Covid: the numbers game, the fraud, and the final answer

by Jon Rappoport

May 5, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

I want to make a vital distinction that clears up confusion.

When people—for example, medical researchers—are playing a game to further their purpose, and the game is a fraud, you have two ways to go.

You can ENTER THEIR GAME, temporarily, to show how, in their own terms, by their own standards, they are contradicting themselves and committing fraud.

Or you can STAND OUTSIDE THEIR GAME, and show how the very structure and rules and assumptions of the game, to begin with, are riddled with lies.

In this article, I’ll do both. And I’ll make it clear when I’m INSIDE and when I’m OUTSIDE.

Why bother? Because it clarifies the mind. That’s always a good thing. It’s especially good during this wall-to-wall criminal event called COVID-19.

And readers deserve to know whether a writer is actually accepting the game the bad guys are playing; or whether he’s just momentarily dipping into the game, in order to reveal its absurdities.

OK, here we go. Let’s look at CASE NUMBERS.

Now, I’m inside their game. I’m assuming, as they do, that a case of COVID-19 is real. It means something. It denotes disease, infection, as a result of a virus. Ditto for a case of the flu, or what is called ILI, influenza-like illness. These cases are also real, they denote infection and illness as a result of a virus.

Start with Europe and just plain seasonal flu. Not COVID. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Europe, “During the winter months, influenza may infect up to 20% of the population…”

The population of Europe is 741 million people. This works out to 148 million cases of ordinary flu. Not once. Every year. EVERY YEAR.

As of May 2, 2020, the number of COVID cases in Europe is 1,361,853, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Suppose we multiply that number by 2, or 4, or 20, to arrive a yearly figure for COVID cases in Europe. Does it approach, even vaguely, 148 million cases of flu—year after year after year?

According to the European Centre, the number of COVID cases in Italy is 209,328.

According to, “In the winter seasons from 2013/14 to 2016/17, an estimated average of 5,290,000 ILI [influenza-like illness] cases occurred in Italy, corresponding to an incidence of 9%.” That’s 5 million plus each year. Not just once.

Multiply the number of COVID cases in Italy by whatever number you choose, and see what it takes to arrive at the flu-case level for a year. Year after year.

Finally, let’s look at figures for ordinary flu, for the whole planet. A study published in the journal, Pharmacy and Therapeutics, states, “Influenza is a highly contagious respiratory illness that is responsible for significant morbidity and mortality. Approximately 9% of the world’s population is affected annually, with up to 1 billion infections, 3 to 5 million severe cases, and 300,000 to 500,000 deaths each year.”

However, WHO Europe pegs the death figure higher: “A recent study found that worldwide up to 650,000 people die of respiratory diseases linked to seasonal influenza each year…”

Right now, the COVID global death toll stands at 245,000. For roughly half a year. So, for 2020, COVID could approach the number of seasonal flu deaths. What about the next 10 or 20 years? Flu deaths are astronomically high every year.

All in all, on what basis—comparing seasonal flu and COVID—do we now have a COVID planetary lockdown, versus no lockdowns for seasonal flu at any time? It makes no sense.

Given the long-term track record of the flu, and the official response, meaning no lockdowns, it makes absolutely zero sense to have a lockdown now. The official numbers don’t support it.

Given the game of official case numbers, and accepting those numbers—for example, one BILLION flu infections year after year—the refusal to administer widespread lockdowns for flu MEANS there should be no COVID lockdown now.

The numbers game traps and contradicts and implicates itself. It yields up: NO LOCKDOWN NOW.

But there IS a lockdown now.

All right. Let me step outside the numbers game. I’ll take up a position far enough away to analyze its basis.

And I’ll simply say: ALL COVID-19 case numbers are meaningless.


ONE: Researchers never properly discovered a new virus in China in the first place. Their claim of having done so is false.

TWO: The widespread diagnostic test for the virus in a patient, the PCR, is riddled with irreparable flaws. It spits out false-positives, because the test reacts to the presence of irrelevant germs that have nothing to do with a purported COVID. Most importantly the test has never been vetted, in the real world, for its claimed ability to detect whether a patient is ill or is going to become ill.

