Breaking…Food Democracy Now calls Prop 37 election vote fraud!



by Jon Rappoport

December 9, 2012


The cat is jumping out of the bag.


Food Democracy Now is weighing in on Prop 37 vote fraud, having discovered that the California Secretary of State, in charge of all elections in CA, has stopped posting updates on the ongoing vote count.


From November 6 all the way to up to December 4, these updates were posted daily on the Secretary of State’s website. Then…blackout. No more updates.


Maybe it has something to do with this: On December 4, YES ON 37 votes climbed over the six-million mark: 6,004,628. Food Democracy Now reported it. Suddenly, the YES ON 37 votes reversed!


That’s right. They went back to the previously reported number: 5,986,652.


This is apparently a new wrinkle in vote counting. You can not only add votes, you can go backwards. You can lose 18,000 votes with the flick of a wrist or the blink of a digital operation.


Here’s a screen shot:


Now you see 18,000 Yes votes, now you don’t.


Here’s the latest Food Democracy Now article on vote fraud:


Note that mention is made of a team of independent statisticians, who have found “statistical anomalies” in the largest voting precincts of nine CA counties, including LA, San Francisco, San Diego, Alameda, and Orange.

The Matrix Revealed

So far, I haven’t found out who this team is. We’ll see what they come up with. They’re still working.


To anyone who has followed this debacle of an election, it’s clear that Prop 37 suffered a stunning setback in the early vote reports, on election night. No on 37 jumped out to a huge lead, shortly after the polls closed. Then, Yes on 37 began making up ground.


So it’s likely fraud occurred in that early period.


Also worth noting: I previously wrote about the Secretary of State’s “top-to-bottom” review (2007) of all electronic voting systems then in use in CA. This review discovered fatal flaws in all four systems…and then three of those systems were re-approved for use, after being disqualified.


In the review, it was mentioned that Alameda County (one of the counties the team of statisticians is now studying for fraud) had purchased voting machines that turned out to be counterfeits. They had been advertised as legitimate, but they weren’t.


I’m told the Yes on 37 campaign is alert to Food Democracy Now’s charges of fraud, and they are considering a petition for a recount. We’ll see.


Of course, no recount will expose electronic fraud unless very talented experts can examine the full range of electronic systems now in use in CA.


Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

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2 comments on “Breaking…Food Democracy Now calls Prop 37 election vote fraud!

  1. Dianne McCown says:

    Thank you so much Jon for staying on top of the vote count re: Prop 37. It is so important. Astrologically speaking, Mercury went retrograde the day of the election, in Scorpio,(secrets, hidden agenda etc. so you can bet that their was some kind of fraud or hidden agenda happening affecting humanity, Saturn was in Scorpio and will be there for 2 1/2 years,making things hard, limiting, restricting and lots of “Lesson” opportunities. I worked with my local GMO project(still do) and we are now concerned about Monsanto and their latest GE crops that are waiting for the approval from the Secretary of Agriculture & USDA. WE’ve been writing letters and collecting signatures. Don’t worry, we aren’t delusional, just making noise and drawing attention. Thank you for all of your efforts, Re: this urgent issue.

  2. Caroline Collins says:

    The vote count for the opposite side also decreased. Note that the relative percentages remained similar in the two screenshots. Hmmmm…

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