MARCH 28, 2011. Emails about my appearance on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, last Thursday, keep coming in. Many of the questions and comments are on the subject of “designing humans.”

So I thought I’d make a few additional comments:

What about researchers who claim there are genes that monitor factors like talent, like IQ, like which emotions predominate, and so on?

Speculation. It hasn’t been proved. It tends to be hype. It’s wishful thinking right now.

There’s certainly an interest in redesigning humans—undergoing medical procedures that alter genetic structure in some way, in order to produce “a more advanced human being.”

There are very serious questions about whether that’s really possible in any significant way. But if it is, the people who control it will promote their own vision of what a human should be. Suppose, for example, they could engineer a fetus so the child experiences no ups and downs of feeling?

The child is neutral. Entirely goal-driven. Performs like a machine.

This would be an elite program. Run by people who are obsessed by end results. So they would favor a designing operation that created humans in their own image.

In purely commercial terms, parents would want to choose which genes to give their children, for certain “improvements.”

In that case, parents would be the ones creating their children in their own image. But to take this further, what we’re talking about here is synthetic creation. There is no guarantee that the outcome of genetic tinkering would produce something authentic. It’s like a chair factory. You set up machines in an assembly line, so you can spit out ten thousand chairs that look exactly alike, right? That’s what you do in manufacturing. And when you see a chair like that, you immediately recognize that it’s missing something. It’s not the same thing as a chair that was made by hand.

We’re not taking about chairs. And that’s exactly the problem. A human being is involved with desire and struggle and work to find a better existence. What happens if you surgically cut that line? What happens if you remove that whole road? What’s left? How much passion, for example, is left? And if there isn’t any, what sort of person do you have? These somewhat subtle questions aren’t part of the thinking about genetic re-programming. They’re considered irrelevant.

Take an analogy from painting. A certain kind of painter will completely sidestep the richness and depth of his potential work. Instead, he’ll give you “a happy, happy face” that’s a shallow cartoon of existence. He’ll give you a sad face with big glossy eyes, and that’s supposed to make you feel sad and nostalgic. Now transfer that attitude to genetic designers. What sort of human being would they create? I’m not so much talking about the individual traits as the dimensionality of those traits. They could very well come up with a short-cut type of human. A simulation of a human. Instead of the genetically enhanced human thinking A,B,C,D,E,F,G, he thinks A,G. It’s simpler. It’s faster. But it has no BODY to it. It’s just a kind of short circuit. And it’s not really smarter. It’s mechanical. The enhanced person doesn’t sense or feel meaning.

There’s no triumph.

There’s no impulse of passion to seek and find further frontiers. It’s a cartoon. The society is heading in that general direction already: Display what are supposed to be the outward signs of success and you have success. Of course, that’s insane. That means nothing. That’s the fallacy of so-called positive thinking. You develop a shorthand way of expressing what you want, and you hope that the affirmation will get you there. But where does it get you? You’re trying to compress life down to childish formulas. Your own thinking suffers in the process.

I’ve spoken with genetics researchers. I’ve found a few who are genuinely troubled about where this “re-designing” trend is going. The others are people I wouldn’t hire to make curtains for my windows. They’re super-enthusiastic, but they lack something in themselves. They want to do reductions. They want to design a future that is much simpler. Sell a gene, buy a gene. They really believe in that. You want to have greater sexual drive? Buy Gene ABC. They’re stunted people.

Then there’s the Mozart myth.

Yes, they like to bring that up. Here was a kid who suddenly could play the violin and read a musical score with no training, and then he went on to compose so many works, with seemingly no effort. Wouldn’t you want to have a child like that? Well, I happen to prefer Vivaldi. But now, these days, if you could insert a gene into a fetus and he could, at age ten, play ten different consecutive chords on a guitar without falling over, some parents would call that genius. So the culture itself and the genetic designers have common ground. That’s not a good sign. That’s a Disney cartoon standing in for real life.


Visit my site to sign up for the email list, and get free articles, and order a copy of my e-book, THE OWNERSHIP OF ALL LIFE, in Kindle or simple pdf format.




MARCH 27, 2011. My appearance last Thursday on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory has resulted in many email responses.

It was a long-term objective of mine to get that information (on the genetic engineering of humans) in front of a very large audience.


In this piece, I’m adding a few odds and ends I didn’t have time to fully cover on the show.

