Loyalty to the magnetic field of reality

Loyalty to the magnetic field of reality

by Jon Rappoport

May 21, 2014


Let us say there are two levels of What Is: surface reality, and what lies under the surface—aka what’s behind the curtain.

Living and working in either venue, a person is, to a significant degree, immersed in What Is.

He doesn’t particularly notice this. But if, one day, he gets it into his head that he wants, somehow, to venture beyond both versions of What Is, something happens to him:

He becomes aware of a magnetic pull back to reality. He feels the magnetic field exert its force on him.

Because reality isn’t only What Is. It’s also a magnetic or gravitational Insistence.

“You must remain loyal to reality.”

The overwhelming majority of people heed this dictate. They believe they should remain loyal.

They believe being faithful to some version of What Is is their duty.

This is the glue that holds societies together.

It’s a kind of magnetic contract.

“All right, now, you’re going to live on planet Earth. Part and parcel of that arrangement is, you’ll stay loyal to the reality that’s presented to you.

“If you begin to stray, you’ll feel a reminder. A force will pull you back. You’re in a field, and the deal is, you won’t move outside it.”

As I say, as long as a person lives in the field or even probes behind one level of reality to find a deeper level, he doesn’t experience what the field is doing.

But if he looks for a way to go beyond all versions of reality, he experiences the magnetic force.

Moving past all versions of reality means: inventing your own.

If you do that, whatever your work is, you’re now in the arena of art. Creation. Imagination.

And you receive “a loyalty review.”

At that point, you have two basic choices. You can retract and duck back into the field, or you can walk out and reject the incursion on your freedom and power.

power outside the matrix

The loyalty oath is a con. It’s a hoax.

The style and form of society is always a shorthand reduction. It asks people to perform according to oversimplified standards.

To justify this insistence, propagandists assert that simplicity is best. What they really mean is: shrinking the dimensions of your mind makes things easier. This demeaning task is accorded the quality of holiness.

All organized religions of any size promote such hogwash and call it insight.

Living in surface reality, discovering the deeper level of reality, inventing your own reality…and being able to exit and enter from all these states, by choice, is the “royal road,” and the challenge that has no name, no banners, no consensus, no authorities.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

9 comments on “Loyalty to the magnetic field of reality

  1. kara says:

    YES! if anyone didn’t get it… USe your imagination and create the reality you desire.. BE THE CHANGE. don’t wish for the change or hope for the change or look for the change… BE IT!!!.. for a deeper understanding of Jon’s point here study Neville Goddard… look him up,,,, your faith is your fortune!

  2. OzzieThinker says:

    The glue that holds societies together in the First World is Zionism, Jon. The other worlds will follow.

    Short and simple.


  3. brad says:

    This ‘magnetic pull’ back to consensus reality certainly exists; it’s almost a palpable force. Strange but true.

  4. make your own experiment an experience with infinity

  5. Bruce says:

    Could the author please simplify this and make His POINT!? ‘Cause “BEING The change” (i.e., leading by example) works no better than following; or getting the hell out of the way! What is The DESIDERATUM?

  6. henry says:

    When a high school kid gets a job in a fast-food restaurant, an employee shows him how to cook the burgers and fries. If the kid is “presentable”, he will be interact with customers. The shift leader watches everything. If actions contradict the indoctrination, then the kid will be informed that they were doing something wrong so they could take corrective measures. The shift leader is put in place to mold the reality of the regular workers. The shift leaders are watched over by the assistant manager. If the shift leader is not correcting mistakes, they will be informed of their mistakes. The manager watches over the assistant manager and corrects them when necessary. The owner of the franchise corrects the manager when necessary. The corporation has employees that inspect each restaurant and correct the franchisee if the brand is being damaged by his restaurant. The chain continues up to the CEO of the corporation. But he doesn’t make all of the decisions. The lawyers, government rules, and bankers create his reality. But each of these forces are similarly in a reality created by others.

    If the kid thinks that a burger would be better with two pickle slices instead of one then the whole structure is there to terminate that creativity. If the kid can’t agree with the reality presented to him, he can create his own restaurant but he will find that lawyers, politician, and bankers will still have something to say about his business.

    If the kid is “smart”, he will learn how to manipulate others and go for the shift leader position. A cog in a machine is safer than the uncertainties of going it alone and thinking for oneself.

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