Mercury/vaccines/autism: more fraud at the CDC

Mercury/vaccines/autism: more CDC fraud

by Jon Rappoport

August 27, 2014

In the 1990s, people around the world began to wake up and realize: there is mercury in vaccines.


“That’s a poison, isn’t it? Warnings are issued about eating fish laced with mercury…but injecting it is safe?”

The public reaction was swift, explosive, instinctive, and correct: “They’re poisoning us and our children.”

Some of this poisoning was called autism. Some of it was called “neuro-developmental delay.” There were other names and categories.

The uproar was so loud, Congress was forced to act. In 1997, they ordered the FDA to examine the situation.

So in June of 2000, three full years later, because the federal government really cares but only cares slowly, the famous Simpsonwood Meeting convened (see also here).

The star of that meeting was a CDC scientist named Thomas Verstraeten. Tommy had done extensive work on vaccines and neuro-developmental delay. It was so extensive almost nobody could understand it.

At Simpsonwood, a gaggle of other scientists, FDA and CDC people, and pharma types sat in their chairs while Tommy showed mind-numbing slide after slide and explained each one.

The CDC people prayed Tommy would be convincing. After all, the CDC is in charge of vaccine safety and also buys billions of dollars of vaccines, which it distributes to public health agencies in all 50 states.

Tommy, with his slide show, explained he had homed in on neuro-developmental delay in children, and had examined many different groupings of vaccinated children to discover a connection, if any, to the vaccines.

There is a transcript of the whole Simpsonwood Meeting. 286 pages. It’s like reading the Talmud backwards or an old Manhattan phone book whose pages have been taken out of alphabetical order.

Tommy’s thrust, of course, was to exonerate mercury in vaccines and give these vaccines a free pass. Which he eventually did, in the final version of a study published three times.

In the Simpsonwood transcript, the real explosion comes on page 43. No one, to my knowledge, has emphasized this enough.

On page 43, a Dr. Rapin asks Tommy a basic question:

“How did they make these diagnoses [of neuro-developmental delay, aka neurological damage, in the children you’re tracking]?”

Tommy replies: “What I am presenting to you now is just the results of the automated data. That means I don’t know anything about how these diagnoses were made…[but later in my presentation we’ll be in a] better position, at least for some of the outcomes [of neuro-developmental delay] to tell you how they were diagnosed.”

Translation. The whole presentation has just fallen apart.

In conventional medical terms, EVERYTHING Tommy is doing depends on the idea that accurate diagnoses of children were made. But he’s suddenly exposed.

Analogy: We’re going to evaluate the success of a treatment for cancer…but we don’t know whether the thousands of diagnoses of cancer we’re studying were correct.

A Dr. Davis then cuts in: “…nowhere today or tomorrow will you ever hear that…[these children] were carefully examined in the neuropsychiatric clinic. These kids…are seen by regular old pediatricians…the original [diagnostic] coding is [done by] a pediatrician or a family physician who is making the diagnosis.”

In other words, it’s all baloney. Smoke and mirrors. By conventional standards of medicine, neurological-damage diagnoses made by non-specialists are worthless for the purposes of research.

As if sensing that his fraudulent game is about to explode, Tommy says, “Just for the sake of the presentation, could I go on? I see that we are going into questions about other issues.”

Yes, other issues like validity and truth and value. Nothing serious. Nothing is riding on Tommy’s Talmudic slide show, except the health and future of millions of children.

Tommy is basically saying, “Don’t interrupt me. My system of nonsense will collapse if we worry about accuracy of diagnosis. We don’t really know what these kids have. But I must move ahead and pretend I’m doing science.”

The CDC and the US government, when they are challenged and re-challenged about the dangers of mercury in vaccines and the connection to autism, always point to Tommy as the ultimate backup. The prince of numbers.

Tommy is a fabricator.

power outside the matrix

The public knows: mercury is poison. It causes nerve and brain damage. Call that autism. Call it whatever you want to. Injecting it is a crime.

That’s the beginning and end of the question.

Except for one thing. And now we leave the conventional world of medicine…

Over the last several years, I have presented irrefutable evidence that NO so-called mental disorder is confirmed by a diagnostic test.