In general, because of my experience as a medical investigative reporter, I know how medical programs—even if they seem well-intentioned—go off track and are taken over by criminal types. So if I concede that gene-reshaping of humans is a sound and good idea—which I don’t—I know the plan will fall under control of the wrong people. I’ve seen this happen time and time again. And in some cases, such medical projects are actally started by people who are very unfriendly to basic human interests.

First, here are several examples of patented genes—

A company called Biogen owns a patent for the KIM gene used by the kidney for self-repair.

U of California owns the rights to TCP 1,2,3 that relate to the tongue and sense of taste.

Sumino Metal Industries owns a gene related to bone growth and is looking for a treatment for osteoporosis.

In 1988, Harvard obtained a patent on the ONCOMOUSE, a mouse engineered for increased susceptibility to cancer.

The US Dept. of Health and Human Services has applied for 3000 genetic patents—so in that case, we would have the government owning genes or DNA sequences…

A man named John Moore, suffering from leukemia, had his spleen removed and a cell line was produced from it to make very expensive proteins for medical use…he didn’t know about the cell line…he subsequently sued the U of California and lost…

A gene bank associated with the Human Genome Project has taken hair, blood, and cell samples from disappearing indigenous peoples…critics have called this the Vampire Project…

As of 2002, 6 agro-chemical companies held over 900 patents on varieties of basic staple foods….with the intention of making virtually all food crops genetically modified.

The Neem tree in India, Ghandi’s favorite tree, is held under patent by the WR Grace company for a biopesticide devlopment….

Gene prospectors go into 3rd world countries and patent plants for drugs.

Here is a list of quotes from a site called the Center for Genetics and Society. The Center has used the quotes to demonstrate exactly the kind of mindset they are opposed to, and to illustrate that the gene shapers are alive and well, and in positions of influence. As you can see from the credentials of some of these authors, preference for a Brave New World has gone mainstream. It’s out in the open.


Key Quotes from Advocates of Species-Altering Technologies

March 31st, 2002

“Many people love their retrievers and their sunny dispositions around children and adults. Could people be chosen in the same way? Would it be so terrible to allow parents to at least aim for a certain type, in the same way that great breeders…try to match a breed of dog to the needs of a family?”

Gregory Pence, Professor of Philosophy, School of Medicine & Humanities, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Who’s Afraid of Human Cloning? (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1998), page 168

“Some will hate it, some will love it, but biotechnology is inevitably leading to a world in which plants, animals and human beings are going to be partly man-made….Suppose parents could add 30 points to their children’s IQ. Wouldn’t you want to do it? And if you don’t, your child will be the stupidest child in the neighborhood.”

Lester Thurow, Professor of Economics and Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Creating Wealth: The New Rules for Individuals, Companies and Nations in a Knowledge-Based Economy (New York: Harper Collins, 1999), page 33

“And the other thing, because no one has the guts to say it: If we could make better human beings by knowing how to add genes, why shouldn’t we? What’s wrong with it?…Evolution can be just damn cruel, and to say that we’ve got a perfect genome and there’s some sanctity? I’d like to know where that idea comes from, because it’s utter silliness.”

James Watson, President, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, quoted in Engineering the Human Germline: An Exploration of the Science and Ethics of Altering the Genes We Pass to Our Children, Gregory Stock and John Campbell, eds. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), pages 79, 85. Watson shared the Nobel prize for Chemistry in 1962 for the discovery of the structure of DNA, and served as first Director of the Human Genome Project.

“The first century or two of the new millennium will almost certainly be a golden age for eugenics. Through application of new genetic knowledge and reproductive technologies…the major change will be to mankind itself…[T]echniques…such as…genetic manipulations are not yet efficient enough to be unquestionably suitable in therapeutic and eugenic application for humans. But with the pace of research it is surely only a matter of time, and a short time at that.”

Glayde Whitney, Professor, Department of Psychology, Florida State University, “Reproduction Technology for a New Eugenics,” paper for The Galton Institute conference Man and Society in the New Millennium, September 1999, published in The Mankind Quarterly (Vol. 40, No. 2, 1999), pages 179-192 and online at

Whitney has come under fire for his racist writings, including his forward to My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding, by former Ku Klux Klan National Director David Duke.

“What is called for here is not genocide, the killing off of the population of incompetent cultures. But we do need to think realistically in terms of the ‘phasing out’ of such peoples . . . Evolutionary progress means the extinction of the less competent.”