THREE: Many diagnoses of COVID in patients are based on no tests at all, but rather eyeball assessment, guesswork, unproven assumptions, outright lying, or, in China, CT scans of the lungs, which prove nothing about the presence of COVID or any other supposedly causative virus.

To explore the particulars of my reasons ONE and TWO, you need to read my prior articles on the fake COVID pandemic. The link to my COVID articles is below. In particular, I suggest reading, “Two vital experiments that have never been done,” for my refutation of both the discovery of a new virus and the validity of the PCR test. (link also below)

Therefore, again, ALL case numbers of COVID are meaningless.

Likewise, all seasonal flu or flu-like numbers are meaningless. As just one illustration of this fact, I have published, many times, Peter Doshi’s shocking investigation of US flu deaths. Doshi reported in the online BMJ, on December 10, 2005, “…CDC claims 36,000 Americans annually die from flu…Meanwhile, according to the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), “influenza and pneumonia” took 62,034 lives in 2001—61 777 of which were attributed to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and in only 18 cases was flu virus positively identified…”

After both stepping outside the numbers game, and momentarily stepping into it, what are we left with? We know that people have been falling ill, for a long, long time, with respiratory problems of various kinds. The human race has survived, without a lockdown on the scale we have now, and without the deaths caused by economic devastation. If you wanted to enable general immunity (aka health), regardless of how you define and describe it, you would now promote people being in close contact with one another. If you wanted to postpone immunity/health, you would lock people up and separate them.

As for the true causes of illness and disease, I have commented on that subject in other places. It’s not the purpose of this article. I will say this: In modern times, we must never ignore poisonous vaccination campaigns; other toxic medical treatments, including many drugs; the insults delivered by pesticides, GMOs, industrial pollutants, and electromagnetic technologies; and the promotion of fear. Germ theory is not king. It never was.











The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Professor Neil Ferguson, and the idiot presidents and prime ministers who believe his computer predictions

Nothing is riding on this except the immediate future of the human race

Ferguson used old failed model to predict COVID deaths

by Jon Rappoport

May 4, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

Buying, for the moment, the official story about the “pandemic,” there were two basic choices:

Let people go about their lives and develop, through contact, natural immunity to the disease; or imprison populations in their homes.

Why was the second choice made?

This is my second article about Neil Ferguson (first article, here), the UK professor whose computer model of COVID-19 changed the world and drove that second choice.

Ferguson’s model predicted a worst-case estimate of 510,000 deaths in the UK, and 2.2 million deaths in the US.

At that point, anybody who was anybody stood up and saluted.

Both heads of government, Trump and Johnson, radically changed course. Instead of allowing people to go about their lives and develop natural immunity, they took the lockdown approach, devastating their economies.

Below, I’ll reprint quotes from my first article, exposing Professor Ferguson’s track record of abysmal and destructive failures in predicting the spread of diseases.

This record was available to anyone—including Trump, Fauci, Deborah Birx, Boris Johnson—but of course these important people have no time to read or think.

Apparently, a key White house conversation went something like this:

FAUCI: Mr. President, we have a new report from the UK. A computer model is predicting the spread of the epidemic. There could be 2 million deaths in the US, if we don’t take drastic action. There must be heavy lockdowns. The state governors will have to carry that ball, but your position on this needs to be unequivocal.

TRUMP: Two million deaths. You’re sure?

FAUCI: Yes, sir. Quite sure.

TRUMP: No way out? Except lockdowns?

FAUCI: That’s right.

TRUMP: Well, then. Okay.

The sheer brilliance in the Oval Office that day must have been blinding.

So, first up, let’s take a peek at a recent article from Nature, the venerable British medical journal. April 2, “Special report: The [computer] simulations driving the world’s response to COVID-19”:

“…it’s natural to wonder how reliable any of the [computer] simulations are. Unfortunately, during a pandemic it is hard to get data — such as on infection rates — against which to judge a model’s projections.”

