by Jon Rappoport
January 6, 2021
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I’m writing this hours before posting it, so events may unfold that add more information.
The first thing you need to ask yourself: was the break-in at the Capitol, while Congress was in session holding a debate about election certification, an attempt to stop a transfer of power to Biden, or an attempt to stop the debate itself—during which legislators would have laid out evidence of fraud?
The assault did achieve a stoppage of the debate, which was being carried live on television.
The legislators were evacuated.
We do know that, going back months, Antifa was issuing memos to its members to appear at Trump rallies posing as supporters of the president, wearing appropriate gear, so that when Antifa caused trouble and committed violence, their actions would be blamed on Trumpers.
I’m not saying all the people who broke through into the Capitol today were Antifa, but their members could have led the way, stirring up anger and moving at the head of the hundreds who knocked down barriers and forced back the police.
Shortly before the break-in, C-Span was airing a senator’s rebuttal to Mitch McConnell’s speech. McConnell gave one of those smooth clichéd-filled presentations, claiming there was no evidence of fraud on a scale that would have overturned the election. His main (irrelevant) point was, the courts found no reason to rule against Biden’s victory.
The rebuttal was quite sharp, basically accusing McConnell of acting as a “ceremonial” performer. And this was only the beginning of the action today in Congressional session. Who knows what would have popped up out of the hopper, as the day wore on and the nation watched?
Vice-President Pence—castigated by Trumpers as a betrayer—actually declared he would preside over an open Joint Session of Congress and allow full speeches re vote fraud, from states in which one senator and one congressional legislator filed objections to rubber-stamping certification of the election.
But that process was sidetracked by the people breaking into the Capitol building.
Instead, we now have incessant media coverage portraying the million protestors in Washington and Trump as destroyers of the nation and “all the values we stand for as Americans…”
I’ve read and seen reports of Antifa members (from Philadelphia and Tempe) being inside the Capitol building. A close-up photo of one of the protestor’s wrists shows a hammer and sickle tattoo. There is a claim that Antifa members were bused into DC a day before the rally.
Obviously, if the assault on the Capitol building was a false flag, all the blame cascading down on Trumpers paves the way for Biden and his handlers to carry out even more draconian measures on the American people, under the rubric of National Security—piled on top of the COVID lockdowns.
The short attention span of television viewers shifts further away from the violent Antifa riots in US cities over the past six months.
And whereas media portrayed Antifa riots as “largely peaceful disturbances,” we can look forward to months of pompous posturing about Wednesday’s events in DC.
Biden will be “the sane president” who restored peace and order.
Trump resisters who refuse to acknowledge Biden’s election will be characterized, over and over, as dangerous lunatics.
For the next 20 years, media will play up Wednesday, January 6, 2021, as the dark day America almost broke apart. You can bet a few dozen production companies are already editing footage for “stunning, award-winning” documentaries.
Democrats are feeling a burst of confidence that Trump’s career as a politician is over—since he will forever be linked to “The Insurrection of January 6.”
In their eyes, this is far better than a physical assassination.
On the night of February 27, 1933, a fire was set in the German Reichstag, the national parliament. It burned a significant portion of the structure. Many historians state Hitler’s people set that fire—which at the time was successfully blamed on his main political opponent, the Communist Party. The tactic allowed Hitler to consolidate his final needed piece of national power.
Alongside the endorsement and support of IG Farben, the biggest pharmaceutical and chemical cartel in the world, the Reichstag false flag gave Hitler control over the fate of Germany.
False flags do work.
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.
I watched a videoclip of “the shooting” today and I found it convenient that someone fortuitously captured the shooter so well. If someone brandished a weapon and starred shooting, would you (1) keep the camera rolling (2) duck and cover?
The story is that she was shot in the neck, but the crime scene was nice and tidy. She was still alive in another video and the only blood I saw was on her face and it didn’t seem to be flowing. Just saying.
This was so perfectly timed to disrupt the Senate procedure that we hoped would be disputed due the the blatant voting irregularities. Gee, those Senators got a lucky break. They cleared everyone out, got sneaky with the voting, and then followed it with a one-finger salute to our Republic.
False Flag most definitely planned, all involved should be Hung for Treason…….
Regarding the long-haired, long-bearded man in the Capitol rotunda that was linked to a Philly ANTIFA site – it is true that site has a picture of him (Jason Tankersley) – but it is “exposing” him as a “neo-Nazi” (and if the first picture on the page is actually him, which is not clear given the different facial and head hair and age, he does seem to be one), but in any event his picture is not there as an “ANTIFA member”.
There are almost always agent provocateurs in large protests – and Jason Tankersley may well be one – but that’s no excuse for anything. There were no doubt agent provocateurs at the BLM riots as well, but nobody on the “Right” gave them a pass for that.
On the other hand, nothing that happened at the Capitol is remotely as violent as the BLM protests, and nobody deserves a “lock-down” more than the profoundly corrupt and evil, war criminals that dominate the US Congress, but isn’t it amazing how they cry like little pansies when they are arguably forced into lock-down for a few minutes, while these malicious tyrants try to lock-down everyone else for years?