Richard Lynn, University of Ulster, Interview in Newsday (January 9, 1994)

“[I]f the cost of reprogenetic technology follows the downward path taken by other advanced technologies like computers and electronics, it could become affordable to the majority members of the middle class in Western societies….And the already wide gap between wealthy and poor nations could widen further and further with each generation until all common heritage is gone. A severed humanity could very well be the ultimate legacy of unfettered global capitalism.”

Lee Silver, Professor, Department of Molecular Biology and Woodrow Wilson School for Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, “Reprogenetics: How do a Scientist’s Own Ethical Deliberations Enter into the Process?” Humans and Genetic Engineering in the New Millennium: How are We Going to Get “Gen-Ethics” Just in Time? (Copenhagen: Danish Council of Ethics, 2000), and online at
. Silver lectures widely on the social impacts of biotechnology.

“The right to a custom made child is merely the natural extension of our current discourse of reproductive rights. I see no virtue in the role of chance in conception, and great virtue is expanding choice….If women are allowed the ‘reproductive right’ or ‘choice’ to choose the father of their child, with his attendant characteristics, then they should be allowed the right to choose the characteristics from a catalog.”

James Hughes, bioethics consultant, sociologist, bioethicist, health care policy analyst, producer of the public affairs program Changesurfer Radio, and Secretary of the World Transhumanist Association, in “Embracing Change with All Four Arms,” Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (Vol. 6, No. 4, June 1996), pages 94-101, and online at

“[In a few hundred years] the GenRich—who account for 10 percent of the American population—[will] all carry synthetic genes….All aspects of the economy, the media, the entertainment industry, and the knowledge industry [will be] controlled by members of the GenRich class….Naturals [will] work as low-paid service providers or as laborers….[Eventually] the GenRich class and the Natural class will become…entirely separate species with no ability to cross-breed, and with as much romantic interest in each other as a current human would have for a chimpanzee….[I]n a society that values individual freedom above all else, it is hard to find any legitimate basis for restricting the use of reprogenetics….[T]he use of reprogenetic technologies is inevitable….There is no doubt about it…whether we like it or not, the global marketplace will reign supreme.”

Lee Silver, Remaking Eden: Cloning and Beyond in a Brave New World (New York: Avon Books, 1997), pages 4-7, 11

“‘Germline’ therapy…will force us to re-examine even the very notion of what it means to be human [as] we become subject to the same process of conscious design that has so dramatically altered the world around us….Through this technology, we will seize control of our own evolution….By the time recipients of even the best engineered chromosome are ready to have children, it will be twenty or thirty years after they themselves were conceived. Their once state-of-the-art artificial chromosome will be hopelessly out-of-date, and they’ll want to give their child the latest gene cassettes and artificial chromosomes. It’s not so different from upgraded software; they’d want the new release.”

Gregory Stock, Director of the Program on Medicine, Technology and Society, UCLA, in “The Prospects for Human Germline Engineering,” Telepolis, (January 29, 1999), and online at

“The advertising pitch for inheritable genetic modification is called “Organic Enhancement” because “the DNA molecules added to embryos are totally organic [and] all-natural….[K]eep in mind, you must act before you get pregnant. Don’t be sorry after she’s born. This really is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for your child-to-be.”

Lee Silver, “Beyond 2000, ” Time (November 8, 1999), pages 68-69. Silver adopts a whimsical tone to fantasize a marketing campaign for inheritable genetic modification by the “St. Genevieve” fertility clinic in the year 2025.

“Like atomic energy, cloning can be used for beneficial purposes—to increase population and to open the window of genetic reprogramming.”

Dr. Severino Antinori, “Human cloning project claims progress, ” Gulf News (March 4, 2002). Antinori is an Italian fertility specialist leading a project to create a human clone. He previously gained notoriety when he helped a 62-year-old woman become pregnant through IVF.


Visit the site, sign up for my free email list, and order a copy of my e-book (Kindle or plain pdf), THE OWNERSHIP OF ALL LIFE.




MARCH 23, 2011. A reminder that tomorrow night, Thursday, I’ll be on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. Pick up show times in your area.

The topic is my e-book, THE OWNERSHIP OF ALL LIFE. The book can be ordered at my site,

One never knows what form an interview will take. I hope it will be a story, because how the book was written, how it came to be, was a story of meetings with several scientists, who spoke to me off the record, over a period of 20 years.

Three meetings, three conversations, across that span of time.

These men took precautions to remain off the record, because they felt their jobs would be endangered otherwise.

They had grave concerns about the direction genetic engineering was taking. They want someone to know about it.

