Socialism—what is it good for?

by Jon Rappoport

August 15, 2018

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CNBC: “Democrats view socialism more positively than capitalism, according to a new Gallup poll…”

To give you an idea of the deception inherent in socialism, here is a quote from none other than Andrew Carnegie, once one of the richest men in America:

“I believe Socialism is the grandest theory ever presented, and I am sure it will someday rule the world. Then we will have attained the Millennium…Then men will be content to work for the general welfare and share their riches with their neighbors.” (The New York Times, 1 January 1885, “A Millionaire Socialist”)

Carnegie, of course, like several of his ultra-rich compatriots, devised a method to give away his riches while keeping them: the non-profit foundation.

The last thing on Carnegie’s bloated mind was becoming “equal” with the great unwashed.

He was a liar of the first order. He recognized that, when you win the game of free enterprise, your most corrupt bet is to turn around and find every possible way to block others from winning. Then, you stand at the top of the heap, unchallenged.

That is exactly what he had in mind. That’s what socialism actually meant to him.

Let’s see socialism for what it is. Not in the abstract, but in reality.

Socialism is:

The taking of money (taxes) from some people who work for it and giving it to others who don’t work for it. On a grand scale.

The vast expansion of freebies doled out by central government. In order to create and sustain dependence.

The government protection of favored persons and corporations, permitting them and aiding them to expand their fortunes without limit, regardless of what crimes they commit in the process. (Monsanto would be a fine example.)

The squeezing out of those who would compete with the favored persons and corporations.

The dictatorship by and for the very wealthy, pretending to be the servant of the masses.

The lie that the dictatorship is being run by the masses.

The gradual lowering of the standard of living for the overwhelming number of people.

The propaganda claiming socialism is the path to a better world for all.

In other words, socialism is a protection racket and a long con and a heartless system of elite control, posing as the greatest good.

It is just another form of top-down tyranny—as old as the hills.

A year or two ago, a person living in Europe told me that the European Union was not a problem, because it was just another layer of socialism placed over the existing socialist governments of European nations, and no one really noticed the existence of the EU.

—As if blindness were a reason not to worry.



Socialism is, in the minds of most people who advocate it, a vague sentiment about people being kinder to each other.

Consider this fatuous and ludicrous statement, uttered by the mob boss of bosses of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev, in 1961: “The socialist economy has become so strong, so vigorous that from the summits we have reached we can issue an open challenge of peaceful economic competition to the most powerful capitalist country—the United States of America.”

Here is a correct translation: “Bankrolled and given vital technology by a few elites from the West, our vast society of socialist slave workers is now able to engage in capitalist competition with America.”

The raving of a madman.

Today’s youth who push and protest and riot and censor, on behalf of socialism, are working for the ultra-rich whom they despise.

That’s the long and short of “the glorious revolution.”

The Carnegies and Rockefellers of today (including a miniature Rockefeller named George Soros) have engaged the young as foot soldiers, and they know the young are willing dupes for socialism, because they created, for the young, an education system that makes them clueless and mindless.

The Carnegies and Rockefellers of today are saying: “Bring on the new world, the better world, the more just world, the happier world—whatever you want to call it—so we can run it from the top and show you what we really think of you. Make every conceivable lever of power ours, and then we’ll reveal what we really have planned for you.”

The prodigious author and researcher, Antony Sutton (1925-2002), wrote about hidden men (“socialists”) behind momentous events. He exposed their fraud of working for “the greater good.”

I recently came across a 1999 interview with Sutton, conducted by Kris Millegan, researcher and head of TrineDay publishers.

Millegan wrote about Antony Sutton in 1999: “Antony C. Sutton, 74, has been persecuted but never prosecuted for his research and subsequent publishing of his findings. His mainstream career was shattered by his devotion towards uncovering the truth. In 1968, his Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development was published by The Hoover Institute at Stanford University. Sutton showed how the Soviet state’s technological and manufacturing base, which was then engaged in supplying the North Vietnamese the armaments and supplies to kill and wound American soldiers, was built by US firms and mostly paid for by the US taxpayers. From their largest steel and iron plant, to automobile manufacturing equipment, to precision ball-bearings and computers, basically the majority of the Soviet’s large industrial enterprises had been built with the United States help or technical assistance.”

