How the Matrix deals with power

How the Matrix deals with power

by Jon Rappoport

October 22, 2013

I’ve been asked to reprint this piece.

Here it is a with a new brief introduction.

Most people use memory to explain why they’re living the lives they have. They arrange memories as if they’re symbols, and the sum is: this is the life I have; no other.

If you could somehow take away all those memories and insert a whole new synthetic raft, people would arrange those to come to the same conclusion. And the same life.

So it is with the world. People look out at it and decide, on some subterranean level, that the world dictates what degree of choice and power they possess.

Put them in a different home, a different city, on a different planet, and they would eventually settle on the same assessment of their power: small.

In that sense (and many others), memory and the world are constructs the individual ingests, arranges, and builds to suit and fortify his conception of his “geometry”: the shape of his life.

In previous articles, I’ve been making clear how THE VOICE narrates the story of our times through television anchorage.

The elite anchor is groomed to be able to induce a seamless hypnotic trance in viewers and make HIS voice THEIR voice.

There is power in a voice.

A voice can change reality.

Your voice is the voice that destroys the narrative that has been sculpted for us. Your voice is the voice that rolls over the voice of the elite anchor and the other elite leaders who speak for us.

When your voice become your VOICE, you connect with something oceanic that rips away false separations and false systems and false ideas and deserts of sand on which our fake reality is built.

We pretend to be small. We pretend to be whispers. We pretend to be confused. We pretend to be creatures living inside the space of this deluded society. We pretend to be clueless. We pretend to have such limited power.

We pretend.

We pretend that some overriding system or structure SUPERSEDES OUR OWN VOICE. We bow down to that system, and then we see what that does to our own power. It diminishes it. It makes our voice small. It makes our voice thin. It makes us into weaklings.

It makes us walled off from each other, from THE REAL EACH OTHER. The real each other is each one of us with power, with A VOICE.

The word “rant” is interesting to analyze. It originally referred to someone speaking in a completely unhinged way. Its recent online meaning was invented by tech heads, who adopt a “cool” attitude toward problems and answers. These cerebral types consider any outward display of passion or outrage to be a rant. For them, the “ranting voice” is suspect.

Try this experiment. Find a piece of writing you love that expresses great passion and poetry. Read it out loud while you’re alone. Read it out loud 50 times over the course of a few days. Inject your own passion into the words. If you’re not already lying in a coffin, something unexpected will happen to you. You’ll find yourself coming alive in a larger way. You’ll experience glimpses of your VOICE.

This has to do with BEING ALIVE.

You’ll experience the absence of little structures and systems.

Keep reading that passage over and over. Put everything you have into it. Don’t stint. Put more and more feeling into it.

Then, watch the evening network news. Listen to the tone of the anchor. Pay attention to how he establishes a continuity. No matter how absurd you thought the evening news was, you’ll now comprehend that absurdity from an entirely new perspective.

As you expand your own VOICE, and as you EXPRESS WHAT YOU TRULY WANT TO EXPRESS—-YOUR OWN THOUGHTS, YOUR OWN IDEAS, YOUR OWN FEELINGS, YOUR OWN INVENTIONS—you are cutting away layers of stagnant consciousness. Each one of those layers says: “reality is THIS.” Each layer has a different restrictive portrait of reality, and as it disintegrates and tumbles away into space, you become freer.


A path to greater power, greater aliveness, greater empathy, greater engagement, greater self, greater community, greater wholeness.

Your voice, not the anchor’s voice. The anchor’s voice operates on behalf of the established corrupt order, as a mesmerizing tool. Your VOICE liberates you and others.

Many years ago, I was teaching a small class in a school in New York. The kids were all retreads from other schools, where they didn’t make it for a variety of reasons.

They were in a constant state of distraction. Unteachable.

So I picked a short passage from a poem by Dylan Thomas. A few lines. A few great lines. I had each student read the passage out loud. Then we all read it together. Then we went around and around with each child reading it again—I urged more feeling, more expression.

It was like trying to break through an iron ceiling. Each kid read the lines in a monotone. It was eerie, as if they were all in a trance. But I kept going anyway.

Nothing doing. Nothing happening.

Then I said, “I’m going to read these lines like a newscaster would read them.” I gave a pretty good impression of an anchor.

The kids cracked up. They thought it was very funny. They immediately grasped how ridiculous the anchor’s voice sounded trying to give feeling to poetry.

The kids began reading those lines as if they were news anchors. They had a great time with it. That’s what broke the ice.

Now,” I said, “stop conning me. Read the lines with your own feeling. Come on. Put something into it.”

And they did.

Around and around we went. Each kid must have read those lines a dozen more times. They got into it. They shed their embarrassment.

The VOICES that emerged that day in class convinced me that everyone has a VOICE, and it cuts through layers of conditioning like a knife through butter, once it’s unleashed.

These kids were titanic.

When we were done (I was reading the lines too), we all sat there and looked at each other in amazement. We knew. We knew we had cracked the egg. The spell of “flat reality” had been broken. We were all alive in a new way.

The famous lines we read?

Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage, against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,

Because their words had forked no lightning they

Do not go gentle into that good night…

Although the overall sentiment of that poem might appear to be a kind of futility, when we read the lines over and over, WE came to a different place. A place where we knew that our words COULD fork lightning.

And then we read, from Fern Hill:

Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs

About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green,

The night above the dingle starry,

Time let me hail and climb

Golden in the heydays of his eyes,

And honoured among wagons I was prince of the apple towns

And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves

Trail with daises and barley

Down the rivers of the windfall light…

the calves

Sang to my horn, the

Foxes on the hills barked clear and cold,

And the Sabbath rang slowly

In the pebbles of the holy streams.

To be astonished by something you see on a screen is one thing. To be astonished by what your VOICE can establish is light years beyond that.

VOICE is relentless life.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

The artist vs. the “religion” called consensus reality

The artist vs. the “religion” called consensus reality

by Jon Rappoport

October 22, 2013

Time and time again, we come back to this: the core of the individual human being is creative power, imagination, invention.

Through the ongoing process of the creative act, an individual moves higher and deeper into uniqueness. In the long, long run, everything else turns out to be a short-circuited consensus, an attachment to a story told by someone else.

Basically, the mechanical structure of consensus is derived from the concept that:

Everything is connected to everything.

This notion is increasingly hailed as a positive marvel. For example, in quantum entanglement, paired particles, even at great distances from each other, both react to an impact on either particle.

Everything/connected” produces a sensation of Weave&All Inclusiveness.

It’s ultimately designed for long-term rental. The occupant is there, and there he will stay.

Feeling this “everything is connected to everything” is meant to instill a sense of the sacred. The mind completes the equation: sacred=forever.

But this kind of “sacred” is no more forever than listening to a Bach concerto is forever. It’s one thing to bathe in a majestic feeling. It’s quite another thing to infer it means eternal occupancy.

There are many people ready to shake your hand and embrace you and welcome you into the labyrinth, the weave, the connection of everything to everything.

People aspire to be wired into the “everything/connected” apparatus as their highest ambition—which is their primary substitute for imagination.

That they don’t realize this doesn’t make it any less true.

Let’s say you’re an actor. You work in a repertory theater that stages 100 plays. In each play, you have a role, a different role. You’re “connected” to each one of those roles. BUT YOU’RE AN ACTOR. That means you can inhabit a role and then take it off like a coat.

However, this distinction is lost on most people. When they hear that “everything is everything,” they grab that role and hold on to it and move in, lock, stock, and barrel, hoping it will be forever.

The idea of “everything/connected” is quite old. You can find it enunciated in ancient Egypt and China, and traces of it exist in Aristotle. It’s sometimes arranged as a hierarchy. The “great chain of being.”

So are we talking about an architecture of the universe or a notion in the mind?