Well, over the years, I have written articles about this subject, and I have presented the view that gene research has an ominous side.

But I’ve never told the story of the interviews with these three men.

Until now. So tune into the show.

The e-book comes at things from other angles. It is meant as the foundation for understanding how medicine and science can be taken down the wrong track, for devious purposes. Genetic engineering is one of those tracks.

People are being hoodwinked into thinking we have another magic bullet. So many magic bullets have been presented to us, and they all fail. Genes are hyped as the ultimate cause of disease…and with just a little more patience and a lot more money, we will have the solution in hand.

Yet, we are a very long way from being able to confirm this hypothesis. And perhaps there is a very different reason for all the research being done on genes.

Tune in tomorrow night. I hope you’ll order the book, too.






MARCH 18, 2011. Next Thursday, Mar. 24, I’ll be a guest with George Noory on Coast to Coast AM, the largest late-night radio show in the world.


Go to for times in your area, or check your local listings and stations.


This will be a long interview about my book, THE OWNERSHIP OF ALL LIFE, which is now available as an e-book. To order it, go to my site,


I hope you’ll tell your friends about the radio show. And I hope some of you will call in and ask questions.


It’s rare that any reporter gets a chance to explain, with this much audience exposure, the real meaning of the medical agenda, especially as it relates to the future of this planet. I’m talking about implications that go far beyond what 99.9% of doctors and researchers even suspect in their wildest dreams.


So tune in. Spread the word.









MARCH 8, 2011. We’re working to bring some of my books into e formats. The first one is out and available at Amazon.


THE OWNERSHIP OF ALL LIFE: Notes on Scandals, Conspiracies and Coverups.


Go to my site, and pick up the link to Amazon in the upper right corner.


The back-cover blurb for the book reads:


Jon Rappoport removes the mask from gigantic corporate strategies and reveals their underlying ambitions: not only control of vast material power but the owning of life processes themselves, literally making the planet a commodity. From media scandals to government collusion and coverup, from sterilization vaccines to genetically engineered patented food crops, from an epidemic of medical malpracrice resulting in widespread death to fraudulent AIDS research, these notes provide a picture of global takeover by modern pirates whose front is complete respectabilility and ‘concern for human life.’ Read this expose of the big lie.”


I pulled together several years of my research in allied areas of fraud and coverup, and wrote the book.


It contains pieces that could fade into the dustbin of history, if they aren’t remembered and understood.


It may not cost a huge sum to operate my site, but the cost in hours over the last ten years is enormous. I hope my readers will pay a few bucks and get this book. It’s worth it for you, and it helps me.








MARCH 3, 2011. These are remarks hypnotherapist Jack True made during a 1987 conversation we had. I present them as fragments from my notes.


The overall situation a patient might find himself in, over a period of time…His emotions and thoughts are stymied. They’re frozen, in a way. He may be doing well or poorly in his life. It doesn’t matter. The situation is negative, in the sense that he doesn’t believe he can make progress in his own terms. He may not even know what his own terms are.”


Despite his successes and victories, it all feels temporary, in retrospect. He keeps coming back to the situation. The unyielding rock. I’ve had patients, for example, who have been through many spiritual efforts to achieve greater consciousness—and they have had remarkable experiences…but then it all seems to fade away, and they’re back at the rock. As they get older, the situation hardens. A part of them is resigned. So the situation, the negative trend is very dense, you could say. It’s firm.”


…A dream in which he becomes a master over space and time. Would inventing such a dream release energies which are bottled up? Would it make him feel better? …Then I have him invent other dreams—traveling to other dimensions, for instance. Dreams that get him past physical reality and its rules in other ways. An important part of what I do is decide what will work with different people. It’s not all the same for everyone. You have to understand that. “


In myths, the gods can bring worlds into being, and they can take them out of being. They can rearrange reality. They can operate well beyond all the slaves who are trapped in a narrow context of reality. And these myths represent a human longing. It’s not just attributing certain qualities to gods. It’s wanting to be like gods. These are the terms of the myths. So you can simply dismiss all this as inconsequential fantasizing, or you can look further into it and see that these so-called godlike capacities are what humans think about subconsciously.”


