by Jon Rappoport
February 10, 2022
(To join our email list, click here.)
I keep solving these thorny problems. I really should get paid for the work.
In this case, I need to define “liberal.” It’s anyone who wants to censor free speech. Simple.
Spotify needs to issue a statement to its contracted contributors: “You have 48 hours to tell us whether you favor censoring free speech. If you do favor that policy, we’re cutting you loose. You’re a menace. If you claim you stand for free speech, but later prove, by word or action, that you’re lying, we’ll cut you loose and find some ground to sue you.”
Right away, the Joe Rogan problem disappears. The wrangle with Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, and other liberals who want Rogan banned is over. Spotify offloads those two aging singers.
Then to prove they mean business, Spotify creates special sections of content. For example, the Holocaust archive. This is for commentators who assert the Holocaust never happened, Hitler was a genius and a prophet of salvation, and the Jews run the world.
Then you have another section for pundits who claim Trump IS Hitler, he was foiled from declaring martial law and enlisting the Army to put all minorities into concentration camps, and he came close to destroying the reliable trusted news networks.
Here’s one more section. This is a mixed bag. People argue that white people are devils, the ills of American society all stem from systemic racism, while others claim black people are born with lower IQ’s than white people, and selling and buying slaves in Africa was widespread before the white man ever showed up, etc.
Then Spotify stands back and waits.
And nothing happens.
Except a hurricane on social media, in the press, and in the halls of government bloviation. Otherwise, people go about their lives.
Free speech is confirmed as a non-threat to the safety and security of the nation.
We have to deal with a special case of free speech: “COVID misinformation.” Because here the charge is: allowing people to contradict the official party line AUTOMATICALLY puts all our lives in danger: the ranks of vaccine refusers grow; living unvaccinated out in the open, without masks, gathering in large groups spreads the “deadly virus.”
So Spotify hosts a free live-streamed event for the world audience. A six-month every-day all-day discussion from ALL quarters. Government scientists, dissenting scientists, vaxxers, anti-vaxxers, semi-vaxxers, WHO/CDC reps, Constitutional lawyers, mainstream reporters, independent reporters, Fauci, Gates, Rand Paul, Scott Atlas, etc.
The question under discussion: IS THE GOVERNMENT COVID POLICY EFECTIVE?
Air it out. Air it all out.
Let the chips fall where they may.
If governments can launch a global open-air clinical trial of an experimental RNA vaccine, involving 8 billion people, in order to see what happens, then Spotify can host a continuous demonstration of free speech about COVID—and we can see what happens.
Open the doors, open the windows, let people speak.
Run the experiment.
It’s no mystery. The promotion of censorship is based on fear. The inducement of puddling and huddling fear of what will happen if “we” allow the 1st Amendment to stand.
Here’s another great idea. I’m just giving away these ideas to Spotify for nothing. The platform hosts an event called META-FEAR. This one features a full spectrum of speakers who claim, or reject the notion, that free speech has, in fact, directly incited criminal violence.
Why is this event necessary? Because AFTER Spotify breaks out the massive free-speech campaign I’ve described above, the government will surely come in behind that and claim the consequences HAVE BEEN awful and tragic. They always play that card. “Freedom is a threat to our free way of life.”
At the META-FEAR event, the Department of Homeland Security can step up and sprinkle the air with vague generalizations about “elevated terrorism threats” stemming from “online misinformation inciting violent anti-government groups.” And other speakers can demand specifics and offer counter-narratives.
I would certainly put my two cents in: You guys at Homeland Security HAVE TO invent dire threats to the nation. If you don’t, you have no reason to hold down your jobs and collect your paychecks. If you say, “Well, another week has just gone by and nothing happened,” you’re in trouble.
At the META-FEAR event, you DHS guys will also need to explain why you feature certain types of threat warnings and ignore other types. Do you have a list of protected terrorist groups? Do you have a list of other groups who aren’t threatening anybody—but you’re pretending they are?
Well, this wraps up my business plan for rescuing Spotify. I hereby give permission for other elite platforms to deploy it as well.
In lieu of paying my usual fee of one billion dollars, you can make a donation to the Canadian truckers.
And remember what someone way back there said. It still applies today: Censorship of the people, by the people, for the people is an idea whose time has come, if you’re a complete idiot.
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.
“I keep solving these thorny problems. I really should get paid for the work.”
There isn’t enough money, ya fat bastard.
Our overlords have inverted the terms ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’, in order to force us hard right, so that we will conveniently be on the same page they are. Here is ‘liberalism’ as defined by
“a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties.”
I guess they forgot to change the definition…🙄
Left and right isn’t real, it’s an artificial construct controlled by the cryptocracy.
Political parties or movements are manufactured oppositional dialectics, working for the same cartel.
