What message will Rose be sending to young impressionable girls who want to gain status, recognition, and praise? The answer is obvious. Suddenly, popularity and acclaim are just one surgery away.

Major media outlets are playing along, of course. Where are the medical reporters raising objections? Nowhere.

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at




by Jon Rappoport

October 30, 2012


No, I’m not talking about Hurricane Sandy. I’m talking about something much more widespread.


If you haven’t realized it already, kids these days are growing up with the full knowledge that victims get ahead. Therefore, they have to find and hone and polish a story that will serve them well in life.


It could be anything from ADHD to Bipolar to “my parents got divorced, what do you expect?”


It’s not just about telling a story, either. They have to live out at least part of it, to gain cred.


So the kid steals. Or he throws tantrums. Or he gets bad grades in school, on purpose. Or, in certain circles, he pulls a trigger and somebody dies.


In the mental health department, he has 297 official mental disorders to choose from. It’s a banquet.


You can say the kid is too young to really know what he’s doing, and the parents and teachers and doctors are to blame, and that’s partly true. But unfortunately, the kid is, in fact, doing it. He is constructing a victim myth for himself. Later in life, he’ll find more sophisticated cover stories, and at some point the chickens will come home to roost. He’ll deteriorate as an adult, it won’t be pretty to watch.


Every once in a while, when a reader decides I haven’t been sufficiently sympathetic to victims, he’ll write and remind me of all the people in the world who are screwing over other people. Screwers like the government, the corporations, the big non-profit foundations, the banks, the generals, the intelligence agencies, the 20 families who own the planet, the secret societies, the doctors, the insurance companies, the right wingers or left wingers…


I have no problem with that. As a reporter, I’ve been covering these criminals for the past 30 years.


But I also know that self-made victims (as opposed to the people who are really being trampled on a daily basis) will blame major criminals to keep themselves weak and powerless. It’s a con. It’s a game.


Yes, this is an unpleasant subject. It’s also a basic element of human psychology, untouched by “mental-health professionals.” These pros feed off of, and in fact create, victims by the truckload. It’s good for business.


Several times, in print, I’ve called the 21st century the Century of the Brain. Ultimately, researchers want to say everyone is a victim of his own brain, and chemicals need to be applied to cure the inherent problem.


But on the other side, we now have many, many able-bodied people who are looking for an out. They’re looking for an acceptable way to predict and explain their failure and obtain freebies and sympathy.


Since the beginning of this election season, I’ve been saying that both candidates are shills for big government. We can go back many, many decades and then come back up the line and see that the federal government has been spreading like a fungus. It’s more than alarming.


However, it’s interesting that this election has been framed, as a story, about personal initiative and responsibility versus dependence and victimhood. This shows that people still think about these things. The amnesia and narcosis aren’t total. Not yet.


But at this rate, unless some fundamental change occurs, there will come a day when even the legend of personal liberty and responsibility will die out. At that point, a presidential election will look like an overt fire sale. It will be one set of freebies for victims versus another set.


Do you want the Democratic flat screen and car or the Republican Hawaiian vacation and the buttock implants?


The presidential debates will consist of competing late-night infomercials.


Parents who can afford it will be hiring victim consultants to tutor their little darlings, so they can choose stories that, later in life, will land them the most freebies.


Amidst the protests and uproar, the government will decide that every child, no matter how little money his parents make, deserves a civil servant to advocate for him and promote and shape his future as a disabled creature.


This is precisely what’s happening now in the mental-health arena. Last week, I reported on psychiatrists who are dispensing ADHD drugs to children in low-income neighborhoods, to effect “social justice.”


Since these MD morons assume the drugs actually do improve school performance over the long run, they want to close the gap between poorer and richer kids.


You see, it’s already SOP in middle-class homes to seek out shrinks who will make ADHD diagnoses for their privileged kids and give them the “performance-enhancing” drugs before crucial exams.