The subconscious is usually thought to contain repressed anti-social material. Well, if you adjust that notion a little bit, what’s more anti-social than being able to exceed the rules of time and space? You see? This carries us out far beyond traditional psychological concepts. This takes us into the underpinning of whole cultures. A culture is the reverse of what human beings really yearn for. It’s the dark side of the moon. A culture is an average. It’s the dream repressed. A culture is a thing people want to escape from. A culture, by its very nature, is defeatist. What’s in the subconscious is the desire to go past the rules of the continuum in which we live. To travel through time, for example. To go forward and back. Impossible, right? Well, that’s the sort of thing I find in the subconscious. So I have a choice. I can say it’s buried deep because it’s a fantasy of no importance that doesn’t belong in the world, or I can say it’s the key. I can say it represents the desire to climb to a higher level. And when I do that, and when I bolster it by having patients, in a light trance, invent dreams that support it, the patients get better. They experience well-being. They heal. They become more powerful in their lives. They become freer. And I DON’T mean they become healthier because they give up those dreams and fit in—I mean they step on to the path of magic.”


A child grows up with a certain standard of beauty. It isn’t drilled into his head. He sees what’s around him and his feelings tell him what’s beautiful and what’s ugly. But then, at a certain age, there is a chance that he realizes something new. What he sees as beautiful isn’t really doing him any good. It’s becoming a little boring. But instead of exploring that idea, he shoves it under the rug because it feels too odd. He goes back to claiming what he felt was beautiful as a child is beautiful now. But he doesn’t quite feel the same way about it anymore. “Beautiful” is becoming a kind of category, to which he pays lip service. He is now beginning to perceive through a category. He’s sort of doing it by the numbers. He’s doing it by rote. Old categories of perception tend you hold you back. If you’re seeing based on what you’re supposed to see and feel, you’re cutting yourself off from energy, from creative power.”






FEBRUARY 28, 2011. Creating reality presupposes that the status quo isn’t permanent. This sounds obvious, but when you expand the meaning and territory of status quo and let it cover all aspects of life and even the universe itself, you have something worth considering and chewing on.

You have magic.

You have whatever qualities a human being possesses that would allow him to alter the status quo.

When a person steps out into this journey, one of the first mistakes he can make is to assume that whatever reality he creates must resemble, in all respects, physical reality. It must mirror physical reality.

In painting, this would be saying the artist has to paint a bowl that looks like a bowl and behaves like a bowl, and he has to put apples in it that look like apples—his success DEPENDS on his ability to paint apples that look like they could be picked right off a tree.

It would be like saying a slave, newly released, has to imitate his former master down to the last detail of form, habit, style, thought, and action.

It would be saying the son has to emulate the father.

There used to be a word that was quite popular. You don’t hear it very much anymore. The word is REBEL. Not protester, rioter. Rebel. At one time, the word carried a sense, in some quarters, that the person had intelligence. He had some inkling of what he was doing and why. He had a spirit of struggle and determination. He wasn’t just saying no to something, he had something better in mind to replace what he was rebelling against.

I bring this up, because, in order to create reality and cast aside some aspect of the status quo, a person needs to have the spirit of a rebel. He can’t be a slave in his mind. He can’t be a know-nothing. He can’t be a fool.

The spirit of the rebel permits a new perspective about reality—how reality seeps in and puts people into a state of sleep. The rebel doesn’t want to go to sleep.

But these days, there is a culture of spiritual change in which the person is essentially passive. He looks to the rainbow to come down out of the sky and embrace him, without effort—and he believes that the Great Change will just descend on him like a pleasant and forever dream.

That person doesn’t create new realities.

That person certainly doesn’t see that this space-time continuum is merely one work of art among many. That person doesn’t entertain such an idea.

As the years pass, I see fewer and fewer genuine rebels. As disconcerting as this may be, it really doesn’t matter—because it only takes a few.

To get a little background on the depth of creating reality, let’s revisit the old idea of the labyrinth, a prominent piece of myth in the ancient world. I want to expand the meaning of it. The labyrinth, the maze is really all about THE FASCINATION WITH DISCOVERING THE MYSTERIES OF REALITY. That’s why it’s a labyrinth. It draws you in. You become increasingly attracted to solving mysteries and ironing out details.

Does this idea remind you of anything?

This is physics. Modern physics, and allied sciences. You go deeper and deeper into the universe and you try to figure out answers to all the questions.

You end up in the center of the universe and you realize you have no idea what’s going on at the most profound level.

To illustrate, here is a statement that has been attributed to Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, 1937 Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine:

In my search for the secret of life, I ended up with atoms and electrons which have no life at all. Somewhere along the line, life has run out through my fingers. So, in my old age, I am now retracing my steps…”

Perfect. Reality, as it presents itself, becomes such an intriguing labyrinth that you journey further and further into the heart of it, seeking its answers, its ultimate answers, and finally you discover that the mysteries you were solving were not the mysteries you wanted to solve.