It’s a divide and conquer mechanism that’s the same as inciting race wars, or creating opposing sports teams, the creation of organized religions, sects, unions, corporations, opposing economic systems, and even nation states. They all have one centrally controlled family or cartel ownership that runs the world through creation of chaos and division. They use contract law to hide their arms length corporate structures and true owners.
The purpose of all these divisions and political parties is to keep the slaves (voters) stuck within the false paradigm, that they are free and live in a democracy. There’s no democracy if all parties are controlled and owned by the same banking/merchant cartel and always have been, since their inception. There is only duplicity and collusion.
The controllers use mass mind control, and psychological warfare to continually split the masses into opposing groups so they can’t see who the real enemy is, and thus profit from the ignorance of the obedient, brainwashed, confused populace.
“I’m just giving away these ideas to Spotify for nothing.”
Thaaaaannnnkkk YOU !
~ from The Spotify Accounting Dept.
Is that Convoy Contro-
Tax-deductible ?
According to a recent article at children’s health defense Spotify has paid Rogan 100 M, Rumble offered him same amount.
Efficient Solution!
Think I’m not going to wait for Spotify to recognize it is the only logical workable solution…
“A point of view can be a dangerous luxury when substituted for insight and understanding.”
― Marshall McLuhan
“I am an intellectual thug who has been slowly accumulating a private arsenal with every intention of using it. In a mindless age every insight takes on the character of a lethal weapon. Every man of good will is the enemy of society.”
― Marshall McLuhan
“Once you see the boundaries of your environment, they are no longer the boundaries of your environment.”
― Marshall McLuhan
A new world order that has been talked about by the ones who are controlling the money supplies of nations is directly related to this planned “covid” event. A one world government. And the extreme censorship that is happening all over the world is more and more notable as the plan is being implemented. The reason they use censorship is because their policies are so fragile that they have to censor people who question their policies in order to protect their weak narrative. They can’t tolerate any point of view that contradicts their demands. I mean, it just shows how weak their narratives are when they’re using censorship as their solution to “win” any debate. They know they will lose every honest debate or discussion about covid narrative because they do not have any science and facts to support their delusional policies, so they must censor, discredit or ridicule anyone who disagrees with them. They discredit, censor and blacklist conservative voices that they don’t have control over using thought-control platforms like big tech and the media. And they use fear to blind people’s eyes in order to control their minds and their actions, because they know how effective fear-based mind control is. They always need a pandemic of fear before they do something that’ll reduce the freedom of the people. And now they’re doing it on a global scale and we’re seeing it as a “covid pandemic”…
Joe Rogan isn’t going anywhere! His podcast will live on. Either on spotify or another network. Just plain business. And he’s good for any business.
Freedom requires daily awareness to expose those that will offer a better way of protection to you by limiting your rights. When your rights become clouded and limits on your rights impose barriers that should ignite your resistance to more of the same. Such as the mandates/vaxs associated with this plandemic to protect us.
When you are hesitant to expound openly to any situation because of fear of retribution you have voluntarily limited your “GOD GIVEN RIGHT” to free speech.
“FREE SPEECH” is equivalant to free fair open voter elections. One does not exist without the other.
This is evident in dictatorships, communist, socialist, marxist, and other similar governments.
Freedom restrictions have seriously risen in the past two years in the free world by use of fake science and deliberate propaganda from elected officials claiming to protect us.
This exposes how the hidden depth of tyranny can develop.
Free speech gives you the right to express your thoughts and makes you responsible for them.
When you can’t openly/peacefully express your thoughts you have no free speech.
“…I need to define ‘liberal’. It’s anyone who wants to censor free speech.”
It’s too bad that the word Liberal has been trashed from it used to represent. A true liberal is someone who believes in freedom.
Here is one of the dictionary definitions of ‘Liberal’: Having views or policies advocating individual freedom of action and expression.
There it is. Those called called Liberals today are not liberals at all. They are shallow, closed-minded intrusive thugs with delusions of godhood. That is the current and true definition of Liberal. A far long way from a real Liberal which was once a term of honor and respect.
The trashing and ruination of language. Part of the core Orwellian corruption of society and political life.
“Free speech is confirmed as a non-threat to the safety and security of the nation.”
Free speech is a threat to the safety and security of the thugs and criminals and deceivers and grifters and posers who claim some color of Authority. True free speech is a threat to NO ONE WHO IS WORTHWHILE.
“The promotion of censorship is based on fear.”
Good people do not use fear. Honorable people do not use fear. If someone is using fear then They have identified themselves as the opposite of good and honorable:
‘You shall know a Tree by its fruits…’
“Censorship of the people, by the people, for the people is an idea whose time has come, if you’re a complete idiot.”
Or also, a Thug Politician or a Thug Media platform or a Thug and Bully of any kind who dares to trample upon our sacred freedoms.
