Massive lawsuit: pesticide causes Parkinson’s; how lawyer-logic and medical-hustle perform stage magic

by Jon Rappoport

March 14, 2022

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Watch closely. The hat is completely empty, see? But now, as I wave this handkerchief across it and intone a spell derived from ancient Babylonian high priests, poof, here is a large white rabbit crawling out of the hat. And now again, as I wave the cloth, boom, the rabbit is gone. And that is how 400 billion dollars of plaintiffs’ claims are asserted and then rejected. Case dismissed.

Children’s Health Defense, 3/4/22: “A hearing today in federal court will set the stage for upcoming litigation against Syngenta, manufacturer of Paraquat. More than 600 lawsuits alleging the agrochemical giant knew its flagship weedkiller causes Parkinson’s were combined into what is known as multidistrict litigation.”

What is Parkinson’s disease (PD)? “Scientists believe a combination of genetic and environmental factors are the cause of Parkinson’s disease (PD). PD is an extremely diverse disorder. While no two people experience Parkinson’s the same way, there are some commonalities. PD affects about one million people in the United States and ten million worldwide. The main finding in brains of people with PD is loss of dopaminergic neurons in the area of the brain known as the substantia nigra.”

There is no cure. And as you can see from that quote, no definite cause has been established. But it’s a disease. We know that because it has a label. PD. And the label is the proof.

If you buy that, visit my site,

For the moment, let’s go with the notion that PD is defined by loss of those dopaminergic neurons in the brain.

If I’m a lawyer defending Syngenta, the maker of the toxic pesticide Paraquat, part of my argument will go this way:

ONE: There are people who have this neuron loss who’ve never been exposed to Paraquat.

TWO: And there are people who’ve been exposed to Paraquat who don’t develop this neuron loss.

THREE: Therefore, the claim that Paraquat causes PD is unfounded.

FOUR: Therefore, blaming Paraquat for the plaintiffs’ PD has no merit.

Poof. Magic.

Once you accept the notion that PD is a distinct disease, even though no definite cause has been found and no cure exists—and even though the neuron loss could occur for who knows how many different reasons—you’re in a hole.


Because of the above lawyer’s argument I just sketched out. In fact, the same argument has been used many times to deny compensation to parents of vaccine-injured children:

“Your son has been diagnosed with autism. You claim it was caused by the injection. But we know there are many autistic children who never received that particular injection. And there are many children who received the injection who never developed autism.”

Rejection by definition. By sleight of hand. By con.

“We say we have a distinct disease. Our definition of the disease AUTOMATICALLY precludes law suits, because we can claim the purported cause of the disease cited in the law suits is unproven…”

Whereas, there is a much simpler way to assess causation—if the courts would allow it. It goes this way:

“The defendant struck my son on the head 12 times with a heavy hammer. My son’s brain was damaged. Aside from criminal charges, I want the man who destroyed my son’s life to pay. To pay everything he has.”

See? No disease label at all. No magic trick.

A worker in the field sprayed Paraquat all day long. That’s the hammer. Now he can’t walk, he has uncontrollable tremors, he can hardly speak, and he needs around the clock care for the rest of his life.

No PD, no disease label, no neuron loss, no doctors and researchers on the witness stand. Just the plain facts.

Because in the end, when you put all the medical and legal mumbo jumbo aside, that’s the best case anyone can make. It may not be absolute perfection—which is impossible—but it’s the closest thing to it.

The worker, who was healthy, used Paraquat. Now he’s very badly damaged. Period.

The young boy was injected with a vaccine. Then he checked out of the world and sat in a corner for the next year. Period.

No disease labels. No magic tricks.

I’ll run this by you one last time:

PLAINTIFF’S ATTORNEY: My client, Jim, worked in the fields for six months. He sprayed Paraquat dozens of times. Now here, as you can see from the brain scans, he then experienced a loss of neurons…”

SYNGENTA ATTORNEY: And here are 20 studies that show the same brain scans and same loss of neurons in people who never sprayed Paraquat or even worked on a farm…”

That’s not evidence. That’s a trap.

The good news is: playing the legal-medical game can have a self-incriminating rebound effect.

Since the Syngenta scientists accept their own non-scientific disease-labeling approach as Holy Scripture, there will be memos in internal Syngenta files that show these scientists were “warning of Parkinson’s as an effect of Paraquat for years.”

And THAT could very well sink them in court.