From this perspective, does it really matter whether, for example, the people who built the Egyptian and Mayan pyramids lined them up with astronomical events in the distant skies? Does it matter whether the Ark of Noah is buried somewhere in a mountain in Asia? Does it matter whether light is composed of particles or waves or both? The question is: what reality are you going to CREATE?

At one time, I seriously considered trying to raise funds for a creative center that would function, day to day, as a residence for students. Someday, I may pick up that project again. But meanwhile, this, this site and these emails have been my center.

The work continues. To my former students, clients, and to those who have attended any of my seminars—let me hear from you. I’d like to know what you’re doing, and what future seminars and courses you’d like to see come into being.

As always, the universe is waiting for imagination to revolutionize it down to its core.





From Jon Rappoport: to my readers.

I’m working closely with my wife, Laura Thompson, these days. Laura, as many of you know, owns and operates the Southern California Institute of Clinical Nutrition (SCICN). I’m sending you this notice, in case you live in the San Diego area. If you don’t, perhaps you know people who do, and you can forward this to them. The free clinic is a very good thing, and the benefits are substantial, as an introduction to greater health.

Here at SCICN, we’re proud that we have the only FREE natural health clinic in San Diego. Every Thursday, from 1-6 PM, you can drop in and get started on your path to greater well-being.

Call and let us know you’re coming. 760-448-2722.

If you don’t live in the area but have friends who do, let them know.

What happens at the free clinic? Lots of things. Donna Loftin, our brilliant naturopath, will conduct a brief wellness assessment, which locates problem areas that need help.

For example, some people have accumulated hidden toxic overload. Over time, these toxins have been stored in fat tissue, where they contribute to metabolic imbalances. And did you know that such toxins can make losing weight very difficult? Fatigue is another consequence.

When toxins are gently removed from the system, the person feels more alive and alert. Energy is restored.

Come in and talk to Donna.

Linda Ochwat, another of our skilled SCICN practitioners, offers cold-laser sessions for pain at the free clinic. We’ll be describing her work in more detail in a future newsletter.

We look forward to seeing you at SCICN, on a Thursday, soon!

-The SCICN staff-




by Jon Rappoport

These days, we argue about equally insane foreign policy choices. It’s as if we’re walking through a cave wired to explode, and there are dragons hanging from the ceiling and the ground is melting around our feet—and we’re supposed to come up with a triumphant escape route.

No one wonders how we got into the cave in the first place, or what would happen if we simply retraced our steps and forgot about the whole expedition.

No. We’re saviors of the whole world. It’s our duty as a nation to rescue and reform every group and government on the planet. We must democratize people whose idea of democracy is tribal war and sadism.

And with every step we take along this perilous path, the alternatives become narrower and more wretched.

When will it occur to people that US foreign policy, for a very long time, has been engineered to ruin us?

Those who design operations from a high perch know full well that, to destroy a country, you entangle it in foreign problems. You put it in that meat grinder.

The misplaced goal of messianic aid gets you the booby prize, no matter how noble your intentions seem. And what is the corollary to this manic desire to save everyone everywhere? “We are responsible for every bad thing that happens, for every injustice, for every molecule of pain suffered on the face of Earth.”

Imagine you live in a town where the executives of the bank have been committing theft for a long time. They have been skimming money, making loans off the books, cutting back-door deals with cronies, and blackmailing each other. Finally, the slimy details emerge. The years of outrageous behavior are exposed.

Now, as if in a dream, someone walks up to you on the street and says, “You know, you’re to blame for this whole mess.”

That’s foreign policy.

Except the US government and various corporate cronies are not simply long-distance observers. No, they’ve been stirring the pot, they’ve been interfering, in numerous ways, with corrupt governments in foreign lands. They’ve been sending billions in aid and high-tech military weapons to lunatics.

And now (talking about Egypt), they (our leaders) don’t know what to do. They complain about the lack of accurate intelligence that could have predicted the brewing revolution. They try to find someone to blame. They babble about having patience, about the need for an orderly transition, about opposing violence, about democracy and reforms, about including the input of a wide number of groups in the new emerging government.

It’s the kind of conversation a criminal with a very long rap sheet of felonies would be having with his lawyer, in a little room, before his latest trial on a new charge—they engage in earnest discussion about how he should comb his hair and what kind of tie he should wear, to make a good impression on the jury.

