Vaccine cartel destroys lives: evidence

by Jon Rappoport

July 2, 2018

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Put these two public-health agency statements up against each other:



Doesn’t add up, does it? Across a population of 100 million people, widespread harm and death would have occurred.

Read on, and follow the inexorable logic.

The FDA released a statement (8/28/17), about its crackdown on a California company pushing an unapproved treatment for cancer patients: stem cells mixed with a smallpox vaccine.

But that’s not the big story. The big story is buried in the FDA press release. Here is the Agency’s statement:

“Serious health problems, including those that are life-threatening, can also occur in…people who…have problems with their heart or immune system if they become infected with the [smallpox] vaccine virus, either by being vaccinated or by being in close contact with a person who was vaccinated.”

Get it? The FDA is admitting that those with certain prior health conditions who pick up the smallpox virus, as a result of vaccination, are at exceptionally high risk. AMONG THOSE PRIOR HEALTH CONDITIONS IS: “IMMUNE SYSTEM PROBLEMS.”

That simply means: weak and compromised immune systems.

And yet…during the years 1966-1980, a massive smallpox eradication campaign was carried out in Africa, under the auspices of the World Health Organization. Roughly 100 million doses of the smallpox vaccine were given to Africans, MILLIONS OF WHOM ALREADY HAD SEVERELY COMPROMISED IMMUNE SYSTEMS.

Their immune systems were compromised by hunger, protein-calorie malnutrition, starvation, contaminated water supplies, lack of basic sanitation—all the conditions that are part of generation to generation poverty.

How much devastation was wrought by this smallpox vaccination campaign?

The World Health Organization, in 1980, celebrated the eradication of smallpox on the African continent—but was that what really happened?

Or was it this? The visible signs of smallpox receded, but people with already-compromised immune systems began dying in large numbers. (Is THAT what would soon be called AIDS?)

The FDA, in the statement I quoted above, unwittingly implied what researchers have known for decades: the so-called smallpox eradication campaign in Africa was one of the most dangerous medical interventions in history.

In the late 1980s, a respected biologist with close knowledge of the Africa eradication campaign, told me, off the record, that after the World Health Organization celebrated their “victory” in Africa, they held a very secret meeting in Geneva.

At this meeting, it was decided that the smallpox vaccine they deployed in Africa would never be used again.

I asked him why.

Because it caused cases of smallpox, he said.

So the African eradication campaign had a double effect. In some people, the vaccine caused smallpox, which it was supposed to prevent. In others, it wrought extreme devastation and death without giving the appearance of smallpox.

More lies, more widespread destruction from the vaccine establishment.

Need further proof? In 2001, out of nowhere, the US federal government announced there was a potential bio-terror threat: the use of the smallpox virus as a weapon. Therefore, vaccination clinics would be set up all over America, and “everyone” should show up and receive the smallpox vaccine. As encouragement, President Bush got his shot on national television.

But then, even mainstream doctors and researchers began contacting reporters and telling them there was a serious problem: the dangerous vaccine could injure and kill people.

The program was quietly allowed to fade out. The massive number of vaccination clinics never materialized. About a year after US Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tommy Thompson, had warned the country about the threat of a smallpox bioterror attack, he showed up to say he was recommending that cabinet members should NOT get the shot. And that was that. End of story.

A national vaccine program canceled. Retracted. Buried. When do you see that happen? Virtually never.

However, the smallpox vaccine was too dangerous.

—The same vaccine that was shot into the bodies of 100 million Africans.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

6 comments on “Vaccine cartel destroys lives: evidence

  1. Eliza Ayres says:

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:
    Crimes against humanity…

  2. hellhawk0311 says:

    Where is the evidence? I’m not being sarcastic or mean but if I use your words to press a point I need to know where you got your facts .

  3. MrDuncmck says:

    thanks jon ! as the old saying goes .”.know just enough to be dangerous” example ; vaccine GOOD! virus BAD !!!.doesn’t this remind you of daffy duck and bugs bunny in the cartoon where daffy smashes bugs back down in the dirt and proclaims “i’m rich i’m (h)ealthy i’m comfortably well off.consequence smonsequenses as long as i’m rich”..its hilarious and horrifying watching these humans in a trance living in the EITHER/OR paradigm where logic and the devil in the details carry no weight.

  4. NaturalWoman says:

    Thanks for catching that, Jon.

  5. Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:
    AIDS certainly came to America in a big way in the 80’s. Would there have been links to the smallpox vaccine? I have recently found out that in the UK if an Alzheimers diagnosis has been given the body can no longer be accepted by any University for research. This is because the effects of CJD (mad cow disease) are identical so there is no way the numbers dying from that can be recorded. At the time the Health minister was filmed eating a beef burger and a huge epidemic was predicted that then went quiet. But we have astronomical numbers of Alzheimers deaths that could be CJD and no one would ever know…

  6. What I find more remarkable, Jon, is the supposed “Grade A” healthcare “professionals” still don’t know what “virus” is nor how it’s “transmitted”.

    I recently wrote about “fundamentalism”. Fundamentalists tune into pictures or stories and refuse to relinquish any sense of their visions as though their lives depended on it.


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