“…Then, someone sent Antony a membership list of Skull and Bones and— ‘a picture jumped out’. And what a picture! A multigenerational foreign-based secret society with fingers in all kinds of pies and roots going back to ‘Illuminati’ influences in 1830’s Germany.”

Here are excerpts from the 1999 interview:

Millegan – Can you tell the story of how you learned of Skull & Bones? And how you felt?

Sutton – I knew nothing of S&B until I received a letter in the early 80’s asking if I would like to look at a genuine membership list. For no real reason I said yes. It was agreed to send the package by Federal Express and I could keep it for 24 hours, it had to be returned to the safe. It was a “black bag” job by a family member disgusted with their activities.

For the benefit of any S&B members who may read and doubt the statement; the membership list is in two volumes, black leather bound. Living members and deceased members in separate volumes. Very handsome books.

I spent all night in Kinko’s, Santa Cruz, copied the entire volumes and returned within the 24 hour period.

I have never released any copies or identified the source. I figured each copy could be coded and enable S&B to trace the leak.

How did I feel? I felt then (as I do now} that these “prominent” men are really immature juveniles at heart. The horrible reality is that these little boys have been dominant in their influence in world affairs. No wonder we have wars and violence. Skull and Bones is the symbol of terrorist violence, pirates, the SS Deaths Head Division in WW Two, labels on poison bottles and so on.

I kept the stack of xerox sheets for quite a while before I looked at them—when I did look—a picture jumped out, THIS was a significant part of the so called [socialist] establishment. No wonder the world has problems!

Millegan: – What did your study of elites, economics, secrecy and technology do for your career?

Sutton – Depends what you mean by “career”?

By conventional standards I am an abject failure. I’ve been thrown out of two major Universities (UCLA and Stanford), denied tenure at Cal State Los Angeles. Every time I write something, it appears to offend someone in the Establishment and they throw me to the wolves.

On the other hand I’ve written 26 books, published a couple of newsletters and so on…even more important I’ve never compromised on the truth. And I don’t quit.

In material terms…hopeless failure. In terms of discovery…I think I’ve been successful. Judge a man by his enemies. William Buckley called me a “jerk”. Glenn Campbell, former Director of the Hoover Institution, Stanford called me “a problem”.

Millegan – Did any of Hitler’s economic policies threaten the interests of the international bankers, and if so did that play a role in his downfall?

Sutton – Hitler’s economic policies were OK’d by the bankers right through the war…ITT, Chase, Texaco and others were operating in Nazi-held France as late as 1945. In fact Chase in Paris was trying to get [acquire] Nazi accounts as late as 1944. When we got to Germany in May 1945, I remember seeing a (bombed-out) Woolworth store in Hamburg and thinking, “What’s Woolworth doing in Nazi Germany?” While we were bombed and shelled it was “business as usual” for Big Business. Try the Alien Custodian Papers.

…Union Banking is very important. I made a documentary for Dutch National TV some years ago. It got all the way through the production process to the Dutch TV Guide…at the last minute it was pulled and another film substituted. This documentary has proof of Bush financing Hitler—documents.

Maybe my Dutch friends will still get it viewed, but the [Skull&Bones] apparatus reaches into Holland.

Millegan – What is the story that was going to be told on Dutch TV? And what is the story of its censorship?

Sutton – Couple of years back, a Dutch TV production company from Amsterdam—under contract to Dutch National TV—came to US to make documentary on S&B [Skull and Bones]. They went to the Bones Temple and other places and interviewed people on East Coast. On West Coast, they interviewed myself and one other person.

I saw extracts from the original and it is a good professional job. They had documents linking Bush family and other S&B members to financing Hitler through Union Banking of New York and its Dutch correspondent bank. More than I have in [Sutton’s book] WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER.