Well, how about this for a guiding principle? Whenever it appears the United States needs something from a foreign country, turn around and run. Flee. Instead, do whatever it takes to supply that need at home. How about that as an overarching policy directive? How about that as a strategy of dis-entanglement?

Or: You could say, “The whole world is a web of need, and we are in that web forever, and whatever happens, we are in the business of satisfying needs and having our own needs fulfilled. We are all, on this planet, in one sea of goo and need, and this is our present and future. And given this state of affairs, our job is to elevate the lowest among us, wherever they may be, while preserving freedom.”

I think that’s a fairly good operating definition of insanity.

I also think that those who have designed US foreign policy at the highest levels have had a quite different motive all along. Destruction.

Again, imagine it on a local level. Let’s say you live in a town where you are the only prosperous person. You’ve worked hard to attain your position. And someone approaches you and says, “Look around at what we have. Neighborhoods where crime is rampant. Murder, theft, corruption. We also have businesses where the people in charge are stealing from their own employees. We have families who believe in killing their own when certain arcane rules are broken. And they want us to behave in the same way. There are riots in the streets. Property is being destroyed. From now on, you are in charge. You have to stop all this. You have to change the behavior and the attitudes of these people. It’s your responsibility. In fact, it’s your fault to begin with. They wouldn’t be the way they are if it weren’t for you. You drove them to it. You defaulted on your duty. So now you must dive into the swamp and save everyone else.”

And if you bought that sales job, how long would it take until you destroyed everything you had?

And suppose this person who convinced you of your solemn duty knew exactly what would befall you—and wanted it to happen?

And suppose that is the essence of US foreign policy—and has been, for a long, long time?

Realize, finally, that when enough foreign entanglement has occurred, perception is altered. That’s the real trap. Perception then tells us that things cannot be any other way. It would be absurd to consider it. Our need and our dependence are forever.

Isn’t that exactly what those in control want to invoke? Isn’t that exactly the spirit which breeds ironclad tyranny? Look around you. Aren’t there many people who, indeed, want to take that plunge—and who somehow have convinced themselves that, through this route, they will arrive in paradise?




JANUARY 30, 2011. It’s a grim party. People in the streets, riots, police, soldiers, and nobody seems exactly sure what it’s for.

Take your choice: kick out the dictators; new democracy; Islamic theocracy; lower food prices; CIA op.

Those are just a few of the possibilities.

Spontaneous mobs of more than 15,000 people are rarely spontaneous. Somebody is backing it. A guy in a mosque, a guy in a suit, a guy in a Rolls with a chauffeur. Or all three.

The odds that Egypt will emerge with a brand new Constitutional republic or anything resembling it are a million to one against, in Vegas.

However, if you start thinking about the Suez Canal and big ships loaded with oil having a hard time getting through—and you reflect on what that will do to oil prices…now you may be on to something, because in order to make the dream of alternative energy come true in the way these things do come true (with lots of conditions attached), gas at the pump has to go up to around eight dollars a gallon. It’s a rig-job. Nothing to do with the free market. Globalists are devoted, of course, to alternative energies like solar, wind, geothermal—not because they’re affordable, but because they level the playing field for nations, and put US industry under the gun.

Real globalists don’t want more energy, they want less.

The game isn’t a tough one to play. Stop offshore drilling in the US, put oil and gas producing US lands into federal ownership, where they will sit there and produce nothing, raise hell in the Middle East, providing a pretext for higher oil prices, and you’ve got yourself a self-fulfilling prophecy. Poof—“affordable” alternative energy.

US presidents are globalists. Bush, Obama, Clinton, the other Bush—you don’t get in the door unless you’re on board with that agenda.

The trick, if you’re a big-time globalist, is to manipulate the price of oil without letting it get completely out of hand. You want it to go up, come back down—but not quite as much—then send it up again…so that over the long term, the trend is definitely a rising one.

In the same way, regime changes in the oil-producing nations are okay, as long as they don’t result in somebody turning off the oil spigot. Globalists and Islamic fundamentalists are not, per se, mutual enemies, if the big economic players can control the scene. There is give and take, because everybody concerned wants to make money selling oil, and no one wants to kill off the market.

On another level, the crisis in Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon is designed to expand the fear of Islamic terrorism.

Terrorism is a useful tool for globalists. It encourages grand intervention that limits individual freedom—all, of course, to “provide security.”