Think of “everything/connected” as a style of building among various possible styles.

And its goal is the inducement of awe. That is the stage play.

People join the “everything/connected” church. They want to be in that congregation.

When you take apart the “everything is everything,” it’s not as sensational as it first seemed.

The Matrix Revealed

Let’s pretend that a few Chinese sages, long ago, decided to float a trial balloon.

They spread the word that opposites could resolve in a state of harmony (everything connected). Each polarity could reflect the other.

It was a poetic thought that might be embedded in a few verses.

The sages watched and waited. Eventually, they saw that this fancy had taken hold. In fact, it had become embedded in a philosophy. It was now being discussed as a principle of the universe, the cosmos.

The sages were shocked but not surprised. Humans exhibit strange fetishes.

What started out as a poet’s passing rumination on a summer afternoon—entertained purely for the purpose of writing verse—was now an all-embracing weave of metaphysical consensus.

I use this as an illustration of “piling on”—adding one piece of imaginative art to another, on and on, and inferring that the sum is Ultimate Reality (consensus).

Richard Jenkins, the extraordinary healer I write about in The Secret Behind Secret Societies (part of the Exit From the Matrix collection), once told me, “Most people aren’t satisfied with just two or three myths. They have to keep adding new ones. It’s like children with dolls and clothes. You’ve got to have more outfits.”

Nearly 40 years ago, I rented a garage in Santa Monica and turned it into a studio. It was small, and I wanted to paint large. I stretched three canvases, the biggest of which was 15×8 feet. Because there wasn’t enough room in the studio, I kept painting over that canvas.

Six months later, I had done perhaps 15 paintings on the one canvas—each painting covering the one before it. I’d used all sorts of paints—acrylic, oil, enamel. Finally, I painted the whole thing black.

I looked at the black space for a few days, and I noticed there was a small glint of light green peeking through in the lower left.

I worked at the area with my fingernails, and suddenly a two-foot section of black came away like a swath of rubber, exposing many colors and shapes, which were intact.

I realized that, because I’d used different kinds of paint, the layers hadn’t adhered perfectly.

For the next week, using a screwdriver and a mallet, I uncovered painting after painting, going back in time.

Eventually, I settled on a painting composed of several layers. I liked it.

Exit From the Matrix

If I had been a devotee, I would have fallen on my knees at that point. I would have, for the moment, been happy I’d determined how many layers (myths) were necessary to give me the One Painting For All Time. The permanent fixed reality.

But it was a painting. And of course, since I was the artist, I knew that.

Consensus reality endures because there is an audience for it.

And audience is fascinated by, and glued to, STORY.

For example, the hero is faced with a problem which turns into a mystery, and he then penetrates the mystery after much work and danger—during which time his friends lose faith in him—and finally he does away with the villain at the heart of the mystery…


For the most part, audience wants to remain being audience, and it will search for and rationalize ways to do just that.

Story has beginning, middle, and end. This pattern, so obvious and universal, is rarely thought about, but it creates a trance. Try writing a story without that sequence and see how many people want it.

I’m audience, and I want beginning, middle, and end, over and over.”

Part of being audience is experiencing the letdown that happens after the story ends. This depression stimulates the need for another story. And on and on it goes. But the letdown, at a deeper subconscious level, is really about a dissatisfaction with the WHOLE PATTERN of story—people want to break out of that. They want to conquer that addiction.

And how is that done?

Well, the first step is being able to invent stories of your own.

And this is where people balk.

At a conference some years ago, I gave a talk about freedom. In the middle of the talk, I told the audience we were going to do a few exercises that would possibly stimulate their sense of freedom. The very notion that I was asking them to DO something, to come out of their audience-trance…which they hadn’t expected, caused a stir, a sense of apprehension. They were programmed for beginning, middle, and end—and I was suddenly shredding that.

They had planned on being entertained with the notion of freedom.

After the lecture, a friend of mine came up to me and said, “Did you catch what happened there, when you told them you were going to have them do exercises?”

Sure,” I said. “I did it on purpose.”





Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

My collection titled: Exit From the Matrix



by Jon Rappoport

October 18, 2013

This mega-collection, titled EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, is at the core of everything I’ve been doing, pursuing, researching, and writing about for the past several decades.

It’s ultimately why I’ve been sitting down at my computer and writing every day since I started nomorefakenews in 2001.

For the past 12 years, among all my other articles, I’ve been writing about individual creative power.

The power to create new reality, new future, on a personal level, on any level, wherever innovation can change a status quo which is unsatisfying and limiting.

I’m referring to people’s lives, their work, careers, relationships, social and political conditions…from the most private concerns all the way to the future of the planet.

EXIT FROM THE MATRIX is the realization of a goal I’ve been pursuing for a very long time.

It’s intensely practical. It contains more than 50 new exercises and techniques aimed at expanding the power, range, and scope of creative power—along with very simple instructions on how to use these exercises.

Imagination is the buried key that unlocks the door that exits from the Matrix.

This collection also contains a presentation of the vital philosophy that underpins the limitless power of the individual. This is more than theory. It’s a guide to exiting from the Matrix.

From what is in EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, from the huge amount of material, I think you’ll see I’ve made no short cuts. In fact, I’ve done everything possible to go the extra mile.

So let’s get to the details. Here is the list of my brand new audio presentations:















Then you will receive the following audio seminars I have previously done:

* Mind Control, Mind Freedom

* The Transformations

* Desire, Manifestation and Fulfillment

* Altered States, Consciousness, and Magic

* Beyond Structures

* The Mystery and Magic of Dialogue

* The Voyage of Merlin

* Modern Alchemy and Imagination

* Imagination and Spiritual Enlightenment

* Dissolving Stress

* The Paranormal Project

* Zen Painting for Everyone Now

* Past Lives, Archetypes, and Hidden Sources of Human Energy

* Expression of Self

* Imagination Exercises for a Lifetime

* Old Planet, New Planet, New Mind

* The Era of Magic Returns

* Your Power Revealed

* Universes Without End

* Relationships

* Building a Business for Success

I have included an additional bonus section:

* My book, The Secret Behind Secret Societies (pdf document)

* My book, The Ownership of All Life (pdf document)

* A long excerpt from my briefly published book, Full Power (pdf document)

* My 24 articles in the series, “Coaching the Coaches” (pdf document)

And these audio seminars:

* The Role of Medical Drugs in Human Illness

* Longevity One: The Mind-Body Connection

* Longevity Two: The Nutritional Factors

(All the audio presentations are mp3 files and the documents and books are pdf files. You download the files upon purchase. There is no physical ship.)

Exit From the Matrix

What has been called The Matrix is a series of layers. These layers compose what we call Reality. Reality is not merely the consensus people accept in their daily lives. It is also a personal and individual conception of limits. It is a perception that these limits are somehow built into existence. But this is not true.

What I’ve done here is remove the lid on those perceived limits. This isn’t an intellectual undertaking. It’s a way to open up space and step on to a new road.

That road travels to more and more creative power, joy, and fulfillment.

During that great adventure, the individual experiences what has been labeled “paranormal” and “synchronistic” and “magical.” These words really don’t do us justice. They only hint at what we are and what we can do.

I put this collection together because it expresses, explains, and shows, in detail, how the individual can rediscover and reclaim his/her true power.

That process, that engagement, that life is beyond solving problems. Our problems, at the core, exist only because we have “misplaced an infinity.”

Everything I’ve done and written in the past 20 years has been aimed, one way or another, at bringing back that infinity, seeing through the layers of disguise, and moving ahead on the sunlit road we all desire.

We have, each one of us, an infinite life, lived in a world that is convinced it is bounded.

It’s time we dissolved that false contradiction.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Who will narrate space and time in the future?

Who will narrate space and time in the future?

by Jon Rappoport

October 14, 2013

Since I wrote this piece seven months ago, there have been so many public scandals and eruptions I might miss one or two, if I tried to name them all.

