Top reasons why the Trump dossier is not believable

Top reasons why the Trump dossier is not believable

—an expanded version of my original article on this subject—

by Jon Rappoport

November 27, 2017

I often write articles analyzing mainstream news assertions. I show that the implications of these assertions are titanic absurdities. This is one of those articles.

People don’t seem to understand what the Trump dossier claims.

Among other things, it states that the Russians had, and have, sufficient blackmail information on Trump to control him.

This is quite fantastic. A US president under the thumb of Putin and his top intelligence operatives.

Let that sink in.

Now imagine you’re Putin. You’re holding this gigantic ace in the deck. Through a long and carefully wrought plan, you’ve won the Holy Grail of intelligence work.

To what degree would you protect your secret and your victory? To the greatest degree possible.

Now imagine that a former British spy, Christopher Steele, who, from 1990 to 1992, worked at the British embassy in Moscow under diplomatic cover, waltzes back into the picture, in 2016. Not only does he have remarkable Russian contacts, he can tap them, and after spreading a bit of money around, they spill the beans to him.

One, they actually know about this super-secret successful Russian plan to blackmail and control the president of the United States; and two, at the risk of their own lives, they’re happy to tell Steele all about it.

Because, certainly, if these Russian intelligence operatives talk to Steele, they can be discovered, arrested, and killed—since they are revealing the number-one plum of the Russian intelligence establishment.

And Christopher Steele, who obviously understands all this, nevertheless believes he is being given true information. He blithely accepts the idea that Russian agents are chatty idiots, who have nothing better to do than commit suicide by blowing the whistle on their own operation to control the president of the United States.

Conclusion: The Russians fed Steele a load of disinformation and lies about being able to control Trump; or Steele made it all up.

What about Hillary Clinton’s role in all this? Either her people paid Steele, through several cutouts, to fabricate the dossier; or they paid Steele to collect a bunch of lies from Russian agents. In the latter case, it would be clear that the Russians wanted to defame Trump and help Hillary win the election. In effect, she was the Russian colluder.

Meanwhile, the mainstream press has chosen to ignore the absurdity of Russian agents confessing to their number-one, prime-cut, top secret.

To more fully appreciate the insanity of the dossier, let’s pretend the CIA had (and has) very damaging information on Putin: He visited the US, and while he was here, he paid a few local Washington hookers to deface a bed in a hotel room where Boris Yeltsin once slept.

Containing other horrific information on Putin, this dossier, under lock and key at CIA headquarters, constitutes such heavy blackmail, the CIA can control Putin. He belongs to them. This is an intelligence victory like no other.

Along comes some British ex-spy. He roams around Washington and Virginia, and multiple CIA people, who somehow know about this hush-hush op, chat with the ex-spy and tell him all about how the CIA controls Putin. They sit around and spill the biggest secret the CIA has. No problem.

“See, Putin is really working for us. It’s beautiful. He’s…well, he’s CIA now. We’ve got him. We issue an order, and he follows it. He kneels and does what we tell him to do.”


If you buy this scenario, I have beachfront condos on the dark side of the moon. Place your order now. As a bonus to the first thousand customers, Mr. Putin has graciously agreed to personally sign a thousand letters stating: I OWN DONALD TRUMP. Suitable for framing.

Among the various reasons for inventing the Trump dossier: head off at the pass even the possibility that Trump and Putin would decide to cooperate on policies without the seal of approval from the Deep State, The Swamp, Rockefeller Globalists, Israel, and Islamic Caliphate-ists. In other words, Trump and Putin, sitting down, might possibly sort through ways to support sensible nationalism in many countries…

The Clintons had a very good thing going. Their Foundation was acting as a global clearinghouse for billions in donations, whose purpose was securing political and financial favors from the tag-team of former president, Bill Clinton, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The couple looked forward to continuing this massive scam during her presidency. ANY candidate who posed a threat to her winning the election would be attacked ferociously.