The first version was later upgraded into a two part documentary and scheduled for showing this last March. It was pulled at last minute and has never been shown.

Millegan – What do you see for the future?

Suttton – Chaos, confusion and ultimately a battle between the individual and the State.

The individual is the stronger; and will win. The state is a fiction sanctified by Hegel and his followers to CONTROL the individual.

Sooner or later people will wake up. First we have to dump the trap of right and left, this is a Hegelian trap to divide and control. The battle is not between right and left; it is between us and them…

—end of interview excerpt—

Here is a telling Antony Sutton quote from his book, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy (1986):

“By using data of Russian origin it is possible to make an accurate analysis of the origins of this equipment. It was found that all the main diesel and steam-turbine propulsion systems of the ninety-six Soviet ships on the Haiphong supply run [to the North Vietnamese] that could be identified (i.e., eighty-four out of the ninety-six) originated in design or construction outside the USSR. We can conclude, therefore, that if the [US] State and Commerce Departments, in the 1950s and 1960s, had consistently enforced the legislation passed by Congress in 1949, the Soviets would not have had the ability to supply the Vietnamese War – and 50,000 more Americans and countless Vietnamese would be alive today.”

“Who were the government officials responsible for this transfer of known military technology? The concept originally came from National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger, who reportedly sold President Nixon on the idea that giving military techno¬logy to the Soviets would temper their global territorial ambitions. How Henry arrived at this gigantic non sequitur is not known. Sufficient to state that he aroused considerable concern over his motivations. Not least that Henry had been a paid family employee of the Rockefellers since 1958 and has served as International Advisory Committee Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, a Rockefeller concern.”

If you think such traitorous actions could never have occurred, I point you to another researcher, Charles Higham, and his 1983 classic, Trading with the Enemy.

Higham focuses on World War 2. The men behind the curtain Higham exposed are in the same basic group that Antony Sutton exposed.

Higham, Trading with the Enemy:

“What would have happened if millions of American and British people, struggling with coupons and lines at the gas stations, had learned that in 1942 Standard Oil of New Jersey [part of the Rockefeller empire] managers shipped the enemy’s [Germany’s] fuel through neutral Switzerland and that the enemy was shipping Allied fuel? Suppose the public had discovered that the Chase Bank in Nazi-occupied Paris after Pearl Harbor was doing millions of dollars’ worth of business with the enemy with the full knowledge of the head office in Manhattan [the Rockefeller family among others?] Or that Ford trucks were being built for the German occupation troops in France with authorization from Dearborn, Michigan? Or that Colonel Sosthenes Behn, the head of the international American telephone conglomerate ITT, flew from New York to Madrid to Berne during the war to help improve Hitler’s communications systems and improve the robot bombs that devastated London? Or that ITT built the FockeWulfs that dropped bombs on British and American troops? Or that crucial ball bearings were shipped to Nazi-associated customers in Latin America with the collusion of the vice-chairman of the U.S. War Production Board in partnership with Goering’s cousin in Philadelphia when American forces were desperately short of them? Or that such arrangements were known about in Washington and either sanctioned or deliberately ignored?”

Getting the picture?

War, what is it good for? With the same “socialist” elites backing both sides, it’s good for business. It’s good for creating chaos and destruction. It’s good for launching new global organizations, in the aftermath; organizations that exert a level of control and reach that didn’t exist before. It’s good for launching organizations like the United Nations and the European Union and the World Trade Organization—dedicated to Globalism, which in turn is dedicated to planned civilization, in which the individual is demeaned and the group is All.

Freedom is demeaned; and dominance by the few over the many is hailed as peace in our time.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

37 comments on “Socialism—what is it good for?

