Can you trust Whole Foods?

Can you trust Whole Foods?

By Jon Rappoport

March 13, 2013

Whole Foods has announced that, by 2018, all GMO products sold in their stores will carry GMO labels, so customers know what they’re buying.

Whole Foods has also asserted they are working with their suppliers to find non-GMO raw ingredients, so that current GMO products sold in the stores can become non-GMO.

Whole Foods presents this two-pronged program as their best shot at making intelligent consumers into game changers.

More and more consumers, at Whole Foods, and hopefully other markets that follow suit, will choose non-GMO products; many markets will find and stock non-GMO products; the trend will move America’s buying public away from GMOs in a very significant way.

That’s the best-case scenario.

Mike Adams, at naturalnews, has stated in several articles that activists must a) keep a close eye on what Whole Foods does for the next five years and b) keep the pressure on to make Whole Foods’ plan a reality.

Adams has gone so far as to promise he will put up a prominent Hall of Shame at naturalnews, naming and pounding on those Whole Foods suppliers who refuse to go non-GMO.

I agree with Adams that these measures are absolutely necessary. They aren’t just a good idea. They have to happen.

Because it all comes down to this. Should we trust Whole Foods, a natural-food giant that thinks about its bottom line, money, 24/7?

I can’t pile praise on a food retailer who, for years, has posted a big sign on its stores that says NOTHING ARTIFICIAL, EVER, when the statement is such a blatant lie.

Perhaps you recall the famous undercover Organic Spies video (now banned from YouTube), secretly documenting Whole Foods employees lying about GMOs in a number of stores. The employees stated that Whole Foods sold no GMOs, when that was clearly false.

I’d like to have a look at the upcoming Whole Foods GMO label and read exactly what it says and see how it’s laid out and how specific it is. I’d like to see how large it will be displayed on products in their stores.

Warning to Whole Foods: if you somehow cheat on the label or somehow downplay its prominence, you’re going to have hell to pay.

I’d like to have a precise breakdown on this: how many GMO and how many non-GMO products is Whole Foods selling right now? Let’s have a complete list on both counts.

The current line-up of non-GMO products is available at Whole Foods’ website, on a store by store basis. I like that, except for the fact that many products on the list obviously wouldn’t contain GMOs, even if they were sold at a conventional supermarket, because Monsanto hasn’t gotten around to inserting genes in them, yet.

Okay, let’s dig much deeper now. I’m going to present extensive quotes from an article Ronnie Cummins wrote for the Huffington Post on January 28, 2011. Cummins is the director of the Organic Consumer Association. His article was headlined: “The Organic Elite Surrenders to Monsanto: What Now?”

The burning article goes to the heart of the trust issue, as far as Whole Foods is concerned. It’s exactly why I agree with Mike Adams’ strategy for dealing with Whole Foods, as they implement their five-year plan to go non-GMO.

Cummins’ article came on the heels of a disastrous Obama-adminstration decision to allow GMO alfalfa to be grown all over the US.

Cummins writes:

In the wake of a 12-year battle to keep Monsanto’s Genetically Engineered (GE) crops from contaminating the nation’s 25,000 organic farms and ranches, America’s organic consumers and producers are facing betrayal. A self-appointed cabal of the Organic Elite, spearheaded by Whole Foods Market, Organic Valley, and Stonyfield Farm, has decided it’s time to surrender to Monsanto. Top executives from these companies have publicly admitted that they no longer oppose the mass commercialization of GE crops, such as Monsanto’s controversial Roundup Ready alfalfa, and are prepared to sit down and cut a deal for “coexistence” with Monsanto and USDA biotech cheerleader Tom Vilsack.”

Does that make you feel warm and cuddly about Whole Foods? Let’s continue:

In a cleverly worded, but profoundly misleading email sent to its customers last week, Whole Foods Market, while proclaiming their support for organics and ‘seed purity,’ gave the green light to USDA bureaucrats to approve the ‘conditional deregulation’ of Monsanto’s genetically engineered, herbicide-resistant alfalfa. Beyond the regulatory euphemism of ‘conditional deregulation,’ this means that WFM [Whole Foods Market] and their colleagues are willing to go along with the massive planting of a chemical and energy-intensive GE perennial crop, alfalfa; guaranteed to spread its mutant genes and seeds across the nation; guaranteed to contaminate the alfalfa fed to organic animals; guaranteed to lead to massive poisoning of farm workers and destruction of the essential soil food web by the toxic herbicide, Roundup; and guaranteed to produce Roundup-resistant superweeds that will require even more deadly herbicides such as 2,4 D to be sprayed on millions of acres of alfalfa across the U.S.”


Before continuing to quote Cummins, I should point out that, after he published this piece, there was strong and angry reaction from Whole Foods. They suggested that Cummins was just trying to raise money for his Organic Consumer’s Association by making his wild accusations. I find this charge absurd. Cummins eventually stated that Whole Foods was not the enemy, Monsanto was. But I believe Cummins was content to have blown the whistle on Whole Foods, and he had a clue that they were about to change their behavior. In other words, his attack got way under the skin of Whole Foods and they saw the handwriting on the wall. Do the right thing, or you’ll suffer serious consequences.

Cummins continues:

In exchange for allowing Monsanto’s premeditated pollution of the alfalfa gene pool, WFM wants ‘compensation.’ In exchange for a new assault on farmworkers and rural communities (a recent large-scale Swedish study found that spraying Roundup doubles farm workers’ and rural residents’ risk of getting cancer), WFM expects the pro-biotech USDA to begin to regulate rather than cheerlead for Monsanto. In payment for a new broad spectrum attack on the soil’s crucial ability to provide nutrition for food crops and to sequester dangerous greenhouse gases (recent studies show that Roundup devastates essential soil microorganisms that provide plant nutrition and sequester climate-destabilizing greenhouse gases), WFM wants the Biotech Bully of St. Louis [Monsanto] to agree to pay ‘compensation’ (i.e. hush money) to farmers ‘for any losses related to the [GMO] contamination of his crop.’

In its email of Jan. 21, 2011 WFM calls for ‘public oversight by the USDA rather than reliance on the biotechnology industry,’ even though WFM knows full well that federal regulations on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) do not require pre-market safety testing, nor labeling; and that even federal judges have repeatedly ruled that so-called government ‘oversight’ of Frankencrops such as Monsanto’s sugar beets and alfalfa is basically a farce. At the end of its email, WFM admits that its surrender to Monsanto is permanent: ‘The policy set for GE alfalfa will most likely guide policies for other GE crops as well. True coexistence is a must.’

According to informed sources, the CEOs of WFM and Stonyfield are personal friends of former Iowa governor, now USDA Secretary, Tom Vilsack, and in fact made financial contributions to Vilsack’s previous electoral campaigns. Vilsack was hailed as ‘Governor of the Year’ in 2001 by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, and traveled in a Monsanto corporate jet on the campaign trail. Perhaps even more fundamental to Organic Inc.’s abject surrender is the fact that the organic elite has become more and more isolated from the concerns and passions of organic consumers and locavores. The Organic Inc. CEOs are tired of activist pressure, boycotts, and petitions. Several of them have told me this to my face. They apparently believe that the battle against GMOs has been lost, and that it’s time to reach for the consolation prize. The consolation prize they seek is a so-called ‘coexistence’ between the biotech Behemoth and the organic community that will lull the public to sleep and greenwash the unpleasant fact that Monsanto’s unlabeled and unregulated genetically engineered crops are now spreading their toxic genes on 1/3 of U.S. (and 1/10 of global) crop land.

