Australia, ‘better slave than dead’

Explosive: Australia, ‘better slave than dead’

by Jon Rappoport

July 30, 2014

Remember the name “Pine Gap.” It lies at the heart of this story.

I’ve always thought Australians were more blunt and forthright than Americans. I don’t know if that’s true, but the current debate about total surveillance in the Land Down Under is cutting to the bone.

The government wants to tax the Australian people so it can use giant telecoms to collect wall to wall “metadata” on them. (Pay us so we can spy on you.)

The Age newspaper reports on an Australian senate inquiry into the plan (see “Internet ‘tax’ may fund new spy laws”):

“ASIO [the national security service of Australia] chief David Irvine told the inquiry last week that increased data retention powers were needed to tackle terrorism and that ‘the public should not be concerned that there’s going to be gross misuse’ of them.

”’For the life of me I cannot understand why it is correct for all your privacy to be invaded for a commercial purpose, and not for me to do so to save your life,” he [Irvine] said.

Blunt. That’s what I’m talking about. Notice Irvine’s use of “me”. He’s personally going to save Australia.

And Irvine assumes no one in Australia cares about corporations profiling them seven ways from Sunday, in order to sell them products, and therefore, why not let the government invade their lives?

American politicians rarely let the cat out of the bag in that way. Primped by PR minions, they circle vaguely around a point, and spout empty generalities until everyone falls asleep.

Not this man Irvine. He lets loose. He may as well have been saying, “You morons have already surrendered yourselves to corporations, so let me come in and finish the job.” reports on another gem dropped at the senate inquiry: “One so called Liberal senator, Ian MacDonald, agreed, saying that he would ‘rather be alive and lack privacy than dead with my privacy intact’.”

Terrific. Come right out with it. Better a slave than dead. ‘Yes, we’re going take away your privacy and freedom, but you’ll still be breathing.’

In an US senate committee room, you’d hear something like this instead: “We’ve introduced very specific algorithms that ensure privacy protections are handled with sensitive concerns for all citizens, in accordance with our long-standing American traditions…”

Former NSA attorney Stewart Baker, a visiting meddler from the US, testified to the Australian Senate in language he would never use in America. He said the war against terror was being obstructed by ”an unholy alliance of business and privacy activists.”

Obviously, Baker was there to help expand American-Australian sharing of spy-data. NSA sniffs a new data-mining program anywhere in the world, and they want in on it.

But there is more. Much more.

Richard Tanter provides context in his article, “The US Military Presence in Australia.” (The Asia-Pacific Journal, Nov. 11, 2013)

“Australia is now more deeply embedded strategically and militarily in US global military planning, especially in Asia, than ever before…[there is an] integration of Australian military forces organizationally and technologically with US forces, and a rapid and extensive expansion of an American military presence in Australia itself.”

“…[An] Australian government mantra, usually from the Defence Minister, has been that ‘There are no US bases in this country.’… This is…in fact a complete misrepresentation of strategic reality, which is in fact one of fundamental and inherent asymmetrical cooperation between the United States and Australia.”

Tanter goes on to describe, in detail, a number of military bases in Australia which are “joint access” for the US and Australia.

The glittering crown jewel is Pine Gap.

power outside the matrix

“The Joint Defence Facility Pine Gap outside Alice Springs remains the most important US intelligence base outside the US itself.”

Underline that statement.

In addition to monitoring movements of missiles in Russia and China, and detecting missile launches, “Pine Gap, and the wider US global signals intelligence system of which it is a part, now integrates surveillance and monitoring of global internet and email traffic and mobile telephone use.”

Corollary: without Pine Gap, the NSA has no existing way to spy on the world.

“Pine Gap undoubtedly has a major role in providing signals intelligence in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

“This has now extended to US counter-terrorism operations, including the provision of data facilitating drone strike targeting in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen in close to real time.”

Thus, Australia, whether it likes it or not, is playing a major role in US drone attacks.

“Since May 2013, the role of Pine Gap’s principal, signals intelligence gathering and processing role has returned to the world’s front pages courtesy of the extraordinarily courageous whistle blowing by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden.”

Snowden revealed that Pine Gap is one primary base from which the now-infamous NSA PRISM spying program operates.

Pine Gap is absolutely crucial to US military and intelligence agendas around the world.

It a vital link in NSA’s world spying operation.

Tanter remarks that, since Pine Gap is used to collate data directing US drone killing-strikes, the Australian government is legally culpable in those killings.

