US presidents can grant immunity to snooping spies

US presidents can grant immunity to snooping spies

Sharyl Attkisson reports on methods of covert surveillance

by Jon Rappoport

April 16, 2017

Government agents can’t legally spy on a US citizen? Do the spying in a ship outside the three-mile limit, in international waters.

This is just one way of skirting the law.

Sharyl Attkisson, former CBS investigative reporter, recently spoke with “a small group of reliable, formerly high-placed intelligence officials.” They tipped her to surveillance tactics in the arsenal of intel agencies.

Attkisson: “U.S. Presidents have the power to issue secret presidential directives that can authorize otherwise illegal acts (theoretically in the country’s best interests). These directives may come with pre-planned cover stories to be used in the event the operation is exposed, and they come with indemnity for those involved, giving them permission to lie about the operation or their involvement without fear of prosecution… The public will rarely know about such presidential directives since most who see them must sign agreements that promise nondisclosure and consent to polygraphs.”

That’s a blockbuster revelation.

Guaranteed immunity for those involved in the spying/surveillance operation (and other types of operations).

Plus permission for agents to lie about being involved.

All in the interest of “national security.” Unless it isn’t. Unless a president wants to enact revenge on a personal enemy, or commit a financial crime, or win an election, or protect a friend, or serve his elite bosses, or advance a corporate goal, or…pretty much anything.

He can act like a king.

One of Attkisson’s intelligence sources told her the following: “If the work of targeting an individual cannot be accomplished by government intel officers, it can be contracted out to third parties or to foreign parties who aren’t bound by U.S. law.”

Here’s a complete shady five-step method for spying. Attkisson:

“1. Locate a foreign target already under CIA surveillance.”

“2. Have a government agent use the foreign target’s phone and/or computer to make it look like the foreigner contacted the U.S. citizen whose communications are sought. The contacts can be benign, but they establish a record that falsely implies a relationship exists between the U.S. citizen and the foreign target.”

“3. The government agent can also mimic a communication back from the U.S. citizen to the foreign target, creating an appearance that the U.S. citizen initiated contacts. This could be favorable to justifying a warrant on the U.S. citizen later.”

“4. The U.S. citizen is now tied to the foreign entity and is now an ‘incidental’ collection target that can be surveilled in a ‘masked’ format. Although ‘masked,’ the surveilling agency knows the U.S. citizen’s identity.”

“5. If the U.S. citizen does anything that can be construed as illegal or suspicious, it’s possible the intel agency can then receive approval to surveil him directly rather than only ‘incidentally’.”

All these crooked methods and approaches to spying on US citizens are, of course, accompanied by other legal methods. And permission to pursue even the legal avenues can be obtained by hoax and fraud and special favor. Then there is the NSA, which spies on Americans as if it were a natural law, like the sun rising and setting.

The war on terror? That’s just a pretext to allow universal surveillance.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

This entry was posted in Spygate.

5 comments on “US presidents can grant immunity to snooping spies

  1. From Quebec says:

    So, now that this is in the open and proven to be true, expect your politicians to answer just
    like this:

    George Carlin on language of politics

  2. War of terror – on us the citizens….

  3. Greg C. says:

    Remember that the Bill of Rights was adopted as an afterthought. Makes you wonder what the founders really had in mind when they were meeting secretly at the constitutional convention. See, and Gary North’s book, Conspiracy at Philadelphia. Is it possible that the constitution itself is as false a representation of liberty as, say, George W. Bush was?

    The constitution was designed to give us a strong central government, checks and balances (ha!) and the pretty-much-ignored tenth amendment notwithstanding. All 10 amendments have been ignored or orverruled whenever they got in the way. They are mainly for show. We are discovering it more and more as Washington and its Deep State is enabled through technology to directly spy on us, control movements (physical and political), censor speech, force us to testify against ourselves, control our money supply, and on and on. We haven’t lost our liberty – we never really claimed it properly.

  4. And people still vote, Jon?


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