But through the twisted belching landscape, there has been one constant for millions of people: the elite television anchor.

He is the guide who tones down meaning and supplies assurance. He stems the tide. He stays in the dream.

He sells the soft way. He hints at fractures in the mass consensus, but then he sutures them together.

He is the voice and the rhythm and the pace of time. He exposes conflict, but he packs it with plastic bubbles to exclude the clamor.

He is on top of the moment and thereby cuts off the future.

He edits space down to a manageable size. He has his own version of sacred geometry.

He heralds spectatorship as the only answer.

He never lays an egg on-air. Instead, with a fine sense of where the power is, he keeps alive the corporate-government-banking-military goose that lays the golden eggs.

Humans love to study animals and catalog their unique habits. If we could back up far enough to see ourselves, surely we would rank our modern method of gaining something we call “the news,” through network television, one of our strangest customs.

A face and a voice on one of three preferred channels tells us what the world is like every day.

Millions of us consider such transmissions not only informative but authoritative. Somehow, the capsulized squibs and fragments form for us a picture of truth.

The first principle applied to the training of an elite anchor is: pay no attention to what opposing sides agree on.

It may seem like a strange place to start, but it’s absolutely crucial.

As a hopeful anchor rises up through the ranks toward cherished positions on the national evening news at NBC, CBS, and ABC, he is exposed to Washington politics. He learns those ropes well.

He perceives conflict and battle and anger and hatred. He is looking at issues on which the two major parties differ in the strongest possible terms. This is what he is supposed to see. This is his indoctrination.

He gets a feel for this. After all, it is what he is already predisposed to observe, because he knows that all news involves side A versus side B. Without that, there is no news.

…a scheduled meeting between House leaders was canceled after a rancorous confrontation between…”

But here are a few items that are largely ignored: paid lobbyists and secret councils shaping legislative decisions; fraudulent medical research; the federal government aligning itself with Globalist policies; federal support of illegal corporate activities; enormous and illegal Federal Reserve power.

To the degree that both major parties agree in these areas, there is no news. It doesn’t exist.

The aspiring anchor learns to ignore such “dead subjects.”

Therefore, he’s conditioned to define what is news in very narrow terms with narrow boundaries. He consistently misses the big picture.

A reporter for one of the major networks once told me, “It’s useless to pitch stories [to producers] where there isn’t any clear conflict among the recognized players.”

Of course, a conspiracy consists of people who wholeheartedly agree on something behind the scenes. Conspiracy is often what the noisy out-front conflict is supposed to hide.

When a major news reporter makes light of conspiracies, part of what he’s saying is: “It wouldn’t be news because people aren’t fighting with each other about it.”

As a reporter moves closer to winning an elite anchor’s slot, something else happens. He’s introduced to what used to be called “the Eastern establishment.” At parties, at charity fundraisers, at meetings of the CFR, he meets players:

bankers, Congressmen, lobbyists, key lawyers, leaders of non-profit foundations, favored academics and technocrats, PR agency people, Beltway “facilitators,” corporate big shots, a few intelligence-agency friendlies, Pentagon execs.

He understands very well that his new friends are feeling him out and vetting him. They expect him to be earnest, glib, and facile. They watch for signs that a cloud of doubt is hanging over his head—meaning that he is skeptical of entrenched Power. That would be an overwhelming mark against him.

Essentially, a subliminal unspoken pact is forged. The heavy hitters assert: “We are the core of the country. What we do in secret is not to be discussed or aired.”

The anchor replies: “I understand that. Don’t worry. I won’t cover it unless you can’t conceal it. It’s not news. I’m looking for conflict.”

The reporter who is on his way up to an elite anchor’s job can affect a strong moral sense, because that is part of his persona, because being able to invoke it sells advertisers’ products on the evening news; he can and does apply his morals selectively.

Through tone of voice and facial expression, he can make his disapproval known to the viewing audience, when he “objectively” covers a drug recall—the drug in question having caused deaths among patients.

The best-selling drug Vioxx was taken off the market today when it was revealed that…its manufacturer nevertheless suggested that many people were helped by…”

But the anchor would never recommend collecting many such stories and welding them into a wide-ranging indictment of the FDA or the drug companies. That’s not on his radar. That’s not permitted. That’s called inventing a conflict that doesn’t exist.

A crime dug up solely by reporters is almost always non-starter. At best, it might run as a brief “feature” on the evening broadcast, and then the coverage would contain sufficient generalities to obscure the perpetrators. And once this feature is aired, it is forgotten. It was filler.

Take a story like Wall Street bankers committing huge and ongoing RICO financial felonies. A certain amount of coverage is allowed, but it’s verboten to highlight the fact, over and over again, that these people aren’t being arrested, tried, and sentenced to prison terms.

A Bernie Madoff gets the full treatment, but only after the Justice Department arrests him. And then Madoff is portrayed as the crazy Ponzi-scheme hustler, the exception, the lone wolf.

The vetting of an elite anchor is very thorough, because normally he is going to be the managing editor for his own national evening broadcast. That means he will have the final word on which stories run and where they run in the line-up.

His bosses want no blowups. They want no visible wrangling between the anchor and his editors and producers. They definitely don’t want the anchor going off the reservation to bring in a dangerous (to favored players) story out of left field. A few of these gross transgressions and he’ll be fired. But the whole point is to avoid the mess by choosing the “right” anchor to begin with.

Several years before golden boy Brian Williams was tapped to sit in the prince’s throne at NBC, it was obvious he was the heir apparent. He could affect an aura of honesty, a sincere dedication to the truth. He passed the “character test” with flying colors.

On the scale of “believable moral sense,” Williams was within shooting distance of a young Walter Cronkite. Of course, if you started to qualify where and how his moral commitment would be exercised, and where it would be excused from duty, you would find yourself traveling down into a very deep and disturbing rabbit hole.

If you’re looking for Williams to cover the nexus of the CIA, the Pentagon, mega-corporations, NATO, and other players in their ongoing program of destabilizing foreign nations, you’ll be wasting your time. Unless some giant blow-up over this issue surfaces in the Congress, Williams will be silent. And in this regard, you’ll see an effort to minimize and distort coverage of Rand Paul, because he, like his father, states that he wants to bring US troops home from their massive foreign deployments.

If, by chance, a long-form interviewer at C-Span or PBS, addled for the moment by a prescription drug, throws out a question to Williams about US government empire-building, Williams will talk out of several sides of his mouth simultaneously, leaving the impression that this is “a profound issue he really cares about.”

The elite news anchor a) believes the news only involves visible conflict, b) misses the big picture through ignorance, c) understands there is a big picture and intentionally ignores it, d) is truly honest, e) is a liar down to his shoes, f) opposes undo corporate influence on government and politics, g) is completely sold out to the corporate-government partnership, h) has no clue about the true intentions of US foreign policy, while purposely omitting coverage of those intentions and their consequences.

The elite news anchor is an actor who can know and not know, at a moment’s notice, that he is acting.

He can deal with these massive internal contradictions because he is a roaring success; he is admired; he banks a big check every month; he exerts influence; he has a certain amount of power; he thinks about ratings and what he has to do to improve them; he lives in a bubble where all the important people lie all the time. He is familiar with the culture and is part of it.

If everybody else in his world is a multiple personality, he can be, too, and it isn’t disturbing. It’s how the stage play works.

Over time, though, the elite anchor performs a kind of psychic surgery on himself, cuts away the rough edges and the doubts and the consciousness of the con and the scam. It’s more comfortable that way.

In other words, he lowers his own IQ and blurs the boundaries of his perception. The lies he never really believed before he does believe now.