  1. petergrafstrm says:

    Dont underestimate Hegel. He had depth and was influenced by many bright minds. However he probably(?) didnt fully appreciate that the french revolution was a British conspiracy imposed on France and not a genuine example of the spontaneous dialectical processes Hegel tried to interpret history with.
    Neither did he presumably(?) realise that some of the so called enlightened philosophers he studied were coconspirators with Britain (and Venice) against France and that the philosophy they expressed was intended to prevent development rather than enlighten. Rousseau for example ridiculed Leibniz and supported backwardness among the peoples targeted by colonialism.
    Yet Hegels views about our relation to the universal soul is one of belief in the power of humanity to break her own paths, not expecting some kind of santa-figure in the sky to bring us favors with humans acting like subserviant beggars.

  2. Reblogged this on John Barleycorn and commented:
    …absolutely nothing, say it again.

    • petergrafstrm says:

      I agree with the general outlay about the historical background of Marxism and its continuation as Fabianism. But I wanted to point out that although Karl Marx was influenced by Hegel, Marx use of his conceptual framework shouldnt be blamed on Hegel. Marx was funded and supported by the British imperialists and their associates on the continent. Britains purpose similar to what was the case with the french revolution, was to disrupt rival nation states. Not to spread freedom like they pretended.
      Therefore although Marxism is associated with strong statehood, that doesnt mean one ought to be generally opposed to the concept. Marxism was imposed by enemies of the resulting state.
      Charles Beard debunked the idea about the Us constitution being designed for the freedom of the people and instead being created in the interest of (Britains) banks.
      Those who generally wish to weaken statehood without doing anything about the ultrarich private oligarchy are in my view useful idiots for it.
      To believe that the oligarchy would suddenly go away because there are no state taxes is not a realistic view. The oligarchy just mounts a new set of false prophets to control the masses and will have many willing payed accomplices just like they have today. The multinational corporate sector is taxing people every day. The problem at this point in history isnt strong statehood but supranational unelected bodies under oligarchic control.

  3. “I don’t want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers.” John D. Rockefeller, who created the General Education Board (GEB) in 1903 to dispense Rockefeller funds to education.

  4. Reblogged this on OUR GREATER DESTINY and commented:
    Youth who push and protest and riot and censor on behalf of socialism empower the ultra-rich whom they despise.

  5. Public Private Partnerships are ensnaring countries under globalism. /-oqvWNZsdo4

    How To Secretly Sell A Nation While Its People Work, Play, And Sleep

    “There is no difference between communism and socialism except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism by VOTE. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.” Ayn Rand

  6. paschnn1 says:

    the family of “ism’s” is, in most cases, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. In order to sell “it” to the masses it has to be presented as a means to a Utopian end. But sadly, these perfect “isms” are either put FORTH by those hiding under that benevolent clothing or sincere folk brought DOWN by those “hidden’.


    Bankrolled by Wall Street’s Jewish banker Jacob Schiff with Kuhn-Loeb bank. First off, calling the Bolshevik Jews’ take over and destruction of Russia and subsequent slaughter of +/- 60 million Russian Christians/Muslims a “Russian Revolution” is as much of a lie as calling the illegal immoral invasion/destruction of the Confederate States of America by the Railroad attorney Lincoln a “civil war”.

    Schiff’s boys went in with one goal;
    To convince the weak-minded they were being oppressed, galvanize them with lies about a “bigger piece of the pie”, arm them and turn them loose on their OWN NATION/PEOPLE.

    The Bolshevik Jews, (for a time) got the ENTIRE pie and those weak-minded, along with their imagined “enemies”? They were awarded with FERTILIZING Russian ground.

    National Social(ism);

    Germany had been raped/betrayed by the kosher central banking system and was under attack by the SAME Bolsheviks reaping the benefits of their destruction of Russia. National Social-(ism) was sold to the people as a way out via EXPELLING that kosher central bank along with those Bolshevik Jews within government working diligently to create a GERMAN “Party” which was created for one purpose; Bring Germany into the SAME chaos/horror Russia was drowning in.
    National Socialists REMOVED those (dual citizens of today?), Bolshevik provocateurs ALONG with their kosher central bank and LITERALLY within months put millions of German craftsmen back to work, PURGED the (then called) Sodom and Gomorrah of Europe, Berlin, then built bonfires out of the pornographic filth sold/practiced there.
    Hollywood sold us a bill of goods about “book burnings”. After this amazing rebirth of Germany’s body politic, economy, spirituality something had to be done before the people of OTHER nations became privy to what an “ism” applied by honest, moral leaders could accomplish.

