What comes after the widespread exposure of sexual abuse?

What comes after the widespread exposure of sexual abuse?

by Jon Rappoport

November 13, 2017

(This is Part 2. For Part 1, click here.)

Marshall McLuhan was fond of pointing out that whatever is happening in the present moment is already obsolete. So, in the current exposure of celebrities’ sexual crimes, what is on the horizon?

It is the further FORMALIZATION of sexual relationships.

For example, this would result in more detailed assurances between two people that they are entering into a consensual arrangement. If that sounds bizarre, it is. Because sex isn’t a contract.

Nevertheless, fear of accusations can make it so.

Sex, therefore, will enter into a wider trend of MACHINE connections.

In the same way that Facebook, with its “likes,” has become a reductionist norm mechanizing social relationships, sex can become a reduced process.

This is not an accident.

Technocracy—which is the leading edge of Globalism, which plans societies according to function and every person’s place in a blueprint—will find a greater home in sex. This suits controllers, who want to eliminate spontaneity—unpredictable happenings—in favor of organization.

The “reasoning” will go something like this: “Well, you see what occurred when sex was linked with freedom. Abuse and violence. To eliminate the abuse, we have to define and regulate sex. We have to make more rules about it…”

When sex is reduced to “procedure,” it’s eventually easier to promote the act of procreation as something that should take place in a lab or a factory, as Huxley described in Brave New World.

Abuse is made into a wide-ranging generality. Another example: “Well, we have a few mentally ill people who are shooting up schools and churches. Therefore, we need to screen the whole population, starting at a very early age, for potential mental disorders. And we need to take away guns from everyone (except determined criminals and the police)…”

Example: “There are twenty confirmed cases of Swine Flu in the world. Therefore, we have to declare this is a global pandemic and immediately vaccinate at least a few hundred million people…”

A Specific is intentionally ballooned into a massive Generality, new rules are imposed, and Freedom is further gobbled up by Control.

If anyone objects, he is reminded of dangers and abuses, and he is declared an outlier.

This is all part of the craft of propaganda. Operatives ask themselves, “What abhorrent event can we use to float a generality that will shrink individual freedom?”

Since schools are shrinking students’ minds to the size of peanuts, these students are vulnerable to all sorts of non-rational arguments. For example: “If you oppose the screening of 300 million Americans for mental disorders, you’re in favor of the schizoid killers who are gunning down parishioners in church.”

So when I write that logic is a vital subject which ought to be taught in schools, I’m not just making an academic abstract point.

Far from it.

“Look, we’re co-workers. We want to have sex with each other. But there are obvious problems. I think we should go to Human Resources and talk with them and have them consult with the lawyers…”

Ridiculous? Yes. But impossible? Don’t be so sure.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

This entry was posted in Freedom.

24 comments on “What comes after the widespread exposure of sexual abuse?

  1. Margaret says:

    it was becoming obvious that something was up, that there was a reason behind all this sudden exposure and spotlight on these people. I believe you have summed it up very well Jon.

  2. JB says:

    Woody Allen’s “Sleeper” comes to mind…

  3. Greg C. says:

    Exactly right, Jon. Just another group trying to convince everyone that spontaneous sexual attraction is dangerous. That message is ancient and worn out, so now we have a secular inquisition to promote it using a different angle, simulated victims.

  4. Sunshine2 says:

    I wonder what a contract like that would entail? How many contracts could one hold at any given time? What would it cost to get one expedited? Would it replace a marriage contract? Would they be regulated by a government organization? Would someone cry foul/racist/anythingelse if you refused to enter into contract with them? Would that then mean you would be obligated to have relations? What would it take to end a contract? Scarier even, could this contract someday extend to children in Australia now deemed mature enough to make their own medical decisions…?

  5. Tony says:

    “If you oppose the screening of 300 million Americans for mental disorders, you’re in favor of the schizoid killers who are gunning down parishioners in church.”

    Great example. I think this is the crux of why the lure of regulation and procedure is so seductive. There is a safety for the mind in following formulae which becomes threatened if you start to doubt its validity or scope.

