Is government aid a giant money-laundering scheme?

Is government aid a giant money laundering scheme?

By Jon Rappoport

December 10, 2013

Remember something called the War on Poverty? The Great Society?

President Lyndon Johnson declared it and announced it in 1965. Since then, the federal government and state governments have poured staggering amounts of dollars into the program.

How many dollars? Does anyone know?

In his 1992 book, Paved With Good Intentions, Jared Taylor puts the figure (1965-1992) at $2.5 trillion. So, for the sake of argument, let’s accept that.

Yet, by 1992 (and to an even greater degree since then), poverty had accelerated in America. Had gotten much, much worse.

So the logical question was and is: where did all that money go?

This question doesn’t call for a general answer; it cries out for a compete and detailed and scathing investigation.

Dollar by dollar, inner city by inner city, program by program, outcome by outcome, for every month and every year since 1965.

How much of that $2.5 trillion never arrived at its destination? How much was utterly wasted, and how? How much was diverted from its assigned objectives, and to whom? And what did these thieves do with it?

Where is the record of all the canceled checks and money transfers, from point of origin to recipient? Where is the record of what each and every recipient did with the money?

Any organization, earmarking $2.5 for trillion (!) a specific purpose, would track it and report on it, and assess its results, in real time. Right?

But of course, when it comes to government…wrong.

Government proves it “cares” by dispensing money. What happens after that is anybody’s guess.

Foreign aid the US federal government sends abroad is a complete nightmare, because tinpot dictators with their hands out are involved, as well as side-bribes, and padded contracts to multinational corporations to do work in those foreign nations.

But here at home, you would expect a close monitoring of aid. Where are the reports? Where are the overall assessments of results? Where are the accounting books with their blow-by-blow details?

If you spend $2.5 trillion to solve a problem, and it gets worse, monumentally worse, you know you failed. You know more than that. You know huge sums were stolen. You know individuals facilitated that theft. You know individuals covered up the theft.

To now say this should be a criminal investigation headed by the Department of Justice is $2.5 trillion late and 17,520 days short.

Federal officials are interested in only one thing: putting enough layers between themselves and crimes to achieve plausible deniability. After that, they walk away.

But we can take this even further. In order to facilitate the failure of $2.5 trillion to achieve its stated objectives, you aren’t just talking about random diversions and occasional opportunists. Too much money is at stake. No, you have to be talking about preplanned thefts of enormous sums. Organized and coordinated thefts.

The Matrix Revealed

This isn’t Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton money. This isn’t just a state coordinator’s money. This isn’t just a limousine liberal’s money. This is HUGE money.

And therefore, there has to be a plan to hide the stolen money, to put it somewhere, to deliver it to places without being discovered.

Which is exactly what laundering is all about. Ask any drug cartel chief.

When government officials, asked about poverty in America, simply say, “We have to do more,” they’re not only obfuscating and lying, they’re accessories after the fact. They know. They’re not that stupid. They know enormous sums have been, and are being, carted away into the night.

Every presidential administration since 1965 has been complicit.

Suppose your baby, back in 1965, was suffering from diminished sight. You took him to an opthamologist, who told you, “This is very serious, we’ll have to hospitalize your child for treatment. The government will pay.”

Flash forward to 2013. Your child is now 48 years old. He’s been in the hospital all this time. A doctor now tells you: “We’ve spent $2.5 trillion on your son. He’s completely blind. He’s developed a life-threatening blood disorder and six brain tumors. He can’t stand up. We feed him through a straw.”

Would you suspect something criminal? Or would you blithely accept that the doctors have been doing everything they can to cure his problem?

The unpleasant truth is, most Americans would just say, “Well, they tried, but mistakes were made.”

However, you and I know better.

The Great Society is a money-laundering operation.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

18 comments on “Is government aid a giant money-laundering scheme?

  1. Trajectory of human predator vs. human prey is fast approaching an intense course correction [social, environmental, financial]. World famous Vedic Astrologer Joni Patry gives shocking predictions for 2014.

