Dear Doctor: how to avoid blame for causing autism

Dear Doctor: how to avoid blame for causing autism

by Jon Rappoport

April 26, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

As the truth about horrendous vaccine-damage to babies emerges and spreads, doctors need advice on how to avoid blame. So this article is offered as a public service to the medical profession.

Dear Doctor, your best defense is: “I’m practicing proper medicine.” Always remember that. Don’t wobble. Don’t explain. Just keep saying it. It works. After all, you have decades of propaganda behind you. Make those lies operate for you. Stand on them. It’s your best strategy.

In your heart of hearts, you know you’re damaging the brains and nervous systems of many babies. But don’t give in. Just keep vaccinating them. Just keep the basic mantra going: “I’m practicing proper medicine.” Under no circumstances should you let conscience be your guide. That would put you in a world of trouble.

It’s useful, when necessary, when a baby is, say, on life support in intensive care after you vaccinated him/her, to accuse the parents. You assert the child is a victim of Shaken Baby Syndrome—and the unconscionable parents did the shaking. This puts them on the defensive, and potentially takes the case into the sinister arena of Child Protective Services, the agency that can remove a child from the home and place it in foster care as a ward of the State. The parents, who are already terrified because of what you did (vaccination), will be thrown into an even deeper vortex of fear. They will be less likely to speak out and blame you. Use your power.

Keep in mind that the parents can’t sue you or the vaccine manufacturer. Know you’re safe. The law mandates the only option: they go to the federal vaccine court, where they plead for compensation. That labyrinthine process could take years, during which time the parents will probably forget all about you. Feel safe and secure, because you are. Don’t get rattled. Move on.

If the word—you know the word—“autism” comes up, don’t give in to worry or fear. The Centers for Disease Control, essentially a PR front for the vaccine industry, has you well covered. They’ve slanted and cooked years and years of studies to show one and all that vaccines can’t cause autism. It’s a slam-dunk. You’re protected. Don’t argue. Don’t debate. Let the CDC back you up.

Do you see where I’m going, dear Doctor? You’re in a sweet spot. You’re not in trouble, so don’t make trouble. Bite your tongue if you have to, but don’t debate. Just keep vaccinating. Yes, you’re destroying many lives, but no one can prove it, because the CDC and other agencies control the meaning of “science.” If they say the Earth revolves around Mars, that’s science.

The only thing that can sink you is your own conscience. But listen. If your medical training has taught you anything, it’s that regret and remorse have no role in the practice of medicine. Compassion is best achieved through dispassion. Understand? You can’t wring your hands and gnash your teeth about unfortunate outcomes. If you did, you’d be paralyzed.

“Unfortunate outcome” equals “somebody else did it.” That’s your guide. You didn’t do it.

But simple assertion isn’t enough. You need to cultivate an attitude of easy arrogance. You’re standing on top of the mountain. Pretend you know everything there is to know. Learn how to hone that act. You’re the great humanitarian. You’re the tireless champion of the people. You’re the One.

The babies you vaccinate have poison in their veins. You have ice in yours.

And if necessary, if you have trouble sleeping at night, remind yourself that doctors who step out from under the umbrella of protection and confess their sins are doomed. You’ll be assailed and attacked by your own. You’ll be delisted and excommunicated from the circle. You’ll lose your income and even your license. You’ll be called crazy. You’ll suddenly find yourself in the camp of conspiracy theorists and other assorted fools. They’ll taint you even further. Your family will disown you. If you think you know how all this would feel, you’re deluding yourself. You have no clue.

Your oath of “first, do no harm,” is conditional. Do no harm, unless that ideal turns you into a non-vaccinator. Or a partial vaccinator. Or a vaccinator who wants honest research into the effects of vaccines.

“First, do no harm to yourself and your reputation and standing” is the actual oath. Learn it, absorb it, live by it.

Take two dollops of medical mind-control and call yourself in the morning, and check your head. Are you onboard with the program?

Exit From the Matrix

If you’ve ever worked in an ER, you know life can be brutal and ruthless. Apply that lesson to your own professional survival. If it comes down to a choice between damaging the brains of babies and sacrificing your own reputation in the medical community, make the ruthless decision.

You’ll be happy you did.

If not happy, at least satisfied.

