AI and genetic cures of disease: where’s the evidence?

by Jon Rappoport

April 24, 2019

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“Isn’t it wonderful? Disease is genetic, and we can alter gene function. We’re winning…”

Much trumpeting of genetic cures is on the propaganda agenda these days—but where is the evidence?

In order to rank as a cure, manipulation of DNA would have to heal a well-defined disease across the board, in a vast majority of cases. No such victories are occurring at present.

But in order to raise huge money for continuing research, you don’t say, “Well, we hope the minor triumphs so far will expand in the future, so please write us a check for five hundred million dollars.” Instead, you tell lies, you exaggerate, you avoid stark facts.

Reliable DNA cures are, right now, far beyond the reach of modern research. This means claiming the basic CAUSE of a given disease is gene-based is highly questionable, because the proof is in the pudding. If you can’t produce a real cure across the board, utilizing the purported DNA-cause, you can’t really claim you know the cause. Get it? “Well, we know what’s causing Disease X, it’s a particular gene, which we’ve isolated, but, ahem, we can’t cure Disease X.” No. That doesn’t fly.

Then we have the so-called AI component. It goes this way; “In order to achieve genetic cures, we need to do an enormous amount of DNA sorting, which would take humans years and years. But with computers, we can accomplish the work in manageable time. This in itself is a miracle of modern science…” Yes, it might be, if, again, cures were really available, but they’re not. Therefore, the invocation of AI is piece of misdirection.

All the propaganda focusing on genes rests on the pop-science notion, first floated decades ago, that the functioning of the human body is directed by genetic information, which contains complex commands. This, too, is an unproven assertion—particularly the related idea that every disease is created by a single gene. That assumption hasn’t panned out. In this regard, the holy grail would consist of the ability to cure a grave disease which is obviously clustering in a given population because of environmental toxins. “You see, it doesn’t matter how much pollution our corporations cause. We can go in and change genetic programming, so humans are invulnerable to the poisons.”

That is yet one more unproven assertion. It should be classified as a fairy tale until further notice.

I’m not saying absolutely NOTHING useful has been learned from doing genetic research. I’m saying what has been learned has been massaged, exaggerated, and lied about, to a vast degree.

I’ve described, above, the basic lies. We’re talking about pop culture notions and comic book characterizations being put in place, replacing sober truth.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

7 comments on “AI and genetic cures of disease: where’s the evidence?

  1. Joz Lee says:

    Why diseases “run in families” German New Medicine

    Since families share the same cultural and social conditioning, the same indoctrinations, the same beliefs, and so forth, they often experience the same type of conflicts, causing the same “diseases”.

    Family Dispute

    “anger conflicts”
    “self-devaluation conflicts”
    “separation conflicts”
    “abandonment conflicts”
    Georgia Russia War

    “death-fright conflicts”
    “nest-worry conflicts”
    “attack conflicts”
    “existence conflicts”

    Orthodox medicine views Lou Gehrig’s (ALS) and Huntington Disease (HD) as “genetic disorders” that are passed on through the generations. According to Dr. Hamer’s discoveries, the biological conflict linked to the muscles is “not being able to escape”, “feeling tied down”, or “feeling stuck”, resulting in muscle paralysis during the conflict-active phase. The biological significance of the paralysis is a “fake-dead”-reflex because in nature a predator often attacks a prey only when it tries to escape. The instinctive response is: “Since I can’t escape, I play dead”, causing paralysis until the danger is over.

    However, it is the diagnosis and prognosis shock and the scary wheelchair image (“feeling stuck” that prolong the conflict, exacerbating the condition. Of course, the fear instilled by the widely held belief that the “disease” could have a “genetic cause” only adds to the individual’s vulnerability. A daughter or son of a parent with such a muscle “disorder” is naturally much more susceptible to experience a “stuck”-conflict. We must also keep in mind that any conflict shock can be experienced with or for another person, particularly when the distress concerns a close loved one.

    Nonetheless, even if members of a family or generations of families experience the same type of conflicts, the conflict shock itself (the DHS) is still a highly personal event which in that instant involves solely the brain, or rather the brain relay, of the person suffering the conflict at that particular time. This is why diseases cannot be passed on to future generations nor can they be genetically inherited from a family member or ancestor, either genetically or epigenetically.

  2. Sunshine2 says:

    Monsanto humans!

  3. When you critically look at genetics you can only come to the conclusion that it’s highly unlikely that genes have anything to do with diseases. Anything at all. No epigenetics. No genetic predisposition. Nothing.
    Do things run in families? Sure. But that doesn’t mean it’s genetic. It’s familial. Turning familial into genetic is a huge stretch.

  4. Roger says:

    First they were going to cure everything by adjusting the humors, then by killing the germs, then by killing the viruses, then by changing the genes, then by changing the epigenetics, then by injecting the stem cells, then by modulating the immune system, then by…. Give them a few more trillion dollars and they will get right on it.