WFM and most of the largest organic companies have deliberately separated themselves from anti-GMO efforts and cut off all funding to campaigns working to label or ban GMOs. The so-called Non-GMO Project, funded by Whole Foods and giant wholesaler United Natural Foods (UNFI) is basically a greenwashing effort (although the 100% organic companies involved in this project seem to be operating in good faith) to show that certified organic foods are basically free from GMOs (we already know this since GMOs are banned in organic production), while failing to focus on so-called ‘natural’ foods, which constitute most of WFM and UNFI’s sales and are routinely contaminated with GMOs.

From their ‘business as usual’ perspective, successful lawsuits against GMOs filed by public interest groups such as the Center for Food Safety; or noisy attacks on Monsanto by groups like the Organic Consumers Association, create bad publicity, rattle their big customers such as Wal-Mart, Target, Kroger, Costco, Supervalu, Publix and Safeway; and remind consumers that organic crops and foods such as corn, soybeans, and canola are slowly but surely becoming contaminated by Monsanto’s GMOs.”

To say that Cummins is going after Whole Foods is a vast understatement. He’s cutting them four or five new ones. He’s killing them. And what’s this business about “their big customers?” Wal-Mart? Target? Is Cummins saying that Whole Foods or their distributor is selling products to those outfits?

More Cummins:

The main reason, however, why Whole Foods is pleading for coexistence with Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, Syngenta, BASF and the rest of the biotech bullies, is that they desperately want the controversy surrounding genetically engineered foods and crops to go away. Why? Because they know, just as we do, that 2/3 of WFM’s $9 billion annual sales is derived from so-called ‘natural’ processed foods and animal products that are contaminated with GMOs. We and our allies have tested their so-called ‘natural’ products (no doubt WFM’s lab has too) containing non-organic corn and soy, and guess what: they’re all contaminated with GMOs, in contrast to their certified organic products, which are basically free of GMOs, or else contain barely detectable trace amounts.

Approximately 2/3 of the products sold by Whole Foods Market and their main distributor, United Natural Foods (UNFI) are not certified organic, but rather are conventional (chemical-intensive and GMO-tainted) foods and products disguised as ‘natural.’

Unprecedented wholesale and retail control of the organic marketplace by UNFI and Whole Foods, employing a business model of selling twice as much so-called ‘natural’ food as certified organic food, coupled with the takeover of many organic companies by multinational food corporations such as Dean Foods, threatens the growth of the organic movement.

Many well-meaning consumers are confused about the difference between conventional products marketed as ‘natural,’ and those nutritionally/environmentally superior and climate-friendly products that are ‘certified organic.’

Retail stores like WFM and wholesale distributors like UNFI have failed to educate their customers about the qualitative difference between natural and certified organic, conveniently glossing over the fact that nearly all of the processed ‘natural’ foods and products they sell contain GMOs, or else come from a ‘natural’ supply chain where animals are force-fed GMO grains in factory farms or Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs).

A troubling trend in organics today is the calculated shift on the part of certain large formerly organic brands from certified organic ingredients and products to so-called ‘natural’ ingredients. With the exception of the ‘grass-fed and grass-finished’ meat sector, most ‘natural’ meat, dairy, and eggs are coming from animals reared on GMO grains and drugs, and confined, entirely, or for a good portion of their lives, in CAFOs.

Whole Foods and UNFI are maximizing their profits by selling quasi-natural products at premium organic prices. Organic consumers are increasingly left without certified organic choices while genuine organic farmers and ranchers continue to lose market share to ‘natural’ imposters…

The Solution: Truth-in-Labeling Will Enable Consumers to Drive So-Called ‘Natural’ GMO and CAFO-Tainted Foods Off the Market[.]”

The Matrix Revealed

One of the two bonuses in THE MATRIX REVEALED is my complete 18-lesson course, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS, which includes the teacher’s manual and a CD to guide you. I was previously selling the course for $375. This is a new way to teach logic, the subject that has been missing from schools for decades. For more information on how increasing your command of Logic can help you navigate your convictions more clearly, see the FREE article I wrote entitled “Matrix programming 101: destroy logic”.

Well, Whole Foods is now promising to do truth-in-labeling, exactly as Cummins proposes. In other words, his attack on Whole Foods made a significant impact. Because of Cummins’ work, Mike Adam’s work, the exposure of Whole Foods at infowars and other sites, the pressure built to a crescendo.

Whole Foods execs sat down and ran numbers. They calculated their risk, in terms of dollars lost, if they continued to do their smoke-and-mirrors “natural” shtick and their outright lying to their customers.

This wasn’t just a matter of ideals. It was necessity that pushed Whole Foods over the edge.

And now they’re suddenly darlings, leading the charge toward a better world?

I don’t think so. I don’t think so at all.

They’re parolees, who’ve promised to go straight, because they believe their survival as a company depends on it. They couldn’t maintain the ruse of selling natural products that weren’t natural at all. They were exposed for all the world to see.

That’s why all their promises about what they’re going to do in the next five years are just that, promises. That’s why we all have to watch them like hawks. That’s why we have to put pressure on them to live up to their “reformed behavior.” That’s why we have to tell them: prove it; and don’t lie to us again.

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

What’s behind Whole Foods’ decision to label GMOs in their stores?

What’s behind Whole Foods’ decision to label GMOs in their stores?

By Jon Rappoport

March 11, 2013

Whole Foods has announced that, by 2018, it will label all products in its stores that contain genetically-modified ingredients.

Mike Adams, at, has written an excellent article covering this development. You should read it.

Whole Foods cites customers’ concerns as a major reason for its change in policy. One picture of the future: by overwhelming popular acclaim, non-GMO products at Whole Foods stores will squeeze out GMO products.

The other picture? At some point, customers will lose interest in the new labeling program and buy whatever they want to eat, regardless of whether it contains GMOs.

Monsanto views labeling as less than ideal, but far better than outright county-by-county bans on growing GMO crops. Several counties in California, for example, have already enacted such bans. That’s the real threat to the Monsanto crime empire.

Monsanto, with its very deep pockets, can sustain an endless propaganda campaign aimed at convincing consumers that GMO food is equivalent, in all ways, to non-GMO. So far, this PR blitz has won over most politicians, as well as a major sector of the technologically-educated class.

So what will happen, up the road, as Whole Foods customers move beyond their initial excitement at being able to tell whether they’re buying GMOs? Will they continue to care? Or will the labels evoke about as much interest as fat and carb content do now?

If Whole Foods’ buying public falls into apathy on the GMO issue, presumably the stores will continue to offer GMO products in profusion, because the cash registers keep ringing.

As Whole Foods bosses calculate their strategies, there is another obvious point that must be hammered home. Again. GMO food is nutritionally polluted, deficient, and, in the case of the Roundup Ready crops, drenched with far more toxic chemicals than would ordinarily be present.

Farmers across America, who have locked themselves into contracts with Monsanto, are now facing disaster, because superweeds that don’t fold up and die under assault from the Roundup herbicide are taking over their growing fields.

So the farmers are doing what are called burndowns. Not once, but several times a year, they’re saturating their land with chemicals stronger than Roundup, like Paraquat, which has been banned in 32 countries. The burndowns are undertaken to kill the march of the superweeds. This means more toxicity in the soil and in the food crops.

To present customers with the choice of buying GMO or non-GMO food in stores isn’t like making a distinction between red tomatoes and orange tomatoes. It’s not even an assertion that GMOs are unhealthy. It’s: “let the customer decide.”

By this logic, selling food containing, say, high levels of mercury, is acceptable because “people want it.”

The trouble, of course, begins with Monsanto and its government-agency allies, who insist, based on nothing, that GMOs are safe and non-toxic. From there, it appears that consumer choice is sane policy.

But it isn’t sane. That’s an illusion.

Yes, we can say that Whole Foods has made a step in the right direction, but that’s only true if its customers will really shun GMOs. And in the meantime, this “let the consumer decide” is a deception.

