Italy Coronavirus: New explosive information

by Jon Rappoport

March 19, 2020

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A very brief update. Read this carefully. Many people who were diagnosed as “coronavirus cases” in Italy, and then died, were almost certainly put on antiviral drugs. As you’ll see, below, a significant percentage of these people had prior heart conditions or high blood pressure. But at least one of the antiviral drugs, called ribavirin, carries this VERY RELEVANT warning, from “Ribavirin may decrease the number of red blood cells in your body. This is called anemia and it can be life-threatening in people who have heart disease or circulation problems.” High blood pressure is a circulatory problem. Understand? Get it? LIFE-THREATENING. So how many coronavirus patients have been killed by the administering of ribavirin?

And with THAT, let’s jump in…because there’s more. Much more.

For those people who have any belief in the coronavirus…

Here’s the basic situation: the Italian health agencies are reporting escalating COV deaths—big fear-story out front…

But in the background, other Italian government researchers are combing through patient records, to take a much closer look…to see whether people are dying from the virus or other more obvious causes.

Are people dying coincidentally WITH the virus, or BECAUSE OF the virus? Is the virus a mere harmless passenger in the body, or is it the driving force?

The Italian results are astonishing, to understate it by a mile.

Bloomberg News has the story: 3/18, “99 percent of those whose died from virus had other illness, Italy says”:

“More than 99% [!] of Italy’s coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions, according to a study by the country’s national health authority.”

“The Rome-based institute has examined medical records of about 18% of the country’s coronavirus fatalities [so far, because it’s slow work], finding that just three victims [!!], or 0.8% of the total, had no previous pathology [disease]. Almost half of the victims suffered from at least three prior illnesses and about a fourth had either one or two previous conditions.”

“More than 75% had high blood pressure, about 35% had diabetes and a third suffered from heart disease.”

“The average age of those who’ve died from the virus in Italy is 79.5 [!!!]. As of March 17, 17 people under 50 had died from the disease. All of Italy’s victims under 40 have been males with serious existing medical conditions.”


Average age of those who’ve died: 79.5. Are you kidding? Lots of prior medical conditions, weakened immune systems, and what this emerging study isn’t saying: all these people had obviously been treated for those prior conditions with toxic medical drugs. Furthermore, once they’d been diagnosed with coronavirus, chances are many of them were put on highly toxic antiviral drugs. Thus delivering the final blow.

Imagining the coronavirus was the CAUSE of death would be a ridiculous fantasy. But these people are counted as “coronavirus deaths” by the other Italian reporting agencies, who are jacking up the numbers.

Does this remind you of any other reports I’ve been detailing? The elderly people with obvious prior diseases who died in Australia; and the elderly people who were diagnosed as coronavirus cases in the state of Washington—all living in a long-term-care nursing home?

Getting the picture? This death-numbers con—aside from covering up the real causes of death, including MEDICAL—is the forward spear being used to justify locking down and wrecking economies all over the world right now, and that means attacking the people in any way connected to those economies who have to work to make a living.

There are statistical vampires at work, using the elderly and sick and dying to feed numbers to health agencies around the planet. Those agencies tap their press contacts, and horror reports emerge, and the unsuspecting public, in economic lockdowns, sit in front of the tube and watch these reports, and inhale the cooked-up fear.

Turn your mind to the highest setting, because nothing is riding on this whole deal except the immediate future of humanity.

And again, “Ribavirin may decrease the number of red blood cells in your body. This is called anemia and it can be life-threatening in people who have heart disease or circulation problems.”

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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174 comments on “Italy Coronavirus: New explosive information

  1. Pierre says:

    What is happening is, in my opinion, very simple and awful: the bankers are taking the western populations hostage, in the very hard negotiations under way with the Chinese.

