The psychiatric Matrix: what you need to know

The psychiatric Matrix: what you need to know

by Jon Rappoport

May 21, 2018

First of all, as I reported some months ago, 25% of college students in America have received a diagnosis of a mental disorder, or are on psychiatric drugs. I mention this to indicate how widespread psychiatric control has become.

That statistic has been reported by NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

NAMI also states: “Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S.—43.8 million, or 18.5%—experiences mental illness in a given year.”

These figures are earthshaking. They reflect a relentless push, by organized psychiatry and their pharmaceutical partners, to expand the diagnoses of mental disorders and the toxic drugging that follows.

Indeed, if you consult the DSM, the official Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, you’ll find listed 297 distinct and defined and labeled disorders. This is marketing at an awesome level.

This is also a cultural revolution. Over the past few decades, millions of Americans have been convinced they have a brain malfunction of some kind. If you don’t think that creates a vast victim mentality, think again.

And yet, wait for it—not one of the 297 mental disorders has a defining diagnostic lab test. Not one.

I’ve made this point many times. Occasionally, readers point out that there are tests. Yes, but not DEFINING tests. If tests existed which invariably point to a true diagnosis of a true condition, those tests would be published in the DSM, the bible of the psychiatry. But they aren’t. Nowhere in the DSM will you find them.

Instead, every mental disorder is defined by a list of behavioral “symptoms.” Committees of psychiatrist gather and debate, and decide which clusters of symptoms add up to which labels of mental disorders.

It would be as if you walked into a doctor’s office, talked to him for ten minutes, and then he said: “You have cancer. I can tell by the way you’re talking and behaving. We start chemo tomorrow.”

As with a number of investigation I’ve done, some people respond with: “Oh no, that couldn’t be.” But it could be, and it is:

There is NO DEFINING lab test for any so-called mental disorder. No blood test, no urine test, no brain scan, no genetic assay.

Professional researchers will try to tap dance and bloviate around this shocking revelation: “We do a different kind of science. We’re making breakthroughs every day. We’re getting closer.”

Fine. Let us know when you’ve arrived. Until then, don’t diagnose 25% of the population with mental disorders, and don’t drug them with debilitating and toxic chemicals.

Here is what we’re dealing with: the profession of psychiatry has been given the government seal of approval to monopolize the field of mental health. The nature of their psychiatric work marks these “professionals” as some of the craziest people on the planet.

How do psychiatrists get away with it? They have journals. They populate schools and hospitals. They testify in criminal trials. They are funded and backed by some of the most powerful corporations in the world: Big Pharma. They’re medical doctors, and the public is trained to believe them.

Worst of all, the psychiatrists believe themselves.

They’re indoctrinated through years of schooling.

They’re in a waking trance.

They’re men and women who would never sacrifice their exalted positions of authority and their money for the sake of the truth.

What about parents and their children? “Jimmy, we’re so happy you’re going to college. Now, there is a 25% chance you’ll be diagnosed with a mental disorder while you’re there. That’s a good thing. You’ll get help. Listen to the doctor. Take the drugs.”

Of course, parents don’t say that. But by default, and through ignorance, that’s what they’re setting up their children for.

“This college you’re attending, Jimmy—it’s basically a psychiatric clinic. But you’ll also learn valuable academic information on the side.”

One of the great rebels inside the psychiatric profession is Dr. Peter Breggin. He wrote the 1991 classic, Toxic Psychiatry. Here is a story Breggin recounts. Read it and remember it:

“Roberta was a college student, getting good grades, mostly A’s, when she first became depressed and sought psychiatric help at the recommendation of her university health service. She was eighteen at the time, bright and well motivated, and a very good candidate for psychotherapy. She was going through a sophomore-year identity crisis about dating men, succeeding in school, and planning a future. She could have thrived with a sensitive therapist who had an awareness of women’s issues.”

“Instead of moral support and insight, her doctor gave her Haldol. Over the next four years, six different physicians watched her deteriorate neurologically without warning her or her family about tardive dyskinesia [motor brain damage] and without making the [tardive dyskinesia] diagnosis, even when she was overtly twitching in her arms and legs. Instead they switched her from one neuroleptic [anti-psychotic med] to another, including Navane, Stelazine, and Thorazine. Eventually a rehabilitation therapist became concerned enough to send her to a general physician, who made the diagnosis [of medical drug damage]. By then she was permanently physically disabled, with a loss of 30 percent of her IQ.”

