CDC vaccine science covers up giant conflict of interest

CDC vaccine science covers up giant conflict of interest

by Jon Rappoport

March 21, 2018

If you wanted to buy a product…

And the main researcher of the product was the company selling it to you…

Would you automatically assume the product was safe and effective?

But you see, that’s the just the beginning of the problem. Suppose the company’s research was cited thousands of times in the press, as the authoritative standard of proof—and anyone who disputed that research was labeled a conspiracy theorist and a quack and a danger to the community and an anti-science lunatic.

Would you begin to suspect the company had awesome media connections? Would you suspect some very powerful people were backing the company?

This is exactly the situation with the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Read these two quotes:

The government’s Vaccine for Children Program (a CDC organization) purchases vaccines for about 50 percent of children in the U.S.” (The Atlantic, February 10, 2015)

“The CDC currently spends over $4 billion purchasing vaccines [annually] from drug makers…” (Health Impact News, October 24, 2016)

However, the CDC is also the gold standard for research on the safety and efficacy of vaccines. It turns out an unending stream of studies on these subjects. And the results of those studies are dutifully reported in the mainstream press.

Do you think, under any circumstances, the CDC would publish data showing vaccines are ineffective and dangerous? They’d be cutting their own throats.

“Well, we spend $4 billion a year buying vaccines from drug companies, but guess what? These vaccines are often dangerous…”

Every time you read about a CDC study on vaccines, keep this obvious conflict of interest in mind.

When, in 2014, William Thompson, a long-time CDC researcher, publicly admitted he and his colleagues had buried data that would have shown the MMR vaccine increases the risk of autism, he was throwing a stick of dynamite into the whole CDC operation. He was also saying, in recorded phone conversations, that the CDC was lying about vaccine safety in other studies.

This is why major media refused to cover or investigate Thompson’s claims. This is why they spread a blanket of silence over his revelations.

Thompson was threatening a $ 4-billion-a-year enterprise.

The CDC is both a PR agency for, and a buyer from, Big Pharma.

Speaking of PR, would you like to see an example of how the CDC promotes the yearly flu vaccine by lying egregiously about flu deaths in the United States?

In December of 2005, the British Medical Journal (online) published a shocking report by Peter Doshi, which created tremors through the halls of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), where “the experts” used to tell the press that 36,000 people in the US die every year from the flu.

Here is a quote from Doshi’s report, “Are US flu death figures more PR than science?” (BMJ 2005; 331:1412):

“[According to CDC statistics], ‘influenza and pneumonia’ took 62,034 lives in 2001—61,777 of which were attributable to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and in only 18 cases was the flu virus positively identified.”


You see, the CDC has created one overall category that combines both flu and pneumonia deaths. Why do they do this? Because they disingenuously assume that the pneumonia deaths are complications stemming from the flu.

This is an absurd assumption. Pneumonia has a number of causes.

But even worse, in all the flu and pneumonia deaths, only 18 revealed the presence of an influenza virus.

Therefore, the CDC could not say, with assurance, that more than 18 people died of influenza in 2001. Not 36,000 deaths. 18 deaths.

Doshi continued his assessment of published CDC flu-death statistics: “Between 1979 and 2001, [CDC] data show an average of 1348 [flu] deaths per year (range 257 to 3006).” These figures refer to flu separated out from pneumonia.

This death toll is obviously far lower than the parroted 36,000 figure.

However, when you add the sensible condition that lab tests have to actually find the flu virus in patients, the numbers of flu deaths plummet even further.

In other words, it’s all promotion and hype.

“Well, uh, we used to say 36,000 people died from the flu every year in the US. But actually, it’s closer to 20. However, we can’t admit that, because if we did, we’d be exposing our gigantic psyop. The whole campaign to scare people into getting a flu shot would have about the same effect as warning people to carry iron umbrellas, in case toasters fall out of upper-story windows…and, by the way, we’d be put in prison for fraud.”

The CDC must turn out a steady stream of outrageous lies about the need for vaccines. If they didn’t, they’d have no way to justify the billions of dollars they spend every year buying the vaccines from drug companies.