    It is also why it is ‘safer’ to accept all sciency sounding statements, rather than dig down and understand the in-built limitations of any scientific programme.


    “To generalize is to be an idiot. To particularize is the alone distinction of merit — general knowledges are those knowledges that idiots possess.”

    — William Blake

  6. From Quebec says:

    The “reasoning” will go something like this: “Well, you see what occurred when sex was linked with freedom. Abuse and violence. To eliminate the abuse, we have to define and regulate sex. We have to make more rules about it…”

    Sure, new rules written by the pedophiles elites. Hell yeah, that makes sense.


  7. truth1 says:

    I see the brave new world a bit differently. All these guys being outed? Its to make us think most are doing it, so its not abusive. Dulling our senses. Desensitizing us to that and much more. What if these accused ones are designed to get us all to become a lot more nasty They want us to think we are nothing but animals and should just accept that and let our animal instincts go wild. My how we have fallen.

  8. I am wondering what we mean by sexual “abuse”. The timing of your article is perfect, Jon.

    Like you I see a script hollowed out of “A Brave New World” and “1984”, but I see the abuse targeting personal sovereignty. My latest article explains why.


    Here a few snippets:

    “Imagine, if you will, there existed a world populated only by biological automatons that were solely allowed to survive at the behest of a vague commercial bureaucracy. Because of this uncertainty, imagine if none of these automatons realised they were abject properties of a brutal federal control program. If the slave masters, the “authorities”, decided they desired to stamp their immense power over will, to “once and for all” demonstrate their authority over the slave classes, could they outlaw or remove all fluid or solid sustenance resources without losing or graphically impairing their prized stock? Could they make the air unfit for consumption or destroy all known shelter to stress their despotic ambition? No, the only the true liberty they could possibly take away without permanently impairing labour is “unnecessary” sexuality. That world does exist. It is planet Earth and the ignorant, naïve biological automatons are human slaves; fodders dedicated for a system that deliberately transcends spiritual logic and reason in order to complete and maintain its program…..

    Many well founded information sources have come to light that broach the rather obvious homosexual connection to global control networks after Gary Allen’s tantalising volume “None Dare Call It Conspiracy” was published in 1972 (only a year before the Trilateral Commission was formed by late David Rockefeller). Those behind the eugenics movement aiming to radically reduce global populations have been implicated as players in the “program” many times. Whether this is true or not is open to debate, but philosophic motives are beyond argument.

    If all population units were strictly homosexual, then procreation would require external management, perhaps offering theoretical provisos such as medical intervention to save humankind. Younger more fertile parents produce stronger offspring that live longer and this corroborates (though statistics are “contradictory”) a matched conspiracy. Paedophilia (younger, more fertile) has been outlawed whereas homosexuality (guaranteed infertile) is now both legal and encouraged (with initiatives such as sex change development offered to “asexual” [sic] children as young as four years old). Clearly all measures improve the ongoing population control/reduction agenda. I should add that whereas some institutionalised heterosexuals may argue they have a right to abolish repulsive homosexual practices, any [even justifiable] overt or covert despotism still prepares undeniable infringements against sovereign liberties….

    I haven’t personally referenced Jon Rappoport’s “AIDS Inc.” (1988) but I feel sure he will have delivered correct conclusions after reviewing his various websites. Paedophilia is also nothing short of a stagnant political move as are all other trappings designed to bolster the Eugenic movement’s determination to deny life. Forget the hotbed “abortion”. From the lofty position of purity, is not contraception the undeniable attempted murder of an unborn child? Given their Zionist-Bolshevik tactics, I would be very surprised if the visceral anti-abortion lobby is not another face of the same arbitrary plutocracy. When “they” decide they need to repopulate, anti-abortion will become the new flavour of the month. Currently abortion is a decoy that removes the sting from contraception.