Yes, you always know a tree by it’s fruits. And we have a lot of rotting fruit in our midst these days. It’s getting piled higher every day.
Sort of like those Halloween pumpkins that were left out too long in the sun. They don’t get better with age. In fact, they look and stink worse every day, don’t they?
We could use some REAL Liberals these days. And someone to clean out all the rotten fruit.
I like these two comments from Marshall McLuhan.
“Every society honors its live conformists and its dead troublemakers.”
― Marshall McLuhan
“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is a hallucinating idiot…for he sees what no one else does: things that, to everyone else, are not there.”
― Marshall McLuhan
Run the experiment.
Then to prove they mean business, Spotify creates special sections of content. For example, the Holocaust archive. This is for commentators who assert the Holocaust never happened, Hitler was a genius and a prophet of salvation, and the Jews run the world.
Thanks for elevating the agruement to Godwin’s Law.
Sorry, but to gas light without deliberation of suspect evidence, is what anti-revisionism is about.
To gas light with historical inconsistencies… is that keeping in good stead withthe ADL?
“Free speech is a threat to the safety and security of the thugs and criminals and deceivers and grifters and posers who claim some color of Authority.”
Joni who? 😷
I think the word ‘liberal’ is not working anymore for bullies who feel entitled to be the thought police.
I love Jon’s article: “Spotify must remove all…”.
With humor, irony, facts, logic, fairness, Constitutionality and more Jon speaks to all sides of many of the rot-filled issues of these times. Jon wields a mighty pen and gives voice to my angst. Thank you, Jon.
And as for Joe Rogan and a ‘journalist’ who pontificated that Joe is not a journalist, by saying Joe just asks questions: How ignorant that so-called journalist is!
Joe deftly and humbly facilitates introducing salient and well-supported fact-filled dialogue into the public square, thereby enlarging and empowering a growing responsible collective consciousness with truth and conviction.
What better performance can a journalist provide than that?!
Jon, Free speech is so triggering.
(the above particular original copyright is free, the next one will cost you the price of a Joe Rogan podcast salary… my rules)
Half the country fell asleep but they scream,
We’re distracted by vaccines and TV shows,
Politics, celebrity, gossip, popular neat quotes,
Black lives, white lives, which lives mean most?
We only dedicate one day to remember our fallen soldiers,
The men and women who died young,
But if you come out the closet as Caitlyn Jenner,
You’re a hero and you get a whole Pride month,
The most dangerous pandemic is propaganda from these clowns,
Only mask that’s gonna save us is duct tape on their mouths,
Don’t speak, we don’t need to defund police,
Need to defund the media who lies through their teeth,
Big Pharma doesn’t cure you,
‘Cause every patient that gets cured is a customer lost,
And big oil runs the world, the only wars that get fought,
Are with the countries who have natural resources they want,
Heard ’em claiming if a white man braids his hair,
And likes rap, he’s appropriating culture,
But if a white man acts too white, he’s white trash,
He’s a racist, he’s a bigot, he’s a monster,
Let’s just have the conversation
Not every liberal is dumb, not all Republicans are racist,
The government wants everybody fighting with their neighbors,
‘Cause they know that if we get along, we’ll probably go against ’em,
They can’t stop us, ’cause we’re ready to fight,
They try to brainwash us, but we won’t let freedom die,
The whole world’s brainwashed
(It’s us against them, it ain’t you against me)
How did monkeys become people and people turned into sheep?
They put fluoride in the water that’s keeping us all asleep,
Claim they want what’s best for us, I find that hard to believe
‘Cause they been selling us cigarettes since we was eighteen,
Fake news, fake woke, distract, and divide,
You’re either right or you’re left or you’re black or you’re white,
Big tech don’t need a microchip to hack in your life,
‘Cause the phone inside your pocket is a tracking device,
And I don’t know what I’m more sick of, rappers or Joe Biden
Looking like he ate a hundred Xanax for dinner,
‘Cause censoring the president and kicking him off Twitter
Is a bigger threat to freedom than foreign ballistic missiles,
👉🏻 You don’t trust the police or the government but you want
People giving up their right to own a firearm, 👈🏻
Why would you be comfortable if police and the government are
the only people on the planet with the right to buy a gun?