Since the sold-out major media won’t connect these dots, I and others need to.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

29 comments on “CDC vaccine science covers up giant conflict of interest

  1. Kevin says:

    Well according to the echo chamber, flu is killing 4000 people per week right now LOL

    “Deaths from influenza and pneumonia, which are closely tied to each other in the winter months, were responsible for 1 of every 10 deaths last week, and that’s likely to rise, Schuchat said in a conference call Friday. There were 40,414 deaths in the U.S. during the third week of 2018, the most recent data available, and 4,064 were from pneumonia or influenza, according to the CDC data. The number for that week is expected to rise more reports are sent to the agency”

  2. Abe says:

    With the rat poison, embalming fluid, mercury, aluminum, and other bad things in the vaccines, Dr. Wakefield did a study in 1998, Dr. Thompson’s CDC team was 2004, 20016 Drs. Seneff & Samsel found glyphosate in the vaccines, the MMR was the highest.

    Then look at this autism chart.

    • Chris says:

      Or, look at all of the so-called pesticides from natural sources that are dumped on organic crops and then look at this autism chart.

      • Abe says:

        The difference between your chart and mine is GMO’s have been around since 1992, organic since the dawn of man. You can use that chart for stupidity from social media to! Organic food doesn’t infect the brain. Of the 25 Drs. that endorsed that chart only 1 wasn’t tied to the GMO industry. Meaning they had a vested interest.

        So you think organic foods are responsible for failures in neurological, endocrine, digestive, skeletal, reproductive, respiratory, circulatory systems? Plus all vaccines and plant and animal base drugs have Glyphosate, AMPA, and the Bt toxins in it, along with the other shit in them! Dicamba and agent orange is next!

        Correlation Of Rising Incidence Of Diseases And Chronic Health Conditions With GMOs And Glyphosate

        • Sci-reader says:

          I agree, Abe, the chart by Chris is that used by biotechnology shills to sow confusion. Many statistical tricks can be used to show a high correlation of an increase of one ailment with any increase of an environmental exposure, just by adjusting the left side vertical axis. Organic food sales are only 5% of the total food sales at best, so a better chart would be showing both the organic foods sales and the amount of GMO foods sales, which are significantly higher, and are in 80% to 90% of the foods sold. One would then see no correlation with organic foods but a very high correlation with GMO food sales. Actually doing this is complicated because GMO foods are not labeled like organic foods are. The best correlation is with glyphosate usage because not only is it used on herbicide tolerant crops, but also on non-GMO crops directly as a drying agent, and as a herbicide on the weeds of grapevines, tree nuts, and orchards. Usage of glyphosate per acre has been increasing due to weeds becoming tolerant, but we are then eating increasing amounts.

          • Abe says:

            Not to brag, but I worked with Nancy Swanson on those charts when it was in a series of articles in the Seattle Examiner. She emailed that chart and asked me if I thought it was directed at her because it was supported by a couple dozen Drs. I checked out the Drs. and sent an email back and told her, “Hell yes they’re talking about you! They’re all GMO shills!” I told you it (articles) would be a game changer. She told me “I think your right, were not even 1/2 way done and Drs. & scientists all over the world were urging her to go through the Peer Review, and publishing process!” She didn’t want to deal with all the emails, so we got Andre Leu to put his email on the paper. Dr. Seralini had it on his web site before the Journal of Organic Science did.

            Just the charts plus a few Stephanie Seneff had with her work with Anthony Samsel.

            Correlation Of Rising Incidence Of Diseases And Chronic Health Conditions With GMOs And Glyphosate


            The paper



            You sound very well read.

            You may be interested in Steph’s home page. She and Anthony has done a paper on each category from the one above.


            You might find this interesting

            Vaccine-glyphosate link exposed by Anthony Samsel

  3. It would be interesting to investigate whether more people die from side effects of the vaccine, than from the flu itself.

  4. the postman says:

    I for one am glad that Jon is still “on the case” regarding vaccinations because pretty much every other real news blogger today seems to have forgotten why this issue is so important.