    Those demonstrably anti-paedophilia have been set up, applied more or less zero attention to the real issues. The shambles that is “organised” (a splintered, refracted mess) society is our testament. Rationalist Eckhart Tolle makes a surprising amount of sense in his claim that classical crusaders crusade merely for empowerment of their egos. I extend that philosophy somewhat and emphasise the bigger and more divisive the “cause” (sic), the greater the “individual” empowerment. There is no bigger cause than paedophilia currently. It is the mother of all causes today. Protesters, critics and complainers keep well clear of truth in order to preserve their egos. Maintaining the fantastical narrative line in deference to truth is the objective goal. Besides, if their “big issue” was to evaporate indefinitely, aimless lives would have nothing to bolster egos. Political spin, intricate make-believe dressed as truth has avowed the horrible “standards” that have cultured public infatuation….”


    • No Ozzie, those of us against pedophilia are against it because it’s immoral. Full stop. For all time. Your pathetic horseshit justifications and red herrings show your true colors, and that is that you are a sympathizer of pedophiles… Which makes me wonder whether you suffer from that mental disease (yes, fucking disease. NOT a preference).

      Being attracted to sexually undeveloped humans is a fucking disease. The whole point you missed is how the pedophilia is going to become a new sexual proclivity, rather than disease. (Reference that New York times article if you can find it).
      What ought to be happening is rioting on the streets and hangings of all guilty parties, no matter the status. This is the roll out beta test to see how much evil the public accepts…

      All of it. They won’t rebel. They won’t take Justice into their own hands. We should be storming the steps of the edifice housing those Weiner emails so we can find out the depths and prove it without doubt.
      Look how the average American responded to pizza gate. They put in the blinders.

      This is about pure unbridled hedonism, with the most vile offenders who are in power, setting it up for the long haul. No prosecutions for them because it will be considered preference. That’s why they are permitting parents to begin gender reassignment with pre pubescent children. Which is a fucking crime!

      Go fuck yourself if you think otherwise. God damn moral relativists spouting materialist nonsense.

      • Spoken like a bigot and a moron. Once again, “ferals” of your type are best put out of their misery. Margaret Sanger put it so well….

        Years ago I used to interview “blabbermouth” FBI/CIA flatfoots for my research. Their common obtuse, selfish, spiteful ill-reasoning so uncannily matches yours, have I blown your cover?

        At least a couple of them “pretended” they had minds. Nah, I won’t go there…..

        • No Ozzie, let’s go there. Why? Becuase your obfuscation of the foundation of my interrogation of you is paramount to “denial” we see all too often with the powers that be. We all know what that means.

          You aren’t smarter than me old dog. That’s a certainty. You may do many other things better but your coherent thoughts, as far as I can tell, are muddled with moral relativism. So get to it bud.


          Seriously. Get to it. I want to know your exact stance on this topic because you’ve danced around the issue like some drunken sailor in a foreign land attempting his best to fit in with the surrounding culture. However, I’m the sober native that sniffed you out. So just let us get down to the nitty gritty. If I’m wrong, and you’re not all about grown adults having sex with minors…I’ll take every word I said back.

          So just fucking answer the question bud. Stop with your tangential horseshit

        • “Those demonstrably anti-paedophilia have been set up, applied more or less zero attention to the real issues. The shambles that is “organised” (a splintered, refracted mess) society is our testament. Rationalist Eckhart Tolle makes a surprising amount of sense in his claim that classical crusaders crusade merely for empowerment of their egos.”

          Wrong. It is because it is an abomination and theft of the innocence of youth.

          I don’t need your response, I already know from your language. You are a pedophile. No genuinely moral person would contort their logic and reason to approach such a perverted conclusion

          “Protesters, critics and complainers keep well clear of truth in order to preserve their egos. Maintaining the fantastical narrative line in deference to truth is the objective goal. Besides, if their “big issue” was to evaporate indefinitely, aimless lives would have nothing to bolster egos. Political spin, intricate make-believe dressed as truth has avowed the horrible “standards” that have cultured public infatuation….”