This is called a clue. Computer models predicting the spread of disease may be an interesting academic exercise, but in the real world, where lives and nations are on the line, THE DATA, on which the projections are based, are elusive. Without accurate data, what do you have? How about opinion, bias, and conjecture?

Nature: “’You can project [via computer models] forwards and then compare against what you get. But the problem is that our surveillance systems are pretty rubbish’, says John Edmunds, who is a modeller at the LSHTM [London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine]. ‘The total numbers of cases reported, is that accurate? No. Accurate anywhere? No’.”

I see. Rubbish. Total number of cases—inaccurate everywhere. Bad data. No data. In other words, the computer models are sophisticated tripe.

Nature: “’Forecasts made during an outbreak are rarely investigated during or after the event for their accuracy, and only recently have forecasters begun to make results, code, models and data available for retrospective analysis,’ Edmunds and his team noted last year in a paper that assessed the performance of forecasts made in a 2014–15 Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone. They found that it was possible to reliably predict the epidemic’s course one or two weeks ahead of time, but no longer, because of the inherent uncertainty and lack of knowledge about the outbreak.”

Computer predictions are rarely investigated for accuracy. Can’t make accurate predictions for more than two weeks ahead. Do you suppose Fauci, who has served as a public health dictator since medieval times, is aware of this, but is ignoring it? That’s a rhetorical question, Your Honor. I withdraw it. The answer is obvious.

Finally, Nature provides us with this startling factoid: “The 16 March simulations that the [Neil Ferguson] team ran to inform the UK government’s COVID-19 response used an agent-based model built in 2005 to see what would happen in Thailand if H5N1 avian flu mutated to a version that could spread easily between people.”

That’s like saying, “This year, the driver in the Indianapolis 500 is sitting in a car built 15 years ago. He’s dusted it off and hopes it works and doesn’t crash into the wall.”

You may think this is an unkind comparison, but we know something about that dusty Ferguson 2005 computer model of avian flu. Here is a quote from the Business insider, 4/25:

“…he [Ferguson] was accused of creating panic by overestimating the potential death toll during the 2005 Bird [avian] Flu outbreak. Ferguson estimated 200 million could die. The real number was in the low hundreds.”

THIS is the basic model Ferguson has now used to project deaths from COVID-19.

Are your eyeballs popping? They should be.

Without further ado, here is the Business Insider, 4/25, reporting Neil Ferguson’s other grotesque prediction failures:

“Michael Thrusfield, a professor of veterinary epidemiology at Edinburgh University, told the paper he had ‘déjà vu’ after reading the [Ferguson] Imperial paper [on COVID], saying Ferguson was responsible for excessive animal culling during the 2001 Foot and Mouth [actually, Mad Cow disease] outbreak.”

“Ferguson warned the government that 150,000 people could die. Six million animals were slaughtered as a precaution, costing the country billions in farming revenue. In the end, 200 people died.”

“In 2009, one of Ferguson’s models predicted 65,000 people could die from the Swine Flu outbreak in the UK — the final figure was below 500.”

Want more? The Business Insider raises the level of shock even higher.

“Ferguson co-founded the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, based at Imperial [College], in 2008. It is the leading body advising national governments on pathogen outbreaks.”

“It gets tens of millions of dollars in annual funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and works with the UK National Health Service, the US Centres for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), and is tasked with supplying the World Health Organization with ‘rapid analysis of urgent infectious disease problems’.”

Getting the picture?

Bill Gates wants a COVID vaccine before planetary lockdowns end. The lockdowns, of course, are already making a wreck of the Earth’s economies.

Bill Gates’ money goes to Ferguson.

Ferguson supplies, to the CDC and WHO, a vastly worthless but frightening computer projection of COVID deaths. Ferguson thus communicates a justification for the Gates global vaccine plan.

The CDC and WHO act, based on what Gates wants, as expressed by Ferguson.

National governments surrender to WHO and CDC. LOCKDOWNS.