  5. Erika says:

    Not just the CDC Remember that HPV vaccine that was “safe”
    (apparently India would disagree since so many ended up dead or crippled when it was tested on them)

    Pharmaceutical Companies’ Role in State Vaccination Policymaking: The Case of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination

    “Results. Merck promoted school-entry mandate legislation by serving as an information resource, lobbying legislators, drafting legislation, mobilizing female legislators and physician organizations, conducting consumer marketing campaigns, and filling gaps in access to the vaccine. Legislators relied heavily on Merck for scientific information. Most stakeholders found lobbying by vaccine manufacturers acceptable in principle, but perceived that Merck had acted too aggressively and nontransparently in this case.

    Conclusions. Although policymakers acknowledge the utility of manufacturers’ involvement in vaccination policymaking, industry lobbying that is overly aggressive, not fully transparent, or not divorced from financial contributions to lawmakers risks undermining the prospects for legislation to foster uptake of new vaccines.”

    Since Trump has issued over 37 ethics waivers for lobbyists to take posts in the federal government as chiefs of agencies, i don’t expect it to get better.

    The CDC director Brenda Fitzgerald resigned earlier this year under pressure because of conflicts of interest.
    It will be interseting to see what conflict of interests Robert Redfield (the AIDS researcher currently appointed) has with Pharma

  6. Robert says:

    Reblogged this on Roberts Thoughts 2 and commented:
    When, in 2014, William Thompson, a long-time CDC researcher, publicly admitted he and his colleagues had buried data that would have shown the MMR vaccine increases the risk of autism, he was throwing a stick of dynamite into the whole CDC operation. He was also saying, in recorded phone conversations, that the CDC was lying about vaccine safety in other studies.

    This is why major media refused to cover or investigate Thompson’s claims. This is why they spread a blanket of silence over his revelations.

    Thompson was threatening a $ 4-billion-a-year enterprise.

  7. Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:
    More and more are connecting the dots…

  8. It’s very interesting to find out what is killing us in a year — but in the same hand, it is interesting to see what the matrix focuses on, to make its billions of dollars in profits in — that the system in its move towards absolute population control (and 500 million, seems to be thefuzzy warm number here) makes death and dying one of its top money earners on the planet.

    People make huge amounts of money on the death and misery of the dying and their families — and a lot of times at a great and huge expense to the dying and their families — sometimes/a lot of times bankruptcy is the result of the dying of a marrital partner. How many homeless are caused by this, or the drop to desperate poverty.

    I find there to be some strangeness in the fact that Alzheimer’s deaths almost double Influenza and Pneumonia — when the leading cause of Alzheimer’s is aluminum a vital ingredient of all vaccines and flu shots. And, that the elderly are more apt to get flu shots every single year. In fact it becomes an annual event with them. As the broadcast goes out…”Flu shots, get your flu shots!”

    “Free Flu shots with every fill up!”

    “Buy one get one free folks!”

    What I also find interesting in what the CDC care to report as the causes of death in 2015. Missing, is the lack of data in respect to the deaths caused by medical mistakes each year — negligence — that amounts to 210,000 deaths per year. That rivals Diabetes and Alzheimer’s combined.

    Another stat that seems to be missing which relates to vaccines — is the rate of death, for infants 1 month to 1-year-old. And the leading cause of that, is SIDS (sudden Infant Death Syndrome) — and why? Because the leading cause of SIDS is believed to be infant vaccination. And we can’t have you knowing that…

    As of 2015 — according to the CDC — there were 92.6 deaths per 100,000 births. The CDC statistics of birth for 2015 were 3,978,497 live births. If we extrapolate, we find that to be 3,684 cases of SIDS. Compared to 18 Influenza cases, which pales in front of this number.