“…my medical evaluation described her condition: Roberta is a grossly disfigured and severely disabled human being who can no longer control her body. She suffers from extreme writhing movements and spasms involving the face, head, neck, shoulders, limbs, extremities, torso, and back-nearly the entire body. She had difficulty standing, sitting, or lying down, and the difficulties worsen as she attempts to carry out voluntary actions. At one point she could not prevent her head from banging against nearby furniture. She could hold a cup to her lip only with great difficulty. Even her respiratory movements are seriously afflicted so that her speech comes out in grunts and gasps amid spasms of her respiratory muscles…Roberta may improve somewhat after several months off the neuroleptic drugs, but she will never again have anything remotely resembling a normal life.”

Welcome to the psychiatric matrix.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

15 comments on “The psychiatric Matrix: what you need to know

  1. Thanks for the article. The question remains is … what are we going to do about it ? How to permanently stop these atrocities ? I’ve been a campaigner since 2006. Your work is certainly vastly better then many other’s out there. I think I get that you are saying that one has to get oneself out of the matrix FIRST before one can really do anything about this. This is a journey I’m still on. I’m still trying to answer the question about why so many campaigners have vividly highlighted this problem, yet basically nothing changes year after year, decade after decade. It could be as simple as just not having the political will to really change this. The DeepState story in the USA is deeply relevant. Look at my tweet here: … that extraordinary expression on Clappers face says everything to me. Read his Wikipedia page that read’s like a Tom Clancy novel. The entire Clapper episode epitomises the deeply cynical lying and corruption in the psychiatric system. “We don’t damage or hurt anyone” they say. Just like Clapper denied wire tapping of American individuals. At the moment anyway, I have high hopes that the eventual unravelling of the DeepState will eventually lead on to destruction of corrupt psychiatry. The same people who recognise the DeepState corruption are the same one’s who can see what’s going on in psychiatry for what it is.

  2. Nicole says:

    “You have cancer. I can tell by the way you’re talking and behaving.” Lol…. That’s great, I can actually hear the doctor saying that.

  3. Nicole says:

    I am *SO* glad that I strongly said “no” when they told me they wanted to put me on Haldol. My life could have gone very differently. I feel like it was a near miss. I was involuntarily committed, and was stuck there at “The Meadows,” and they could have forced me to take the drugs. I’m very fortunate that they respected my “no” to the Haldol.

  4. Reblogged this on AfterHollywood and commented:
    This is an important blog post and something I agree with.

  5. JB says:

    “Worst of all, the psychiatrists believe themselves.

    They’re indoctrinated through years of schooling.

    They’re in a waking trance.”

    It is essential to realize such people were already in a state of mind to be “indoctrinated” long before schooling or a career. It is the passionate state of mind. It is the person who claims they have a “calling” and desire to don the robes of the social priesthood of controlling others because they cannot put their own house in order.

    Such people are the prophets, the priests, the politicians, the psychometrists, the paternalists. They are all the heart of soul of Revolutionaries who confuse being of “service” to others with running from their petty, insignificant selves.

  6. Jane Karlsson says:

    “25% of college students in America have received a diagnosis of a mental disorder, or are on psychiatric drugs”

    If this is true, and I don’t doubt it for a moment, it reflects their awful diet.

    The brain cannot function properly unless it’s being cleaned out all the time, by a process called autophagy. Recent research has established a key role in neurodegenerative disease for an enzyme called PP2A, which controls autophagy. If autophagy were doing its job, it would be degrading the protein aggregates found in Alzheimer brains.

    This is huge. Scientists will tell you we don’t know what causes Alzheimer’s. In fact we do know, it’s caused by autophagy failure. It is possible that all brain disease and all mental illness have the same cause: cell components are being damaged (by iron overload, which has been found in many common diseases*) and the damaged material is not being cleared out and replaced.

    PP2A is a manganese enzyme. Modern diets are very low in manganese. Not only is it removed during refining of carbohydrate foods, animal foods have hardly any. A diet based on meat and refined carbohydrate will have vanishingly small amounts of it.

    Manganese protects mitochondria and much else from iron overload.

    The manganese enzyme MnSOD controls the aging process.

    *Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s, obesity (now known to be a brain disease) and many others.

    • cretins says:

      (Natural News) Some of us recall our mothers encouraging us to eat fish growing up on the pretense that it’s “brain food,” and it turns out that this is one notion that actually has some very solid science to back it. In fact, new research shows just how far its protective benefits reach.

      In the latest study to illustrate how this gift from the sea helps the human brain, researchers found a link between fish consumption and enhanced neurological health over the long term. Specifically, the Swedish researchers discovered that the parvalbumin protein can help prevent the protein structures associated with Parkinson’s disease from forming.

      The researchers weren’t surprised to see fish associated with cognitive health, but this particular study provided some new insight into precisely why eating it is so good for your brain. It has long been believed that omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are behind this effect, but the team’s data suggests that it’s the parvalbumin’s ability to block the formation of the alpha-synuclein plaques involved in Parkinson’s disease from being formed in the first place.

