Chameleo: a wild, wild, wild tale of invisible spies, heroin addiction, and homeland security

Chameleo: a wild, wild, wild tale of invisible spies, heroin addiction, and homeland security

by Jon Rappoport

March 12, 2015

Robert Guffey’s long awaited book, Chameleo, is in print. I received my copy a few days ago and sat down and started reading it. I couldn’t stop. At times I wanted to stop, but I had to press on. The twists and turns and grotesque happenings and, yes, the laughs wouldn’t let me get away.

Guffey (his blog here) is an utter original, and so is this book. It’s a story of his long-time friend, Dion, who was subjected, for years, to street theater, gang stalking, electronic harassment, and…invisible midgets.

That’s right.

A lesser writer, a lesser man, a lesser investigator would have given up and gone home and climbed into bed, and slept. But Guffey is none of those. For one thing, The Weird is his territory. He finds cracks in the reality machine, crawls inside, and shines his light on incredible happenings piled on top of mad happenings.

He’s sane. That helps. Iron-rock sane. He’s insatiably curious. That works, too. He has the basic instinct of a true journalist: he knows what he doesn’t know, and he admits it, and then he crawls, wriggles, scratches, digs until he makes the unknown into something real we can see, no matter how strange it turns out to be.

And in this case, Chameleo, it’s really strange, because his pal Dion appears to be the target of government agents who have a shocking amount of technology at their disposal, and they deploy it to drive Dion batshit crazy.


The thing is, from what I can tell, Dion was already crazy, and that’s his ace in the hole. He’s been living a bizarre life for years, and so when these agents come along, no matter how loony things get, no matter how far the space-time continuum lurches and bends, Dion can handle it without jumping off a bridge.

He’s therefore a target and a test case with a difference. A crucial difference.

Guffey and Dion also know when things are funny, and that’s a life saver. (File under: if you can’t laugh, ever, you’re dead.)

Along with all of this, there’s a significant amount of sober dot-connecting in the book.

If I say anything more, I’ll start giving the story away. So get the book, sit down with it, strap yourself in, and prepare for takeoff. Once the flight begins, there’s no turning back.

Order the book here:

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

8 comments on “Chameleo: a wild, wild, wild tale of invisible spies, heroin addiction, and homeland security

  1. theodorewesson says:

    “When a researcher or an investigator suspects he is looking at an artificial narrative, a storyline that is floated to achieve a hidden agenda, he has to deal with one overriding question:

    “How deep does he want to go, in order to root out the potential lies and false material?

    “Into how basic a level of the narrative does he want to cut, to see what leaks out?”

    —Jon Rappoport

    Ebola for alert minds: the art of the covert narrative

    • Inga Songbird says:

      Bravo! How deep indeed. I will save your wisdom as I continue to write my memoir. Authentic, we all deserve to be that. For me, at any cost. I can see now I didn’t go deep enough. Thank you for your wisdom.

  2. theodorewesson says:

    Project Chameleo: A new concept in Electro-Optical Camouflage

  3. […] To read the rest of the review, visit Jon Rappoport’s blog […]

  4. theodorewesson says:

    Here is an essay by Robert Guffey — that Jon published on his blog a year ago,…

    The War Against the Imagination: How to Teach in a System Designed to Fail

  5. From Québec says:

    I went to the site you’ve link, and read an execerpt. Wow, a book to read!

  6. Reblogged this on Angel 4 Light and commented:
    This got my interest up. Thanks Jon, I plan on reading this. Your Aces upon this book means a lot! Be blessed.

  7. John Henry says:

    He’s a good story teller 😉

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