White privilege getting amplified to reinforce division,
It convinces white people that they’re favored by their skin,
And black people getting angry
‘Cause they’re told they’re treated different,
So the conflict is between us and never with the system,
Let’s just have the conversation
Not every liberal is dumb, not all Republicans are racist,
The government wants everybody fighting with their neighbors,
‘Cause they know that if we get along, we’ll probably go against ’em
They can’t stop us, ’cause we’re ready to fight
Try to brainwash us, but we won’t let freedom die,
The whole world’s brainwashed…
Step one: train the people only to consume,
Step two: infiltrate adults with the news,
Step three: indoctrinate the children through the schools,
And the music and the apps on the phones that they use,
Step four: separate the right from the left,
Step five: separate the white from the black,
Step six: separate the rich from the poor,
Use religion and equality to separate ’em more,
Step seven: fabricate a problem made of lies,
Step eight: put it on the news every night,
Step nine: when people start to fight and divide
Take control, this is called situational design,
They can’t stop us, ’cause we’re ready to fight
They try to brainwash us, but we won’t let freedom die,
The whole world’s brainwashed
(Everybody pick a team, start a riot in the streets),
The whole world’s brainwashed
(It’s us against them, it ain’t you against me)
> For example, the Holocaust archive. This is for commentators who assert the Holocaust never happened, Hitler was a genius and a prophet of salvation, and the Jews run the world.
Honestly, I think this is sorely needed. I have been asking around for a good rebuttal (with good evidence) that proves the revisionists wrong, to no avail. (If anyone could point me to any good sources, that would be greatly appreciated.)
To be clear, I do feel that Nazist Germany was an overly centralized, dictatorial government, and there were human rights infringements in its internment of many people. But I could not find rebuttals which prove mass executions (especially in gas chambers), or their responsibility for causing WW2.
To be clear, the Nurenberg Show trials were full of fact AND fiction.
Therein lies the dialectic over Jewish genocide.
Yeah,,,Nazis that were not actually prosecuted but brought to America to work here. I do not know if ANY actually were punished for any crime.
The so called trial was all an ACT, it seems.
The Nuremberg codes were and have NEVER been enforced at all anywhere.
Oh, the LIES we’ve been told by our dear government and all it’s machinations.
Well, it looks like the New World Order is here, just like all the Presidents have talked about glowingly and knowingly.
America and all the world is Babylon.
The Scriptorium. In German and in English.
You’re welcome.
But they were/are all on the same side. Nazis, Zionists, Allies and the Communists.
Religions, political parties and nation states with artificial borders were created to orchestrate, unnecessary, fake wars, as depopulation and racketeering scams.
The covid scam and the climate scam are just more depopulation mechanisms that are also racketeering opportunities and mechanisms for complete enslavement.
A terrific and relevant piece of writing, Jon, and if I may say, a ramble in the most appropriate and best sense of the word.
‘At the Meta-Fear event, you DHS guys will also need to explain why you feature certain types of threat warnings and ignore other types. Do you have a list of protected terrorist groups? Do you have a list of other groups who aren’t threatening anybody—but you’re pretending they are?’
So core, pay attention to this one, write down, they accuse others of what they do. It’s sick twist con, and unless people see, it will keep going. It’s con of using a femy cover, while being aggressor. Protected terrorist groups. Think of which, what groups are more crap than good, cops, lawyers, politics, some medias. And they operate by poking a finger at others while doing their power greed cons.
Appreciate your work Jon.
I’ve noticed how their use of the word ‘banned’ is code for the word censored. I’m not really slow, it’s just that I don’t normally follow mainstream media. I only noticed it when I read a short piece from the Canberra Times about the protest in Canberra. It would be nice to find some real news on it.
As far as donating to the Canadian truckers is concerned, if Trudeau militarizes his Child Protective Services to steal children, he’ll unleash a lot more than donations. He’ll be unleashing millions of parents all over North America and there will be no place for him to hide.
Not bad but lacks the sharp teeth…
An Open Letter to Joni Mitchell
(Since she decided we shouldn’t hear Both Sides Now)
The whole covid shamdemic has proven one thing and that the whole world is run by yellow-bellied, venal, effete psychopaths who lie at every opportunity and will run like rats leaving a sinking ship given the chance.
The history books of the future, if these rats are not ousted, will record how the shamdemic killed 6 million people, vaccines saved the day, politicians really cared for their fellow countrymen/women and other totally shameless lies – history is bunk, all history books are a fiction agreed upon by the elite.
“This is slavery, not to speak one’s thought.” ― Euripides
You are right about most things, but wrong about Trump. I don’t see DT as a puppet. I guess we will find out sooner or later. Those tidbits people post “proving” DT is a zionist puppet, does not prove anything.
When most of the world is controlled by the unnamable ones, a person who acquires a position of power must make certain concessions and/or the appearance thereof. He must appear to be going along with them. But who has called out MSM and made “fake news” a household term? Who has called out Hollywood and fought against child trafficking? DT’s ex-wife revealed the he had speeches of AH by his bedside -why?. Why was Izrail the first country to call Biden and congratulate him on his “victory” even before the fix was in? Isn’t it obvous that Izrail knew all about the fix, are not friends with DT, and wanted him out of office?.