Read the bible of the psychiatric profession, the DSM. For the roughly 300 officially certified mental disorders, there is not a single defining blood test, urine test, hair test, brain scan, genetic assay. Nothing.

All the “neuro-developmental delays,” including autism, are classified as mental disorders and are listed in the DSM. They are nothing but menus and clusters of behaviors.

So even if all those kids Tommy was studying in his “research” had been diagnosed in a neuropsychiatric clinic, it would have meant nothing.

Because there are no tests. None.

It was a house of cards.

A titanic fraud. From the outset.

A baby is vaccinated with the neurological poison called mercury. The baby never enters the world. The baby is damaged. That’s the fact.

Constructing categories of disorders and different groups of children is a vast smokescreen.

Here’s my slideshow: arrest the criminals, send everybody out of the CDC buildings, fumigate the buildings, and shut them down.

Save future lives.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

13 comments on “Mercury/vaccines/autism: more fraud at the CDC

  1. care says:

    “The public knows: mercury is poison. It causes nerve and brain damage. Call that autism. Call it whatever you want to. Injecting it is a crime.

    This needs to be shouted from the rooftops and on every billboard, as well as on every radio show and become a television public warning add! Vaccines damage the nerves and brains of everyone who receives them, add fluoride and chlorine in our drinking water to the mix and it’s
    a wonder anyone can function at all. I think it’s the reason that the “illuminati” have been able to
    do the damage to the western world they have accomplished in the past 50 years not to mention the past 10! We must say NO to all these poisons!

  2. Karen Kain says:

    In 1994 my daughter Lorrin received her one and only DPT vaccine. She had a 5 minute seizure two hours after and then another 5 minute seizure 2 hours after that. Human Health Services never argued the cause of injury. They still tried to prove that I was a bad parent and pushed our suit off as long as they could fully expecting Lorrin to die. The vaccine was full of mercury, 30 kids had seizures or worse and there were 10 surrounding deaths. Lorrin lived for 15 years with severe brain damage. Today I stand with thousand of parents who have had their lives ruined by vaccine injury. It is a crime against humanity and must be exposed. Every day that this story is hidden from the public is another day that a child is injured and or killed. 1 in 2 of our children have chronic illness. 1 in 50 has Autism. The US has the highest vaccination rate and the highest infant mortality rate. I travel all over the US and meet parents of vaccine injured chidden. Never before have I seen such staggering numbers of families effected. This is criminal and scientific fraud, CDC must be exposed and our children must get the justice they deserve.

  3. V gleeson says:

    Hallelujah Hallelujah TRUST only Truth

  4. Alice says:

    Wow, after working with mental illness and finding it never solved anything to give pills or talk therapy…..this is so true. What I found is that toxins drive us neurobiologically and make our decisions by addicting our brains to various chemicals right in our foods and water. Doesn’t surprise me to see them tamper with healthcare and never solve the problems but create more…

  5. henry says:

    Focusing on mercury in the vaccine may be a tactical error. Focus on the number of vaccines, the content of each, and the age of the person when they received it. Compare this to the physical and mental manifestations that are attributes of autism. If you only look at one vaccine that contains mercury the data gets very messy due to the fact that the person got 10 other vaccines in the time frame. If they missed this one and got autism they will use this as evidence that mercury injections are safe. All data should be cleansed to remove names and addresses before being released into the public domain.

    • theodorewesson says:

      Yes, release all the data! (after anonymizing it).

      Henry, excellent points. The citizens need people like you analyzing the data!

  6. A says:

    Thanks Jon!

    My wife and I plan to sue Big Pharma, specifically the ones responsible for the MMR cocktail that screwed him up. He’s come a long way but still has a long way to go.

    Keep hounding these Satanic […] pharma bastards and giving them Hell.

    I cant wait to see them squirm. Monetary damage awards will be the appetizer for me.