Someone loses his/her life; you keep yours.

It works.

You’re in a business that’s all about what works. So this is that principle, applied on a different level you may not have looked at it before.

I’m showing it to you.

You’re welcome.

Carry on.

Don’t look back.

Never look back.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

31 comments on “Dear Doctor: how to avoid blame for causing autism

  1. Karen Pelosi says:

    I can’t thank you enough for your support in getting the message out there and helping the parents who are not heard. I have seen the effects of vaccine damage with a grandson and my own father. I so appreciate people like you. Thank you so much…..

    • Terry Schiller says:

      Thanks, Karen, for your comment. Can hardly imagine what you’ve been through. I am petrified that my own grandson, nearly 12 months old, might have a tragic reaction to an upcoming vaccination. Unfortunately, his parents firmly believe that these jabs are necessary.

      • Karen Pelosi says:

        Hi Terry. Thanks for the response. You can’t make the decision for your children. Just tell them to do the research, which most do after the fact. They have to make their own decisions. Tell them to ask the doctor and read the side effects sheet they will be given “on their way out the door” after the child is vaccinated. They should read it before the child is vaccinated. I believe the MMR has a side effect of “may cause death” on it. I was shocked at that fact. Now, in California, we have no choice anymore, if we want to keep our children in the school system, playing sports, etc., etc. Losing our parental rights is very scary to me.

  2. henry says:

    While they may not be able to sue you, they are able to shoot you. If the aggrieved parent is prosecuted, juries may find that your death was a justifiable homicide.

  3. JoAnn Dolberg says:

    The doctors are caught in a serious dilemma, truly. I can see how none of them can stand up unless they all stand up together, and that is unlikely to happen, as too many of them have not read the reports; their offices are filled to the max on a daily basis (government regulations) and they don’t have the time; they feel they need to trust the med. reps and the CDC, AMA, etc. Parents need to find M.D.s who will work with them behind the backs of the CDC and pharmaceuticals; however, that would not be easy either because of peoples’ propensity to litigate whenever they see someone else’s “dollar bills.” The heart of the matter is the law, I think…maybe we need to get the feds out of everything we do…I am so glad Jon is pounding on this subject; America desperately needs to awaken to so many evils we call good.

    • Theodore says:

      that reminds me… open questions…

      what are the basic “cia anthropolgy” demographics on MDs currently practising in the USofA? For example,…

      * how many are foriegn born? grew up in socialist countries? (the thought here is that maybe they would not question Vaccination more).

      * …


    • Karen Pelosi says:

      I have a granddaughter who is in the autism spectrum. She is the sweetest child you ever met. Of course, I am her grandmother. My son and daughter in law were told by their daughter’s pediatrician that she wouldn’t advise vaccines at this point. My granddaughter is teachable and very intelligent, but she is somewhat hyper active and has trouble sitting still. She has trouble focusing and that doesn’t work well in school. She has a few other issues too; impulse control and no fear. She is starting kindergarten. Considering this is California, they have no choice but to vaccinate her or home school her. I am horribly concerned. But, the doctor said there was nothing she could do. She isn’t willing to write her an exemption. I don’t get that? I believe the doctor is comfortable in her job, she has a family and is concerned she will be questioned by the state. The pediatrician told my son and his wife she knew someone who could give them supplements that would work to detox her after the vaccinations. I am so sick about this and no one is listening. I am so thankful Jon Rappoport is taking a stand on this. We need all the help we can get.

      • Barb says:

        The doctors get bonuses for 100% compliance, I’m told. But here is a thought: maybe instead of playing golf on their off-days, doctors should be educating themselves. Jon, keep up the good work. We need you!

      • kewukiah says:

        Does your grandchild have an IEP yet? She certainly should have an IEP when she starts kindergarten, and it should list absolutely every part of her school day (every class, every special service or therapy, lunch and recess with the other kids for socialization, etc.) And under SB277, California’s new “mandatory vaccination for school” law, every child with an IEP has to receive all the aspects of his/her IEP whether vaccinated or not! (You can look this up on the State’s “Shots for School” information page.)

        So your grandchild should not need a medical exemption to attend school. Just an IEP.