  2. p3 says:

    dear jon, secrecy and deception r the tools of the trade for the farm managers. print and pass out play money to keep us kneading dough in the hope that we can bake it and will have bread to eat.

    when the final accounting is done…the one with the least who gave the most is/be numero uno. money is the carrot to control me/we and the sticks are many as you know well. the artist pierces the veils as we/me/he walks into the future and shares the revelations. omitofwo! p3


  3. Steve Prewitt says:

    Ditto HUD – ask Catherine Austin Fitts; ditto the Pentagon – ask Don “Aspartame” Rumsfeld. Hell, it takes trillions to run a break away civilization with all those exotic technologies – the money (read energy) had to have come from somewhere – look in the mirror Coppertops…

  4. CriticalThinker says:

    Three major illusions which people are ‘brainwashed’ to believe –

    – ‘Government’ is a ‘thing’. ‘It’ is all powerful.
    In fact, ‘government’ is nothing more than a word, a concept. It describes a habit of thinking & acting by people. ‘Government’ doesn’t do things to us, – certain individual people do things while they are thinking and acting in certain ways. A soldier may go out and shoot people who have done nothing to him. That soldier is thinking and acting in ways according to indoctrination. At ground level, the soldier – the man – chooses how he will think and act. – – – – Psychopaths often get others to think/act in habitual ways that will enrich themselves and harm innocent people.

    – ‘Government’ (a fiction) is like your Mommy & Daddy. ‘It’ wants to protect you.

    – ‘Government’ (a fiction) is like your Mommy & Daddy. ‘It’ wants to take care of you and provide for you.

    Politicians and other psychopaths use people’s habitual thinking and acting for their own benefit. Some of them also enjoy hurting people.

    • CriticalThinker says:

      Going back to almost the beginning of the country, – since the time of Alexander Hamilton, – there have been those who formed a partnership between the central government & big business interests to steal from the rest of the American people. This criminality accelerated after the Civil War and the centralization of power in D.C. Everything from wars to ‘social programs’ have been about theft and the power grab. Like the British empire before it, the American empire is crumbling under the weight of such corruption. When Britain couldn’t compete against Germany, they started WW1 and later dragged the US into it. As others have said, ‘the next war may be fought with nuclear weapons and the war after that with sticks & stones’.

      • Cassius says:

        There was a boondoggle called ‘Urban Renewal’ that gave away millions to just about anybody. It’s called something
        else, now, and it has been substantially expanded, also.

  5. theodorewesson says:

    On 9/10/2001, where did the $2.3 trillion “to keep us safe” go?

  6. Gigsplace says:

    On 9/11 the missile that hit the Pentagon, just happen to hit the budget analysis office that was investigating the 2.3 trillion missing. I guess the terrorists wanted to help them hide their mistakes.

  7. Avi says:

    “When Benito Mussolini was asked in 1932, to define fascism, he stated, “Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is the merger of corporate and state power”. Look around you and tell me what you see. This my friends is reality plain and simple!”

  8. brad says:

    OK, what you’re saying here is discouragingly true, to say the least, and worth exposing. But what – said in exasperation – do we do about it? – rhetorically asked. That’s the world we live in, and for it to change in any wide-ranging way will require some kind of a miraculous transformation, in thinking and acting, of each individual on the planet, or so it seems to me.

    • bleak says:

      A good question and here are my two cents. Vigilance and self-education. Then take what you’ve learned and tell someone else. Also, nullification on a personal and state level. The more people who don’t comply with their “color of law” fictions, the better chance we have. This is snow-balling into something they will not be able to defend. As another person said, “look in the mirror.” Of course, Divine intervention would be nice but maybe the Divine is waiting for us to smarten up first.

  9. flip says:

    nine out of ten people do not know the difference between a republic and a democracy and do not care to know the difference.
    Our top priority in the present situation should be education.
    The money we spend on bullets alone probably could allow everyone to go to college free.
    Imagine the money wasted on the military/spy agencies. I would love to end all the wars especially the real ones but also the fake wars like the drug and terrorism and poverty.
    A poor government equals more freedom. Do away with income tax if this is the results of the taxes we pay. Income tax is voluntary but try to end that and you will know who the thieves are.

  10. ask? says:

    I just seen the headline and laughed, I’ve been saying that for years!

  11. ask? says:

    @AVI, It has a great mix of State Capitalism/State Socialism.

    Another wonderful picture of what has become of criminal government and its lackeys.

  12. theodorewesson says:

    January 1964 to January 2014.

    The ‘war on poverty’ started 50 years ago this month.

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