    Thus, what the Bolshevik Jews perpetrated upon the DECENT Christian Romanov’s was duplicated by the City of London on Germany with the nefarious help of the Central Bank “owned” west, the U.S./Britain specifically.

    Again, calling the west’s SUPPORT/propping UP of the USSR, (wallowing in seas of Russian Christian/Muslim blood at that time), a simple “oops” on the part of the snake Roosevelt is tantamount to calling MOSSAD’s successful false flag of 9/11, flawlessly carried out in the most HEAVILY guarded air space on EARTH a legitimate “oops”.

    Again, we should look at the old adage, “follow the money”. So, dummies, let’s “follow the money”;

    “Thanks to the terrible power of our international banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, Since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest, The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100 million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars and the end is not yet.”

    Rabbi Reichorn 1869

    So “ism’s”, in my opinion are as good or bad as those CONTROLLING them and, using that adage one final time, in this chaotic world we need ONLY – “follow the money”.


    • From Quebec says:

      Oh boy! You would think that on this site, that people would know better then blaming the Jews. for everything wrong in this world.

      Pointing at one small ethnic group and saying that they are responsible for all the worst things in this world is in my wew a mental disorder. It is beyond all rational understanding.

      If a small group of Jews are the source of all evil, what does it say about the rest of the world?

      Is the rest of the world so powerless and stupid? Think about that.

      It makes no sense at all.

      • honestliberty says:

        And once again the irony award goes to the blind bandit Queen Quebec! Bravo, you’ve outdone yourself. I bet you call yourself a Christian. Would Christ consider those with whom he disagreed mentally disordered?

        You haven’t the capacity for genuine self-reflection and your analytical skills are hampered by your blind allegiance to your party and misinterpretations of supposedly divinely inspired scripts.

        The real plague to this site is readers like you, spewing pro Zionist propaganda and defending disgusting actors like Israel, the nastiest concentration of satanists the world has ever seen.

        BTW, Muslims believe in a false prophet, false God, and foul military system disguised as religion. It’s a plague, just like Zionism. You know, that white hating, Western society hating group of Jews in name only you just can’t help but defend.

        Quebec, you are a hypocrite. You don’t possess enough intellect to think independently. You are but a spoke in the wheel, easily manipulated by your owners to parrot a narrative of division that ultimately ensures the plan continues unabated.

        How could the rest of the world be so powerless and stupid? Great question. Look in the mirror. Your types would be the ones throwing rocks and cheering while Innocents are slaughtered by the force you believe is morally superior, never recognizing the inconsistency and satanic underpinnings of such a worldview.

        You disgust me

    • petergrafstrm says:

      What is usually missing in such true accounts is that Britain provoked it all by subverting every rival including the jews. Those bankers were led to believe that Tsarrussia was their worst enemy. But since the British also seemingly undermined the conditions for the german and french jews without Britains hand being clearly visible, those bankers probably had the false impression that everybody was trying to destroy them. Since the russians were an obvious target for Britain and the ‘Protocols’ seemed to be a work of the russians, russia was the priority as well as the easiest target.
      In reality even the content of the Protocols point to the aristocrats being the authors rather than any mysterious jewish society so the British and their freemasonic networks ought to be the prime suspects. However this wasnt the impression in the years when Jacob Schiff openly supported Russias enemies, Japan and the bolsheviks.
      The British spent a century preparing for creating nazism including the later phase when Houston Chamberlain virtually mentored the leading nazis as may be seen in their own diaries. This British agent of influence is completely blanked out from court historians treatment of that era.
      The British elites didnt hate the jews despite the harm the British did to them but it was about Britains hegemonic plans and the British dominance in banking. Germany ( and perhaps Russia too ) would have taken over that role peacefully by their industriousness if Britain hadnt succeeded in dragging Germany and Russia into war and revolution.
      And the truth is, Britain was behind all the isms. Zionism, evangelical zionism, nazism and communism. And they were also behind the more recent rise of radical islamism. That never happened spontaneously as a result of independent actions from muslims. It was planned long ago by British oligarchs.