His own multiplicity and contradictions are mixed into a sludge, whereby the apt summary and the capsule explanation, beamed out to millions of people every night, are “the best that can be done under the circumstances.”

The elite anchor comes to know, intimately, the mad rush and the deadline and the fever to beat the competition. If he needs a final distraction to lead him away from what he once comprehended about reality at a deeper level, this is it. “We have to get this story on in five minutes…”

The elite anchor is everything the CIA would program into existence, if they needed to. But they don’t. Because all over America, children are growing up who want to do the news. And out of all of them, the few who will rise to the top are already internalizing the personal and professional requirements of the job, day in and day out. They haven’t even visited Washington DC yet, and they’re sopping up psychic clues like sponges.

This is a piece of how the Matrix operates. In a highly organized society, roles are available. People will cast themselves in those roles and learn how to play them. They’ll reach out for the brass ring. Some will do a better imitation than others. Some will do the imitation and believe in it. And the winners will believe it and not believe it.

The Matrix Revealed

The elite anchor knows that if he wanders too far afield, if he becomes too real, if he brings in stories that don’t fit the mold, if he goes up against the forces with whom he is allied, he will suffer.

There is no need to point this out to him. There is no need, because the anchor has already geared his persona and intelligence to the machine he represents.

Once in a great while, he probably plays out a little scene in his head: he brings in an incredible story that mangles the highest people he knows in the pyramid of power; he achieves great recognition for his courage; and then one night he dies on a lonely road.

But this cautionary tale is sheer fantasy, because he is the incarnation of what social planners and engineers and psyops specialists and spooks and mind-control researchers and PR experts would have cooked up to fill his chair in the studio of NBC, ABC, or CBS. He’s that guy.

And he did it himself, which always works better because the result is more convincing.

A retired propaganda operative once told me that the index of an anchor’s performance is his sources. For those shadowy types who keep track of how well an anchor is working his mass deceptions, an examination of sources is revealing.

More specifically, who is feeding stories to the reporters who work for the anchor? A list compiled over the years will tell you whether the anchor is staying within the prescribed boundaries. When you see hundreds or even thousands of names from government, from foundations, from corporations, from think-tanks, from favored academia, and almost no names from anywhere else, you know the anchor is in the right wheelhouse.

The anchor is the magnet created to attract specific kinds of metal filings.

He can say, “We take our information from the most reliable people out there. What else can you ask for?”

Not much, if you want the news to emanate from a sealed universe, with one highly structured hole for IN and one for OUT.

Because of that architecture, the major news businesses of the country are failing. Their bottom lines are shrinking. They’re going up against this other universe we all know about and access, which has at least 500 million holes for in and out.

Exit From the Matrix

But don’t discount the hypnotic effect an anchor like Brian Williams has on the public. There is a marriage there, no question about it.

Williams, like others before him, fits the stripped down concept of the operator, one who can push and pull all the right gears, to convey Factoid and Summary.

Sit down at the meal, Brian’s here. He’s a smooth server. He brings only what is necessary, and because of that, we can trust him.

America wants (and therefore gets) a newsman to tell its national stories every night in terms a salesman who has risen through the ranks would use: he doesn’t persuade or cajole or push; he’s above that; he’s shed the big smile and the glad hand.

He’s a pro’s pro. He need only tilt his head in a direction and people follow. He need only indicate with a glance and the message is picked up by the millions. He informs us, by his very manner, that we are all now operating in a vacuum jar. All our battles and oppositions are being played out in a strange silence at the core of the surrounding noise.

We’re all dead, except we’ve forgotten the fact. In this limbo, he will guide us. There is no boat to take souls across the river. There is no inner life of the individual; that is over. There are only the slight changing shades of feeling that signify one thing is more important than another.

Postmortem America presents its own peculiar problems, and Williams understands them well. He schooled himself to be the guide in this moonscape, where his ministrations are like changing ticks in the stock market of drained souls.

Up a little today, down a little tomorrow. A crisis here, a crisis there. This is better, that is worse. Today the machine outperformed the machine yesterday by seven degrees of calculation.

He speaks in atomic strings of thought, adjusted and groomed.

Yes, this is a marriage. The public wants this. It wants the conversion rate of consciousness at 6:30 every night, presented in terms a computer can fathom and store until the next modulation.

He, the anchor, will decide how horrible an event can become. He will draw the line. He will make the distinctions. Nothing is measured or given meaning outside the vacuum.

Underneath and between his words, the alive Desire that once animated souls washes up on the beach of television like a dead fish, every night.

Spiritually and cosmologically speaking, it is his job to move steadily ahead, broadcast by broadcast, and present debris, fragments of existence after the Fall. It is his job to walk the parched deserts and translate into beveled English the aftershocks of detonations set off by the crime bosses called leaders.

What he conveys, and what the medium through which he reaches us proposes, is a declaration of surrender. The loss of a war. We’re supposed to believe that the war fought on behalf of the inner fecund life of the individual is lost.

This is the imperative peddled by our official salesmen.

They don’t realize that such a war can never be lost. Any person can pick up the scent and the sound of the river within his own psyche and awaken his need for open water.

Any one of us can stop calculating gains and losses by a serial morbid clock. Any one of us can stop hammering new pieces into a mechanical fortress, which is only an impregnable symbol of despair.

We can awaken from the dream of motion, time, and energy inside the vacuum. Then we will see there are trillions of other dreams, none of them yet created, but wholly dependent on our capacity to invent Something from Nothing.

This is the spark. After the fire begins to burn in the true soul, not the fabricated one, The News will fade away like an old skin, no longer needed.

The hunger for a voice to tell us what death after death is like will vanish, and so will the news, as we know it.

People will say, “Yes, there was once a rare specimen who narrated reality to the rest of us. It was a hypnotic dream we were all engaged in. But that specimen is now extinct. It outlived its usefulness.”

Is such a heraldic future possible? The answer each one of us makes draws a line in the sand. On one side are those who consent to the declaration of surrender. On the other side are those who intimately understand the terms of the struggle and never give in.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Who really runs things in America?

Who really runs things in America?

By Jon Rappoport

October 11, 2013

The infamous Trilateral Commission still exists.

Many people think the TC, created in 1973 by David Rockefeller, is a relic of an older time.

Think again.

Patrick Wood, author of Trilaterals Over Washington, points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America. Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration.

Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create “a new international economic order.” Knowing that you have to break eggs to make an omelette, consider how the following TC members, in key Obama posts, can help engender further national chaos; erase our sovereign national borders; and install binding international agreements that will envelop our economy and money in a deeper global collective: a new world order:

Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary;

James Jones, National Security Advisor;

Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee;

Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence.

All Trilateralists.

In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

In Europe, the financially embattled nations of Greece and Italy brought in Lucas Papademos and Mario Monti as prime ministers. Both men are Trilateral members, and Monti is the former European chairman of the Trilateral Commission.

In the US, since 1973, author Wood counts eight out of 10 US Trade Representative appointments, and six out of eight World Bank presidencies, as American Trilateral members.

Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote, four years before birthing the TC with his godfather, David Rockefeller: “[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”

Several other noteworthy Trilateral members: George HW Bush; Bill Clinton; Dick Cheney; Al Gore. The first three men helped sink the US further into debt by fomenting wars abroad; and Gore’s cap and trade blueprint would destroy industrial economies, while vastly increasing the numbers of people in Third World countries who have no access to modern sources of energy.

Does all this offer a clue as to why the US economy has failed to recover from the Wall Street debacle of 2008, why the federal bailout was a handout to super-rich criminals, and why Obama took actions which prevented a recovery?

A closer look at Tim Geithner’s circle of economic advisers reveals the chilling Trilateral effect: Paul Volker; Alan Greenspan; E. Gerald Corrigan (director, Goldman Sachs); and Peter G Peterson (former CEO, Lehman Brothers, former chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations). These men are all Trilateral members.