Lurking in the background of her election campaign was the Uranium One deal, which in 2013 transferred 20% of US uranium production to Putin. In the spring of 2015 (as I’ve reported in detail), the collusion of the Clintons and their Foundation in this deal was laid bare. What better way to divert attention from such a lethal scandal than claim that Trump and Putin were working together to steal the White House from her, Hillary?

Finally, Trump had to be attacked because, whether or not he was sincere in his statements and promises, whether he was quite the opposite of how he was presenting himself, his anti-Globalist messages were resonating with millions of people around the world. A major threat to the endgame of the “new international order” was building. Every major policy pronouncement of the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, as well as the Bilderberger Group, was aimed at demeaning separate nations, erasing national borders, and solidifying a global management system for the planet. The flood of migrants into developed nations was a prime strategy in achieving these goals—and Trump’s constant attacks on open-door immigration were attracting massive support. Again, regardless of whether he was serious about making an immigration-policy turnaround, his words were having a significant negative effect on the plan to redistribute and reshape the demographics of Europe and America. Something had to be done.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

This entry was posted in Trump.

20 comments on “Top reasons why the Trump dossier is not believable

  1. paschnn1 says:

    One thing hits me as “ironic”;

    To quote;

    Quite revealing if, say, a lucid person realizes whom controls big pharma – who’s “leering” over trump’s shoulder – and whom he “appointed” to the CDC. “Ironic” she’s pro-vaccine. Or is it?

    • From Quebec says:

      Yes, if you have no imagination, you cannot understand why he would pick a pro-vaccine woman for the CDC. Do not worry, Trump knows what he is doing. Do not forget that his youngest son was hurt by a vaccine.

      Maybe he is nominating here just to have the pleadure of firing her later on and destroying her integrity?

  2. Fall Guy says:

    Jon, that is not believable even before tale of Russians feedig Steele their top secret successful plot.

    Golden shower, my ass. Trump, or any other high end businessman, would be that stupid to fall for it, while in town for the weekend.

    That plot on part of outsourced psyops was really, really dumb. Now they redirected attention in their own direction.

  3. honestliberty says:

    Judging from the panel of globalist cabal minions already inside the Trump administration (see Truth stream media video on it), all of this Russia nonsense is yet another deep State ruse to ensure the continuation of infighting amongst statist Americans. It’s unfortunate that Jon had a need to write the article illustrating the stupidity of the whole ordeal.

    What’s worse is these knuckle dragging Trump supports like Quebec use this as fuel against the left when the right is equally terrible.

    Let. Me. Repeat. EQUALLY TERRIBLE!
    Not one of those leaches care about any of us.

    We’re all getting arse raped by politicians, and it is their dogs in the police and military who do the brutal enforcing. Trump sucks. Hillary sucks. ALL POLITICIANS SUCK. Wake up to the lie of statism.

    • From Quebec says:

      What’s worse is these knuckle dragging Trump supports like Quebec use this as fuel against the left when the right is equally terrible. .(honestliberty)

      You are almost right. Yes, there are bad dudes on the right and on the left.

      Nevertheless, Trump is not in that category. Trump is not a politician, never was, and never will be..

      He is an outsider who wants to try to restore America. He loves and cares for his country. and for it’s citizens.

      This is America last chance to not be part of the Globalists wet dream. . If you cannot see this, I really do feel sorry for you.

      • honestliberty says:

        No, I don’t need your feigned empathy.
        I think you listen to too much Alex Jones.
        Please, take some time to review truth stream media. That couple does some great number crunching and money -pathing. I believe you place way to much faith in Mr. Trump. He is working to destroy us just as every other president.

      • honestliberty says:

        Again… I have to take significant exception to your belief that he loves and cares for his country. I estimate that up be wildly childish and at best willfully naive.
        You buy his choppy rhetoric but didn’t buy Obama’s? What’s different?
        They still career to their constituency. They still rape the individual.
        There is little difference between mega corporation and government. That’s not cliche, that’s fact.