Suppose, in Australia, a significant political movement arose, with the objective of shutting down Pine Gap or severely limiting its functions. I don’t mean some protestors on the streets now and then. I mean a large, visible, continuing social and political force.

Now we have the bottom-line reason the Australian government, with heavy-handed encouragement from the US, wants to increase, vastly, spying on all its citizens: no such political movement must be allowed to grow.

The embrace between the Pentagon, the NSA, and the Australian government is one of the greatest priorities of US leadership.

Therefore, Australia must go along.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

This entry was posted in Spygate.

25 comments on “Australia, ‘better slave than dead’

  1. […] Australia, ‘better slave than dead’ Posted on July 30, 2014, 7:28 am By Larry Newman […]

  2. victoryintruth says:

    Very interesting exposé. Thanks, Jon.

    • John R.L. Wilson says:

      There speaks an idiot. god help us. The logic When you are dead there is no need for privacy except perhaps for the families that follow. What Australia proposes breach international laws and covenants regarding privacy but that won’t stop the Hockey’s and Abbotts. They believe it will not affect them. Australia signed the International to protect the child, but chooses to do nothing. The signatories are nothing until they are accepted by law and are legislated. I have worked in this area of child protection and there is no such animal. The people who work there are virtually helpless, unless the evidence is shoved directly in front of them. In the meantime the children continued to be abused, either physically, emotionally.
      The same with fluoridation. The European High courts found fluoridation is used as a medication and not as a food supplement, hence is expected to comply with the strict regulation of medical acts, i.e. no forcible medication of a person without consent. Where mass medication is considered then it has to look at the benefit to the individual, not the mass. where mass medication is acceptable then it has to be done by a qualified medical practitioner. In Australia they want to hand it over to the workers in the various water boards/authority and cannot guarantee that it will be distributed to each individual in accordance to the prescribed doses, etc. It breaches the Helsinki Declaration; the Nuremburg code and many other laws. It serve a useful purpose of keeping the public calmed down. You will find ample evidence of its use for that purpose in Germany, Russia and the USA

  3. nines says:

    In general, the Australians are indeed even more blunt and forthright than we are. Thing is, the airing of bluntness and forthrightness serves the ruse of freedom and does virtually nothing to change whatever the bluntness and forthrightness is griping about.

    The psychopaths know opposition is an asset. In fact, it is their greatest asset. It protects them. So they provide their own if there is nothing loud enough out there to take over. This will be the magnet for any who would oppose if there were leadership enough.

    Bluntness and forthrightness used to at least alert those who would do something and so they did something, but not anymore. Now it’s just good PR and where it might gain traction the person whose bluntness and forthrightness is going to move people is simply bought or marginalized or frightened off or killed.

    Where voters are unwilling, the vote is rigged. If it’s too lopsided to get away with rigging the vote, it simply evaporates and is tried again after the guard is down. Where public comment is invited, it is endured and the project goes on without regard to the public comment. If there has been a negative enough response, it is tabled and brought back up when people have cooled off.

    This will be repeated as many times as it takes to wear out the blunt and forthright opposition. People just get sick of it, and the psychopaths always end up with what they want.

    It has ever been thus and we have found that revolution only rearranges the deck chairs on the Titanic and grass roots movements only let people live out their lives feeling themselves in impotent opposition. Most opt to ignore it, but find the project of lifelong denial becomes such an unbearable weight there is nowhere relief can be found… religion is the easiest, but still relentlessly arduous if everyone around isn’t on the same page… making people apt to want to kill those who can’t be converted.

    It all washes out in the death wish. The fixation on cataclysm. Or a desire for outside intervention so white hot a whole universe of superhuman aliens dance like sugarplums in our heads… terrified of what unites us and exhausted by what divides us.

  4. OzzieThinker says:

    You don’t get much more forthright and blunt than me, Jon. I guess that’s why I am here.

    Telecoms are not a major problem (at the moment). The real issue, and God knows how they can possibly enforce it, is they intend to ban “pirates” from using the internet. I can see some dreadful court battles ensuing.

    In addition, and this is what I thought you might have written about, Australian-Communism is here. One slave-wage fits all and just about all jobs are “managed” by recruiters. Add a big cherry on the top of that dung heap – remove social security (only young, “druggie” dossers draw the dole, right?).

    Will Tony Abbott listen to his beloved MSN?