        But for other people who may be reading this: There are California doctors willing to write medical exemptions — some doctors only for kids who are their long-term patients; but some doctors will accept a child as a patient short-term for the express purpose of evaluating the child for a medical exemption. These doctors often use genetic testing to look for mutations that impair the child’s detoxification pathways; they also examine the child’s own medical history carefully, and go through the family medical history looking for auto-immune disease and other “familial” risk factors for adverse effects of vaccinations. Most of these doctors would readily exempt a child already diagnosed on the autism spectrum…but again, any ASD kid or other special needs child with a well-written IEP will be able to attend school regardless of vaccination status.

    • Karen Pelosi says:

      I have a granddaughter who is in the autism spectrum. She is the sweetest child you ever met. Of course, I am her grandmother. My son and daughter in law were told by their daughter’s pediatrician that she wouldn’t advise vaccines at this point. My granddaughter is teachable and very intelligent, but she is somewhat hyper active and has trouble sitting still. She has trouble focusing and that doesn’t work well in school. She has a few other issues too; impulse control and no fear. She is starting kindergarten. Considering this is California, they have no choice but to vaccinate her or home school her. I am horribly concerned. But, the doctor said there was nothing she could do. She isn’t willing to write her an exemption. I don’t get that? I believe the doctor is comfortable in her job, she has a family and is concerned she will be questioned by the state. The pediatrician told my son and his wife she knew someone who could give them supplements that would work to detox her after the vaccinations. I am so sick about this and no one is listening. I am so thankful Jon Rappoport is taking a stand on this. We need all the help we can get. I already have a grandson who was injured with vaccines and a father who passed away after a shingles vaccine and pneumonia vaccine. He just went in for his annual checkup and the doctor suggested he needed them. Two weeks after my father (age 88) rec’d them he broke out in chicken pox and then had pneumonia. The doctors kept telling us it wasn’t the vaccines. We were positive it was, including my sister who is a nurse. My father had already had chicken pox as a child. He and my mother had 11 children. We had chicken pox in 3 groups over the years, which my father was exposed to each time. Never a problem. We pushed his large HMO to report it to the CDC. I doubt they ever did. We absolutely, unequivocally, know the vaccines were the problem. He died a month later. His death certificate says “complications to pneumonia”. What a joke. He had a pneumonia shot the same day he had the shingles vaccine!! I believe, like babies, his immune system was compromised because of his age. I am from a very healthy family. Now everything is changing. I already have two grandchildren with issues that I know are vaccine related and a father who died following vaccinations. Something is very wrong. I know it!!

  4. Karl Hartman says:

    You make powerful medicine Brother !!

  5. Don Lovell says:

    Doctors are also involved with purposely allowing the irradiating of their patients ambush like or covertly, after surgeries; from hidden devices from various directions while sitting in chairs;, burning into patients with ion beds disguised as exam tables. Those involved seem to make little distinction between causing harm or helping from disease; its just part of being on top of the Social Darwin Experiment..

  6. Sherlock says:

    According to Brian Hooker there is a paper rumored to be published in May 2016 by the CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson disavowing any connection between MMR vaccine and autism.

    “Very recently, Mr. Richard Morgan, Esq., Dr. Thompson’s whistle blower attorney, stated that Dr. Thompson will be publishing a paper in May, 2016, where he will assert that the MMR vaccine is not linked to autism in African American males. Instead Dr. Thompson will state that socioeconomic factors alone in the African American community account for the original MMR-African American male “effect” (the effect that he is on record as stating the CDC purposefully hid).”

    • @Sherly
      Ah the fly in the oitment!
      Are you making a point or just pissing in the pool. Can you go a little further… possibly tell me how you feel about that…The optimum word in your discourse of course is ‘rumoured’ isn’t it, and we know about rumours don’t we, they are usually based on a lie.

      Comments like yours are poison in sense, they are not complete thoughts they are without solution and so sit as hardened energy in the mind. Nagging at a solution, but really have no solution. They are emphemeral and roll around, chipping away at rational, creating doubt…that is the whole point. Lawyers make a living out of doing that exact thing.

      Thompson’s silence is being bought. Is it not obvious? Did you read the article?
      They need to put a cap on this immediately, this can of worms is almost open; he needs to be shut down; the conversation that is getting louder and louder needs to be shut down; dissonance needs to take its place.
      Space has to be created so propaganda may prevail and resonable doubt can be established and entrenched.

