DECEMBER 3, 2010. Based on the response to my last article about my consulting practice, I’m offering several follow-ups. Here is the first.

When you create, in art, in invention, in life, you move past conventional borders and systems.

In creation, you become different. You slip into new territories. Nothing is walled off from you. You can go anywhere, including places that don’t yet exist.

If there were laws against this sort of excursion, you would be called a master thief, a master spy.

You can devise theorems and axioms, principles and premises—but they are all provisional, and eventually you simply break into new territory. There are no permanent categories. Your work becomes a scintillating absorption, and you move through layers and veils and themes of emotion—but you aren’t the victim as you may be in daily life.

What is given to us as the shape of reality becomes the occasion and the platform for new flight into the upper-conscious layer of experience.

Beyond a certain point, success opens out like a gigantic network of interconnecting streams of energy.

You give up that sense of false certainty from which only a few drops of dry wisdom can be squeezed. You gain access to fertile energies.

There is no clarity you can’t grasp and no mystery you can’t embrace.

And why is this so?

Because at some point, like a tree trunk that spawns forked branches, you accept the notion that life is growth into the New. It is discovery on a scale you always wanted.

This is the prospect for adventurous minds.

In my consulting practice, I set my sights on high achievements. In other words, I discard old themes and instead operate according to what anyone, freed from blocks, would desire.

At the same time, I recognize that people hold themselves back, and they raise doubts to themselves about their own best dreams and ambitions. By identifying these blocks, it is possible to move past them, in the same way that a navigator can surpass obstacles in flight.

Now we come to a very important point. I will try to describe it clearly. We have all heard about “channeling.” The idea that some people can transmit what they receive from “other sources.” It is clear that in many or most cases, this is a phenomenon where a person is actually “listening to” a part of his own consciousness.

He is listening to a part of himself which, much of the time, is separated from his daily life and thoughts.

Here is what is happening: At some point, the person has decided that his upper-conscious layer of comprehension and creativity does not work in the world. It doesn’t fit in. It doesn’t have a function to which he can dedicate himself.

For many reasons, this decision is made. So be it.

So it appears there is a split. On the one hand, there is ordinary experience and all it contains. And then there are those rare moments when the person has glimpses of this upper-conscious layer.

He doesn’t quite know what to do. He isn’t equipped to explore this split.

But in fact, the upper-conscious layer is as much a part of him as his arm or leg is.

And if he could access and inhabit the upper-conscious layer more often, he would understand this.

That is the goal of my consulting.

Healing the rift or split between ordinary consciousness and the upper layer requires several steps.

One, identify a central direction in which the person would like to advance—for which he has a passion.

Two, identify the key blocks or obstacles that have prevented this progress, so that, as a navigator, he can surpass them.

Three, launch an ongoing process in which, by use of certain techniques, he can access the upper-conscious layer far more often and recognize it as Self.

I have compressed my work so that these three elements can be laid out in one session.

The techniques I offer to each person—depending on his/her situation—are specific and can be done by him on a daily basis, on into the future.

Gaining access to the upper-conscious layer opens the door to greater imagination, greater creativity, greater joy, greater success. These are not merely words. They are experiences that form the basis for a wider, newer life.


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