Look at several factors as one overall strategy: a president in the White House who is very sympathetic toward Islam; a sudden sea-change in the media attitude toward Israel and the Palestinians, despite the fact that Jewish men occupy significant positions of power and leadership in media; expanding notions of political correctness concerning what speech and words are permissible.

Note that this political correctness has been paving the way for “greater appreciation” of Islam and a hands-off approach toward its practices and laws.

Now we are faced with the possibility of a more unified Middle East under the banner of Islam.

And what would this mean, from the point of view of the globalists?

It would mean—if they can pull it off—a relationship with Islamists in which deals are cut from the top down. In other words, while oil continues to flow, the Rockefellers and Bilderbergers of this world would be able to use Islam more powerfully to scare the rest of the planet into a global management system (de facto world government).

Helping to make your enemies larger means gaining the ability to enact more pervasive and widespread solutions to the threat posed by those enemies.

A good example is World War 2. In its aftermath, along a 50-year path, globalists were able to construct a semblance of a United Europe, the European Union—which, of course, is a globalist organization run by globalists.

And now—a United Islamic Middle East? Suppose this political operation is, under the surface, a globalist move whose key strategy is controlling that Islamic Front from above?

Then, Islam, in a sense, becomes a globalist enforcement arm, and under that banner freedom is eroded.

Now you have the kind of perpetual war described by Orwell in 1984. An endless enemy, and continual war-time conditions, in which freedoms are carved up, “because it’s necessary if we’re going to defeat the enemy.”

From a globalist perspective, the wars against Iraq and Afghanistan were seeds sown to increase Islam opposition to the West—a prelude to what is happening now in the Middle East.

The immediate triggers for these current riots? Rising food prices.

It’s not hard to engineer such things.

You have to keep in mind that, on the planetary chessboard, grand strategies make use of lesser players’ natural motives. You don’t construct an operation that demands turning people against their own instincts. You use those instincts and weave them together to produce a desired outcome.

Jihad? Oil? Making money? Instilling fear? Political correctness? Empathy for Islam? Hope for an escape from cruel dictators? These and other desires are compiled and sorted and collated and integrated into a higher plan for control.

Globalists can envision making Islamic terrorism into one side of a perpetual war that will make freedom a distant memory.

Jihadists certainly favor that kind of slavery. They want complete submission. And so globalists toy with that motive and try to use it.

The trouble is, sometimes the honchos and chiefs behind the curtain unleash forces they can’t control. They suffer from hubris and an exaggerated sense of their own power.

Extreme fundamentalists of any stripe long for destruction and the end of everything. They’ll use any means to get there.

Globalists may look down their noses at them, but disdain doesn’t do much good when an express train is heading down the track toward you.

Time and time again, when opportunities have arisen to become an energy-independent US, monkey wrenches have been thrown into the spikes of the wheel. For instance, the technology exists to utilize many sea inlets along the American coastline, for turbine-powered electricity. Each time it was proposed, it was canceled.

And massive globalist propaganda has been launched to label the notion of American self-sufficiency “isolationism.” Instead, we hear the countless pounding of “the global village” and “interdependence.”

And now we face real threats to the flow of oil from the Middle East.

And a squeeze play from the globalists. And a crusade from fundamentalists who want to eliminate the American nation for good.

Where did freedom go haywire? It’s not hard to see. It lost key battles when American involvement in the affairs of other nations became exercises in meddling, help, war, profit-making. The new “shining city on the hill” faded as unscrupulous people rejected American self-sufficiency in favor of a brand of global entanglement—with predictable results. George Washington, of course, warned against this. Specifically, he saw the old European conflicts as the irremediable actions of lunatics, and stated that their fate would be ours if we stepped into that arena.

When America ignored his words, it got its first taste of globalism and all that it implies. And it’s been getting worse ever since.

If America had taken the path of self-sufficiency (AKA isolation), it would have created an example for the rest of the world. By now, we would have seen a number of countries follow suit—and the overall result would have been much more humane by any measuring standard.

In fact, we would be ready for the next revolution waiting in the wings—the takeover of automation, in which millions, perhaps billions of jobs are done by machines—and those workers displaced would not suffer, but instead would be able to pursue more profound goals and desires of their own, since the cost of maintaining the essentials of survival would be incredibly low.

War would be a thing of the past, too ridiculous to think about, with all of us living in a sea of prosperity and abundance.

It is this universal abundance that those bent on control fear. They can’t deal with it.

Promises of abundance dealt from the top of governments down to the people are myths. The way it could have been accomplished was through each country building it from the bottom up.