      If you have been following the story. He (Thompson)is being isolated. Is he being threatened? He has been afraid and secretive. That is a weapon they will use. Creating hearsay, RUMOUR, doubt.

      How possibly can he publish so quickly, when the numbers are not in as too how deeply autism and Autism spectrum disorders penetrate all of society. The false data by the corrupt medical system and the front line doctors who are too afraid to tell the truth or too corrupted to tell the truth.
      How can anyone base a reasonable study on decades of mis or disinformation about autism. This is a disorder that no one wants to talk about.
      It cannot even be determinant of how many old Autistics exist, prior to the nineties. Do you know, do they know? A greater percentage have been misdiagnosed, either on purpose or because really autism, and autism spectrum is no older than the early nineties. A fairly recent event…not!
      Autistics of the past were treated as simply mad, or misdiagnosed as bi-polar or anxious, anxiety ridden, brain- damaged, panic disordered, schizophrenic, OCD, this list of ailments is concise in naming just a few…

      No one who has ever been vaccinated, in any shape or form is exempt from damage by vaccine. It is simply a matter of degree of damage.
      Some of the innoculated are fragile and some are stronger. Differing immune systems. But everybody is touched, all are touched, no one is untouched.

      With my self, I am a high functionaing Asperger’s. With others it is total and horrible disability. Were the brain, the brain never stops screaming. Can you imagine? Head banging.

      Between black and white and the devil and the deep blue sea there are as many nuances to this affliction as there are people on this planet. Sleep disorders can be related, food or environmental alllergies can be related. Cognition and dyslexia can been related. Learning is impeded. You have to understand, that there are no real long term studies that have been done. The pharmaceutical corporations have been very efficient at quashing any truth from coming to the surface. they have been waging a propaganda war for a long time.

      If you look close enough, and think, you will find all change after vaccination, no one is free from the poison. You have to look very very close.
      You are introducing heavy metals and halogens into a human body. You are introducing something the body has not taken on itself. It did not make a choice. These things they ‘inject’ don’t belong there, ever for any reason, they are deadly poisons. And their use within vaccinations is critical. No other way to get the vaccine to stick, than inject it.
      A healthy immune system would deal with the intruder immediately, specialized probiotics within the human body and organisms are at the front doors, would deal efficiently with this. And if the intruder is of no use to the body, it would be excreted out. Attacked and isolated, starved of oxygen , food and moisiture. the ph would change it’s stronghold, it would be defeated by a fever, a healthy immune system.

      Ask youself the question Sherly…Why is the delivery system of a vaccination by injection. Could it be that it by-passes the normal routes of entry into the human body, eg mouth nose, ears anus, penis/vagina etc. And that if those routes were used, a more stringent adverse reaction would become prominant. And in the healthy the vaccination would not take…it would not hold.

      People would be falling like flies, from the normal body reactions. The injection circumvents the normal immune response and turn the alarms off, on the inside or in the fragile, turns the human off, allowing the damage to take hold permanently. Now an immune system is in stress. which is the whole point.

      Believe me Sherly you have been affected, if you have been injected, you just don’t know it yet. One day though in a future, something will show up, a disorder that will manifest to an illness. You have been weakened by vaccination. Somehing has been taken from you. Maybe you have something and don’t realize it yet. But you will eventually find your life affected by vaccine. And when you do you will not even relate it to those little injections as a child.

  7. If there was a case for “sarcasm ISN’T the lowest form of wit”, you’ve aptly made it, Jon.

    With “new wine” like this, who needs vintage?


  8. Mary Wessel Podlesak says:

    This all leads to a severance of trust between patient and doctor and ultimately to the natural conclusion, because so much medical practice is derived from government supported research, a severance between citizens and their government – a real palpable distrust of all government at all levels. I know. I had 4 children with autistic spectrum disorders. I had breast cancer and chemotherapy. It took years of reflection and lots of information to come to the conclusion that there was a vaccine-autism connection and that chemotherapy was worse than useless. My confidence in my intuitions had to be confirmed by working statisticians. I have yet to meet a statistician who has any confidence in the safety and effectiveness of either vaccination or chemotherapy. I should have known better, I too have a degree in statistics.