  5. Jon

    I am not sure what “evidence” is any more, given strong reliance on [potentially flawed] perception and [biased] consensus view.

    My latest work-in-progress on Ozzie Thinker titled “The Crisis of Social Grooming: Fear Manipulation at the Root” has this to say:

    “Miscasting of historic myths is a classical manoeuvre of those committed to perverting truth in order to impress upon social grooming. In more ancient times religions were a vehicle sometimes used to ridicule truth and deny sovereign faith. Circumcision is an undeniable direct attack on God (supporting that which is natural), but I find no reference to the fact in the Torah. Because religion began to lose its potence (the authorities drafted a new Bible in 1884 in an attempt to jump start Christianity once more) with so much global upheaval, since the French Revolution, task of bending truth has been handed to “science”. That is why today learned professions are “split” for and against vaccines, marking mainstream and anti-mainstream territories. How can there be any debate though? The truth is plain and out in the open, but far from simple. Aluminium, supplied to vaccines via Eli Lilly’s branded product Thimerosal, causes brain damage. The symptom autism is a configurable consequence. There are other plausible symptoms, such as Alzheimer’s. Here’s where complexity is noted. Often combinations of factors will impress varied disease symptoms, but in the specific cases of autism and Alzheimer’s, the underlying (or root) cause is aluminium poisoning. When there are multiple factors determining potential outcomes of any political argument, it becomes easy to subvert the path away from honest realisation. Oil is blamed for Iraq, but the war had little to do with the petroleum industry. That was the cover story. Indeed, the “powers” know that if they do not move away from fossil fuels soon, humanity is done for. In fact, as I illustrate in this article (, all cancers are caused by carbon pollution.

    Politics is all about consensus view (or, rather, the manufacture of it), Science and religion are the same, with two distinct exceptions. Religion is anchored to Scripture which, fanatics assert, is Word of God. This is easily disproven, of course. We only need to open our Bibles to discover numerous contradictions on offer when evidence that summarises prophets’ revelations is scrutinised carefully. God apparently allows and disallows certain practices; verdicts depending on timely cultural persuasions. Yet, jesting aside, a calculating, divisive God is a duplicitous one. Science, almost identically, regularly serves up contradictory “proof” as justification for dogma. These proofs are regularly sensationally disproven and, in some instances, many times over. Neither Scripture nor proof, it seems, are very reliable. That is perhaps why they have combined today. Both sciences and religions assert principled belief in doctrines supposedly backed by evidential proof. Though it logically belonged to Jacques De Molay (attesting his mock crucifixion by Catholicism), the so-called Turin Shroud is evidence of Jesus’ (who didn’t exist, by the way) life and death. Once Hitler’s cyanide gas salesman, Pope John Paul II was all too quick to upgrade that dubious (according to prior editions of the Catholic encyclopaedia) “fact”. If the world’s great superpower USA was modelled on Rome (forget Israel) why wouldn’t the Vatican be the absolute centre of authority?”


  6. Jake says:


    What is tumor suppression?

    A disorder of the suppression is all that is needed to create a cancerous state resulting from a trigger. A disorder can be considered as a mutation which science so puts it. The suppressor has many pathways to each part of the human body. Once a disorder occurs, a part of the suppression unit “goes negative” which then affects only the pathways originated from the trigger.

    Truth be told, the trigger never really cause the disorder. Only the disorder results from the suppression unit itself. This is the real reason why people in all walks of life, can only get certain illnesses while others do not.

    I had Angiosarcoma which is a blood vessel cancer. I invented a cure for the disease due to understanding the disorder. Now the word ‘cure’ is a hard word for medical science because it is a rarity. I no longer have angiosarcoma because the suppressor has been “reprogrammed” and repaired. There is one underlying fact of the suppression counterparts in our bodies that it relies on total functionality of every detail regarding “acts of deficiencies”….

    So there… you want to cure yourself of some disease, understand what it does, what is missing, and what pathway it affects. I consider the pathways coming off of a suppression unit to be akin to a circuit board albeit, only organic.

    On this day, I should be on a hospital bed, bleeding from numerous lesions throughout my body….dying… Instead I am on my own bed at home, typing this up. Tomorrow I go chop more wood whereas I would not have been able to if I still have the disease. Angiosarcoma has a 5 year survival rate and it increases with each severity per stage.

    In all honesty, medical science needs to study this in great detail. It is the ‘holy grail’ of all science if everyone were to understand how tumor suppression actually works.

    My 2 cents. Peace – and I look forward living 150 plus years because of this knowledge.

  7. From Quebec says:

    Why are they not looking for genetic cures for corruption and stupidity.

    Oh, wait, , what am I thinking, , why should they expose themselves.

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