          Wrong again. I’m not religious. I don’t rely on my ego for self identification. I accept that Natural Law is in existence and it is wrong to steal. There are a myriad of other atrocities to rage against:
          AGW myth, fossil fuel myth, smart grids, agenda 21/2030, EU, Islam, Religion, Usury, world wide genocide, poisoning of all that is good and necessary to human health, indoctrination of state “schooling” systems, vaccinations, GMO’s, transhumanism, gender bending agendas, Zionism, world wide sex trafficking and slavery, the desire of humans to limit themselves… oh fuck, the list is endless. This one though involves the only genuine bastion left of innocence, of true naivety.

          You see Mr. Ozzie, we’re broken. Disgruntled. Skeptical. Damaged. We’re monsters because we have experienced significant suffering, to varying degrees, that have chipped away at the armour of naivety. What you are saying though is that the people who want to protect that from energy predators are bloviating, and that is complete horseshit. It’s the worst of the worst, and your spectator subscription support of these evil machinations is very telling.

          • But I’m right, moron and I’ll prove it.

            You set the “moral benchmark” (sic) by your own flawed, un-researched, bigoted “argument” (sic) as “pre-pubescence”. Overlooking the obvious alarm (i.e. females commonly begin pubescence from age ten)

            For the record the youngest ever pubescent female (forming breasts and genital hair) was of Asian decent (Japanese or Taiwanese) age under two years.

            There is a “medical” (sic) condition that forbids the growth of body hair throughout life (without hormone intervention). Occasionally, breast growth is not triggered in women.

            I haven’t bothered to read any of your other comments, nor will I. Give it a rest. You have already proved who you are.

          • Matt says:

            Bro… I don’t care when girls “can” make babies. What matters is that we build stable adults. Adults who had sexual intercourse early on in life are typically way less stable. Ozzie, I will set the flame when you’re tied to the wood. I’ll smile while you burn and venture off to hell where pedophiles belong.

          • truth1 says:

            Matt, without getting into either side, I do note that parents teach their kids nothing and its always been that way. Schools are uses as baby sitting facilities. Children end up following their peers and thinking that is normal. In the bible, Parents decided when it was right for a fully transformed (puberty) daughter to marry. Governments came along about 1860 and made us send our children to government brain washing centers . . . I mean schools. Same thing, really.

            But many teens and their parents opted for marrying their girls off and staring their own families since birth control pills were not around. So in order to secure the teens attending school, until 18 if not beyond thru college, governments passed laws over the years to forbid teens to marry or work much either. Teen has always married in the past but we have long forgotten that. Part of why our teens sexually rebel is that we expect them to wait long beyond their prime to marry. Many recommend college before marriage. All that does is guarantee that they will fornicate, get pregnant, maybe go on welfare, maybe marry, maybe abort or give up for adoption to some pedophiles.

            But as I see it, many of you here are ignoring many important issues and just sticking your heads in the sand. Our society s runnnig @$$ backwards and no one want to deal it so the teens default to their peers, schools and TV Hollywood. not to mention that parents have had all their rights over their own children taken away from them.

            What is wrong with most of you? You need to give back parents, their rights and ownership of their own kids and the right tech them as the parents see fit. And stop asking teens to wait until they are 24 to have sex. It will never happen. Their needs have to be accommodated as soon as puberty has its way with them.

            I h ave not seen anyone deal with this. I don’t want kids having sex or marrying until their bodies are ready. And if the bodies are ready, you can be assured the brain is, too. Its not the same after puberty. They totally different personalities after that. Some more than others. But in delaying sexual gratification when the urge is so overpowering, is nothing short of extreme abuse and neglect of their obvious new needs.

            Schools need to be all shut down, never to open again. This is where pedophilia will begin. I guarantee it. Give kids back to their parents!