Well, we’re in business to make money. We can’t just strip all GMO products off the shelves. We have to bow to the free market, to the customer.”

If that’s really Whole Foods’ position, then let them state it clearly. Don’t beat around the bush while you’re breaking your arm patting yourself on the back.

Yes, like every other retailer in America, we’re selling bad products. We know they’re bad. They’re called GMOs. Nobody should be eating GMOs, but what the hell are we going to do?”

Of course, this kind of honesty would be a killer in the world of consumerism. It’s also one reason why GMO food has proliferated to this point. It’s a rare company that wants to step up to the plate and speak the unvarnished truth.

Hey, we sell shit. Lots of it. But don’t blame us. You people want to buy it. You want it, we stock it. That’s the reality.”

Try this one on for size. Do you support the sale of ANYTHING, no matter WHAT it contains? Do you support poison in food, along with a major operation of concealment, so that the majority of the buying public isn’t informed that the poison is in their food? Is that okay? Is that LEGAL?

The answer to the last question is, of course, no. It’s not legal.

Unless corporate and government liars have been able to make it legal by passing the buck of responsibility and selling their souls to foist a clear criminal conspiracy on the citizenry. Which is exactly what happened.

Whole Foods, according to their statements, is betting on the consumer to dictate what the stores will sell. Underneath it all, Whole Foods seems to be saying, “We’re standing here watching you consumers, and we hope you make the right choice. Because a lot of that crap you’re buying now, in our stores, is no good for you. It’s bad. If you wake up and make your enlightened preferences known, we’ll follow and we’ll cheer your decision. But if not, we’ll keep selling you the food that’s bad for you and should be illegal.”

I don’t find myself applauding that position. I don’t find myself feeling warm inside about Whole Foods.

Again, yes, it’s better than nothing. But many things are better than nothing and yet don’t rise to the level of a peace prize, or a medal, or a misty response of heartfelt joy.

The Matrix Revealed

One of the two bonuses in THE MATRIX REVEALED is my complete 18-lesson course, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS. This is a new way to teach logic, the subject that has been missing from schools for decades.

For the next five years, as Whole Foods starts labeling GMO products in their stores, they should undertake a full-bore education campaign across America. They should book halls and have their execs stand up and say:

You know that big sign we have posted on our stores? ‘Nothing artificial, ever?’ That’s bullshit. Listen, for a lot of years now, you the consumer and we the seller have been involved in a scam. It’s called GMO food. We want this to end. We also don’t want to go broke. Help us and help yourselves. Here’s the complete evidence that we’ve been selling, and you’ve been buying, food that is harmful to your health. You and we are in an embrace, in this very bad spiral. We have to get out of it.”

That would be a start, but the chances of it happening are on a par with a flea driving a Mercedes on the moon.

And it wouldn’t begin to address the fact that toxic GMO food shouldn’t, by any reasonable law, be sold at all.

You also might keep an eye on corporate mergers and acquisitions, just in case Whole Foods decides to sell itself to a larger (and more predatory) company. Anything could happen in the next five years.

Here are a few of the largest shareholders in Whole Foods. They’re investment funds: JP Morgan Large Cap Growth Select; Wells Fargo Advantage Growth Inv; Fidelity Growth Company; JNL/Mellon Cap Management; T Rowe Price Growth Stock. Given this array of stock owners, it might be easier to step out into the spotlight and promote GMO labeling than to say, “Look, we’re eliminating GMO products from our stores, they’ll all be gone in a few years, no matter what.”

And what will Whole Foods do if, as they gradually place GMO labels on their products, those products continue to sell about as well as they’re selling now with no labels? Will the company keep pushing its pure agenda, or will it simply acquiesce, and end up with a half-GMO and half-non-GMO inventory, to “accommodate all tastes?”

An analogous question, to put this all into perspective: should drug companies manufacture vaccines with half the vials containing the neurotoxin mercury and half without mercury, so people can choose?

Finally, as food prices escalate (seemingly every week), who are these theoretically enlightened customers who’ll ultimately determine Whole Foods’ GMO policy? Are they, on balance, tough-mindedly dedicated to better health and even activism, or are they are merely following and then abandoning trends: from the $1000 bicycle and the grasshopper helmet and shiny Spandex, to the raw cashew vegan non-dairy ice cream, to the quinoa and kale and chia salad, to the Google Glass, to the gluten-free baby stroller…

Are these the people into whose hands Whole Foods is dropping its destiny? Is this the cutting edge of the non-GMO movement?

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Monsanto and the FDA: 2 crime families working a trillion-dollar hustle

by Jon Rappoport

March 1, 2013

(To join our email list, click here.)

Perhaps you remember the ill-fated Just-Label-It campaign. A number of activist groups petitioned the FDA for a federal regulation that would make labeling GMO food mandatory.

The petition amassed over a million signatures. But the FDA decided only 394 of these were legitimate, because all the others were electronically submitted in one document.

Infuriating? Of course. But that was nothing. Let’s get down to the core of the crime.

Imagine this. A killer is put on trial, and the jury, in a surprise verdict, finds him not guilty. Afterwards, reporters interview this killer. He says, “The jury freed me. It’s up to them. They decide. That’s what justice is all about.”

Then the press moves along to members of the jury, who say: Well, we had to take the defendant’s word. He said he was innocent, so that’s what we ruled.

That’s an exact description of the FDA and Monsanto partnership.

When you cut through the verbiage that surrounded the introduction of GMO food into America, you arrive at two key statements. One from Monsanto and one from the FDA, the agency responsible for overseeing, licensing, and certifying new food varieties as safe.

Quoted in the New York Times Magazine (October 25, 1998, “Playing God in the Garden”), Philip Angell, Monsanto’s director of corporate communications, famously stated: “Monsanto shouldn’t have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food. Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA’s job.”

From the Federal Register, Volume 57, No.104, “Statement of [FDA] Policy: Foods Derived from New Plant Varieties,” here is what the FDA had to say on this matter: “Ultimately, it is the food producer who is responsible for assuring safety.”

The direct and irreconcilable clash of these two statements is no accident. It’s not a sign of incompetence or sloppy work or a mistake or a miscommunication. It’s a clear signal that the fix was in.

Passing the buck back and forth was the chilling and arrogant strategy through which Pandora’s box was pried opened and GMO food was let into the US food supply.

In order for this titanic scam to work, the media had to cooperate. Reporters had to be a) idiots and b) sell-outs.

With few exceptions, reporters and their editors let the story rest there, as a “he said-he said” issue. No sane principled journalist would have cut bait at that point, but who said mainstream reporters are sane or principled?

Underneath the Monsanto-FDA buck-passing act, there was a conscious deal to give a free pass to GMO crops. This had nothing to do with science or health or “feeding the world.” It was about profits. It was also about establishing a new monopoly on food.

Not only would big agribusiness dominate the planet’s food supply, it would strengthen its stranglehold through patents on novel types of seeds which were technologically engineered.

It’s very much like saying, “A cob of corn is not a plant, it’s a machine, and we own the rights to every one of those yellow machines.”

How was Monsanto able to gather so much clout?

There was one reason and one reason only. Putting the world’s food supply into fewer hands was, and is, a major item on the Globalist agenda. If it weren’t, the FDA-Monsanto scam would have been exposed in a matter of weeks or months.

Major newspapers and television networks would have attacked the obvious con job like packs of wild dogs and torn it to pieces.

But once the scam had been given a free pass, the primary corporate-government tactic was to accomplish a fait accompli, a series of events that was irreversible.

In this case, it was about gene drift. From the beginning, it was well known that GMO plants release genes that blow in the wind and spread from plant to plant, crop to crop, and field to field. There is no stopping it.