      Parvalbumin is a calcium-binding protein that is abundant in many fish, especially in their muscle tissue. It’s also what is responsible for causing reactions in those who are allergic to fish.

      The study’s lead author, Professor Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede, explained: “Parvalbumin collects up the ‘Parkinson’s protein’ and actually prevents it from aggregating, simply by aggregating itself first.”

      Essentially, when proteins fold in an improper manner, they stick together and form the amyloids present not only in Parkinson’s but also Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. The parvalbumin can clean up the abnormal amyloids before they can take hold, protecting people from neurodegenerative conditions.

      Support our mission and enhance your own self-reliance: The laboratory-verified Organic Emergency Survival Bucket provides certified organic, high-nutrition storable food for emergency preparedness. Completely free of corn syrup, MSG, GMOs and other food toxins. Ultra-clean solution for years of food security. Learn more at the Health Ranger Store.

      However, the researchers suggest that both parvalbumin and omega-3 fatty acids play a role in giving fish its positive effects on cognitive decline and dementia. The researchers would like to carry out additional studies to see what impact, if any, their finding could have on other neurodegenerative disorders beyond Parkinson’s. As people live longer than before, the scientists believe such diseases will be seen in even greater numbers in the future – a disturbing prospect when you consider the fact that no cures currently exist.

  7. Kim says:

    I worked as a Case Manager at our county mental health facility for eight years. I actually witnessed care home providers (average people with no medical training who owned and operated residential care homes) advise doctors to change a client’s medication based on their behavior so they were “easier to manage” and the doctors did it. These care givers were actually telling doctors to decrease/increase dosages or discontinue specific medications, prescribe specific meds, etc. and the doctors complied! It was astounding. Also, case managers were required to encourage their clients to register to vote and the agency facilitated that process and provided transportation to voting polls. These clients were so ill that they were unable to manage their own affairs and required constant monitoring, but were able to make an informed decision on who to voe for? I don’t think so. I, and several of my co-workers, refused to participate in that project.

  8. Jon

    I know you are focused on the “smoke and mirrors” drum as it is a serious cause, but what about the other side of that coin?

    What about genuine disorders that are poorly diagnosed or not diagnosed at all?

    The ancients knew about psychiatry. They called the practice “blows to the soul”. They had no drugs, only disorders. Much lost reasoning would be presumed “superstitions” in the modern rationalist sense. Modern rationalists believe in toxic drugs over next best….

    Getting the picture?


  9. cretins says:

    Gun violence? How ’bout Prozac violence…Way too much credence is given to gun control as a solution. The bigger problem is the vast amount of children labeled with some type of disorder and then given powerful psychotropic drugs (SSRI’s) to combat those disorders. Guns have always been available and will continue to be available far into the future as there are so many even if banned outright. Finding a different solution to drugging our children for an attention disorder ought to be top on the list. Most, if not all, of the mass shooters have been on doctor prescribed meds of one type or another. The school system is way too quick to put unruly kids on drugs rather than try other methods like changes in diet or god forbid…discipline. The first question they should be asking (but never do) is what prescribed meds is he on.

  10. Theodore says:

    Colleges Bend the Rules for More Students, Give Them Extra Help

    With an influx of students classified as ‘disabled’, schools move to accommodate their needs

    “As many as one in four students at some elite U.S. colleges are now classified as disabled, ‘largely because of mental-health issues’, entitling them to a widening array of special accommodations like longer time to take exams.”

    mental-health issues means they’re taking toxic psych drugs


    well, this is what you get by taking 49 doses of 14 different vaccines by age 6 years old. this is what you get by taking psych drugs as a teen. Strung-out young adults who can’t think straight! This is a crime! And, these are the young adults who survived the gauntlet! The crazy thing is,… for the ones who ‘survived’ a “full poisoning” regiment, they’ll be the ones weirdly good at programming the AI.

    there will be two forms of humans — those that are Rx -vaxxed and Rx -drugged during their youth and those who are not.

    They’re turning the lights off on what it means to be human, folks.

  11. Erika says:

    Psychiatry is FAITH BASED MEDICINE
    (they used to jail faith healers who killed people but not when they have the IMPRIMATUR of corporate “science”)..
    Now just add a faith based economy, faith based government
    mix well
    Zombie apocalypse.

  12. Kata says:

    My young adult son took Haldol injections 5 times. (once every month) This month he stopped taking it. He felt fine and his mind is clear and alert. He will see a nerve specialist for Parkinson disease. His right hand reduced shaky involuntary now. Does 5 injections affect his mind and body ? Will it disappear from his body system?

  13. Sharon Figler says:

    Medical professionals need to learn about nutritional Deficiencies. Nutrition needs to be taught in Medical School. My family has Pyroluria. 10% of the population has this. Supplements help immensely!

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