OCTOBER 31, 2010.  I’ve spent almost 30 years documenting medical blunders and intentional deceptions.  But at the root of all this is the question:


There is no statement in the Constitution that denies you that freedom or even suggests it is up for auction. 

However, as we all know, the government decided to ally itself with the conventional practice of medicine.  That alliance will not affect you if, in the privacy of your own home, you decide to ingest a nutrient to cure your lumbago, but it certainly does affect what health practitioners can offer you in their offices.

If they stray beyond the “codes of good practice,” as defined by government-supported medical boards, they can have their licenses yanked.  They can be made into pariahs.  If they go into court to challenge rulings against them, they can wind up paying millions of dollars to lawyers for an uncertain outcome.

There is another vector at work here, though.  Schools.  Schools and their presumption they can detect the psychological/physical condition of children.

Here is a chilling story of Diane Booth and her son Vincent, as told by Fred A Baughman, MD, in 2003.  So far, I’ve been unable to get an update on this case.  Diane Booth apparently has a website, but it’s either not operating or I can’t gain access from my computer.  

Excerpts from Dr. Baughman’s account:

“The ordeal of Vincent Booth and his mother, Diane, began as it begins in every case, in every school district in the US–with teachers diagnosing ADHD, presently the number one “disease” in the country.

“Teachers from the Sunnyvale School District decided, not only that 6-year-old son, Vincent, had ADHD, but that he needed Ritalin, as well. Not only did teachers, never having been to medical school, make the diagnosis, they presumed it was their right, duty, and competence, as well, to designate the medication he needed–in this case, an addictive, dangerous, sometimes lethal (200 deaths reported to FDA-Medwatch, 1990-2000) medication–Ritalin.

“When Diane, the natural, legal, mother rejected their diagnosis and treatment, they called in Child Protective Services, pronounced her ‘negligent;’ by order of the juvenile court made Vincent a ward of the State of California (case # JD 1110); institutionalized, diagnosed, and drugged him. Vincent was six years old, and, up to that point, healthy and normal.

“Vincent was held at the Eastfield Ming Quong, a locked, children’s holding facility at one time used to force social services on California’s Chinese immigrant children. Placed on Ritalin, Vincent developed tics–involuntary movements–a complication of Ritalin, never witnessed previously [in him]. He also had bruises and bumps–signs of physical abuse [suffered during incarceration].

“Diane complained, but to no avail. Next, she took matters into her own hands. In desperation, and at her son’s request, she fled to Canada with him on July 5, 2000, and applied for refugee status. Two months later the FBI apprehended them in British Columbia and tore Vincent from her side while he screamed for help that his mother wasn’t allowed to give him.

“For the past 2 ½ years Vincent has been a child of the State of California, held at the Eastfield Ming Quong, getting treatment for the multiple “diseases” psychiatry says he has with the multiple drugs psychiatry says he needs.

“Throughout the 2 ½ years no member of Diane’s family was allowed to have contact with Vincent, and Diane remained a fugitive until she tired of life on the run and turned herself in to authorities in Okanagan, Washington, in January, 2003.

“Diane has since been extradited to Santa Clara County where she has been unable to make bail and remains incarcerated at the (Diane Booth, BOOKING# 03007942, PFN# DPN183, P.O. Box 60910) Elmwood Correctional Center for Women, MILPITAS, CA 95036. While the FBI has seen fit to drop all charges against her, Santa Clara County, not wishing to be charged themselves, still presses felony, child endangerment and child stealing charges against her, that could result in up to 8 years in prison–all of it, mind you, for loving her only child, her normal son, Vincent.

“Diane began to correspond with me through my web site about two years ago when she was still in Canada, seeking refugee status there. Based on her description of events (a scenario repeated in every school, in every state, every single day) and medical records, there is no doubt that Vincent was a medically, neurologically normal child at the time psychiatric diagnosing and labeling began, and until the always-injurious, psychiatric drugging began. Vincent’s psychiatric incarceration, ordered by his new “parent,” Judge Leonard P. Edwards (parens patriae), assured it would always be thus.

“In the summer of 2002…Vincent was administered multiple psychiatric medications…each known to [be] brain damaging, none known to target a proven brain abnormality/disease.. They were Buspar, Zoloft and Risperdal, an antipsychotic–an especially potent brain poison. As of June, 2002 Vincent was said to display ‘tics (probably a persisting side effect of Ritalin, but Risperdal commonly causes involuntary movements, as well, known as tardive dyskinesia) severe anxiety, fearfulness, impulsivity, hyper-vigilance, poor adult-child relationships, tantrums and aggression toward staff and peers.’

“More worrisome by far, a case manager wrote: ‘Vincent is socially immature and often functions in a regressed, primitive, unsociable manner, sometimes at a 2 or 3 year level.’

“What if Vincent had been normal and free, living in the protective, loving care of his natural mother, Diane. What if he had been allowed to be the normal child he was, not imprisoned and drugged–a psychiatric patient-in-perpetuity?

“…Every American should know about the Diane Booth case, because, believe it or not, it is happening all over the country, in every school district, every day. In most instances, the coercion works; the insistence that the Ritalin is necessary, that your child can’t function without it–this ‘chemical balancer’ for his ‘chemical imbalance.’ I hear from parents hounded at work, hounded at home, evenings, threatened by the CPS-turned-Gestapo leaving no doubt of your negligence, no doubt juvenile court is the next stop.

“And yes, Diane was a single parent, but a good parent, and she was at her best loving and protecting her son, standing on her common sense. However psychiatry needed her son, not to help him, but, regardless of him, to make him a profit-point; to make him a life-long profit-point, and that is exactly what they will do to Vincent and to any child anywhere, in any US public school, and you-Mother and Father in the USA, you had better wake up to the fact that today it is Diane Booth, tomorrow it can be you, your child, grandchild, niece, nephew, for they find psychiatric ‘diseases’ in each and every child, normal or not.

“Lest you think I am some ranting fool, consider this from the Bazelon Center for Mental Health in Washington, DC [Practice Trends, Clinical Psychiatric News, May 2000, page 49.] Speaking of Vincent Booth, and millions like him across the country, they say:

  “…Approximately 2.1-4.1 million children, aged 9-17 years have a serious mental or emotional disorder. Last year, 23% of parents of children with behavioral disorders were told that they needed to relinquish custody to obtain intensive mental health services for their children; 20% actually gave up custody.”


End Baughman quote—

Well, taking the low figure of 2.1 million children, if that indeed represents diagnosed cases, it would mean the custody of roughly 400,000 children had been delivered over to the State.

Does this sound like freedom to you?



  1. […] Medical Brainwashing “Lest you think I am some ranting fool, consider this from the Bazelon Center for Mental Health in Washington, DC [Practice Trends, Clinical Psychiatric News, May 2000, page 49.] Speaking of Vincent Booth, and millions like him across the country, they say: […]

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