  4. From Quebec says:

    Governments operate exactly like Soap Operas:

    1- At the top, you have what we call the Elites:: Powerful corrupted and very rich men plotting daily against whoever or whatever is in their way.

    2- Then you have the career politicians, same actors for decades and decades, till they die or are forced to resign because of a new blowing scandal that cannot be hidden.

    3- All these people hate or love each other, depending if they are on their side or not on a specific issue. .They are constantly either friends or foe, just like in Soap Operas.

    4-Just like for Soap Operas, everyday, you can watch on television the new political episode of the day. You then wonder what will happen next, so you tune in the next day.

    5- And this is why governments and Soap Opera last a lifetime.

    6- Of course, Soap Operas are fun to watch, because you know they are not real. You are just amazed about the imagination and creativity of the script writers and the skill of the actors..

    7- But this is not the case, for government Soap Operas, They are rather scary, since they are real.

  5. There are serious problems with the paper used, back of photographer lighting and the general desire to make 2016 documents like something from the 40s. Very amateur, plus full text I published reads like broken English, not MI-5 Oxford grad.

  6. I agree with you completely Jon.

    Trump is not a leader, never was; of course their never has been a leader, since at least the second world war. Trump is figurehead on a stamp. He’s the girl who sits on the hood of that rather expensive automobile at the trade show. He doesn’t even have a cabinet anymore…

    The CIA and the Military Industrial Complex, is running America. Along with the Israeli agent Kushner. 

    The object of the NeoCon game, is and always has been Russia, Russia, Russia…

    The Nazi war machine of Operation Barbarossa was the finest ever made till that point in time. It was the most efficient killing machine the world had ever seen…And the Russians under Stalin crushed it through a scorched earth policy, and a Nazi arrogance that was unsurpassed. Marched deeper into the some of coldest winters the Russians ever felt. The ancient Russian heart that cannot be conquered. It has shown itself in Syria. Russian can never be conquered on the ground. The only way Russia will die will be a nuclear war; but then that war will kill the whole world. But the Neo-Con and the Zionist Jew and the Wahhabist in Saudi Arabia, believe it can happen.

    Spookdom, had plan to get Hillary into the Whitehouse. Hillary had called Putin openly as the “new Hitler”.  The stage was set…she was gung-ho for a war, and the plans were laid. With the propagandists media driving the hatred for Russia, if she had got into power as the POTUS. We might not be having this conversation. The neo-con believes a nuclear war can be fought and won. Brain-dead, crazy, Jew-Zionists; neo-reptilian Wahhabist motherfuckers and pedophiles …it would have been a season of mushroom clouds and an incest of head chopping.

    The prize is Russian, the resources… richest by far, than ay other nation on planet earth. A vast area of land, of oil, lumber, fresh water, ariable land, iron, copper, zinc, and precious metal and mineral wealth. The largest natural gas deposits on the planet. The largest country on planet earth with only a population of 144,000,000 people, roughly. With an area equivalent to 17, 000, 000 KM/2 that would keep the Wall Street Jews and Neo-Con globalists greed and hatred going for a few more years.

    These wars since the second world war, have been to destabilize and conquer Russia; to isolate them, and turn their allies against them, if possible. NATO should not exist right now, is was formed to aggress the Soviet Union during the cold war. The Soviet Union does not exist, Russia is a democratic republic, yet NATO is stronger and growing as we speak. NATO rolls on as if the cold war never ended, and more than likely it hasn’t; NATO is an instrument, and war machine of the cold war specifically against Russia. NATO is an naked act of aggression.

    This recent Korean debacle is to split fronts; give China something else to think about besides the joint effort with the other BRICS nations, mainly Russia. To stabilize world politics and try to bring an end the fierce and hegemonic U.S. aggression to BRICS nations and the rest of the world.