What say you, Trump, Johnson, Merkel, Macron, et al? Are you merely clueless idiots, no brighter than some passerby on a street corner who’s handed a sign for a protest, and joins the line, having zero idea what he’s supporting? Are you that stupid, as you point to Ferguson’s farce of a computer model, with eyes glazed?

Are you simply in fear of experts who, on their best day, should be consigned to modelling numbers of cockroaches in motel rooms?

Or are you hostile idiots, who intend to destroy countless lives as economics sink further into ruin, day by day?

P.S. Perhaps you’re thinking, “These governments couldn’t be THAT crazy and stupid and vicious. They couldn’t have acted based on Neil Ferguson’s computer model…”

Business Insider, 4/25: “Ferguson’s team warned Boris Johnson that the quest for ‘herd immunity’ [letting people live their lives out in the open in the UK] could cost 510,000 lives, prompting an abrupt U-turn [massive national lockdown in the UK]…His [Ferguson’s] simulations have been influential in other countries as well, cited by authorities in the US, Germany, and France.”

“On March 23, the UK scrapped ‘herd immunity’ in favor of a suppression strategy, and the country made preparations for weeks of lockdown. Ferguson’s study was responsible.”

“Dr Deborah Birx, coronavirus response coordinator to the Trump administration, told journalists at a March 16 press briefing that the Imperial paper [Ferguson’s computer projection] prompted the CDC’s new advice to work from home and avoid gatherings of 10 or more.”


The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Exit From The Matrix: Yes, I keep writing about imagination

by Jon Rappoport

Imagination is as natural and real as breathing. People who don’t know this or forget it come up against a brick wall.

Some of them then go to booze and drugs, some to violence, some to despair, some to the straitjacket of a severely repetitive mechanical life, some to the dull, dull ground of passivity.

Life is not a machine. Humans are not machines, although they often play one day after day.

Humans are creative.

They can step on that, try to grind it into dust, make up a thousand excuses, but the fact remains.

Societies and civilizations are never creative, after a certain point in their development. They opt for standard shapes and standard patterns of thought and standard organizations.

This devolution isn’t just the “the strong controlling the weak.”

It’s a subconscious impulse that spreads like a disease. Throughout history, you see it manifest in many forms.

These days, we have the massive Surveillance State. It’s an expression of “the standard human who must think and act in certain ways.”

Imagination puts the lie to all this.

Imagination goes anywhere you want it to, and in the process, you discover ideas and realms and dimensions and power that would otherwise have remained invisible to the end of time.

This is the natural state of affairs.

Everything else is programming.

Programming comes in two forms: what is done to the individual, and what he does to himself.

Every spiritual system and spiritual teaching, down through history, has initially or eventually discarded imagination and thrown it on the junk-heap.

It’s long past the time to reverse that trend.

The creative power of the individual, which is the key to his future, his happiness, his freedom, flows from his imagination.

For this reason, over the last 20 years, I’ve developed hundreds of imagination exercises, about 50 of which are included in my collection, Exit From The Matrix.

Here are the full contents of my mega-collection Exit From The Matrix. You can order it here:

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Here are the contents of Exit From The Matrix:

First, my new audio presentations:















Then you will receive the following audio seminars I have previously done:

* Mind Control, Mind Freedom

* The Transformations

* Desire, Manifestation and Fulfillment

* Altered States, Consciousness, and Magic

* Beyond Structures

* The Mystery and Magic of Dialogue

* The Voyage of Merlin

* Modern Alchemy and Imagination

* Imagination and Spiritual Enlightenment

* Dissolving Stress

* The Paranormal Project

* Zen Painting for Everyone Now

* Past Lives, Archetypes, and Hidden Sources of Human Energy

* Expression of Self

* Imagination Exercises for a Lifetime

* Old Planet, New Planet, New Mind

* The Era of Magic Returns

* Your Power Revealed

* Universes Without End

* Relationships

* Building a Business for Success

I have included an additional bonus section:

* My book, The Secret Behind Secret Societies (pdf document)

* My book, The Ownership of All Life (pdf document)

* A long excerpt from my briefly published book, Full Power (pdf document)

* My 24 articles in the series, “Coaching the Coaches” (pdf document)

And these audio seminars:

* The Role of Medical Drugs in Human Illness

* Longevity One: The Mind-Body Connection

* Longevity Two: The Nutritional Factors

(All the audio presentations are mp3 files and the documents and books are pdf files. You download the files upon purchase. There is no physical ship.)