But, again, the truth is much simpler. It’s the hammer and the head. The hammer strikes the head. Then, DAMAGE.

No hats, no handkerchiefs, no ancient spells, no rabbits. Just straight-out CRIME.

CODA: If the pseudo-scientific fog were cleared away, and if stripped-down straight-out CRIME were accepted as the argument in court, there would be a righteous bonus. The corporation executives and scientists who knew they were major criminals would be sent to prison for 50 years.

That BANG would wake up the world.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Replace Sotomayor with Pinocchio or Bozo the Clown; make idiocy even more visible—if possible

by Jon Rappoport

January 10, 2022

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During the Supreme Court’s oral arguments over the Biden vaccine mandates, Justice S-Protein issued this gem:

“We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition and many on ventilators.”

Even the Washington Post had to admit this was sheer bloviation: “According to HHS data, as of Jan. 8 there are about 5,000 children hospitalized in a pediatric bed, either with suspected covid or a confirmed laboratory test. This figure includes patients in observation beds. So Sotomayor’s number is at least 20 times higher than reality, even before you determine how many are in ‘serious condition’.”

Senator Rand Paul suggested Soto the Great might be getting her numbers from that serial liar, Fauci.

Also, during the Court hearing, Justice Clarence Thomas asked, “Is a vaccine the only way to treat COVID?” Unless he was making a joke, he’s been living in cave for the past two years.

BUT these and other remarks from Justices did something unexpected. They opened the door to a discussion of the mandates based on the merits, on facts, on whether the mandates are scientifically justified.

From now on, other court challenges to the mandates can refer to the Supremes—attorneys can try to introduce evidence that the mandates are medically and scientifically insane.

Many legal loons, you see, have argued, for years, that governments can command the citizenry to do anything short of jumping off high rooftops—because in the interest of public safety, and during a declared Emergency, official powers are unlimited. And the standard for imposing mandates is simply: the government believes it is doing the right thing.

That brutal shut door has now been opened a crack, owing to the crackpot assertion issuing from the mug of Ms. Soto Bozo.

She Whose Nose Grows Longer has done us all a service.

Of course there are other mandate issues here: the federal colossus ripping away freedom from the people; the central government overriding the Constitutional powers of the States; religious exemptions; the appointing of OSHA to oversee regulation-and-enforcement, a task the agency was never created to carry out.

But now one more obvious factor has been introduced. Does the SUBSTANCE of the mandates make any sense at all?

Reported COVID vaccine injuries have just passed the one-million mark. The well-known Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare study concluded such reports should be multiplied by 100 to arrive at a true figure.

What would you expect to happen, in the way of injury and death, if the Biden vaccine mandates are upheld and made air tight in every nook and cranny of the country?

And what would you expect to happen as the number of vaccine-refusers then grows and grows—because there are a whole lot of people who just don’t like to be pushed around, especially when severe health damage is the result.

The feds are going to book rooms in every venue from the Ritz all the way down to the Seedy Hooker Motel 12, to house resisters from Nome to Key West?

“President Biden welcomes you. Here is your key. A security guard will take you down the hall. Don’t try to escape. The canine patrol will hunt you down.”

Maybe the old wobbly on-again-off-again deranged occupant of the Oval Office can’t see the consequences of his actions, but his string-pullers can. Big-time blowback day after day would not be their favorite breakfast cereal.

Ditto for the Supremes. At least for the time being, it looks like they’re going to figure out a way to pass the buck and stay the execution of the country.

Even Soto the Clown can read large handwriting on the wall.

CODA: How can I put this, so self-styled sophisticated tech-heads will grasp it? More and more people are realizing that government science is bullshit. It’s one layer of bullshit piled on another layer. It’s a whole slew of overlapping and cross-referenced and integrated data sets of bullshit.

The PCR test, the definition of a COVID case, the case numbers, the vaccine harm—more and more people can spot these fakeries and go down the rabbit hole that far.

So there’s a limit to the value of virtue signaling designed to support the central government. At some point, the signaler is painting a target on his back.

Catching my drift? If these vaccine mandates are rigidly enforced, the beauty of being a Collectivist ideologue is going to fade.

When freedom becomes the only default position, come hell or high water, a virtue signaler looks very much like a jailer.

People don’t like jailers.


When 20,000 people at a football game stop shouting, “Let’s go, Brandon,” and opt for that NEEDLE chant instead, virtue signalers will want to test positive, so they can lock themselves in a room and try to develop a Cloak of Invisibility.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.