by Jon Rappoport

June 16, 2012


This article is about a cartoon I produced with Theo Wesson. I’m now in the animation business. Videos. I write the scripts and Theo does the visuals.


We’ve produced four cartoons so far, and in the last three days they’ve suddenly taken off on my YouTube channel. The total views for the four went from about 700 to 12,000.


You’ve all read the news stories about Google and NSA teaming up to…oh, that’s right, they don’t have to say what they’re doing together. They’re allowed to keep it a secret. Maybe they’re selling toasters or opening car washes. But my guess is it has something to do with information. Just a thought.


Immensely powerful US-based multinational corporations, which owe no allegiance to any nation, are in the business of global conquest. It stands to reason that, on some level, the NSA, which is also in the business of global conquest, shares part of what it learns about American citizens every day with those corporations.


Therefore, what looks on the surface like an enormous and illegal invasion of our privacy on behalf of some concocted agenda about US national security is, at the margins, about globalism—a program to bring planet Earth under the control of an elite management system.


The cartoon is about what NSA and Google could cook up together.


You can view it at www.youtube.com/jonrappoport or embedded here:


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMIcTiOG4UU&w=415&h=241]


It’s my considered observation that we live in a social, political, economic, and cultural cartoon. And I also conclude that many people sense this but don’t articulate it. Now, a cartoon can contain suffering. Just because it’s animated doesn’t mean the people living in it don’t experience pain.


And I think many of us love cartoons because they indeed reflect our awareness that life is, in certain major respects, a cartoon.


Also, animations suggest there are other possible realities that operate according to different principles. We want some of those realities. We want to experience them. Unfortunately, a whole lot of people believe such experience only occurs after death. I say it can happen right here, right now.


Frost’s line, “And the work is play for mortal stakes,” comes to mind. Part of the operation of The Matrix is to make us serious in the same way The Matrix is serious. We risk becoming too tight to win, too closed off to our own energies, too stultified to imagine how we can emerge victorious over Matrix systems and structures.


The Matrix is a cartoon. We can dismantle it in pieces, and we can also proliferate our own cartoons that rocket us past the illusions we’re being sold in the bazaar of daily experience.


Really? Our imaginations are that powerful?


You have no idea. Or maybe you do.


I hope you enjoy our cartoon and pass it along.


Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.