      • From Quebec says:

        I agree with you. You are well informed, not like Dishonest liberty…LOL

      • Siekiera_Motyka says:

        Interesting character this Houston.

        Look in – Hitler’s Religion: The Twisted Beliefs that Drove the Third Reich
        By Richard Weikart

        He is mentioned there with regard to what you are saying. Until you mentioned him I have never hear of this guy. However I quite aware that the most is done by people never mentioned in History.

        • petergrafstrm says:

          Thanks for the tip. I have read Joachim Köhlers Wagners Hitler. (1st ed! since I dont know if the critique might have influenced the 2nd ed) Köhler doesnt polemise against the British he just calmly shows the facts. He describes how they recruited Wagner at a young age in the youth organisation( intended to direct Europeans against their leaders. )The so called young Germany a branch of young Europe. Further they inspired Wagner’s opera rienzi about a medieval germanic hero fighting against corrupt jewish nobility. Eventually Houston and another britton, Winifred Williams married into the Wagner family and exerted influence over the german cultural elite through which Hitler was gaining recognition. There is a lot more but since at the moment I dont know how your source approaches this subject I leave Köhlers text there. Another writer Manuel Sarkisyanz with his book From imperialism to fascism How Hitlers India was to be Russia or alternatively the Irish edition titled Hitler’s English Inspirers reveals many little known facts. Goebbels called Houston the pathbreaker and visionary of nazism. He and Himmler said they learned about the jews from him. One of the sources, I dont remember which one right now also cites an eyewitness about Houston having proofread Mein Kampf. Actually the bestsellers he published in Germany were probably a chief source of inspiration so it wasnt ‘just’ about proofreading.
          The time when Houston became a naturalised German was the time when another agent of influence Bulwer Lytton, was busy encouraging the buildup of the cults which formed the quasireligious background of nazism. This happened as the jews were emancipated under Bismarck and there wasnt much time to prevent them from assimilating. Houston was eager to suggest to the Germans not to allow jewish assimilation and adviced them to do to the jews what the romans did to the carthaginians. And later Houstons cousin Nevil in 1938 hasted to Munich to save Hitlers regime from being ousted by the German generals.
          The latter demanded that Britain protest Hitlers plans to invade Czechoslovakia but the British clearly wanted Hitler to go ahead. So the army units from Pottsdam who were to remove Hitler were recalled.

          • Tom_12 says:

            Very interesting information Peter.

            Family ties hide a lot of valuable information.

          • Tom_12 says:

            These connections make it clear that Hess’s flight to England was not a spur of the moment decision. He was running an errand for someone at the top of the pyramid.

          • Tom_12 says:

            I just looked at a couple of quotes from Sarkisyanz book and see completely different light with regard to England and Germany. There is clear logic in all this and explains for me a lot of the German behavior during WW II.
            “”There is only one sane and logical thing to be done with a really inferior race, and that is to exterminate it”.
            H.G . Wells
            “the Anglo-Saxon i s the only extirpating rac e on earth. Up to the commencement of the now inevitable destruction of the Red Indians… , of the Maoris and of the [aborigine] Australians, no numerous race has ever been blotted out by an invader”.
            “Naked barbarians [are]. .. safe only from extermination because the European cannot dwell permanently in the climate of their land [India]”. Sir Charles Düke
            “England and Germany have a common position. .. Here we still have much to learn.”
            “I admire the English people: In colonizing, it has achieved the immeasurable.”
            “Russia’s space is our India, and, as the Englishman rules with a handful of forces, so we shall rule this our colonial space. ..”
            “Germany used to motivate her claims to colonies with.. . her desire to spread German culture… It was nonsense: It would never have occurred to an Englishman to motivate colonies… otherwise than with the very realistic and sober advantages which they… bring… That… natives might have felt better with us than they did under the English would… be far from speaking for our kind of colonisation policy but surely for that of the English instead…”
            Adolf Hitler”
            British and Germans are simply different sides of the same coin.