How many foxes in the hen house do we need, before we realize their Trilateral agenda is controlling the direction of our economy?

The TC has no interest in building up the American economy. They want to torpedo it, as part of the end-game of creating a new international currency, ushering in a de facto Globalist management system for the whole planet.

Any doubt on the question of TC goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, the founder of the TC, in his Memoirs (2003)

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Even in what many people mistakenly think of as the TC’s heyday, the 1970s, there were few who realized its overarching power.

The Matrix Revealed

Here is a close-up snap shot of a remarkable moment from out of the past. It’s a through-the-looking-glass secret—in the form of a conversation between a reporter, Jeremiah Novak, and two Trilateral Commission members, Karl Kaiser and Richard Cooper. The interview took place in 1978. It concerned the issue of who exactly, during President Carter’s administration, was formulating US economic and political policy.

The careless and off-hand attitude of Trilateralists Kaiser and Cooper is astonishing. It’s as if they’re saying, “What we’re revealing is already out in the open, it’s too late to do anything about it, why are you so worked up, we’ve already won…”

NOVAK (the reporter): Is it true that a private [Trilateral committee] led by Henry Owen of the US and made up of [Trilateral] representatives of the US, UK, West Germany, Japan, France and the EEC is coordinating the economic and political policies of the Trilateral countries [which would include the US]?

COOPER: Yes, they have met three times.

NOVAK: Yet, in your recent paper you state that this committee should remain informal because to formalize ‘this function might well prove offensive to some of the Trilateral and other countries which do not take part.’ Who are you afraid of?

KAISER: Many countries in Europe would resent the dominant role that West Germany plays at these [Trilateral] meetings.

COOPER: Many people still live in a world of separate nations, and they would resent such coordination [of policy].

NOVAK: But this [Trilateral] committee is essential to your whole policy. How can you keep it a secret or fail to try to get popular support [for its decisions on how Trilateral member nations will conduct their economic and political policies]?

COOPER: Well, I guess it’s the press’ job to publicize it.

NOVAK: Yes, but why doesn’t President Carter come out with it and tell the American people that [US] economic and political power is being coordinated by a [Trilateral] committee made up of Henry Owen and six others?After all, if [US] policy is being made on a multinational level, the people should know.

COOPER: President Carter and Secretary of State Vance have constantly alluded to this in their speeches.

KAISER: It just hasn’t become an issue.

Source: “Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management,” ed. by Holly Sklar, 1980. South End Press, Boston. Pages 192-3.

Of course, although Kaiser and Cooper claimed everything being manipulated by the Trilateral Commission committee was already out in the open, it wasn’t.

Their interview slipped under the mainstream media radar, which is to say, it was ignored and buried. It didn’t become a scandal on the level of, say, Watergate, although its essence was far larger than Watergate.

US economic and political policy run by a committee of the Trilateral Commission—the Commission had been been created in 1973 as an “informal discussion group” by David Rockefeller and his sidekick, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who would become Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor.

When Carter won the presidential election, his aide, Hamilton Jordan, said that if after the inauguration, Cy Vance and Brzezinski came on board as secretary of state and national security adviser, “We’ve lost. And I’ll quit.” Lost—because both men were powerful members of the Trilateral Commission and their appointment to key positions would signal a surrender of White House control to the Commission.

Vance and Brzezinski were appointed secretary of state and national security adviser, as Jordan feared. But he didn’t quit. He became Carter’s chief of staff.

Now consider the vast propaganda efforts of the past 40 years, on so many levels, to install the idea that all nations and peoples of the world are a single Collective.

From a very high level of political and economic power, this propaganda op has had the objective of grooming the population for a planet that is one coagulated mass, run and managed by one force. A central engine of that force is the Trilateral Commission.

Source: Patrick Wood, “Trilateral Commission Endgame,”

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

The ultimate medical experiment

The ultimate medical experiment

~a short story~

by Jon Rappoport

October 9. 2013

Fifty years ago, on June 4th, 4191, a medical experiment was concluded. It had enveloped the entire planet.

This was the working hypothesis: if you could replace the DNA in a human being with new synthetic DNA that was highly protective, you could expose a human to fierce assaults and he would survive.

The environments chosen for the experiment were the McDonald’s Plateaus in 657 locations across Earth. These were basically pools of intense radioactive water, plus lead, other heavy metals, a soup of virulent (natural and engineered) bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, and parasites, mixed with dangerous medical drugs, industrial pollutants, chemical warfare agents, and Pentagon nerve gases.

One by one, humans engineered with the new replacement DNA were lowered into the pools.

The first 12 humans died within minutes.

Based on autopsies and tox screens, changes were made to the synthetic protective DNA structure because, to be frank, the scientists really had no idea which configuration would produce the desired result.

Over the next 300 years, succeeding sets of 12 humans were brought to the pools and immersed.

With each set, death was the end point, and it was unfortunately achieved.

After every “death of a dozen,” as it was called, the scientists would reconfigure the DNA structure, hoping for a lucky break.

It never came.

Eventually, 13 billion humans (aka, the population of Earth) were tested, and they all died.

The researchers announced they had run out of test subjects. They stated they were confident that, had they been given enough time and enough human subjects, they would have eventually discovered the correct keys to “robust survival.”

At the end of the experiment, there were 17,000 humans left on Earth. Bankers, key politicians, mega-corporate CEOs, scientists, and a small unit of soldiers.

They, along with a select group of ideal “breeding stock,” began the job of repopulating the planet.

Naturally, I am a descendant of the 17,000.

The population of Earth now stands at roughly four million.

The New Global Institute of Biology has issued the following press release:

It is apparent that the conditions under which the The Great Experiment was originally carried out no longer apply. We are not subject to former levels of pollution and harmful substances. In that very important sense, The Experiment was a resounding success.

Neither is there a compelling reason to continue the search for a synthetic DNA configuration that will provide ultimate protection.”

A week of official celebrations is planned.

I must say, however, that had The Experiment never been mounted and launched in the first place, eventually the outcome it achieved would have come about naturally.

The end point would have taken longer to achieve, but the result would have been the same. This was apparent even in the early days of the 21st century, given the pollution levels at that time.

Food for thought…which is now merely academic and theoretical.

Exit From the Matrix

Before I sign my name to this brief historical note, I must make it clear that birth records and lines of heredity have been muddled, over the last several centuries.

Apparently, I am a direct descendant of one of the original researchers involved in The Great Experiment. As a result of much literature and counter-literature, I cannot assure you my name retains any significant meaning.

It is “FD Rock Meng Mons Wall.”

Here are several current Wiki entries that might shed light on the separate components:

It is presumed that FD is a shortened form of FDA, an ancient agency of government that successfully and brilliantly protected the public by certifying medical drugs as safe or unsafe.”

Rock is sometimes explained as Rockefeller, an American family dedicated to ending war and starvation and ensuring cooperation among governments. A family foundation sponsored early research on The Great Experiment. Fragments of a paper titled “The Need for Depopulation” exist at the Kissinger Memorial Library.”

Meng may refer to a brilliant German surgeon, Joshua or Joseph Mengele, who carried out tests on the limits of human endurance.”

Mons is almost certainly an abbreviated form of Monsanto, a 21st-century corporation that revolutionized planetary agriculture through genetically modifying food crops to provide spectacularly enhanced nutritive value.”

Wall, it is argued, stands for Wall Street, which may have been a company or consortium. It assembled a large portion of the initial funding for The Great Experiment, by selling shares of ‘mortgage derived securities.’ The meaning of this phrase is not presently known.”


FD Rock Meng Mons Wall, PhD, Biology

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

The dominance of the cartoon in a declining civilization

The dominance of the cartoon in a declining civilization

by Jon Rappoport

October 1, 2013

Here is the function of a cartoon: it can extol and pay lip service to qualities like freedom and imagination and courage…and yet these assertions mean nothing because, well, it’s only a cartoon talking.

