by Jon Rappoport
Copyright © 2011 by Jon Rappoport
I’ll try to break it down.
So, in retreat and avoidance, he adopts formulations like: “things are exactly what they seem to be”; “I’m fitting in”; “I’m weak” “I have lots of problems.”
None of these formulations is an honest assessment. They are all ways of trying to obscure energies that do not fit the rules of a conformist society. The person subconsciously knows he is engaged with strong energies that don’t find a comfortable niche in consensus reality. He isn’t sure what to do.
So he invents a shorthand formulation he thinks and hopes will obscure these powerful energies and put them into a quiet state.
Over time, there are many side effects from trying to keep the lid on the pot. Physical, mental, emotional side effects.
Meanwhile, these superficial “reality-formulations” are projected out into the world. They’re projected because a human being is always projecting something.
So there he is, projecting: “everything is exactly what people say it is.”
And he’s doing this because, underneath it all, he is dealing with powerful energies that are locked up and he doesn’t know to handle them. He believes that, if he directly expresses them, he’ll do something that will land him in trouble. He’ll exceed the expectations of other people. He’ll appear very odd. And he doesn’t want trouble.
So instead, he projects a shallow formulation of reality.
It is common to find amateurs and professionals profiling other people vis-a-vis their family lives, their relationships—we have the enablers and the co-dependents and the rival siblings and the authority figures and the passive-aggressives…
All this is really an attempt to differentiate between: conforming and expressing the powerful energies within.
Because that’s what’s at stake here.
When a person begins to express the powerful energies, he enters a new realm.
Events then play out in new ways. They don’t always follow the conventional and expected formula of serial cause and effect.
So in a society based on repression and denial, it’s no surprise that, as time passes, enforcement measures and surveillance techniques and even career choices coalesce into a manual of behavior. The prescription becomes: act out your part in a fashion that will maintain your membership card in The Group. Evade detection. Keep the door to your psyche locked.
Simultaneously, in the modern version of Bread and Circuses, movies and television depict more and more characters who break all the rules and operate in a paranormal (magical) landscape. This is the safety valve. As you once could have watched a lion eating a Christian in the Colosseum, you can now watch a technologically or genetically enhanced man breaking the side of the building with his fist or throwing a burning car into a crowd.
It’s the vicarious version of what people imagine will happen if they giver vent to their deep psychic energies.
I assure you, the pretension that develops around the problem of how to deal with energies of the psyche is titanic. It is ubiquitous. It is ongoing. It involves “philosophies” and “spiritual paths” that try their very best to appear reasonable and hopeful and transcendent. In the end, these systems are new labyrinths built on older mazes.
The original problem remains.
The individual is dealing with his fear of expressing energies that spill over beyond the strictures of The Group.
All modern societies have a passion for organization that turns into an obsession. Structures and institutions are built to hold down “excess” energies and channel them into minor streams.
(In my two audio seminars:Mind Control, Mind Freedom, and The Transformations, I describe exercises that can help liberate the energies of the psyche through the use of imagination.)
The truth is, you can express your power without wreaking havoc. You can achieve the kind of life you dream about.
Jon Rappoport
A former candidate for a US Congressional seat in California, Jon has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years. He has written articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. The author of The Ownership of All Life, Jon has maintained a consulting practice for the past 15 years. He has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, and creativity to audiences around the world.