Along with convincing enough farmers to lock themselves into GMO-seed contracts, Monsanto bought up food-seed companies in order to engineer the seeds…and the gene-drift factor was the ace in the hole.

Sell enough GMO seeds, plant enough GMO crops, and you flood the world’s food crops with Monsanto genes.

Back in the 1990s, the prince of darkness, Michael Taylor, who has moved through the revolving door between the FDA and Monsanto several times, and is now the czar of food safety at the FDA—Taylor said, with great conviction, that the GMO revolution was unstoppable; within a decade or two, an overwhelming percentage of food grown on planet Earth would be GMO.

Taylor and others knew. They knew about gene drift, and they also knew that ownership of the world’s food, by a few companies, was a prime focus for Globalist kings who intended to feed the population through Central Planning and Distribution.

We feed these people; we hold back food from those people; we send food there; we don’t send food here.”

Control food and water, and you hold the world in your hand.

Here is evidence that, even in earlier days, Monsanto knew about and pushed for the Globalist agenda. Quoted by J. Flint, in his 1998 “Agricultural Giants Moving Towards Genetic Monopolism,” Robert Fraley, head of Monsanto’s agri-division, stated: “What you are seeing is not just a consolidation of [Monsanto-purchased] seed companies. It’s really a consolidation of the entire food chain.”

And as for the power of the propaganda in that time period, I can think of no better statement than the one made on January 25th, 2001, by the outgoing US Secretary of Agriculture, Dan Glickman. As reported by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Glickman said:

What I saw generically on the pro-biotech side was the attitude that the technology was good and that it was almost immoral to say that it wasn’t good, because it was going to solve the problems of the human race and feed the hungry and clothe the naked. And there was a lot of money that had been invested in this, and if you’re against it, you’re Luddites, you’re stupid. There was rhetoric like that even here in this department. You felt like you were almost an alien, disloyal, by trying to present an open-minded view on some of these issues being raised. So I pretty much spouted the rhetoric that everybody else around here spouted; it was written into my speeches.”

Glickman reveals several things in these remarks: he was spineless; people at the Dept. of Agriculture were madly buying into the Monsanto cover story about feeding the world; and there had to be a significant degree of infiltration at his Agency.

The last point is key. This wasn’t left to chance. You don’t get a vocal majority of Dept. of Agriculture personnel spouting the Monsanto propaganda merely because the fairy tale about feeding the world sounds so good. No, there are people working on the inside to promote the “social cause” and make pariahs out of dissenters.

You need special background and training to pull that off. It isn’t an automatic walk in the park. This is professional psyop and intelligence work.

I’ve done some investigation of various groups on both the left and the right, and I’ve seen some pros in action. They’re good. They know how to leverage ideas and slogans and ideals. They know how to defame opponents and find just the right words to sink them. They know how to turn high-flying but vague words about “humanity” into moral imperatives.

This isn’t rinky-dink stuff. To tune up bureaucrats and scientists, you have to have a background in manipulation. You have to know what you’re doing. You have to be able to build and sustain support, without giving your game away.

Truth be told, governments are full of these pros, who will take any number of causes and turn them into what falsely sounds like good science, good government, good morality, all the while knowing that, on the far shore, sits the real prize: control.

These psyop specialists are hired to help make overarching and planet-wide agendas come true, as populations are brought under sophisticated and pathological elites who care, for example, about feeding the world as much as a collector cares about paralyzing and pinning butterflies on a panel in a glass case.

Here is David Rockefeller, writing in his 2003 Memoirs:

Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

The Globalists play for keeps.

Owning the food of the world is part of their strike-force action plan, and Monsanto is the technocratic arm of that plan.

Meanwhile, the controlled press treats the whole sordid Monsanto story with its time-honored policy of “he said-he said.” This policy dictates that stories merely present both sides of a conflict without drawing conclusions.

It applies across the board—except when it doesn’t. For example, for reasons too complex to go into here, the Washington Post decided to suspend its policy in the Watergate case. Woodward and Bernstein were assigned to investigate what was going on behind White House denials and obfuscations.

The same thing could be done with Monsanto, and it would be far easier. The lies and crimes and cover-ups are everywhere. You could wear sunglasses and find them in the dark.

The NY Times and the Washington Post could sell millions more papers on the back of the Monsanto story alone. It would be a bonanza for them. But no. They don’t care. They’d rather keep declining and losing readers. They’d rather die.

Normally, a business doesn’t commit suicide, especially when it sees exactly how to resuscitate itself. But here we are dealing with an agenda which can’t be disturbed. Globalism, and its agri-techno partner, Monsanto, are creating a planetary future. Major media are part and parcel of that op. They are selling it.

Even as their bottom lines erode, these newspapers and television networks have to stay on their present course. By pretending they’re reporting the real news, they’re giving the impression that Monsanto and the FDA are home free.

Again, we aren’t talking about sloppy reporting or accidental omissions of fact or boggling incompetence or ignorance about science. We are talking about conscious intent to deceive.

Yes, now and then the controlled media will release a troubling piece about Monsanto. But placement and frequency are everything. How often do these stories run? Do they run as the lead or do we find them on page 7? Are reporters assigned to keep pounding on a basic story and reveal more and more crimes? Does the basic story gather steam over the course of weeks and months?

These are the decisions that make or break a story. In the case of Monsanto and the FDA, the decisions were made a long time ago.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Part of every new reporter’s training, if he has any ideals at all, is marching into his editor’s office with his hair on fire demanding to be given an assignment to expose a crime. The editor, knowing the true agenda of his newspaper or television network, tells the reporter:

We’ve already covered that.”

It’s old news.”

People aren’t interested in it.”

It’s too complicated.”

The evidence you’re showing me is thin.”

You’ll never get to the bottom of it.”

The people involved won’t talk to you.”

And if none of those lies work, the editor might say, “If you keep pushing this, it would be bad for your career. You’ll lose access for other stories. You’ll be thought of as weird…”

This is how the game works at ground level. But make no mistake about it, the hidden agenda is about protecting an elite’s op from exposure.

If NBC, for example, gave its golden boy, Brian Williams, the green light, he would become an expert on Monsanto in three days. He’d become a tiger. He’d affect a whole set of morally outraged poses and send Monsanto down into Hell.

Don’t misunderstand. Brian hasn’t been waiting to move in for the kill. He’s a neutral entity. Wind him up and point to a target and he’ll go there.

But no one will point him at Monsanto or the FDA.

All the major reporters at news outlets and all the elite television anchors are really psyop specialists. It’s just that most of them don’t know it.

One outraged major reporter who woke up and got out of the business put it to me this way: When he was in the game, he looked at the news as a big public restroom. His one guiding principle was: Don’t piss on your shoes. Stand closer to the urinal. Pissing on your shoes was covering a story that was considered out of bounds. If you pissed on your shoes and walked into the boss’s office, he’d look at you and see the telltale sign. He’d say, “Hey, you pissed on your shoes. That’s disgusting. Get out of here. You’re fired.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

US farmers flood fields with dangerous poison to fight Monsanto superweeds

US farmers flood fields with dangerous poison to fight Monsanto superweeds

by Jon Rappoport

February 25, 2013

You’re a farmer. Season after season, you watch your fields being taken over by Monsanto superweeds, which are resistant to the herbicide Roundup.

What are you going to do? You’re locked in. You’re buying your GMO seeds from Monsanto, and the food crops that grow from those seeds are supposed to be resistant to Monsanto’s Roundup, so that’s what you spray on your crops.

But the weeds aren’t resistant. They spread and they grow taller. They’re taking over.

So you, along with many, many other US farmers, go to a strategy called “burndown,” which is just as bad as it sounds. You use something a lot stronger than Roundup to kill those weeds: Paraquat, for example, which has been banned in 32 countries.