The most obvious examples are television news anchors and mainstream pundits. They automatically diminish the power and the authenticity of whatever they refer to.

There are many other cartoons. You’ve met them and seen them.

The whole society is embracing the Disney view of reality. Of course, the wars we engage in deliver real bullets and bombs and people die, but that’s mitigated by the fact that, for most of populace, it’s happening on television and not up close and personal.

There is another version of the talking cartoon: the utopian.

He is spinning delightful visions of collective paradise, in which a widespread transformation of consciousness is linking us all together with rainbow special effects.

The utopian cartoons seem to be quite eloquent, but if you take the time to break down their assertions, you find the generalities fall apart in your hands.

Sometimes you can watch a cartoon espousing individual freedom arguing with a cartoon who urges collective unity. This is quite a treat, like eating several flavors of popcorn at the same time.

The cartoon isn’t merely one level removed from life. It’s a composite of many layers piled on top of a distant memory of the real thing.

Viewed from one angle, the Matrix is a machine that manufactures endless numbers of talking cartoons.

Public relations comes into play here as well, because that craft involves calculating the public response. You don’t talk until you believe you can predict the reaction, and then you tailor your words to elicit it.

Cartoon-speak. It’s devoid of life, but its purveyors say, “So what?” It’s Pavlovian. It’s looking for dogs who drool when the bell rings, expecting food.

We have cartoon Presidents. Eventually, they all sound like their programming is wearing out. Then it’s time for a new election and a new leader.

The Matrix Revealed

In 1958, writer and painter Brion Gysin invented what he called the “cutup.” Using newspapers, scissors, glue and tape, he cut articles into pieces and arbitrarily rearranged the words. These days, if you Google “cutup machine,” you’ll find several random generators into which you can paste text and have the rearranging done in seconds.

To illustrate the cartoon nature of Presidents, here is a typical canned statement about war from Obama, followed by its cutup, and then one from Bush and its cutup. I recommend cutups as a way of getting a grip on the true nature of cartoons and the operations of cartoon-speak and public relations:

Obama quote: “When we send our young men and women into harm’s way, we have a solemn obligation not to fudge the numbers or shade the truth about why they’re going, to care for their families while they’re gone, to tend to the soldiers upon their return, and to never ever go to war without enough troops to win the war, secure the peace, and earn the respect of the world.”

Same Obama quote, cut up: “When war never gone about solemn our peace to to going to and the enough upon for numbers harm’s the win and while the have we secure ever to why obligation young and war the to fudge women respect troops their their or way world the to they’re truth a send the go tend they’re not men earn without soldiers care the into of to return families shade we”

Two interesting and telling phrases emerge in the cutup: “fudge women respect” and “they’re not men.” I didn’t insert them. They appeared after the random generator rearranged the quote. “Families shade we” is also suggestive of complete unconcern about the relatives of troops. Then there’s the ominous “harm’s the win.”

And now, on to Bush:

Bush quote: “A commander in chief sends America’s sons and daughters into battle in a foreign land only after the greatest care and a lot of prayer. We ask a lot of those who wear our uniform. We ask them to leave their loved ones, to travel great distances, to risk injury, even to be prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice of their lives. They are dedicated. They are honorable. They represent the best of our country, and we are grateful. To all the men and women in our military, every sailor, every soldier, every airman, every Coast Guardsman, every Marine, I say this: Your mission is defined. The objectives are clear. Your goal is just. You have my full confidence, and you will have every tool you need to carry out your duty.”

Same Bush quote, cut up: “A a to the are commander lot make men clear in of the and Your chief those ultimate women goal sends who sacrifice in is America’s wear of our just sons our their military You and uniform lives every have daughters We They sailor my into ask are every full battle them dedicated soldier confidence in to They every and a leave are airman you foreign their honorable every will land loved They Coast have only ones represent Guardsman every after to the every tool the travel best Marine you greatest great of I need care distances our say to and to country this carry a risk and Your out lot injury we mission your of even are is duty prayer to grateful defined We be To The ask prepared all objectives”

The phrase “airman you foreign” jumps out. There is also the slightly more cryptic “Your out lot injury we mission.”

Understand, of course, that these wars are all undertaken for very different reasons than those given.

Exit From the Matrix

In the Matrix, it’s standard operating procedure to abstract cartoons from actual values and present the fakes as if they’re the real thing. This puts communication on a level where meaning doesn’t matter. It’s all phony, as if Scrooge McDuck is reciting the Declaration of Independence or Mickey Mouse is citing grave consequences of the federal government shutdown.

I once asked a national television reporter how it felt to interview politicians. His answer: “It’s like being in a fantasy theme park. The politician knows that I know he’s spouting nonsense, but he doesn’t care, as long as I go along with the ruse and pretend it’s real.”

For a glimpse behind the cartoon, here is a statement George W Bush made in 1989, to the Midland Reporter Telegram, five years before he won his first election and became governor of Texas: “You know, I could run for governor and all this but I’m basically a media creation. I’ve never really done anything. I’ve worked for my dad. I worked in the oil industry. But that’s not the kind of profile you have to have to get elected to public office.”

When I write about consensus reality, and I often do, I’m referring, among other things, to its cartoon-nature, and the acceptance of information which is supposed to be coming from live sources, but which is actually emanating from PR personae and roles.

You can search a slew of articles I wrote a couple of years ago on the Magic Theater. This was a project I developed in which people would spontaneously act out roles in conversation with each other.

During the two live seminars I held in San Diego, I noticed that the attendees frequently fell into cartoons. That is, they not only spoke in their roles (king, doctor, CIA agent, intergalactic cop, etc.), but, without planning to, they naturally imbued those roles with all the madcap qualities of cartoon characters.

People know what’s going on.

One of the jobs of artists is to expose the ubiquitous scam.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Spiritual fascism

Spiritual fascism

by Jon Rappoport

September 30, 2013

Year by year, I continue to make my case for the independent individual—one might even say the lone individual, except that this phrase has been co-opted to mean an assassin, a killer.

Which tells us where society is heading.

On every possible front, the psyop is about discrediting the individual and elevating the group and the collective.

Because I’m 75 years old, I’ve been around long enough to see the tectonic shift, among so-called intellectuals, from admiring and praising the individual to celebrating some sort of spiritual unity that makes us all into One Cosmic Glob.

For example: “There is really no separation between us. That’s an illusion. Finally, we are one consciousness.”

I dispute this. I reject it completely.

This, yes, insanity arises from a basic confusion and blind spot about the creative power (of the individual), which has no boundaries.

It is quite possible to imagine and create and invent a perception that we are all one consciousness and to experience the fullness of the perception. It is not an illusion. It is quite real.

But one can also un-create that perception.

In fact, in the early spiritual exercises of Tibetan tantric students and adepts, this on-off creation was a significant component. It was done, consciously, as a merging and un-merging with Nature. It was PRACTICED on a daily basis.

In early Tibet, a truly unique culture that was soon dismantled and destroyed by theocratic leaders, the individual was recognized as an staggeringly powerful artist.

Rather than assume there was one final highest reality we all share, it was understood that the individual could and did invent realities without limit.

Presuming to understand a final reality for all of us was considered absurd.

It is also a form of fascism. Spiritual fascism.

The Matrix Revealed

Exit From the Matrix

Once you embark on a road of imagination and creating, all bets are off. All preconceptions about what you must do, make, think, assume, and believe are yesterday’s news.

The individual is no longer “dangerous or deluded or separated from his brothers and sisters by ego” or any of the other debilitating formulations that have been offered to convince we are all One.

Here and now you or I can sit and invent the perception that, yes, we are all one consciousness…and then dispense with that perception. In either case, I’m doing it. You’re doing it. You’re creating a perception.