This must not stand, say the shrinks. No, the poorer kids deserve their (toxic) Ritalin and Adderall, too. You can’t pretend to be a victim in Shaker Heights or Scarsdale unless you can be exactly the same kind of victim in Watts or Southside Chicago.


By that logic, if little Jimmy who lives on Park Avenue can wear a $500 helmet whenever he leaves the house, in case a couch falls out of an apartment window and hits him on the head, then a child who is growing up in a ruined neighborhood in Detroit should also have the same quality of helmet. For free.


If little Jimmy can receive 55 doses of vaccines by the time he’s six, so he can be poisoned by the load of chemicals and contaminants in the shots, then his little opposite in Harlem should be allowed to get the same 55 doses for free.


If a white newborn baby, who is injected with the Hepatitis B vaccine before he leaves the hospital, can be “protected” against a disease transmitted only through sex or IV street-drugs, then a black baby should have the same protection.


Indisputable logic in an insane society.


So polish your kids’ victim tale. Many goodies await.


In the future, if victimhood and dependence on government are universal, there’ll be no need to have people around who make a good living on their own. Since dependence is a more basic goal, why bother? Just put a cap on maximum allowed salary and profit.


What we now call the safety net will become the only net.


I recall two kids I grew up with. This was back in the stone age, when things were quite different. These two boys shared several features. They were very smart. They wore thick glasses. Physically, they were very uncoordinated. During every game, they were placed off to the side, where they’d do the least possible damage.


They were, at times, razzed mercilessly. From the blank paralyzed expressions on their faces, they didn’t take it well. It was quite painful to them. I think there were moments when they became absolutely desperate, but they didn’t voice it. They just stood there and took it. No one came to their rescue. It was bad.


If then were now, these two boys would be diagnosed, at the very least, with clinical depression. Because they seemed, at moments, abstracted and detached, they might be labeled ADHD as well.


And with psychologists on hand to “draw out their feelings,” they would be encouraged to think of themselves as victims.


They would get SSRI antidepressants and perhaps Ritalin. The SSRIs might push them over the edge into suicide. If not, they might be given powerful anti-psychotics (neuroleptics), like Haldol or Risperdal. These drugs cause motor brain damage.


But because they lived and grew up in a more “primitive age,” they made it through. And they became quite successful in later life.


They escaped the victim trap. As children they were treated cruelly, but they escaped.


Here is a modern child who didn’t. This story is related by Dr. Peter Breggin, the author of the classic, Toxic Psychiatry.


Roberta was a college student, getting good grades, mostly A’s, when she first became depressed and sought psychiatric help at the recommendation of her university health service. She was eighteen at the time, bright and well motivated, and a very good candidate for psychotherapy. She was going through a sophomore-year identity crisis about dating men, succeeding in school, and planning a future. She could have thrived with a sensitive therapist who had an awareness of women’s issues.


Instead of moral support and insight, her doctor gave her Haldol. Over the next four years, six different physicians watched her deteriorate neurologically without warning her or her family about tardive dyskinesia [motor brain damage] and without making the [tardive dyskinesia] diagnosis, even when she was overtly twitching in her arms and legs. Instead they switched her from one neuroleptic to another, including Navane, Stelazine, and Thorazine. Eventually a rehabilitation therapist became concerned enough to send her to a general physician, who made the diagnosis [of medical drug damage]. By then she was permanently physically disabled, with a loss of 30 percent of her IQ.


“…my medical evaluation described her condition: Roberta is a grossly disfigured and severely disabled human being who can no longer control her body. She suffers from extreme writhing movements and spasms involving the face, head, neck, shoulders, limbs, extremities, torso, and back-nearly the entire body. She had difficulty standing, sitting, or lying down, and the difficulties worsen as she attempts to carry out voluntary actions. At one point she could not prevent her head from banging against nearby furniture. She could hold a cup to her lip only with great difficulty. Even her respiratory movements are seriously afflicted so that her speech comes out in grunts and gasps amid spasms of her respiratory muscles…Roberta may improve somewhat after several months off the neuroleptic drugs, but she will never again have anything remotely resembling a normal life.”