You drench your fields with it in the fall. You kill anything growing. And you drench the fields again in the spring, before you plant. Then, just as you’re going to plant, you hit the fields a third time with the poison.

This is in addition to all the sprayings with Roundup, which is toxic, too.

Then you harvest the crops and you sell them. And consumers eat the food along with all the poison.

Tom Philpot, writing in Mother Jones (Feb.6), reports the alarming stats on the superweed takeover of US farmland. As of 2012, almost 50% of US farms had superweeds. In 2011, it was 34%. In Georgia, it’s now 92%.

The total acreage of US farmland with resistant superweeds jumped by 51% in 2012. In 2011, it was a 25% increase. That upward- percentage escalation is called a nightmare.

Well, so farmers are poisoning the hell out of their food and their fields. But with Monsanto’s super-duper GMO technology, the crop yields are still much bigger than they would be without the GMO seeds, right?

The Institute for Responsible Technology cites and quotes three reports on that score.

An International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science, and Technology for Development study, signed on to by 58 governments and 400 scientists, states that GMO crop production is “highly variable,” and in some cases it has “declined.”

The Union of Concerned Scientists’ 2009 report, “Failure to Yield,” emphatically stated: “Commercial GE [genetically engineered] crops have made no inroads so far into raising the intrinsic or potential yields of any crop.”

A US Dept. of Agriculture report: “GE crops available for commercial use do not increase the yield potential. In fact, yield may even decrease…”

Let’s summarize. Using Monsanto GMO technology to grow food crops results in massive poisoning of the farm land and the food. And increased crops yields are a fiction.

Nothing to see here, move along. Don’t worry, be happy. Stand back, technology at work. Progress is our most important product. Better living through chemistry. Ignorance is strength.

What would a president and his administration do to make sure the truth is overrun and squashed?

In addition to silencing the media, they would appoint a host of GMO insiders to key government posts, and they would bring to market as many new GMO crops as possible, to construct a fait accompli.

So let’s go to the scorecard and review the actions of Obama in his first term.

The new president filled key posts with Monsanto people, in federal agencies that wield tremendous force in food issues, the USDA and the FDA:

At the USDA, as the director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Roger Beachy, former director of the Monsanto Danforth Center.

As deputy commissioner of the FDA, the new food-safety-issues czar, the infamous Michael Taylor, former vice-president for public policy for Monsanto. Taylor had been instrumental in getting approval for Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone.

As commissioner of the USDA, Iowa governor, Tom Vilsack. Vilsack had set up a national group, the Governors’ Biotechnology Partnership, and had been given a Governor of the Year Award by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, whose members include Monsanto.

As the new Agriculture Trade Representative, who would push GMOs for export, Islam Siddiqui, a former Monsanto lobbyist.

As the new counsel for the USDA, Ramona Romero, who had been corporate counsel for another biotech giant, DuPont.

As the new head of the USAID, Rajiv Shah, who had preciously worked in key positions for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a major funder of GMO agriculture research.

We should also remember that Obama’s secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, once worked for the Rose law firm. That firm was counsel to Monsanto.

Obama nominated Elena Kagan to the US Supreme Court. Kagan, as federal solicitor general, had previously argued for Monsanto in the Monsanto v. Geertson seed case before the Supreme Court.

The deck was stacked. Obama hadn’t simply made honest mistakes. Obama hadn’t just failed to exercise proper oversight in selecting appointees. He wasn’t just experiencing a failure of short-term memory. He was staking out territory on behalf of Monsanto and other GMO corporate giants.

The Matrix Revealed

One of the two bonuses in THE MATRIX REVEALED is my complete 18-lesson course, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS. This is a new way to teach logic, the subject that has been missing from schools for decades.

And now let us look at what key Obama appointees have wrought for their true bosses. Let’s detail the extraordinary parade of GMO crops that have skated through the open door of the Obama presidency.

Monsanto GMO alfalfa.

Monsanto GMO sugar beets.

Monsanto GMO Bt soybean.

Coming soon: Monsanto’s GMO sweet corn.

Syngenta GMO corn for ethanol.

Syngenta GMO stacked corn.

Pioneer GMO soybean.

Syngenta GMO Bt cotton.

Bayer GMO cotton.

ATryn, an anti-clotting agent from the milk of transgenic goats.

A GMO papaya strain.

And perhaps, soon, genetically engineered salmon and apples.

That’s how you control and squash the truth.

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Alex Jones: Best Night of Television Ever

by Jon Rappoport

January 8, 2013

(To join our email list, click here.)

Piers Morgan (CNN) thought he might pump up his horrendous ratings and avoid having to go back to England. So he invited Alex Jones to come east and appear on his show.

They would discuss gun control and the petition to have Morgan deported. It would be good television. An interesting conversation. Perhaps things would get contentious.

But Morgan’s producers and bookers had made a fatal error of judgment.

To say Alex was loaded for bear is a vast understatement.

He crashed the television party in a way it’s never happened before.

You could call it: the internet invades mainstream media. But that doesn’t begin to do it justice.

This was one man attacking the whole rotting corpse of major media, attacking the fascists of the federal government, attacking the psychiatric/pharmaceutical cartel for dispensing drugs that cause people to kill other people, attacking the host of the show for daring to come to these shores with his putrid put-on Brit arrogance, attacking the brain-dead premise that fewer gun murders equals a far, far better nation (England), swearing an oath that the US government will not disarm the citizenry…and Alex made all this happen in just the first seven minutes of the interview.

You could go back in the archives and comb through the history of television in this country and never find seven minutes like this. Never.

It broke through the fake civility of moronic, pundit-driven, stacked-to-the-ceiling-with-utter-bullshit news programs like a car driving through a showroom window at 80mph.

Watch it, then tell yourself you’re not dreaming, because you’re not. It happened.

If you were, by chance, tuned to the BCS championship game between Alabama and Notre Dame and missed the real slaughter on CNN, catch it.

According to Alex, one of Pier’s producers broke down and cried during the interview. Oh dear. Horrid. I hope the producer had friends to console her in their little mutually constructed elite bubble. Cocktails, tranqs, perhaps a visit to a shrink might be in order. No doubt, this is a case of PTSD, and might necessitate a long recovery.

No, the idiots at CNN were definitely not ready for this. They were blindsided. Piers tried to remain calm. That was his only strategy. He would be the voice of reason. Stiff upper lip and all that.

It worked about as well as waving a feather in front of a typhoon.

Which, when you think about it, is how the people of England handle their fascist government and their falling-apart society. “Look at us, we’re clueless with feathers.”

No doubt Piers is telling himself he stood up to the cave man from Texas, revealing to the American people how pernicious gun owners are. But that wasn’t it. That wasn’t it all.

Instead, this was cardboard television reality taking a dozen torpedoes amidships.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Alex did it exactly the way you’re supposed to do it when you want to destroy the whole stinking mess all at once. You give no quarter. You go on the attack from the first moment. You don’t let up.

You ignore the nicey-nice stuff.

I’m sure there are some boomer gun advocates out there who think Alex “presented an unfortunate face of the responsible gun-owner community.” They’re dead wrong. They don’t understand what an attack against tyranny requires. They never have.

You put the fascists on the defensive. That’s rule number one. You put them through the wall into the next county. You hit them with the truth so hard they never recover. That’s the goal.

It happened last night.

I watched the whole curtain of the television Matrix explode. I watched it with a joy that comes from knowing, for a long time, what such a moment would look like if it ever came to pass.

Then it did.

Thank you, CNN. This was your finest moment, your only authentic moment in all your years of building an insane consensus about reality.