    All causes . . . . .2,712,630
    Diseases of heart . . . . 633,842
    Malignant neoplasms . . . . . . . . 595,930
    Chronic lower respiratory diseases . . 155,041
    Accidents (unintentional injuries) . . . . . . . 146,571
    Cerebrovascular diseases . . . . . . . 140,323
    Alzheimer’s disease . . . . . .110,561
    Diabetes mellitus . . . . . . . . . . . . .79,535
    Influenza and pneumonia . . . . . .57,062
    Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis . . . .49,959
    Intentional self-harm  (suicide) . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,193
    All other causes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(residual) 699,613

  9. joshsdad says:

    Thank you Jon. Its encouraging that there is at least one journalist willing to tell the truth.

  10. From Quebec says:

    Since the sold-out major media won’t connect these dots, I and others need to.(Jon)

    I have a feeling that the MSM will soon be part of the Trump promise to Drain the Swamp.

    I believe that we will soon have a brand new MSM.

  11. Natural health says:

    Guys, read this italian post:

    translate it from italian to english with a good translator

  12. INGAORAMA says:

    Reblogged this on Ingaorama and commented:
    If you wanted to buy a product…

    And the main researcher of the product was the company selling it to you…

    Would you automatically assume the product was safe and effective?

    But you see, that’s the just the beginning of the problem. Suppose the company’s research was cited thousands of times in the press, as the authoritative standard of proof—and anyone who disputed that research was labeled a conspiracy theorist and a quack and a danger to the community and an anti-science lunatic.

  13. gh says:

    In Australia in 2017, ‘Deaths reported in notified cases to the NNDSS [Australian National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System] have largely been in the elderly, which is consistent with a season dominated by influenza A(H3N2). The median age of deaths reported in notified cases was 86 years (range: 3 to 107 years), with more than 91% of deaths in people aged 65 years and older. ‘$File/2017-season-summary-22112017.pdf
    In Australia from 2014-2016, life expectancy at birth was 80.4 years for males and 84.6 years for females. The average age of those dying from the “flu” is greater than the average life expectancy! Most “flu deaths” are really people dying from old age. The flu, pneumonia and whatever else is just tipping them over the edge.

    • gh says:

      Regarding the above; the establishment do like to use correlation to claim that vaccines have lowered incidence of the diseases vaccinated against. Because the people dying from the flu are living longer than average, using establishment “science” it must mean that if we want to live long lives we must not get the flu vaccine.

  14. marie says:

    the flu vaccine increases flu transmission by 600%. According to the eminent double blind prospective (the gold standard in science) study aforementionned.

  15. Sunshine2 says:

    Florida has pretty low compliance rates for getting the HPV vaccine. So now they are trying to pass a law for that vaccine to be mandatory to attend Florida public schools. The vaccine still hasn’t been proven to prevent cancer, but the vaccine train is moving full speed ahead trying to run us over.

  16. Douglas Gray says:

    A friend of mine got a flu shot and then went to Europe. He got a bad and most unexpected case of shingles. An M.D. in the U.K. said that he was too young to get shingles, but then went he found out about the flu shot, he said that in Europe it is common knowledge in medical circles that vaccinations have many bad side effects, but because it is such a huge business in the U.S., you cannot talk about it without being persecuted in some way.

    • Abe says:

      Shingles from a flu shot? Really? Did your friend have chicken pox? Nothing surprises me these days. Even fairies wear boots.

  17. Jon

    I read most of your numerous articles on this subject. You, in fact, succumb to the mischief organisations like the CDC exploit.

    Once a crook, always a crook. Thompson was a culpable deceiver prior to pretending he had a conscience. He is still a culpable deceiver.

    Why do words coming from his mouth (the crook’s) count so credibly?

    If he said “red dragons reside on the moon and hold great house parties”, could I use that as “formal proof” of something on my blog

    I can’t because it is a FABRICATION. You see how you’ve fallen into their “trap”?

    He said, she said, so what?

    Don’t give me credentials. Give me evidence. If evidence is lacking (as is so often the case) give me LOGIC.


  18. henry says:

    Of the 18 people who actually died of the flu, what were there ages? The percent of the 18 people who had died but already had one foot in the grave would add useful information in determining if a healthy younger person should get the flu shot. Without this information, we have to guess. I guess that most of the people who died of the flu were more than 75 years old.

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