That’s what artists do, what they’ve always done. Somehow, in this cheesy spiritually fascist web of confusion, the fact has been lost.

People occasionally write to me and say the artist has no function in this society. Well, I’m not talking about function. Function is for machines.

Machines aren’t free.

This society is supposed to exist to allow the individual to flourish, but waiting for that to happen will put you on the track to nowhere.

Society is heading for more and more collectivism. Economically, politically, spiritually.

Here is a bottom line. People in this world believe in what they create, except they’re not aware of what they’re creating.

They think, instead, they’re seeing what’s already there.

This missing link explains a great deal.

People are playing a shell game with themselves. They’re placing the pea inside a particular shell, and then they’re turning over the shell and finding the pea.

Then they exclaim, “Look what I found!”

NO. They didn’t find it. They put it there to begin with.

They created a reality and then denied they created it.

This would be like a painter spending six months making a huge work in his studio and then saying…”It’s a miracle. I walked into the studio today and I found this painting leaning against the wall. Astonishing!”

Yes, you can conceive of (create) all of humanity and stars and galaxies as One Consciousness if you want to. You can do that. You can also do something else. In either case, you did it. And you can undo it.

The clue you should take from that exercise is: you have an extraordinary capacity to create “content.”

Dictators and fascists tell you what content you should create, and on top of that, they say you didn’t create the content at all. It was always there.

I could write a science fiction story that goes this way: One day, the guy next door, who is a painter, lugs one of his large canvases into your house and hangs it on the wall. He has a big grin on his face. He’s positively serene. He’s producing great GENEROSITY out of every pore. He says, “Look at this! This is what reality really is. Do you see? It shows that we’re all one great consciousness. And the funny thing is, I didn’t paint this. It just appeared on a blank canvas. I saw it this morning when I went into my studio! Now, listen. You should believe in this painting, too. You really should. This is the higher reality…”

Yes, I could write this science fiction story. Except it’s already happening, every day.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Went to college, got the T-shirt and $150,000 debt

Went to college, got the T-shirt and $150,000 debt

by Jon Rappoport

September 26, 2013

Yes, a whole lot of boys and girls are paying $150,000 for a T-shirt. Now that’s a sales job. We’re not talking about about a purse that costs three grand or a $500 bottle of bitter champagne or 10 grand for a vacation cruise that gives you a solid case of dysentery.

This is a really sublime con. And I have a solution for it.

The student enrolls in what I simply call The Course.

He goes to the library once a week and checks out a stack of books. Any books. For four hours a day, five days a week, for six years, you chain him to a table in a quiet room at home.

There’s a thick notebook on the table and pencils. And the books. No computer. No phone. No videos. No music. No nothing. You walk out and close the door.

That’s it.

The rest is up to him.

During his six years, the student might read and/or write about television, space travel, the process of elephants giving birth, soldier ants, the CIA, God, the suppression of bubblegum sales during World War 2, an analysis of photographs of desert mirages, Jesus, the Rockefellers, malaria, ghosts, football, worship of idols in ancient Polynesia, the evolution of the hot dog, syphilis, leprosy, plutonium, Plato, gastric ulcers, Middle East wars, building houses out of rubber tires, the Federal Reserve, cell phone radiation…

Or he might do nothing.

It’s his choice.

Nobody teaches him anything. Nobody checks up on him. Nobody encourages him. Nobody guides him. Nobody tests him or grades him or graduates him.

This is the first and last time I’ll be speaking to you about The Course. You’re going to start today. Good luck.”

I’ll put that up against any liberal arts curriculum in America.

And of course, it has a Zen component. Silence. Inevitable confusion. Resentment. The need for answers which never come. Frustration. Choice.

And it’s free. No T-shirt, no student loans, no government interference, no administration, no brainwashing, no social agenda, no sense of entitlement, no hype.

There’s a chance the student may actually become interested in something ON HIS OWN.

If not, so be it. He has no one to blame.

The Matrix Revealed

I guess I’m not curious about what I don’t know. I’m a robot. So I’ll just go to the nearest programming center and sign up. They can make me over into whatever they need. No problem.”

In case you haven’t noticed, our society has become obsessed, at every possible level, with meddling in other people business. I’m not talking about honest prosecution of crimes. I’m talking about downright interference.

Don’t you think you should be doing THIS?” Shouldn’t you stop doing THAT?” “Don’t you care about what your grandmother THINKS?”

Exit From the Matrix

The Course is meddle-free. So even if a student comes out of his six years with nothing, at least he know what’s it’s like to exist, for four hours a day, in a non-meddling space.

And his parents get the message as well.

I just want to take Jimmy some tea and cookies while he’s studying.”

Hold on, Martha, don’t you remember when we signed the contract, it said no interruptions? If you walk in there, they can come and shoot you. And I believe they will. They were very emphatic on that point.”

I want to make sure he’s all right.”

Here…let me read from their leaflet: ‘You as the parent may experience a grinding need to walk in on your precious little doofus while he’s doing The Course. Recognize this comes from your craven fear of being alone with nothing but your own thoughts. You’re assuredly deranged. Should you ignore this warning, your child will be only too happy to report you, we will take you out, and it won’t be pretty…’”

I believe The Course is an idea whose time has come.

Bonus: you can ignore the towers of absolute crap the government shovels about education.

The Course is stark and uncompromising. Beauty comes in many forms.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

The CIA man and his mind-controlled prop

The CIA man and his mind-controlled prop

~a short story~

by Jon Rappoport

September 16, 2013

He could hardly believe his new life. It was a like a dream unrolling on a carpet.

Yes, there were occasional glitches, and repairs had to be done now and then—his handler called them “refreshers”—but things were so very beautiful.

In his former life he thought he’d understood the term “juice,” but he hadn’t had a clue. Real juice was when doors opened you didn’t even know were closed. As you strode down hallways to meeting rooms, reality was quickly cast up like stage flats to accommodate your objectives and even your moods.

Now, ten years into this second existence, an aide brought him a recording. It was a message from his CIA man. His handler. The accompanying brief note read:

Congratulations on your tenth anniversary. I want you to listen to what I told you at your lowest point, that night in the lab, at the very beginning of our adventure, just to remind you how far you’ve come. ONWARD!”

The recording would be rather disturbing, but he had to hear it. He needed it for comparison. He needed to understand how the best of all possible worlds could crumble. There were no absolute guarantees.

Keep on the straight and narrow. Stay with the agenda.

He put in his earpiece, sat back, and took it all in:

Well, I’m looking at a sad case sitting in front of me, once a prof at some top Ivy joint, but now a puddle of withering wet flesh in the steam bath of the psyche, the two of us here sitting side by side with towels wrapped around our naked bodies in the heat coming out of the walls and the floor. Listen, Doc, the point is, everything you learned in your forty fifty years was funneling into an artificial personality, get what I mean, and when that blew away in the wind, which yes we had some role in bringing about, you were left with nothing, but don’t try to come at me with whining and recrimination because I can still save you and this isn’t over, you’re useful even in your present demented state, you’ve got circuits we can deploy, plug into, to broadcast messages out into the general public, and this may not be what you imagined your life was going to be, but it’s better than than the Void.

There are hearings coming up on the war, and we can use you there too, to testify about who did what to who and who didn’t, we’ll feed you the data, we’ll install the bricks and you’ll lay them out on the table for the committee in a convincing way, and we’ll pay you for that, we’ll set you up in a nice hotel in DC with some people to take care of you, to watch over you, and you’ll forget about your problems.

Reporters will come to you for statements and cash will flow, maybe you’ll even marry one of our models, she’ll make you feel like a top-flight man of the world, you’ll be a bon vivant after a while as you get used to your new status, you’ll put yourself back together again, step by step, think of it as rehab, a long rehab after surgery, a new time.