Thanks, Alex. You came through like a champion.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The Nazi roots of the European Union

by Jon Rappoport

January 2, 2013

(To join our email list, click here.)

Once upon a time, there was an industrial combine in Nazi Germany called IG Farben. It was the largest chemical/pharmaceutical octopus in the world. It owned companies, and it had favorable business agreements with companies from England to Central America to Japan.

The author of The Devil’s Chemists, Josiah DuBois, traveled to Guatemala in the early days of World War 2, and returned with the comment that, as far as he could tell, Guatemala was “a wholly owned subsidiary of Farben.”

This article will refer you to two other riveting books, but first I want to make a few comments.

The pharmaceutical empire was and is one of the major forces behind the European Union (EU). It is no accident that these drug corporations wield such power. They aren’t only involved in controlling the medical cartel; they are political planners.

This is how and why Big Pharma fits so closely with what is loosely referred to as the New World Order. The aim of enrolling every human in a cradle-to-grave system of disease diagnosis and toxic drug treatment has a larger purpose: to debilitate, to weaken populations.

This is a political goal. It facilitates control.

IG Farben’s component companies, at the outbreak of World War 2, were Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst. They were chemical and drug companies. Farben put Hitler over the top in Germany, and the war was designed to lead to a united Europe that would be dominated by the Farben nexus.

The loss of the war didn’t derail that plan. It was shifted into an economic blueprint, which became, eventually, the European Union.

The European Commission’s first president was Walter Hallstein, the Nazi lawyer who, during the war, had been in charge of post-war legal planning for the new Europe.

As the Rath Foundation reports: In 1939, on the brink of the war, Hallstein had stated, “The creation of the New Law [of the Nazis] is ONLY the task of the law-makers!”

In 1957, with his reputation sanitized, Hallstein spoke the words in this manner: “The European Commission has full and unlimited power for all decisions related to the architecture of this European community.”

Post-war, IG Farben had been broken up into separate companies, but those companies were following a common agenda. If, for example, you want to know why the endless global debate over labeling GMO food has obscured the real issue—banning GMO crops altogether—you can look to these Farben allies: Bayer, BASF, and Sanofi, among others.

They are among the leaders in GMO research and production. BASF cooperates with Monsanto on research projects. Sanofi is a leader in GM vaccine research.

The original IG Farben had a dream. Its executives and scientists believed they could eventually produce, synthetically, any compound in a laboratory. They could dominate world industry in this fashion.

The dream never died. Today, they see gene-manipulation as the route to that goal.

I refer you to the explosive book, The Nazi Roots of the Brussels EU, by Paul Anthony Taylor, Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Dr. Matthias Rath, and August Kowalczyk. You can read it at It is a dagger in the heart of the EU.

At the Rath Foundation, you can also read Joseph Borkin’s classic, The Crime and Punishment of IG Farben.

In 1992, I was deeply engaged in researching the specific devastating effects of medical drugs. A comment made by an audience member at a lecture I was giving started me on the road to understanding the influence and history of Farben.

Eventually, I concluded that, at the highest levels of power, these drugs weren’t destructive by accident. They were intended to cause harm. This was covert chemical warfare against the population of the planet. The Rockefeller-Standard Oil-Farben connection was a primary piece of the puzzle.

It was, of course, Rockefeller (and Carnegie) power that forced the birth of pharmaceutical medicine in America, with the publication of the 1910 Flexner Report. The Report was used to excoriate and marginalize Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Osteopathy, and other forms of traditional natural practice, in favor of what would become the modern juggernaut of drug-based treatment.

In a recent article about the FDA, “Medical Murder in the Matrix,” I point out the fact that, if this federal agency has permitted at least 100,000 deaths of Americans, per year, from the direct effects of drugs it, the FDA, has certified as safe, and if the FDA knows these death figures (which it does), then “unintended” and “accidental” can no longer be applied to this ongoing holocaust.

The same can be held true for the pharmaceutical industry itself.

People are exceedingly reluctant to come to this obvious conclusion. They prefer to hem and haw and invent excuses or deny the facts.

To understand the dimensions and history of the ongoing chemical warfare against the population, in the form of medical drugs (and of course pesticides), one must factor in the original octopus, IG Farben.

World War 2 never ended. It simply shifted its strategies.

And just as one can trace extensive collaboration between major American corporations and the Nazi war machine, during the military phase of the war, today you see American corporations wreaking destructive havoc on the American people, as Dow, DuPont, Monsanto and others “work their magic for a better life.”

In any fascist system, the bulk of the people working inside the system, including scientists, refuse to believe the evidence of what is happening before their own eyes. They insist they are doing good. They believe they are on the right side. They see greater top-down control as necessary and correct. They adduce reasonable explanations for inflicted harm and death.

This is how and why conspiracies can exist. Only a few people, at the very top, need to know the true motives.

Everyone else tells themselves fairy tales. This deep-seated obsession is an integral part of mind control, and ultimately it is self-inflicted.

The self-created victim calculates: “I would rather stay in my dream than wake up to a nightmare.”

Yes, but acknowledging the nightmare is a step on the road to liberation from the Matrix.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

In centuries past, empires conquered foreign lands and made colonies out of them. When that era ended, a less overt style of military and economic conquest was initiated. But there is something most people don’t realize.

When richer nations now go into poorer nations, the so-called incidental goal of bringing “life-saving” medical care with them is a front and a pose.

One of the chief goals of the conquerors is, in fact, pharmaceutical. Changing the habits of populations, so they come to rely on these drugs is high on the to-do list. It rings up profit, of course, for the pharmaceutical empire, and it also poisons the poor into even greater desolation than they are already experiencing. They become even easier to control.

On top of that, the actual untreated causes of the routine desolation—starvation, generation-to-generation malnutrition, contaminated water supplies, lack of general sanitation, overcrowding, and previously stolen agricultural land—are shoved on the back burner of the global media.

Suddenly, we learn that various germ-caused diseases are the real scourges of these countries, and help is coming (slowly), in the form of drugs that kill the germs, along with the medical heroes who will deliver these drugs.

This is a cover story. It’s a preposterous lie. In the conditions of desolation mentioned above, it doesn’t matter what germs are present, and trying to attack them is futile and absurd.

The general conditions of desolation weaken and destroy immune systems. At that point, what would normally be completely harmless germs, any germs, can sweep through an area and cause death and severe illness, because the routine processes of the immune system, which would immediately neutralize the germs, are disabled.

The “medical intervention” is meant to defer, for yet another day, the remedying of the actual problems that keep causing disease—and the medical drugs create new and lethal toxicity, leading to more deaths.

This is the standard op of the modern pharmaceutical empire. To know it is proceeding apace, all you have to do is see foreign doctors getting off planes in Third World countries, or read about some drug giant that is undertaking a humanitarian program of supplying medicines and vaccines to “people in desperate need of them.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Yes on Prop 37’s biggest supporter was…Monsanto


MONSANTO: How Political Elites Win In The Matrix

by Jon Rappoport

December 10, 2012


We’ve all heard about hidden agendas, divide and conquer, controlling the narrative, and problem-reaction-solution. These are certainly time-honored and effective strategies for political elites.


To get simpler, we could just say lie-cheat-steal-kill.


But let’s approach all this from a somewhat different angle.


A powerful elite group first forms a goal, an objective. It clarifies that goal. For example: domination of the global food supply.


With that goal in mind, and with the technology to genetically modify food crops, huge corporations like Monsanto, along with their politicians firmly in their pockets, decide to patent every kind of food seed possible.


Soon, they own food. They license/sell food seeds. They expand the number of GMO food crops.


But they also realize they have to deal with opposition.