This is the kinder, gentler society. This is care and share. This is prevention and intervention. This is It Takes a Village. This is “we’re all in this together.” This is the land of the victim.

For this, we are told we have to give up old-fashioned notions of self-reliance and independence as brutal remnants of a bygone era.

It is not only the pharmaceutical juggernaut that seeks to make profit from the manufacture of victims. The street-drug business also needs people to enshrine victimhood as their defining identity, which is exactly what happens when a person becomes addicted to meth or heroin or cocaine crack.

The Mexican-US border remains wide open because the tonnage of street drugs must flow. It has nothing to do with “concern for victim immigrants.” That is just the cover story. The drugs must move so the banks that launder drug money can stay afloat. (See Former Arizona State Senator Karen Johnson’s article, “Drug Cartel, Terrorists, and Banks,”)

There are two sides to this basic coin. One, people make themselves into victims. Two, government-corporate-syndicate-propaganda forces encourage victimhood. It’s big, big business.

Finally, I’d be remiss in failing to point out the rising trend in “victims claiming they’re not victims.” Many of these people assert this revelation happily, as if they’ve just discovered buried treasure in their back yards. It’s astonishing. I’m talking, for example, about women who opt for “prophylactic” mastectomies.

There is no diagnosis of cancer at all. The women choose to have one or both breasts removed to “minimize their later cancer risk.”

A study done in New York State inferred that, among all mastectomies performed, the percentage of prophylactic mastectomies rose over a decade by about 250%.

Well, I could have thought of myself as a victim, but I realized I was doing a really good thing. I was, in my own small way, a hero. I want all women to know about their options…”

Look for this joyous self-mutilation trend to accelerate in the coming years. It will be accepted as blandly as these preventive breast surgeries are now.

Last year, nine hundred perfectly healthy Americans had their legs removed in operating rooms. They opted for the amputations to make a statement. If some people somewhere can’t walk, neither can I…”

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at




by Jon Rappoport

October 18, 2012

As stories of innovative cancer treatments have spread over the years, they’ve been distorted numerous times. We end up with either unalloyed praise or across-the-board denial.

Treatment X was curing people like crazy.”

Treatment X cured no one and killed many patients.”

Sometimes, the truth lies in the middle ground. However, no one should assume a new treatment that shows promise will be tested, or tested honestly, by the powers-that-be. For the most part, the cancer industry considers these therapies threats to its power and money. The objective is to defame them, destroy them, render them unavailable.

Here is an illustration of how a promising cancer treatment can be buried. The following information comes from Daniel Haley’s brilliant book, Politics in Healing: The Suppression and Manipulation of American Medicine.


Haley recounts how a 1991 clinical trial of the innovative and “alternative” cancer medicine, hydrazine sulfate (HS), was rigged.

Rigged to fail.

A promising medicine, HS had shown good results in trials at Harbor/UCLA hospital and in Russia. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) felt obligated to test the drug. But there was a catch.

The drug’s discoverer, Dr. Joseph Gold, had found that HS could provoke very dangerous effects if patients were taking other drugs, especially tranquilizers. Several warnings were given to NCI before it began its test. The warnings were explicit. Patients could DIE if they were taking tranquilizers.

It turned out that none of the NCI patients were warned about this. It turned out that 94% of those patients were in fact on tranquilizers.

Barry Tice, an investigator for the US General Accounting Office (GAO), looked into the NCI trial of hydrazine sulfate after it was over. He called Dr. Gold and told him he had found a “smoking gun.” There was an internal NCI memo which showed that NCI was well aware of the problems involved in the drug combinations (and had ignored them).

But the GAO did not back up Tice, its own investigator. The final GAO report on the NCI clinical trials of hydrazine sulfate simply accused NCI of sloppy bookkeeping.