          • honestliberty says:

            Cherry picking anomalies to shroud your child love apologist nonsense

  9. Muhammad Abbass says:

    I actually think we’re seeing a stealthy introduction of paedophilia and zoophilia as normalised behaviour in the same way in which homosexuality was introduced since the sixties began. At first it was outrage at extreme acts and more and more widespread practises but noticeably the severity of the latter acts was much less than the initial ones and the outrage was waged the same. Yet within a few years there were so many and the acts were now just between consenting adults and no longer the abuses originally used to drum up the public outrage the outrage diminished and instead the sympathy was shifted to the poor benighted gays. Now it is the new normal. Watch how they do it with pedos and zoophiles next.

    • truth1 says:

      I agree, Muhammad. If one looks at the overall trends in the 60s where most values and moral were attacked in subtle and not so subtle way, eventually making religion passe so that morals could be more easily eliminated. Divorce, once a stigma, if now routine. Skimpy bather suits of the 60 were still pretty tame by modern standards, but they were still daring for the time. Music had ever bolder suggestive lyrics of total sexual abandon. In recent times, women and girls are wearing clothing that hides absolutely nothing. I cite yoga pants for example and triangles and thongs for bathing suits. Mothers dress little girls in revealing clothing. open decadence in the streets. I have no problem with gay rights, but open decadence is uncalled for. but we allow it because some want children to conclude this is all find and dandy.

      Men being predators at work will be said to be just “natural” male behavior. Kids are being taught how to have sex. How long before students are required to participate in it as part of school curriculum? And they will start with teens and then progress ever younger ages. The ultimate goal is to allow all things to be done to children. the main goal of this it to cripple kids’ childhood and make them a mess ever earlier so that they won’t know which way is up.

      The mantra will be that we are just animals and lets embrace it. So much for having an intellect. the progression has been so consistent and pervasive. We are looking at the end of the world, without God’s help. Perhaps He should reconsider in the case of some 😛

  10. DAVID H MENDE says:

    I just received permission from Human Resources to begin a sexual relationship with my female gender co-worker. Now I suppose is the time to introduce myself to her.

    • truth1 says:

      You’re not out of the water yet, David. If you are not devilishly handsome and saying you have more money in your bank account than you really have, Then all sex that results will be deemed rape, according to the Feminist Bill of rights. To ask a hot chick out if your not handsome is pure harrassment. Offenders are shot on in site. Got a few gray hairs? banishment from human civilization. Me? I’m too smart for that. I live in a cardboard box and accept my obligation to never humanity again for for using up precious air with my breath.
      Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! The brave new world. Only the super beautiful, super cool/charming and filthy rich (is there any other kind?). But since I identify as super trans cis something or other, I can do whatever I want. Whatever ya do, make sure you using the right label to entitle you to what you seek ;-P

  11. Jennifer says:

    Saw this trend starting with, can you believe it, cannibalism. Had several dreams about cannibalism and that it was okay to eat certain people. Don’t know what made them different, but woke up to this dream three times so that I know it was a thought projection.

    Then we see two shows on Netflix about cannibalism, possibly making it okay. We would not watch.

    Then a book also making it sort of okay.

    IT’S NOT!

    My late husband had about eight dreams regarding accepting male homosexuality. He knew they were thought projections, because male homosexuality if left unchecked can lead to the annihilation of the species.


  12. Fuzzy says:

    Sexual coercion, and the threat of its possibility, in the street, in the workplace, and in the home, is less a matter of frenzied lust than a deliberate exercise of physical power, a declaration of superiority designed to intimidate and inspire fear.

    Susan Brownmiller

    The workplace is not a pickup joint.

    • Fuzzy says:

      “Look, we’re co-workers. We want to have sex with each other. But there are obvious problems. I think we should go to Human Resources and talk with them and have them consult with the lawyers…”

      There are companies where you are not allowed to date fellow employees. This was true with many high powered consulting companies. There are also companies where husbands and wives were not allowed. So this is nothing new.

      The sexual misconduct that is currently being exposed is rampant. As a women in high tech for 40 years I have been harassed, assaulted, and at the age of 64, stalked at work.

      This is not about sex. It is about control, domination, intimidation, power and ultimately violence.

      Women have a right to not be victimized, targeted or hit on by males at work.

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