What has been called The Matrix is a series of layers. These layers compose what we call Reality. Reality is not merely the consensus people accept in their daily lives. It is also a personal and individual conception of limits. It is a perception that these limits are somehow built into existence. But this is not true.

What I’ve done here is remove the lid on those perceived limits. This isn’t an intellectual undertaking. It’s a way to open up space and step on to a new road, with new power.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The Matrix Revealed: The collective experiment on planet Earth

by Jon Rappoport

When all obsessive group-consciousness on Earth is finished, exhausted, when it admits defeat, then a different era will emerge. But for now, we are in the middle of the collective experiment.

High-flying cloying sentiment, profound dependence on others, covert repression—these are the order of the day.

How long until the collective age is over? A hundred years? A thousand years? The answer is, as long as it takes for every human to realize that the experiment has failed, and why.

The why is clear—the individual has been overlooked. He has been demeaned. He has been grabbed up and drafted into groups. His creative power has been compromised in order to fit in.

The majority of the world still believes in this approach, as if from good groups will flow the ultimate and final solutions we have all been seeking.

This is sheer mind control, because good groups morph into evil, and vice versa, in the ongoing stage play called reality.

Ideals are twisted, infiltrators subvert plans, lessons are ignored, and the whole sorry mess repeats itself again.

What constituted a triumph of good over evil at one moment is guided into yet another collective, whose aims are “a better kind of control.”

The most deluded among us believe we are always on the cusp of a final breakthrough.

But there is no “we” to make the breakthrough.

It comes to every person on his own. And it does not arrive as the thrust of an external force, but from one’s own struggle, accompanied by insights for which there is no outside agency to lend confirmation.

If indeed it will take a thousand years to bring this collective illusion to a close, that is no cause for despondent reaction.

On the contrary, it is simply an understanding that all experiments come to an end, as does the method of thought on which they are based.

One or ten or a hundred collapses of civilization, and the resultant rebuilding, are not enough.

The pattern endures.

It can only dissolve when overwhelming numbers of individuals, each in his own way, absent self-deception, sees its bankruptcy.

The “we” and the “us” are merely postponements and cover stories splashed on the front pages of the mind.

Fighting for what is right, here and now, is vital. But it does not preclude the knowledge that, as long as people are fixated on groups as the Answer, the underlying problem will persist.

Therefore, as part of my research over the last several decades, I have explored what is now commonly called the Matrix, from the point of view of freeing the individual from it.

The first step is understanding Matrix as an ongoing perverse “work of art” and viewing the nuts and bolts of it.

That is the purpose of my first collection, The Matrix Revealed. You can order the collection here.

the matrix revealed

Here are the contents of The Matrix Revealed:

* 250 megabytes of information.

* Over 1100 pages of text.

* Ten and a half hours of audio.

The 2 bonuses alone are rather extraordinary:

* My complete 18-lesson course, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS, which includes the teacher’s manual and audio to guide you. I was previously selling the course for $375. This is a new way to teach logic, the subject that has been missing from schools for decades.

* The complete text (331 pages) of AIDS INC., the book that exposed a conspiracy of scientific fraud deep within the medical research establishment. The book has become a sought-after item, since its publication in 1988. It contains material about viruses, medical testing, and the invention of disease that is, now and in the future, vital to our understanding of phony epidemics arising in our midst. I assure you, the revelations in the book will surprise you; they cut much deeper and are more subtle than “virus made in a lab” scenarios.

The heart and soul of this product are the text interviews I conducted with Matrix-insiders, who have first-hand knowledge of how the major illusions of our world are put together:

* ELLIS MEDAVOY, master of PR, propaganda, and deception, who worked for key controllers in the medical and political arenas. 28 interviews, 290 pages.