    SPRUNG!!!!!!!! They chopped 90% of middle management positions out of industry from 1990’s (and perhaps prior) so there are no jobs for the “experienced”.

    Keep an eye out for my next post.


  5. T-bone says:

    With a 28% approval rating, the neo-cons of Australia have nothing to lose. Do as much damage as possible and get out. The sad part is the complete absence of an opposition party. Seems like Labor are along for the ride, which they probably are.

    • DR. IRENE FAULKES says:

      For the two previous terms of Government, Labor has been useless, getting the country into debt it did not have. In opposition, they rattle off condemnations and spurious self-exalting garbage. (Amused, ‘Am I blunt enough’?) I, one insignificant individual, object to the Neo-cons and Pine Gap.

  6. tony says:

    Great article. Now dont scoff, but Pine Gap is also a R&R point for extraterrestrials. Sounds crazy I know, but Google Dulce Underground base and you’ll start to get the picture. Or read Timothy Goods books – Need to Know is a cracker.

    • OzzieThinker says:

      I regularly meet with Rex Gilroy who claims Australia is “infested” with underground bases. Much deep history here.

    • Leonie Wynne says:

      Tony I don’t scoff – Pine Gap was built intentionally for this very reason (laugh all you want people!) plus the spying on all people worldwide was part of the plan as well back in the 60s. Remote Viewers have been there and have seen things that would make your hair stand on end!

  7. joe says:

    Ahh…Pine Gap… Operations Central for the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 project… yes, yes, of course, of course. That would make sense, no? We did instinctively suspect that the US was somehow involved in the downing of the plane, right?

  8. Ram Ayana says:

    In 1975 Australia lost its most innovative Prime Minister in a (bloodless) coup when he threatened to close Pine Gap, which is also certainly far more than it seems. See – and scroll down to ‘older posts’

  9. jgee says:

    As an Australian, I would like to ask this clown this: If you know that corporations are ravaging the privacy of the Australian citizen, then isn’t your number one priority to do something about that, rather than shackle us to the lunatic war agenda of the Americans?”

    Asia gives us commerce. The Americans give us war. Your job is to help boot the Americans, idiot.

  10. Axiom says:

    REALITY is we live on free range serf farms structured around a top-down pyramidal money system , maintained via mass serf-conditioning schooling and mass serf-programming media .

  11. Smarticus says:

    “Others have claimed this is an agent named John Anticev”

    Are you sure of the spelling?…Anti-de-cev

  12. Australia is becoming a nightmare. The Institutions are corrupted by years of covered-up scandals that keep the innocent and the guilty implicated by their collective silence. All for the very real fear of loosing their jobs and careers. Australians, on the whole, have been extremely well conditioned by school and TV to obey authority without question when confronted by it. They will betray those around them in its name without a moments self reflection on the moral and ethical implications of what they are doing to other people in pursuit of their own vested interests.
    This is the ingrained Australian mind-set these days and sits very easily on a people who see their destruction of Aboriginal culture as a joke. Yep, lots of Australians are willfully ignorant of the practical genocide we carried out, and are still carrying out, on the Aborigines here. The Aborigines are at the bottom of the ever increasing scrap-heap of the ‘structurally’ unemployed and, quite frankly, unemployable because the freaking corporations only want people who act and work like robots to work for them!
    There is precious little sympathy for them because the rest of us are being not so slowly gutted of all our wealth and self-esteem by a Government blended into the needs of the corporations. Corporations whose first and ONLY concern is with maximizing it’s profits for their shareholders!
    Recent Australian governments have turned us into slaves and laughed in our faces while they did it.
    But one of the other commentator’s was spot on when they made the point that opposition is capitalism’s greatest asset as they can corral all the dissenters into the one group and then smear them all with the most ridiculous implanted stories and disinformation. Thus ruining the credibility of our own more reasoned arguments.
    We can’t win as they have all the powerful psychological controls in their hands, such as the ability to broadcast, whereas we are stuck in the narrow-cast internet. Which is fine but you wont be able to break the masses conditioning unless you can get hold of broadcasting rights.
    That’s why Malcolm Turnbull, the communications minister, is chucking all the community TV stations off the free-to-air and into the internet with all the rest of us.
    It was obvious to me that they wouldn’t allow them to continue when I saw my local community TV station broadcast “Loose Change” 2nd edition on the 12th or 13th anniversary of 9/11.
    The civilian lock-down has begun.

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