by Jon Rappoport


“I’m going to show you the nuts and bolts of how the fiction called Reality is built.” — Ellis Medavoy, retired propaganda master, interviewed by Jon Rappoport in THE MATRIX REVEALED


March 31, 2012


Two months ago, I introduced my new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED. I wrote about it. Now I want to write about it from a different angle.


People believe that, at some time in the past, things were different. There was once an era of no fraud. But that’s a lie. There has always been a Matrix, and its quality is walking talking pretension.


It pretends to be reality.


And because people don’t assume they can, individually, create their own reality, they accept this one and all its fraud.


The Matrix is a false idol.


And like all idols, it has tremendous esthetic appeal.


People look at it and find harmony and symmetry. But, as it turns out, people SEE HARMONY AND SYMMETRY because that’s how they’re programmed to see.


And because they believe the only other alternative would be imbalance and chaos.


When you study Geometry, you learn how to prove certain statements about perfect shapes. Logic merges with perfection. It’s a system. It’s rather beautiful. The mind and the eye come to the same conclusions.


Geometry is a metaphor for the Matrix. The mind and the eye, the thought process and the perceiving process fit like lock and key. A closed system.


Why create anything different? Why try, in the face of perfection?


Here’s another way to consider the Matrix. It’s resonance. It’s the blending of one consciousness with another, like the ringing of a bell that sends a vibration to another bell that then starts ringing with the same sound. You have many bells, and they’re all tuned to the same pitch. When the first bell is struck, the vibration spreads through the whole array of bells, and this unison of sound is pleasant. The sensation is very pleasant.


And suppose that somewhere there is a machine that makes sure every bell stays tuned to the same pitch. If a bell falls out of line, it’s adjusted.


If you have a million bells, and several hundred decide to change their pitch and rebel, they can. But eventually they will come back to the central sound, because they want to. They want to feel the resonance. And when they do come back, they will be the most devoted advocates for the central sound. Every bell making the same sound will, in fact, be their “political platform.” Resonance, the perfection of resonance will be their crusade.


They will say, “We never opposed the One Sound. We were only angry that every bell wasn’t dedicated to it. And so we will do everything in our power to make sure all the bells believe in that Sound.”


To carry this a bit further, suppose there are many people, working in different fields, on different levels, to make sure that the resonance prevails. And some of those people are actually adding sections to the machine that keeps all bells tuned to the same pitch. They’re making the machine bigger and more inclusive. They’re special people. They’re “insiders.”


In the 1960s, some of the most harsh and violent rebels seemed to be defecting from the central sound. Their friends and supporters thought of them as heroes. The amazing thing is that these rebels are now back. The very corporate-government embrace they wanted to blow apart is now their theme. It’s stunning. They now see that partnership as the end-all and be-all, a force that will bring the world into an equitable harmony of Collectivism. They are now soldiers for the Sound.


My road has been to expose the “special people,” the insiders who are adding sections to the machine that tunes all the bells to the same pitch.


I have brought to light how they build, how they add, how they extend the range of the machine.


In that way, you can see what is actually being done to shore up the Matrix.


And once you do see that, you begin to examine the lock-and-key programming that regulates human perception of the Matrix and seems to make the Matrix into a beautiful and desirable thing.


The central sound, the resonance is part and parcel of the programming, which makes people believe there is no alternative, there is no better way.


The central sound, AS A FORM OF PERCEPTION, makes the fraud that is the Matrix seem like the most beautiful thing imaginable.


That’s the cosmic joke, and on the other side of it is an infinitely greater and richer territory for all of us, for each of us.


Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, and creativity to audiences around the world.