    • MyLightbulbMoment says:

      When children are given vaccines their brains become inflamed & swell. By BUNDLING many vaccines into one shot these Idiots act like they just can’t imagine it would or can cause the brain to swell 3 times as much!!
      Bundling causes more potential problems. The only thing Big Pharma cares about are PROFITS at the expense of healthy humans. Just KNOW, REMEMBER &TELL EVERYONE THAT BIG PHARMA KNOWS THEY CANNOT MAKE MONEY OFF OF HEALTHY PEOPLE!! Have they sold their souls? I believe so, sadly……
      The DUMBING DOWN of the population in medical education to find cures has disappeared In this country & the only thing Big Pharma cares to RESEARCH & PRODUCE are chemical concoctions that ONLY TREAT THE SYMPTOMS & PROVIDE THEMSELVES WITH LIFETIME CASH FLOW FROM THE DISEASED SYMPTOM SUFFERERS. The RESEARCH GOALS ARE NOT FOR FINDING A CURE. THAT WOULD CUT DOWN ON PROFITS THAT ARE CONTINUOUS!!! They do not want healthy disease free people. No money in that.

  7. Daniel Boone and Davey Crockett were trailblazers—me too. I’m on the trail of a circle of Worthy Gentlemen who call themselves “The Pilgrims Society,” which organization constitutes the last great secret of modern history. Top pharma execs and directors across the years have surfaced in this nearly unknown organization. So any help I get in flushing these Worthy British Collaborators out of their anonymous hiding places, is helping to curb Pharma. There was no website for this group till June 2011, after my site indicting them for massive monetary crimes was posted. However—rosters remain in the dark and none has leaked in 34 years. Anyone wishing to follow my free, public interest work may do so at or other sites.

  8. MyLightbulbMoment says:

    Thank goodness many people are finally waking up!! The sad thing is now the Powers That Should Not Be are going to slam the major media outlets that they Also UNFORTUNATELY FOR The Human Race OWN with smear campaigns against anyone that speaks out or have proof of their POISONING of US.
    THEN the Fear Mongering Campaigns will begin along with small outbreaks of childhood diseases probably nearest the Non-Zombie Non-Compliance Zones. Public Media Campaigns start to ATTACK Smart, Informed & Well Researched Parents AGAINST allowing their children to injected with POISON by claiming they are ignorant & endangering their VACCINATED children.

    Wake up! Vaccinated children can’t catch the disease if they are vaccinated against catching them, Am I Right?

    You better believe research labs have weaponized every virus known to the human race & have them locked up in a basement somewhere until needed for somebody’s evil purposes. Not one vaccine is 100% sure to immunize AGAINST getting a disease, so why are people ignorantly lining up?? Why are flu shots FREE in many places? Right……

    Over 40,000 children & adults were PARALYZED in India after The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation went there to VACCINATE the poor unfortunate Citizens AGAINST POLIO!! I thought the United States PERFECTED THE RECIPE for the Polio Vaccine almost 80 years ago?? Hello!! Wake up people!! This is a disgrace!! 40 + thousand healthy people are now crippled for standing in a line TRUSTING someone who has publicly stated he believes there are too many people on the planet & believes in DEPOPULATION. ( So Does The New World Order TRUE Mentally Challenged Idiots that he associates with.) There are dark forces in play & hopefully people will continue to wake up!! These forces are weaseling their sorry behinds into every facet of the human experience. Your children, cars ( can be remotely controlled, as well as airplanes), food & water supplies. Look around you for all of the natural resources that are being poisoned!! Please educate yourselves & then you can see the LIES all of us are being exposed to. Look for Alternative News Sources!! STOP BELIEVING the DISINFORMATION SPECIALISTS!! GREAT & TRUE STORY HERE!! Thank you for your bravery!!

  9. […] Now comes a stay-awaker for Oz—the exposure of the dangers of their vaccines along with a horrifying 49 doses of 14 CDC-recommended, FDA-approved shots before age six to feed Oz’s indemnified (by congress) multi-billion dollar a year vaccine market. Omitted portions of a CDC study that identified vaccine dangers linked to America’s autism pandemic  among children have been released to the public by one of the authors of the research. The MD’s article at the link above summarizes the development well. Additional dangers of vaccines are discussed here . […]

  10. Wow! Great article! I couldn’t agree more. CDC need to be investigated. There is much rhetoric over their “Kaiser, Morgellons Study” as being fraud. It is complete nonsense that’s fed to the world and beyond inhumane to those suffering.

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