          • petergrafstrm says:

            But Hitler the stateless foreigner (and not a German shortly before he was selected to Reich Chancellor,) was a dupe. He would never have had a chance to rise in Germany without his foreign encouragers and sponsors. But it is true that the European culture had an overall racist outlook. Only, Germany had a good chance of getting along well without war. If only they had been allowed to do peaceful trade. And the consequences would very likely have been that the less advaced nations would have been able to benefit from collaboration with the Germans.
            Similar to the prospects China offers today to several countries.
            It is not a random fact that Sarajevo, where WWI was provoked, was at one end of the projected Berlin Baghdad railway.

      • honestliberty says:

        Of course the British crown have had their inbred hands in divide and conquer strategies. That doesn’t discount the evils of elite Jews throughout history, and it doesn’t discount in any way the atrocities committed by the state of Israel. That also doesn’t tacitly approve of the Arab Palestinian violence throughout history. The Barbary wars illustrated that this isn’t a new phenomena regards the Muslims. They are a warring tribe of savages. Not all, just like not all Jews are statist centrists hell bent on strong central control of individuals. That’s besides the point.

        The point is some faction of Jews hate Caucasians, and purposefully work towards forcing multiculturalism on stable Nations. You can read their words, recognize their influence, and see the rotten fruit of their labors. The average Jew is in my estimation, secular and satanic, as they typically vote Democrat, for social theft programs, anti gun, anti individual, anti Christian values. Make no mistake that religion is and always had been at war with Christianity, and the adherents are playing Muslims up, letting them run rampant.

        They are involved. You just refuse to accept that because for some stupid reason you childishly buy into that “chosen people” con. What a frigging joke.
        As if the creator would make a pact only with certain of it’s children. But then again, you also believe in a virgin birth. It’s not surprising. Sadly tragic the human mind is capable of such obvious self deception. It’s quite unfortunate.

        And Quebec, you are a one trick pony and not even clever. You should be able to leave a better insult. I would at least appreciate some more effort in our skirmishes.

        • petergrafstrm says:

          The British elites, their most learned orientalists and spies were behind the modern rise of islamism. They and later their american adjoint has on several occassions battled secular regimes and tried to impose the radicals Britain managed to bring to life. The British knew very well the old history of Islam and selected the worst kind of islamic oligarch from around 1000 AD since that one disliked the previous scientific era when Islam learned from Greek science. This figure wanted them backward and that was to Britains liking. So they encouraged those parts of the past developments which would enable Britain to use the muslims as a weapon against Britains rivals. And also simultaneously to prevent development. They oversaw the development of the muslim brotherhood protected by Britains Suez Canal company. MB was organised like freemasonry and may be seen as a branch of British Freemasonry just like the B’nai B’rit the jewish branch of scottish rite which was intended for Britain to take back control over the Us. The argument that the radical islamists are a consequence of past eras is misleading since Britains intelligentia have systematically manipulated in the background to achieve just that effect.
          Egypt under Nasser and now and the Assad family in Syria have been able to keep the MB terrorists and subverters at bay. So far. The angloamerican empire is the only reason radical islamism plays a role today.
          What regards the jews, nobody says they arent responsible for their acts. But it makes a whole lot if difference that it was the British elites and not the jews who were the main actors behind the Israel project, zionism and Christian zionism. Moreover Britain managed to pit Europeans against each other and against the jews. Normally jewish bankers would have had full access to intel when it was in Britains interest. But when the British conspired against the jews this wasnt the case. This was probably crucial to have them openly support Russias enemies.
          And it makes a whole lot of difference that the British created and encouraged nazism to prevent jewish assimilation on the continent.
          The relevant era spans from before the french revolution , the Napoleonic wars and on. I leave out many revealing circumstances. The jewish history seems to be to some extent about being debtcollectors for mighty people. A people of enforcers. Thus the Thalmud and its lack of sympathy for the other seems to be a reflection of that role.
          But it seems to me improbable that the richest jews would have been deprived of their wealth when jews were thrown out from many places.
          If so they would have changed behaviour. But since this was a repetitive phenomenon, I suspect the wealthy jews and gentiles to have conspired together. Historical records are not reliable when the interests of the most powerful and wealthy are concerned. Their whole world is one of deceptions.