  2. aliasooze says:

    I was on Riboviron and Interferon for a year for Hep C. Hep C appears to be another scam…like HIV. They are both antiviral…but they are also used for cancer. Chemo?
    It took me 6 years to get the “disease” from my boyfriend, he had it for approximately 20 years. He had taken multiple rounds of “treatment” and died of a major heart attack at age 48. That’s what they told me…
    I lived through it…but it’s affected my thinking and my sight. There were times that I didn’t want to live through it because I was so sick.
    If they had mentioned that the drugs they were giving me were given to cancer patients, I never would have taken them. 10 years after my treatment and his death…I learned the truth.

  3. Lydia says:

    So now we are in that place where the death rates did not skyrocket. Just like 2009, 2002. Mad cow, HIV. Now that the veil has lifted and the deaths have not happened, many opportunites for business and markets are opening up. Don’t miss out on these opportunites.

  4. Pam says:

    The dollar is done……….Pandemic my foot.

    Everything is going digital.

    Bezos is having a wet dream as the little business owner goes under.

    Hang on to your hats. We have just begun the paradigm change.

    Totalitarian tiptoe marches on. WOO-HOO!!!!

  5. From Quebec says:

    What else is there to say about the Corona virus?

    Here is a video song that could make you feel better on what is true or false. It is my favorite song of all time.

    Please take the time listen to it, It will boost your morale

    Gnarls Barkley – Crazy LYRICS

  6. Laura says:

    I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find that they deliberately gave those heart patients with “corona” the Ribarivin, knowing it might well kill them, just to come up with those alarming numbers. The pharmaceutical interests in Italy are not at all happy with their anti-vax Minister of Health, so this could be a way to kick him and the anti-vax government around as well.

    Has anyone heard of Event 201, a fictional scenario Bill Gates and fellow power players put on for each other back in October, two months before the “corona outbreak”? See the highlight reel here: Jon, I hope you’ll dig into this if you haven’t already.

    • Tony Anderson USA says:

      John, can you please explain to me how viruses don’t exist? Whenever one of my family members gets the flu why is that I get it as well? If viruses or the flu in this instance didn’t exist then how was it transmitted to me? I have heard this before, just recently, that viruses do not exist. Can you or someone please explain this to me as it doesn’t makes sense. Thanks, Tony from Minnesota.

  7. Harish Chandra says:

    The author’s argument is very misleading and fakery at its worst. If the Corona virus was not the main or the only cause of these deaths in Italy, would these “sick” patients have died without being infected by this virus. In most deaths, there is never a single cause, but rather some disease or infection hastening the patient’s demise who would otherwise have lived for a while. So, if someone died faster because of this viral infection, of course the virus was the cause.

  8. Daniel Arnaud says:

    Go to Health Impact News and listen to Judy Mikovitz’s interview. Very interesting information about COVID and the corruption.

  9. aliasooze says:

    Chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) are anti-malarial drugs that are are being tested on human Covid 19 patients. Like Riboviron, they are used to treat cancer. Have you ever seen a cancer patient that looked well?
    Before taking anything, I suggest googling the name of the drug and cancer. There is no drug that I’ve found that they give cancer patients that is not toxic.

  10. Firestarter says:

    As bad as the “medical martial law” and small businesses forced into bankruptcy are, it isn’t quite the same as genocide…

    Another possible “conspiracy theory” (besides that no people are dying of any “new” cause) on this “pandemic” is that a massive genocide is orchestrated, by using ventilation systems in elderly homes to poison those expensive pensioners with biochemical gases…

    While this isn’t hard evidence; the symptoms of “chemical pneumonia” DO overlap with the listed COVID-19 symptoms:

  11. mike says:

    “It is sad that governments are chiefed by the double tongues”

    Ten Bears to Josey Wales

  12. covid_skeptic says:

    A 2003 study on victims of the coronavirus SARS found that patients in regions with moderate air pollution levels were 84% more likely to die than those in regions with low air pollution. see Air quality historical data – the place looks like the air there is nasty – see Air quality historical data, not as bad as wuhan but it is known to have worst air in Europe.

    Plus Lombardia has the largest migrant population in Italy (290,000 Chinese) , so probably a lot of holiday travellers.

    But I feel like usa, australia, new zealand, uk are overreacting with the shut downs.

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