In the June 1995 issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology, a letter from the NCI was published. The letter stated that NCI had omitted mentioning, in its own published account of its cancer study, that 94% of the patients had been on tranquilizers. But this letter did NOT mention how dangerous that situation was; it looked like NCI was simply admitting to a technical and unimportant mistake. A clerical error.

So what did happen to the patients in the NCI hydrazine sulfate study?

In his book, Politics in Healing, Dan Haley reports that all the patients in the study died.

The drug, hydrazine sulfate, a competitor for chemotherapy dollars, was eliminated.

Was this story splashed across the front pages of major newspapers in America? Did the “great men” of television, those holy anchors, insist on covering it with the emphasis it deserved? Of course not.

The story was originally unearthed and published in Penthouse, by reporter Jeff Kamen, who should have won a Pulitzer for it, but won nothing.

And NCI has a rule that none of its patients in clinical trials can have their names revealed.


There is more to this incredible story. Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione’s wife, Kathy Keeton, who was the founder of Longevity, a magazine that was part of the Guccione empire, was diagnosed with “galloping breast cancer” in 1995. She was given 6 weeks to live.

She refused chemotherapy and became a very high-profile case of a person taking hydrazine sulfate instead.

She also chose radiation to reduce one of her many tumors, a growth around her bile duct. Dr. Gold said the dose of radiation should be small, because hydrazine sulfate would enhance the effect of the radiation. But the radiologist gave her the full dose instead, burned her liver and caused later scarring.

Overall, Keeton recovered. In fact, a year after her predicted death date, her cancer was in full remission. The hydrazine sulfate was a remarkable success.

Guccione ran ads in Penthouse, asking for families of the dead victims in the NCI experiment to come forward and join a class-action suit against NCI.

Guccione estimated there had been 600 victims in the NCI clinical test.

In October 1997, Kathy Keeton went into a major and well-respected NY hospital for surgery. From all accounts, this operation had nothing to do with cancer. Amazingly, complications occurred. She died.

Most of America assumed she had succumbed to cancer. Further “proof” that hydrazine sulfate did not work.

Predictably, the FDA got into the act. On April 23, 1998, the agency raided a distributor of hydrazine sulfate, Great Lakes Metabolics, in Rochester, Minnesota. In 2000, the FDA shut down the company that supplied hydrazine sulfate to Great Lakes, and Great Lakes went out of business.

In 1996, when hydrazine sulfate (HS) was still very much in the public spotlight, Dr. Gold stated he received 20 phone calls in one day from doctors at Sloan Kettering, the world’s number one center for toxic chemotherapy research and treatment. These doctors wanted to obtain HS on the sly for their patients. Gold stated that roughly 2/3 of the patients were from the doctors’ families. And six of these doctors had refused to give HS to other patients at Sloan Kettering. The phrase, scum of the Earth, comes to mind.

Author Haley offers a dozen patient testimonials re HS. They are anecdotes, to be sure, but they are remarkable.

Example: “Oncologist report in today. No cancer anywhere, after two and a half months on HS and vitamins/minerals and supplements. They have no idea where cancer went.”

Example: “Seven weeks on hydrazine sulfate. Brain and lung lesions disappeared.”

Example: “I purchased some HS for my sister a few weeks ago. Too early to tell, but she went from near death at the hospital on chemo to a campground some place, with a fishing pole.”

HS studies at Harbor/UCLA and in Russia did not cure everyone, not by a long shot. There are questions about those protocols too, because ordinary foods like raisins are incompatible with HS—and who knows what the patients were fed. At least one later HS study reported no benefits to patients, and some serious harm.

More notes on HS (hydrazine sulfate)…

One session of conventional chemo costs enough to pay for 10 years of treatment with HS.

In 1973, a doctor with a terminal Hodgkins patient approached Dr. Gold for help. Gold recommended a dosage level. In a few weeks, the patient was up and around, not dead. By October of 1973, 1000 patients in the US were on HS.