There are many people who oppose GMO food. These people expose this food as nutrient-deficient and dangerous to human health. They expose the fact that much more toxic pesticide is sprayed on this new Roundup Ready food. They expose the fact that actual ownership of the food supply is passing into the hands of these elite corporations. They expose the fact that the inserted genes drift from crop to crop, field to field, and contaminate non-GMO crops.


What to do?


Monsanto and its allies have a time table. They believe they can accomplish, in a relatively short time, a fait accompli. There will be so many licensed GMO food crops and so many drifting genes, the very idea of ridding the world of GMO crops will be seen as impossible.


In the meantime, they need to stall. They need to divert attention away from the one action that could torpedo all their efforts: BANNING GMO CROPS.


This is the one thing that must not happen.


So…Monsanto covertly develops a plan: channel its opposition into lesser goals.


For example: labeling of GMO crops.


This is acceptable.


Monsanto “develops” two levels of labeling. There is voluntary labeling (preferred) and mandatory labeling (less preferred).


It plants agents into large organizations who are directed to debate the labeling issue. Debate it for a long time.


One such organization is the notorious Codex Alimentarius. Created by the UN in 1961, with the mandate of guarding the health of consumers, Codex eventually became a go-to group for the World Trade Organization, whenever disputes between trading nations arose that impacted health issues. Codex is also friendly with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.


So for the past 20 years, the issue of labeling GMO foods has been debated at Codex. This in itself has been a remarkable victory for Monsanto.


Finally, in the summer of 2011, Codex decided that labeling was acceptable if it was voluntary. This grossly diluted standard was, of course, hailed as a victory by some anti-GMO activists.


With serious reservations, a huge non-profit called Consumers International, whose goal, like Codex, is “protection of consumer rights” weighed in: yes, this Codex victory was important, but not enough.


The labeling debate was going according to Monsanto’s plan:


Endless talking, exceedingly minor achievements. And NO MAJOR BANS on GMO crops.


Both sides in the debate were operating as Monsanto wanted them to operate. Labeling was the diversion. It was the distraction sucking up huge amounts of time, energy, effort, and money…all along the wrong path.


The press was framing the whole GMO question in terms of labeling, reporting on the Codex debates, reporting on statements from Consumers International, reporting on activists and scientists who wanted labeling or claimed that labeling wasn’t necessary.


Then came a major effort to make GMO labeling mandatory in California. It was called Prop 37. Should all GMO food sold in California be labeled or not?


The world was focused on this battle. Activists were focused on it.


Monsanto, quite satisfied, stood off to the side and poured major dollars to their PR people, who in turn campaigned against labeling.


But the victory was already in hand for Monsanto, before a single vote was cast. One way or another, labeling was going to continue to be the only real issue under debate.


If Monsanto lost the Prop 37 election, they would acknowledge the defeat “graciously,” as they did in England, and support labeling. Meanwhile, they would continue to spend millions of dollars, or even billions, convincing Californians that buying (labeled) GMO food was an easy decision: buy it; it’s healthy; there are no problems; who cares.


Another aspect of Monsanto’s master plan needs to be understood. Monsanto encouraged the labeling debate at Codex and almost certainly threw covert support behind Consumers International because those organizations are ostensibly about CONSUMERS.


Monsanto wanted to make the whole GMO issue about people who buy products. It wanted to frame the issue around that.


Why? Because that trivializes the whole situation. It isn’t about destruction of the natural food supply, it isn’t about the tonnage of poisonous pesticide sprayed on Roundup Ready GMO crops. It isn’t about nutrient-deficient GMO food. It isn’t about owning patents on the world’s food crops. It isn’t about the health dangers of eating GMO food. It isn’t about destroying the small farmer. It isn’t about all that. It’s really, you see, about the consumer’s right to know what’s in his food.


It’s about the buyer, the person who spends money at the check-out counter. It’s about consumers, and aren’t we all consumers? Aren’t we just people into whom are funneled all sorts of products? Isn’t that who we are? Aren’t we just the little creatures who buy stuff?


Prop 37 played right into that plan, because the leaders of YES ON 37 decided that the “right to know what’s in your food” was the prime message they would sell. That would be the essence of the whole campaign. A consumerist message.


Label GMO food? Don’t label it? That’s Monsanto territory. That’s the territory they can live in. They like that territory. It doesn’t raise the specter of a BAN on GMO crops.

The Matrix Revealed

In circles of political power, in Washington DC, for example, there are people who are known as consultants, “go-to guys” who can tell you “how the real game is played.” They are brought in to educate amateurs who want to win victories.


These consultants are mostly bent from the beginning. They have their their own agendas and allegiances. They are bent and crooked and smart, and they sell their advice.


They could, for instance, show the YES ON 37 people that there was only one way to win a ballot initiative in California. That way would be: talk non-stop about “the consumer’s right to know” what’s in his food. Marginalize every other kind of talk.


Of course, this fits perfectly with Monsanto’s plan.


The more talk there is about the right to know, the less talk there is about banning GMO crops…until the day comes when an outright ban seems so far away it’s viewed as rather ludicrous.


This remoteness and ludicrousness is, you must understand, an artifact created by decades of talk about labeling. Labeling was front and center for so long that it became the only visible opposition to Monsanto.


Which, again, is precisely what Monsanto wanted.


Monsanto is a criminal, but it isn’t stupid. Those people are smart. They know how to invent a debate on their terms and hide the real debate. They know how to suck in people who otherwise would be pushing hard for an outright ban on GMO crops.


They know how to use proxies to advise anti-GMO forces, so those forces stay in the framework of labeling.


There are similarities here to the old FBI COINTELPRO program, in which the FBI planted agents inside anti-government groups, in the 1960s. In that case, the FBI’s objective was to stir up those groups to commit violent acts, thereby discrediting their political positions. It was an Operation Chaos.


In the case of GMO food, the objective has been to move in the opposite direction: dilute the message. Make it weaker. Make it more “sensible” and “pragmatic.”


Listen, kid. Let me tell you how the real game is played. You’re in the big leagues now. You can’t go off half-cocked and insist on a goal that nobody will support. Forget attacking Monsanto. You can do a little of that, just to keep your adrenaline flowing. But you have to frame this whole thing around what Americans ARE. Do you know what that is? Americans are, first and foremost, consumers. That’s how you reach them. You tell them they have a right to know what’s in their food. Then you have a chance of winning. You pound on ‘right-to-know’ day and night. That’s where I can help you. That’s where you can find allies. That’s how you raise money.”


And so it was, and so it is.


In the big-picture, YES ON 37’s most powerful ally has been…Monsanto.


And now here is where we are: we don’t really know where some of the most important anti-GMO activists are, in their thinking and action. We thought we did. But now we aren’t sure.


So we need them to step up to the plate and tell us, right now, whether they really want a ban on GMO crops or just labeling.


I’m talking about people who have done a great deal to educate us and show us the way: for example, Joe Mercola, who was the biggest funder of Prop 37, who has written extensively abut GMOs; Jeffrey Smith, who has written a major book about GMOs; and Vendana Shiva, who has done heroic work to keep small farmers alive and expose the Monsanto agenda.


Reiterate your positions now. Tell us where you stand.


Let’s put everything on the table.


Let’s pause and reassess. Let’s consider how labeling is viewed by Monsanto in their master plan.


Let’s open up the vault on YES ON 37 and hear from their leaders, too.


Who is calling the shots over there? Joe Sandler, Andy Kimbrell, Gary Hirshberg, David Bronner, Grant Lundberg?


Give us your best thinking. Tell us what you’re doing and why.


There’s no reason this has to be a guessing game.


That’s old politics. Let’s open all the windows and let in the light.


Or do those of us who have inquiring minds form too small a demographic to interest you?


Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

If you shop through Amazon, then consider supporting Jon’s work by accepting Jon’s Amazon cookie by clicking on Jon’s Amazon referral link.