P.S. There really is no evidence the Reichstag Fire was a “false flag”. But there is tremendous evidence 9/11 was. And yes, they often work like a charm.
re. Reichstag Fire :
1) Shirer, William (2011). The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Simon and Schuster. p. 192: ” There is enough evidence to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that it was the Nazis who planned the arson and carried it out for their own political ends.”
2) Paterson, Tony (15 April 2001). “Historians find ‘proof’ that Nazis burnt Reichstag”. The Sunday Telegraph.
Next he’ll be talking about how the Poles really did attack Germany.
They did, in fact, do so. And they were, in fact, persecuting Germans in the part of Germany Poland stole after WW I.
Amazing how Communists shamelessly distort history.
Well, here’s one thing not even Communists can distort: Stalin invaded Poland shortly after Germany, claiming half for itself, even though Poland had nothing to harm the Soviets, nor had it stolen Soviet lands after WW I. Not to defend Poland, at the invitation of the Polish, mind you – but an invasion to conquer and occupy it.
Meanwhile, the lying English – where your Telegraph lies come from – claim they declared war on Germany, starting WW II, to “defend” Poland. Yet they sent tanks and money to Stalin, and after the war ended, gave him all of Poland on a silver platter.
But keep repeating your lies. We never tire of laughing at them.
Go worship your homicidal maniac hitler all you want. Just such a great guy. Murdered the feeble minded, the old, and had the original antifa. And we all know what intellectual giants antifa is. Though I don’t know why a nazi claims to really hate communists. Y’all got along so well before hitler got his bright idea to invade russia. Nazis are so smart!????
Jim is again proving what a feeble-minded Communist he is. Just parrots Communist propaganda like a good little comrade. You get another cracka, little parrot, already all fat on crackas.
Well aren’t you an illiterate bitch. I’ve already stated my political stance in this thread. Though I suppose your infantile little brain thinks calling me a commie would piss me off. It doesn’t. Why would what some ignorant pile of shit thinks about me upset me at all? You have no real argument, just name calling and that’s about the sum of you. It’s your choice to be an ignorant, hateful fool who worships at the shrine of the cult of personality. Me? I rule myself. Like a real man. I don’t need to grovel at the feet of another, begging them to please, please, please be my master. That’s your idea to debase yourself in such a cuck manner. All because you are not man enough to rule yourself. And you somehow believe that your opinion of me is something I should care about? That’s so fucking funny!
I couldn’t care less what your Communist sources write, where is the actual evidence? A Communist admitted setting the fire. An investigation in the 1960s confirmed it, but now the Communists are saying, the “Nazis” (in 1960s Germany!) controlled the investigation.
Well, you can repeat your Communist propaganda all day long, it’s still “fake news”, and this site is about none of it.
You’re so hilarious! I’m an anarchist,by the way. Also, I don’t rely on communist/fascists/whatever sources. I study all available data, throw out the obvious bullshit (like your moronic sources) and make up my own mind. You obviously cherry pick your sources to ensure that your childish world view is never disturbed. That’s not learning.
You’re a Communist, it’s obvious. And you don’t study anything, you parrot Communist propaganda. Good little parrot. You get a cracka.
The video evidence overwhelming confirms the protest was a false flag event. It’s all part of the larger election psyop. The US is no longer a country, much less a constitutional republic. It’s over folks. Get ready for a long extended war.
I know 2 people that were they and they are telling a different story than the media. FB is censoring one of them. They were there with a team of people. Many of my FB friends know people that were there as well. I’ve seen dozens of stories showing the same types of things.
Capitol police let Antifa in and some Trump supporters followed thinking the Capitol was open. Very staged and planned, militant. Had to be Antifa.
Jon, for a guy that is supposed to be woke, why do you ALWAYS try to liken things to Hitler as if he was a boogeyman and not something to repeat? Do you not understand that Hitler was the good guy of WW2? Stop spewing your nonsense about WW2, it does not help our cause whatsoever. The Jews back then were more ferocious than they are today.
You think Hitler magically came to power via a false flag, and not because people were dying like flies to suicide and poverty? The Weimar republic of degeneracy that Jews had created was the reason for why Hitler came to power, and magically turned the entire nation around in only a matter of years from COMPLETE bankruptcy. So stop talking shit about him to try to prove a point. You can go watch the documentary “Europa: The Last Battle” or “The Greatest Story Never Told” and it will become extremely clear who was the bad guy in WW2.
The Jews. Not just a certain number of them. All of them. The broader the generalism, the duller the mind.
Fuck off you Jew
If you ask cui bono – who benefits? Those are who did it. From behind the curtain.
Trump supporters lost the one chance to have the evidence finally presented to congress and the nation on tv. The only chance was during that 2 hour debate. So it wasn’t them.
As to who benefits? Those who want all leg and exec power in their hands and ccp global masters satisfied their command to ‘win the election no matter what” was followed.
What would prevent this? A two hour airing of the real evidence. A diversion yes, but who? Antifa soldiers always available but even better, dressed as Trump supporters. So the peaceful crowd of hundreds of thousands of real Trump supporters patriots can be seen to represent not patriots asking valid questions based on the evidence which all will see on tv but as demonic coup plotters murderers incited by evil Trump who must be immediately removed before he can think of any last actions he can take to stop the real steal/coup which is Biden and the stolen senate. They benefit. So it was them.