    The world does not need the last superpower. The cold war is over; but one side of the machine is still running, like it is business as usual.

    The Russian dossier is an old cold war song with new lyrics; Russians under the bed; Russians in your corn flakes; Russians in the White House.

    Donald Trump next to Vladimir Putin, is like Ronald McDonald next to the Dalai Lama.

    I wonder what Putin had to say to Trump about the largest arms deal in the history of mankind to the MBS ( Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud ) in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has a greater arms budget than Russia. Tell me Saud and the Jews are not prepping for war against Iran.

    MBS and Saudi Arabia, the number one exporter in the world of terrorism. It’s a product, they create and produce it, finance it…like making cars, or widgets or pumping oil out of the ground.

    That dossier is just political terrorism.

    • Michael burns says:

      Post script:
      Interesting piece by Paul Craig Roberts on William Binney take on the situation.

      “William Binney is the former National Security Agency (NSA) official who created NSA’s mass surveillance program for digital information. He says that if the Russian government had conspired with Trump, hacked the Democratic National Committee’s computer, or in any way influenced the outcome of the last US presidential election, the National Security Agency would have the digital evidence. The fact that we have been listening to the unsubstantiated charges that comprise “Russiagate” for more than one year without being presented with a scrap of evidence is complete proof that Russiagate is entirely fake news.”
      – Paul Craig Roberts

  7. From Quebec says:

    I agree with you completely Jon. Trump is not a leader, never was… (Michael)

    Where on earth did you come to that conclusion. Jon never said or wrote anything close to it, Maybe you should read his article again.

    • No, what I said is …
      “I agree with you completely Jon”
      …I am agreeing with his article what he wrote.

      *New paragraph*, and the start of ‘MY comment,
      ” Trump is not a leader, never was; …”

      I not saying that Jon said that, I guess I am not making myself clear.

      • From Quebec says:

        Thank you for clearing that out.. You are right, there was a new paragraph indeed. So maybe it is my bad reading…lol. I cannot always be right. can I?

        • I feel confident in stating you are correct more often than not.

          However, your misplaced faith in Trump is a major detriment to credibility. It flies in the face of much else of what you write. I would consider that to be an internal contradiction. It is our duty as IN-dividuals (without division) to eliminate internal conflict. This is why I’m so critical of your current worldview that houses a faith in Trump. It is dangerous and a high form of self-deception. I think it needs some introspection to sort out the inconsistencies.

  8. These sort of developments remind me of Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd, Jon. They don’t seem relevant to anything.

    On the other hand, I have written a big article about “phantom paedophilia” and am well aware this is the age where fantasies can be literally turned into reality.

    In light of the supposed need of anonymity, how can any subordinate “verify” “beyond a shadow of a doubt” that [even] an American “agent” is bona fide, “claims” aside?


  9. Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:
    Excellent. Nailed it, Jon!

  10. Larry says:

    During the presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton made one of the most vile and ignorant statements ever uttered by a politician (and that is saying a mouthful), when she compared Vladimir Putin to Adolph Hitler.

    From bing [dot] com:

    “In 1993 a study by the Russian Academy of Sciences estimated total Soviet population losses due to the war at 26.6 million, including military dead of 8.7 million calculated by the Russian Ministry of Defense. These figures have been accepted by most historians outside of Russia.”

    In other words the Soviets/Russians suffered almost EIGHTEEN MILLION CIVILIAN CASUALTIES defeating the sunuvabitch.

    Hillary Clinton is a waste of human skin.

    • NaturalWoman says:

      And it Hillary thought Putin was this bad, why did she give him 25% of our uranium, thus arming our enemy?

      • NaturalWoman says:

        Sorry, I hit send too soon.

        Remember during the campaign when Hillary suddenly expressed fear of Trump and Putin getting together? It didn’t make sense, given her own past. So I figured that she was afraid of what Trump might learn about her crimes from Putin. More will come out in time.

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