Dean Burke, head of cell chemistry at NCI, said in 1974 that HS was “the most remarkable anticancer agent I have come across in my 45 years experience in cancer…this material is so cheap because it is made by the trainload for industrial purposes.”

In September 1973, Sloan Kettering (SK), the most prestigious cancer center in the world, started an HS study on terminal patients. The lead physician, Dr. Manuel Ochoa, had agreed to give each patient 60 mg a day for 3 days and then 60 mg 3 times a day after that—but Dr. Gold learned Ochoa was changing the protocol drastically—he was giving 1 mg the first day, then 2 mg the next day, and so on, building up to a top of 30 mg—except in some cases he actually gave patients 120-190 mg a day—brutal overdoses.

In 1975 SK announced HS was worthless.

Dr. Gold then did a study for Calbiochem, a drug company. 70% of 84 patients gained weight and had less pain. HS was, in fact, designed to alleviate wasting away in the first place. 17% of the patients showed tumor regression or a stabilization of their condition for one year.

In 1975, Russian researchers published two positive study findings on HS.

In 1976, the American Cancer Society (ACS) put HS on its dreaded blacklist of “unapproved” cancer treatments. ACS neglected to mention it owned 50% of a competing and highly toxic cancer drug, 5FU.

By 1978, the FDA was cracking down on HS. 5000 patients in the US were on the medicine. The FDA falsely stated that HS caused bone marrow toxicity. In fact, conventional chemo—approved by the FDA—destroys bone marrow.

Jeff Kamen, the reporter who got the HS story out in Penthouse? Here is how he became interested in the first place. His mother Erna came back from cancer with HS. She gained 23 pounds and was doing much better. Then her doctor convinced her to stop HS and go on another experimental drug. In five days, she was dead.


Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Psychiatrists drugging children for “social justice”

Bombshell: Mind-control engineers now drugging children for “Social Justice”

by Jon Rappoport

October 11, 2012

It’s the latest thing. Psychiatrists are now giving children in poor neighborhoods Adderall, a dangerous stimulant, by making false diagnoses of ADHD, or no diagnoses at all. Their aim? To “promote social justice,” to improve academic performance in school.

The rationale is, the drugged kids will now be able to compete with children from wealthier families who attend better schools.

Leading the way is Dr. Michael Anderson, a pediatrician in the Atlanta area. Incredibly, Anderson told the New York Times his diagnoses of ADHD are “made up,” “an excuse” to hand out the drugs.

“We’ve decided as a society that it’s too expensive to modify the kid’s environment. So we have to modify the kid,” Anderson said.

It would be hard to find a clearer mission statement from a psychiatrist: mind control.

A researcher at Washington University in St. Louis, Dr. Ramesh Raghavan, goes even further with this chilling comment: “We are effectively forcing local community psychiatrists to use the only tool at their disposal [to “level the playing field” in low-income neighborhoods], which is psychotropic medicine.”

So pressure is being brought to bear on psychiatrists to launch a heinous behavior modification program, using drugs, against children in inner cities.

It’s important to realize that all psychotropic stimulants, like Adderal and Ritalin, can cause aggressive behavior, violent behavior.

What we’re seeing here is a direct parallel to the old CIA program, exposed by the late journalist, Gary Webb, who detailed the importing of crack cocaine (another kind of stimulant) into South Central Los Angeles, which went a long way toward destroying that community.

It is widely acknowledged, and admitted in the Times article, that the effects of ADHD drugs on children’s still-developing brains are unknown. Therefore, the risks of the drugs are great. At least one leading psychiatrist, Peter Breggin, believes there is significant evidence that these stimulants can cause atrophy of the brain.

Deploying the ADHD drugs creates symptoms which may then be treated with compounds like Risperdal, a powerful anti-psychotic, which can cause motor brain damage.

All this, in service of “social justice” for the poor.