        • From Quebec says:

          Believe me, I have tons of better insults, but I feel so sorry for anti semites. What would the point for stronger insults? You already insult your own brain with your hatred of Jews and you don’t even realize it.

        • From Quebec says:

          Believe me, I have tons of better insults, but I feel so sorry for anti semites. What would the point for stronger insults? You already insult your own brain with your hatred of Jews and you don’t even realize it.

          • honestliberty says:

            I’m not anti Semite, in the characterization you need to feel morally superior.
            I’m critical, strongly so, of dominators and racists.
            The fact that you don’t recognize the word gentile is the oldest example of racism the world knows isn’t a surprise, based on your average comment.
            Their whole religion is exclusionary.

            What I am is someone who wants evil stomped out through peaceful non-compliance, which is simply being educated and saying no. So while you may think I have Jews because it makes you feel righteous, in fact I despise the actions of certain elitist Jews who hate Caucasians, and I want them held accountable. Additionally, I abhor the call for strong, centralized government that most regular jews advocate.

            I don’t want them to die, I don’t want them to suffer.i want them to stop interfering with the lives of people like me who want to be left alone. I want the average Westerner to recognize they play an integral part in the destruction of this great society and by simply refusing to comply with much of the United Nations globalist agenda, they can take back their individual sovereignty and finally hold the parties accountable for lying about the Holocaust to steal a nation into existence from people that rightfully owned it. By the way, I’m not even sure the Arabs who owned modern day Israel were decent folk. It is irrelevant. It was theirs and the house of Rothschild, employing services of the Queen’s army, savagely murdered and raped their way to that land. Fuck those demons and fuck you if you condone such evil, for surely you are not a true Christian.

            Anything other than that sentiment, which runs counter to that which you desperately need to justify your self inflated superiority on the matter, is nothing but self congratulating fantasy.

          • From Quebec says:

            And finally hold the parties accountable for lying about the Holocaust to steal a nation into existence from people that rightfully owned it (Dishonestliberty)

            Oh Boy! You are beyond repair

          • well I would argue the same about you, as would just about everyone who frequents this site, having spent any time reading your ridiculous rants.

            see how this works? immovable object meets an unstoppable force.

  7. truth1 says:

    Jon, this was the best expose I have seen yet in exposing the rich behind socialism. Sadly, the poor and the stupid are not about to use logic and reason and see thru the lies of socialism. Their decisions are based on what sounds nice and sweet to them that they WANT to believe. They are willing to reject reality and logic and go with the nice Cinderella ending. Most have regressed back to infancy. I can’t see that much hope in that. What a shame.

  8. Excellent article, Jon.

    I do get concerned with “blame” talk surrounding masonic organisations. Until there is universal understanding of what significantly changed after the fall of Atlantis and why ancient Babylon has become a fortuitous standard of the “New World Order” nothing will make directional sense (beyond obvious “symptoms).


    • trishwriter says:

      Can you please explain what happened after the fall of Atlantis? Or give some references for those of us who may want to investigate?

      • Until you understand why we have the cerebral cortex, how this implicates Sirian (from Sirius) genetics and reptilian manipulation, Atlantis will not make much sense to you. My latest article on the same website explores the “Sirian factor” and should be published in a week or two. In the meantime this deals with “reptilian interests” and how they affect mankind in the manifest sense

        For a more “down to Earth” “logical” account, I value late Nicolai Levashov’s opinions in {words to the effect] “Russian History Distorted Through Parallel Mirrors”. His chromosome theory is most fascinating. You should find a “free” pdf copy somewhere if you search on Google.

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