  9. I used to be a comic, but nothing has been funny to me since I discovered the damage vaccines are doing to our children. I have seen many ironies that could be exposed and double speak to confuse and a myriad of examples of unintelligible thinking that we are supposed to consume and accept, but have not been able to concentrate on them long enough to make a comedy routine from them because a FIRE must be put out every day if you are a vaccine activist. Always a new atrocity like an increase in the schedule, a proposed bill to mandate vaccines, another infant dead or another example of hubris or negligence on the part of the authorities.

    Having seen “VAXXED”, the part that really confused me was giving the Pediatricians a pass. When presented with the documents from the CDC and their reading them, the Pediatricians felt “BETRAYED”! This was flat out unbelievable. It is my lone objection to the movie, but a LARGE objection since these henchmen are on the front lines of the assault and are unaccountable for their actions. Thank you for exposing their hypocrisy Jon.

  10. Roger Fuller says:

    Dear Karen Pelosi:
    I noticed this line in your post.:
    ” The pediatrician told my son and his wife she knew someone who could give them supplements that would work to detox her after the vaccinations. ”
    There is no ” detoxing ” after the vaccinations. It’s like trying to un-poison someone. Supplements would only slightly mitigate the poisoning of the vaccines.
    Everyone should fight vaccination with everything they’ve got. It’s too bad there aren’t more men to stand up to this.
    yours truly,
    Roger Fuller

    • Karen says:

      Thank you Roger. I agree with you completely. That is what is bothering me so much. I told my son, once the damage is done, there is no turning back. They have recently been referred to a new doctor who works with children in the autism spectrum. I pray it works out well.

  11. gail007 says:

    Reblogged this on gail007 and commented:
    I love the way Jon puts it……
    “First, do no harm to yourself and your reputation and standing” is the actual oath. Learn it, absorb it, live by it.

    Take two dollops of medical mind-control and call yourself in the morning, and check your head. Are you onboard with the program?

  12. gail007 says:

    I love the way you put it Jon. In my opinion there is no excuse for a doctor not looking into this a long time ago but they just carried on and totally chicken shit to step outside the box into the truth, It is disgusting as the ego and income is just to big to risk. Then wont even write an exemption…that is immoral. They took the hypocritic oath…

  13. flyingcuttlefish says:

    Arizona chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics Bans Vaxxed from Movie Theater Chain

  14. Handthatrocksthecradle says:

    A massive Milgram experiment for sure; however, this time, the “white coats” are the purveyors of pain and suffering instead of being in on the experiment. I have come to the conclusion that the medical profession seems to attract a disproportionate amount of sociopaths. Lobotomies, salacious remedies for female “hysteria”, blood lettings, perforated eardrums…just look at the history and trajectory of that profession. Many of them have God-complexes for a reason. Society frequently gives them a pass to maim and kill with impunity. The stats on iatrogenic deaths should be black box disclaimers on your health insusrance cards. BTW, I am one of the legions of parents and relatives with vax injured kids who is very saddened by the maiming of nearly an entire generation of American children.

    • Sue says:

      Yes, and many of them find their Utopia in the vivisection labs, where they can perform the most horrific tortures on animals without concern about their activities from the self-interested public. After all, they’re “only animals.” Right? What people didn’t count on is that allowing that mentality to grow and spread eventually leads to the sick insanity biting us on our butts, too.

  15. flyingcuttlefish says:

    Busted! 100% PROOF TODAY SHOW VAXXED Comment Manipulation! (video)

  16. flyingcuttlefish says:


    CDC cover-up!

  17. flyingcuttlefish says:

    CDC’s Big Autism Study – Many Factors Considered – EXCEPT VACCINES
    (has video) —
    blog post has a link to the CDC study, here is the vid:

  18. I knew it was coming any day now to Rhode Island media: “…RI officials host Zika preparedness summit..” Jon, here’s where the state will grab $1.9 billion in federal funds to combat the Zika virus and develop a vaccine.

  19. kewukiah says:

    Jon Rappoport, you’ve written an absolute gem. Brilliant! You NAILED IT. I’m the mother of a vaccine-injured child…and I thank you!

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