And what about the claim that ADHD drugs can enhance school performance?

The following pronouncement makes a number of things clear: The 1994 Textbook of Psychiatry, published by the American Psychiatric Press, contains this review (Popper and Steingard):”Stimulants [given for ADHD] do not produce lasting improvements in aggressivity, conduct disorder, criminality, education achievement, job functioning, marital relationships, or long-term adjustment.”

So the whole basis for this “social justice” program in low-income communities—that the ADHD drugs will improve school performance of kids and “level the playing field,” so they can compete academically with children from wealthier families—this whole program is based on a lie to begin with.

Meddling with the brains of children via these chemicals constitutes criminal assault, and it’s time it was recognized for what it is.

In 1986, The International Journal of the Addictions published a most important literature review by Richard Scarnati. It was called “An Outline of Hazardous Side Effects of Ritalin (Methylphenidate)” [v.21(7), pp. 837-841]. Adderall and other ADHD medications are all in the same basic class; they are stimulants, amphetamine-type substances.

Scarnati listed a large number of adverse affects of Ritalin and cited published journal articles which reported each of these symptoms.

For every one of the following (selected and quoted verbatim) Ritalin effects, there is at least one confirming source in the medical literature:

  • Paranoid delusions
  • Paranoid psychosis
  • Hypomanic and manic symptoms, amphetamine-like psychosis
  • Activation of psychotic symptoms
  • Toxic psychosis
  • Visual hallucinations
  • Auditory hallucinations
  • Can surpass LSD in producing bizarre experiences
  • Effects pathological thought processes
  • Extreme withdrawal
  • Terrified affect
  • Started screaming
  • Aggressiveness
  • Insomnia
  • Since Ritalin is considered an amphetamine-type drug, expect amphetamine-like effects
  • Psychic dependence
  • High-abuse potential DEA Schedule II Drug
  • Decreased REM sleep
  • When used with antidepressants one may see dangerous reactions including hypertension, seizures and hypothermia
  • Convulsions
  • Brain damage may be seen with amphetamine abuse.

In what sense are the ADHD drugs “social justice?” The reality is, they are chemical warfare. Licensed predators are preying on the poor.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.

The Vaccine Empire Collapsed

The Vaccine Empire Collapsed

by Jon Rappoport

October 9, 2012

You may not have heard the explosion, but it happened.

A review (sourced below) from The Cochrane Collaboration, a widely respected research-analysis team, went over all the evidence, and entered its conclusion:

In healthy adults, no flu vaccine delivers protection from the flu.


It doesn’t protect against transmission of flu viruses from person to person, either.


So all the promotion and all the pandering and all the scare tactics and all the “expert medical opinion” and all the media coverage…useless, worthless, and irrelevant.

Billions of dollars of financed lies about flu vaccines were just that: lies.

It gets worse, because the entire theory about how and why vaccines work is sitting on a razor’s edge, ready to fall into the abyss of discarded fairy tales.

We’ve been told that vaccines stimulate the immune system with a “rehearsal” of what will happen when an actual disease comes down the pipeline. When the disease does show up, the immune system will be locked and loaded, ready to destroy the attacking germ.

But since flu vaccines don’t protect against flu or even stop the transmission of flu viruses from person to person, the so-called “rehearsing” of the immune system is merely somebody’s fancy story. A legend. A myth.

Also, you can forget about the widely sold herd-immunity tale. How can the group be immune when vaccines are doing nothing to prevent the free movement of germs from person to person?

As always, The Cochrane Collaboration did an exhaustive review of all previous studies on flu vaccines they could discover. They rejected the studies that were badly constructed. In some cases, to expand available data, they contacted individual researchers who had conducted studies.

Therefore, Cochrane’s findings represent the best of the published literature on flu vaccines. However, because the Cochrane team owes nothing to pharmaceutical companies, they analyzed the literature with sober eyes and minds.