* JACK TRUE, the most creative hypnotherapist on the face of the planet. Jack’s anti-Matrix understanding of the mind and how to liberate it is unparalleled. His insights are unique, staggering. 43 interviews, 320 pages.

* RICHARD BELL, financial analyst and trader, whose profound grasp of market manipulation and economic-rigging is formidable, to say the least. 16 interviews, 132 pages.

Also included:

* Several more interviews with brilliant analysts of the Matrix. 53 pages.

* The ten and a half hours of mp3 audio are my solo presentation, based on these interviews and my own research. Title: The Multi-Dimensional Planetary Chessboard—The Matrix vs. the Un-Conditioning of the Individual.

(All the material is digital. Upon ordering it, you’ll receive an email with a link to it.)

Understanding Matrix is also understanding your capacity and power, and that is the way to approach this subject. Because liberation is the goal. And liberation has no limit.

I invite you to a new exploration and a great adventure.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The Covid vaccine: simple facts staring us in the face

by Jon Rappoport

May 1, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

I’ve written much about the extreme dangers of a COVID vaccine. Here I want to present simple basic facts, which apply to all vaccines and all recipients.

Public health agencies readily admit that people with weakened immune systems should not be vaccinated.

But the language they use is dodgy and incomplete. The CDC states: “A vaccine should not be administered when a contraindication is present; for example, MMR vaccine should not be administered to severely immunocompromised persons…Severely immunocompromised persons generally should not receive live vaccines…”

No word about killed-virus vaccines. No word about the dangers of vaccine components, such as aluminum and formaldehyde.

But there are more issues. According to conventional vaccine theory, the injection of a germ stimulates the immune system to mount a response—and this is an effective rehearsal, preparing the immune system to react quickly, later, when the real disease comes along.

But if the recipient of the vaccine has an immune system that is already impaired, how can the “experts” believe the rehearsal will go smoothly? The recipient’s antibody scouts would respond sluggishly. The immune killer cells would fail to carry out their mission of wiping out the germ-invaders in the vaccine.

To use a mechanical analogy, vaccinating people with compromised immune systems is like pumping more efficient fuel into a car to improve its performance, when in fact the car’s engine is already disabled.

Worse yet, vaccinating a person whose immune system is weak would overwhelm his body’s defenses with injected chemicals and germs, creating dire levels of illness. The rehearsal would be the real thing—and the body would take the punishment.

All right. Now imagine a few billion people receiving a new COVID vaccine. Do you seriously think doctors are going to spend time sorting out all these people, to discover whose immune systems are already weak, and shunting them off into the do-not-vaccinate category? Of course they won’t.

No mass vaccination campaign (for example, in Africa) has separated the weak from the strong—and none of those campaigns approached the numbers envisioned for the COVID vaccine.

In a COVID campaign, people are going to be dropping like flies. And when they do, public health authorities will employ the time-honored strategy of calling them “sudden deaths owing to COVID disease.”

Furthermore, I’m talking about a conventional vaccine. Two new technologies are in the COVID testing pipeline as we speak: DNA and RNA vaccines. They have never been released for public use. DNA technology is actually gene therapy. Genes are injected into the body, and they permanently alter the genetic makeup of the recipient in unknown ways. RNA vaccines would carry the danger of triggering autoimmune reactions, meaning the body basically goes to war against itself.

Pro-vaccine religionists are enthusiastic and militant about bringing a COVID vaccine into play, and they want to see it mandated. In their wet dream, a vaccinated person would receive an immunity certificate, enabling him to go back out into the world, from lockdown. The unvaccinated would face a more murky future.

In this sense, the entire “COVID pandemic” is an operation designed for the use of a vaccine. Politically, it is offered up as a forked road into favored status, or a shameful lower-class outlier category, resembling Church excommunication.

“Shun the unclean, the demons and the witches, the unvaccinated. Shun them in all ways. Only through the priests (the men in white coats) will you find rescue and salvation…”

The tactic is as old as the hills. Then and now, the people running it are the ones selling superstition.


The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.