JUNE 27, 2011. A reader wrote to ask if my book, THE SECRET BEHIND SECRET SOCIETIES (now available as an e-book at, exposes any specific secrets of these groups.


Here is one example of a through-the-looking-glass secret—in the form of a conversation between a reporter, Jeremiah Novak, and two Trilateral Commission members, Karl Kaiser and Richard Cooper. The interview took place in 1978. It concerned the issue of who exactly, during President Carter’s administration, was formulating US economic and political policy.


The careless and off-handed attitude of Kaiser and Cooper is astonishing. It’s as if they’re saying, “What we’re revealing is already out in the open, it’s too late to do anything about it, why are you so worked up, we’ve already won…”


NOVAK: Is it true that a private [Trilateral committee] led by Henry Owen of the US and made up of representatives of the US, UK, West Germany, Japan, France and the EEC is coordinating the economic and political policies of the Trilateral countries [which would include the US]?


COOPER: Yes, they have met three times.


NOVAK: Yet, in your recent paper you state that this committee should remain informal because to formalize ‘this function might well prove offensive to some of the Trilateral and other countries which do not take part.’ Who are you afraid of?


KAISER: Many countries in Europe would resent the dominant role that West Germany plays at these meetings.


COOPER: Many people still live in a world of separate nations, and they would resent such coordination [of policy].


NOVAK: But this [Trilateral] committee is essential to your whole policy. How can you keep it a secret or fail to try to get popular support [for its decisions on how Trilateral member nations will conduct their economic and political policies]?


COOPER: Well, I guess it’s the press’ job to publicize it.


NOVAK: Yes, but why doesn’t President Carter come out with it and tell the American people that economic and political power is being coordinated by a [Trilateral] committee made up of Henry Owen and six others?After all, if [US] policy is being made on a multinational level, the people should know.


COOPER: President Carter and Secretary of State Vance have constantly alluded to this in their speeches.


KAISER: It just hasn’t become an issue.


SOURCE: “Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management,” ed. by Holly Sklar, 1980. South End Press, Boston.


How you do like them apples?


Rarely has so much been stated so succinctly.


Many people still live in a world of separate nations…”


Of course, although Kaiser and Cooper claimed everything being manipulated by the Trilateral Commission committee was already obvious and clear, it wasn’t.


The interview slipped under the mainstream media radar, which is to say, it was ignored and buried. It didn’t become a scandal on the level of, say, Watergate, although its essence was far larger than Watergate.


US economic and political policy run by a committee of the Trilateral Commission—the Commission had been been created in 1973 as an “informal discussion group” by David Rockefeller and his sidekick, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who would become Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor.


Shortly after Carter won the presidential election, his aide, Hamilton Jordan, said that if after the inauguration, Cy Vance and Brzezinski came on board as secretary of state and national security advisor, “We’ve lost. And I’ll quit.” Lost—because both men were powerful members of the Trilateral Commission and their appointment to key positions would signal a surrender of White House control to the Commission.


Vance and Brzezinski were appointed secretary of state and national security advisor, as Jordan feared. But he didn’t quit. He became Carter’s chief of staff.






  1. What are secret societies hiding.

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