The Matrix Revealed

Here is an interesting comment from the analysis: “The review showed that reliable evidence on influenza vaccines is thin but there is evidence of widespread manipulation of conclusions…”

Now who in the world would benefit from such manipulating?

Oh yes. One other thing.

The Cochrane review, published by John Wiley and Sons, appeared online on July 7, 2010 .

Over two years ago.

We must have missed the massive mainstream media coverage. Perhaps we were fishing that day, or buying tires for the car, or vacationing on our yachts in the Mediterranean.

What? There was no massive media coverage? Impossible. I mean, surely…


No Value in Any Influenza Vaccine: Cochrane Collaboration Study

Title: Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults
Tom Jefferson
Carlo Di Pietrantonj
Alessandro Rivetti
Ghada A Bawazeer
Lubna A Al-Ansary
Eliana Ferroni
Editorial Group: Cochrane Acute Respiratory Infections Group
Published Online: 7 JUL 2010
Assessed as up-to-date: 2 JUN 2010
DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001269.pub4
The Cochrane Library
(registration required)


Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.


Mind boggling report

by Jon Rappoport

September 15, 2012

(To join our email list, click here.)

Medical News Today reports that, in 2011, there was a modest uptick in the number of prescriptions written in the US.

The increase brought the total to: 4.02 billion.

Yes, in 2011, doctors wrote 4.02 billion prescriptions for drugs in America.

That’s an average of roughly 13 prescriptions for each man, woman, and child.

That’s about one new prescription every month for every American.

The Medical News Today article concluded, “…the industry should be heartened by the growth of the number of prescriptions and spending.” Yes, I’m sure the drug industry is popping champagne corks.

We’re talking about prescriptions here. We’re not talking about the number of pills Americans took. We’re also not counting over-the-counter drugs or vaccine shots.

Pharmacopoeia, a 2011 exhibition at the British Museum, estimated that “the average number of pills a person takes in his or her own lifetime in the UK is 14,000.” That’s as a result of prescriptions. Including over-the-counter drugs, the 14,000 number would swell to 40,000 pills taken in a lifetime.

What are the effects of all these drugs?

We are looking at a supreme Trojan Horse that is rotting out America and other industrialized countries from the inside. Wars, no wars, economic deprivation, economic prosperity, the drugs continue to do their work, debilitating and ruining and terminating lives.

Many sources can be cited to confirm this assessment.

On January 8th, 2001, the LA Times published an article by one of the best medical reporters in the business, Linda Marsa: “When Good Drugs Do Harm.” Marsa quoted researcher Dr. David Bates, who indicated that, in the US, there are 36 million serious adverse reactions to medical drugs per year.

On July 26, 2000, the Journal of the American Medical Association published the most stunning mainstream estimate of medical-drug damage in history: “Is US health really the best in the world?” The author was Dr. Barbara Starfield, a respected public-health researcher at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

Starfield concluded that medical drugs were killing Americans at the rate of 106,000 per year.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

This is a conservative sketch of the Trojan Horse that has been placed in the center of the industrialized world.

The pharmaceutical juggernaut will continue, no doubt about it. The only question is, how many people will wake up and seek another way?

The destruction of societies by medical drugs goes far beyond what some people call “over-prescribing.” This isn’t just a tilt in the wrong direction. It isn’t simply errors of judgment compounded by the number of doctors dispensing medicines.

Those are all polite terms suggesting the situation can be corrected through a show of good will and better judgment. That will never happen.

Countries of the world are literally being assaulted by pharmaceutical companies and their foot-soldier doctors. It’s chemical warfare.

To even begin to see light at the end of the tunnel, hundreds of millions of people must add themselves to the rolls of those who already are pursuing better health through natural means.

We need an all-out rebellion against the Pharmacopoeia.

Not even the Nazis and their dearly beloved cartel, the monster IG Farben, dreamed of the day when the citizenry would line up and demand to ingest more and more life-destroying chemicals.


Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.