We’ll pipe these messages through your brain stem, you won’t even feel it after a while, it’ll seem like a warm breeze blowing through your head, trees in the glen, sailboats in the harbor, cafes at sunset, new friends. You’ll wonder how you ever put up with that university and all those stale domeheads, you’ll be the simulacrum of a player in our cartoon.

You want to hurt somebody you’ll be able to do it with impunity, nobody’ll touch you in the afterglow, we’ll give you look-ins from our spying machinery, homes, offices, ships at sea, we’ve got the whole show cordoned off, we’ve got the power…Doc, I can rebuild the framework for you, I can run you for public office, I can hook you up to watch missile attacks, we can delete your files and lay in new ones, eradicate every little nasty thing you’ve ever done, Operation Clean Slate, you’re bad you’re good, you’re whatever you want to be, neurologically speaking, you’re a high-functioning android, a siphon, but you have to let go of the residuals, dump those tag ends of your former life, you can drive yourself crazy with that stuff, try to imagine what it means to have a government inside a government behind you, working for you.

You’ll be a star on the horizon making book on a new century, we can create a whole legend for you, backfill your past…and now you’ll show up in the middle of night to handle a client who’s caught in the middle of an op, bail him out, he’s grateful to you for the rest of his life, he talks about you to his friends, your name spreads like wildfire, you’re a fixer, other people want your game, see, it’s yours, you own it, you make up the rules as you go along, you move mountains, you’re immune, the sweat that comes out of your pores immediately turns into the news.

You’re the king of the hill. As long as you’re ours.”

Yes, he remembered how he felt that night so long ago, desperate, at his wit’s end. They knew he’d cheated on his wife, knew he was a fraud as a professor, that he’d plagiarized other men’s work, that he’d blackmailed a colleague to get him to withdraw his name from an application for tenure so HE could sit in that endowed chair instead.

But at his darkest, his CIA man had offered him hope. And not just hope. Brilliant victory. And the ability to radiate a synthetic aura that matched and called forth the deepest dreams of a corrupt city at the heart of global power.

How they accomplished this supernatural feat he’d never understand, but they succeeded.

Wherever he went now, people, insiders, looked at him with special recognition. They were seeing their own perverse desires realized. He had that magical effect.

And his CIA man fed him timely and acute information to which few others were privy, so when he spoke of issues and problems and crises, he was already in tomorrow, while others were swimming in yesterday.

Now, he turned off the recording and smiled. Yes, this was a life he could never have dreamed of, because he didn’t know it existed, but here he was, playing it out.

The Matrix Revealed

A man he’d never seen before strolled into his office.

The door closed from the outside. They were alone.

You’ve listened to the recording?” he man said.


Suddenly nervous, he said, “Yes. I’ve listened to it.”

Then know this. Your handler just died in a car crash on the New Jersey Turnpike. He’s gone. I’m your new man. He had, shall we say, a special affection for you. I don’t. I have new rules.”


The man continued, “We’re putting you ‘on the slide,’ as we say. Your ratings are going to go into sharp decline. Nothing personal. You were up, now you’re down. You’ll end up looking battered. Scandals. Reverses. Bad publicity.”

But wait! What have I done? My man is dead?”

A few hours ago, yes. You haven’t done anything. Listen to me. You have a choice. You can take what’s going to happen to you personally, or you can roll with the punches. Make it easy on yourself. You’re not the centerpiece. We have larger issues.”

What the hell are you talking about? I’m a decision maker!”

Sure. It seems that way. But don’t forget who’s in charge here. Ten years from now, if you behave yourself, you’ll have your own foundation. You’ll win back all your friends. You’ll still be working for us, but the agenda will shift slightly.”

The CIA man looked at him. There was no respect in his gaze. He was making an assessment.

The President of the United States felt paralyzed.

He could already sense his aura slipping away.

Without thinking, he blurted out, “I’m a drug addict who’s been cut off!”

Exactly, Mr. President,” the CIA man said. “That’s a proper analogy. Begin to wean yourself immediately.”

Again the President spoke without thinking. “Tell me what you did to me at the beginning! I’ve never known. How did you make all this happen?”

The CIA man nodded, as if other men had asked him the question before.

You’d be surprised,” he said. “The technology was only a piece of the equation. You see, it was your need. We found it in you. Your need was great.”

The summation hit him like a blow to the belly.

He had participated in his own re-invention. The obvious reason was there all along. His craven NEED for what this new life could give him.

This…what you’re describing…would be very difficult,” the President said. He heard the whining tone in his voice. “I’d be playing without backup. I’d be ALONE.”

Yes,” the CIA man said. “You’ll be navigating in the dark, in a boat with a broken engine. It’s a test of courage.”

The President was silent for a long time.

Suppose I choose to expose you,” he said.

The CIA man nodded.

Let me put it this way,” he said. “We plan for contingencies. That one is in our book.”

The President felt the room tilt. A woman who looked like his mother walked out of the wall in front of him. She pointed a long finger.

You’ll behave, son,” she said. “Or you won’t get any candy and I’ll whip you before you go to bed.”

The President was really an arrested child. He huddled inside himself in his chair and thought about open skies and open roads, and how he had left them behind, a long time ago, and instead had chosen fear as his brother-in-arms.

Here and now, he wanted to say that had been his great mistake, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.

He forced himself to smile. He believed his smile was charming.

I’ll work with you,” he said.

Of course you will,” the CIA man said.

Exit From the Matrix

The Oval Office righted itself and the woman who looked like his mother disappeared.

The President heard phrases like echoes:

Make war when we say war, make peace when we say so.” “There are no lies, only advantages.” “Build what we tell you to and they will love you.” “You’re the most important man in the world.”

You’re not really from the CIA, are you?” the President said.

Well, ‘CIA’ is a general term,” the man said. “But no. Let’s say we’re a deeper organization.”

The President felt he might explode.

Who’s running this goddamn country?” he said.

All you have to know is who’s running you.”

I’m a front man.”

You’re a hub cap on the wheel of a car at the back of the parade.”

The President felt a yearning to return to his earlier years as a professor. Then, he’d only been a small-time criminal. Now…he didn’t know what he was. Why did his handler have to come in here and interrupt his life? Why couldn’t they operate at a distance and help him preserve the illusion that he was a leader?

Finally, summoning up the remainder of his energy, the President said, “Look, whoever you are. I’m an actor. Do you understand? I’m playing my role. That’s what you want me for. So don’t show up like this. It ruins my concentration. I need to do what I do well. Everything is riding on the way I perform. This is my gift.”

The other man nodded.

Yes,” he said. “I’ll leave you alone. But stay with your role, as you call it, for the rest of your term. Stay in character. Don’t rock the boat.”

The President watched the man morph. It took almost a full minute. What was left was the First Lady. She stood there staring at him.

What did you say, dear?” she said.

Oh…nothing,” he said. “Nothing.”

She looked at her watch.

We have to dress for dinner,” she said.

Of course,” he said.

Now,” she said.

She took him by the arm. She guided him toward the door.

For some reason, he tried to remember the day he married her.

He couldn’t.

He tried to remember where he’d first met her.

He couldn’t.

As if she were reading his mind, she said, “I’ll always be here. I was always here.”

He realized it was easier to accept what she was saying then try to untangle what couldn’t be undone.

I’m a player,” he said. “I’ll go with this to the end of line. No one and nothing will budge me. I’ve got a hundred dollars that says I’ll outlast you.”

She grinned.

You’re on,” she said.

It doesn’t matter who or what you are,” he said. “When you’re gone I’ll still be here.”

As they walked out of the Oval Office, he heard faint music. Somewhere in the White House, a band was rehearsing Hail to the Chief.

I’m the President, he thought. They’ll never be able to take that from me.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at