Is Michelle Obama’s “natural food” campaign designed to hide the White House attack on organic food?




By Jon Rappoport

December 2, 2012


This article follows up on Mike Adams’ devastating pieces exposing Dr. Oz and a coordinated high-level assault on organic food.


How high does this assault on organic food go?


Soon after her husband’s 2008 inauguration, Michelle Obama announced her “First Lady do-good project” to the press and public.


Every First Lady picks one.


It’s mandatory. Better education, some charity, a worthy cause. It’s designed PR, aimed at creating good will for the husband sitting in the Oval Office.


That’s the First Lady’s job. She’s a PR agent.


Michelle chose an organic vegetable garden and the health of children. More than her work with military families or her personal fashion/style interests, the organic garden and the bee hives she installed on the South Lawn of the White House became her signature.


The White House vegetable garden was the first planted on the grounds since the days of Eleanor Roosevelt.


As the press trumpeted, Michelle instructed the White House kitchen to order organic food for meals.


We were told produce and honey from the South Lawn garden were served up for the First Family and even at State dinners.


The title of Michelle Obama’s 2012 book is American Grown: The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America.


She has tied the issue of childhood obesity to deteriorating eating habits and unhealthy food.


All in all, her presentation has been quite effective and convincing. She’s done a first-rate job.


The all-important impression is unmistakable: the White house stands for “healthy eating.”

The Matrix Revealed

But meanwhile…


Her husband is the most powerful enabler of Monsanto in America.


Despite his hints that he would support labeling of GMO food, Barack Obama has done herculean work to destroy true natural food.


The details are undeniable. They include his mind-boggling political appointments of Monsanto operatives to key government posts, and a parade of new GMO crops into the food supply, during his first presidential term.


Monsanto and their allies couldn’t have wished for a better partner. The president has given them everything they’ve asked for.


The new president filled key posts with Monsanto people, in federal agencies that wield tremendous force in food issues, the USDA and the FDA:


At the USDA, as the director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Roger Beachy, former director of the Monsanto Danforth Center.


As deputy commissioner of the FDA, the new food-safety-issues czar, the infamous Michael Taylor, former vice-president for public policy for Monsanto. Taylor had been instrumental in getting approval for Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone.


As commissioner of the USDA, Iowa governor, Tom Vilsack. Vilsack had set up a national group, the Governors’ Biotechnology Partnership, and had been given a Governor of the Year Award by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, whose members include Monsanto.


As the new Agriculture Trade Representative, who would push GMOs for export, Islam Siddiqui, a former Monsanto lobbyist.


As the new counsel for the USDA, Ramona Romero, who had been corporate counsel for another biotech giant, DuPont.


As the new head of the USAID, Rajiv Shah, who had previously worked in key positions for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a major funder of GMO agriculture research.


We should also remember that Obama’s secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, once worked for the Rose law firm. That firm was counsel to Monsanto.


Obama nominated Elena Kagan to the US Supreme Court. Kagan, as federal solicitor general, had previously argued for Monsanto in the Monsanto v. Geertson seed case before the Supreme Court.


The deck was stacked. Obama hadn’t simply made honest mistakes. Obama hadn’t just failed to exercise proper oversight in selecting appointees. He wasn’t just experiencing a failure of short-term memory. He was staking out territory on behalf of Monsanto and other GMO corporate giants.


And now let us look at what key Obama appointees have wrought for their true bosses. Let’s see what GMO crops have walked through the open door of the Obama presidency.


Monsanto GMO alfalfa.


Monsanto GMO sugar beets.


Monsanto GMO Bt soybean.


Coming soon: Monsanto’s GMO sweet corn.


Syngenta GMO corn for ethanol.


Syngenta GMO stacked corn.


Pioneer GMO soybean.


Syngenta GMO Bt cotton.


Bayer GMO cotton.


ATryn, an anti-clotting agent from the milk of transgenic goats.


A GMO papaya strain.


And perhaps, soon, genetically engineered salmon and apples.


This is an extraordinary parade. It, in fact, makes Barack Obama the most GMO-dedicated politician in America.


You don’t attain that position through errors or oversights. Obama was, all along, a stealth operative on behalf of Monsanto, biotech, GMOs, and corporate control of the future of agriculture.


From this perspective, Michelle Obama’s campaign for gardens and clean, organic, nutritious food is nothing more than a diversion, a cover story floated to obscure what her husband has actually been doing.


Nor is it coincidental that two of the Obama’s biggest supporters, Bill Gates and George Soros, purchased 900,000 and 500,000 shares of Monsanto, respectively, in 2010.


Now in 2012, we are seeing, as Mike Adams reveals, a new attack on organic food: organic is an elitist fetish, a nonsensical preoccupation of the 1%, as against the 99%. We are told that conventionally grown, pesticide-laden, genetically engineered food is just as good, is no problem, and patriotic Americans should be loyal to it.


In other words, we should be loyal to the corporate giants who are taking over the food supply, are exercising patent rights on food ownership, are doing whatever they can to squeeze small farmers out of business, are giving us nutritionally deficient food, are lying through their teeth about the heavy health risks of eating this GMO food.


We should be loyal to the police who are ordering homeowners to rip out their vegetable gardens on their lawns.


Yes, this is a coordinated attack on clean nutritious unpoisoned food, and it reaches all the way up into the White House, does a quick detour around Michelle Obama’s smokescreen operation, and arrives in the Oval Office, at the desk of Barack Obama.


Why isn’t Barack out there on the White House lawn picking a few delicious organic vegetables from the garden?


Why isn’t he posing in front of a hundred media cameras taking a bite out of an organic non-GMO tomato?


Why isn’t he leading the way on a campaign to have people in inner cities plant more community organic gardens, to fend off hunger, ill-health, and poverty?


Why isn’t he?


Because he’s working for Monsanto.


Monsanto, the same company, by the way, who took the advice of Mitt Romney, many years ago, to stop overtly promoting chemical pesticides and, instead, get into genetics.




Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

If you shop through Amazon, then consider supporting Jon’s work by doing your shopping through Jon’s Amazon referral link.

Why psychiatry and big government are in a pornographic embrace



by Jon Rappoport

November 24, 2012


Modern psychiatry is based on the premise that there is something wrong with almost everybody. But when it comes to dependence, psychiatry takes a distinct back seat to big government.


Psychiatry and big-government actually share a bed. They both need dependents; otherwise, they’d fade away. In this pornographic intimacy, psychiatry functions as a medical and cultural salesman and PR hustler.


It ensures a steady supply of diagnosed and designated victims for government.


Dr. Marcia Angell, for two decades the editor of the most prestigious medical journal in the world, The New England Journal of Medicine, wrote a devastating piece on psychiatry for the The NY Review of Books.


In the “The Epidemic of Mental Illness: Why?”, Angell points out that a staggering 10% of Americans at least seven years old take antidepressants.


She also reveals that these drugs, observed to increase levels of a neurotransmitter called serotonin, were the springboard for claiming that depression was caused by a serotonin deficit. In other words, the whole theory of depression was invented backwards, to fit what the drugs were doing.


This would be somewhat like saying the flu is caused by a lack of Tamiflu in the body.


That was “the science” behind the whole chemical-imbalance theory of depression.


We’ve got this drug (Prozac) that raises serotonin levels, so let’s say depression is caused by a deficit of serotonin, and let’s sell that idea.”


Angell cites a study done at the National Institute of Mental Health (a federal agency) showing that 46% of randomly selected adults qualified for a diagnosis of mental illness, according to the definitions of disorders established by the American Psychiatric Association.


This is victim-creation at its finest, especially since none of the official 297 mental disorders are diagnosed by any chemical or biological test. They are merely menus or checklists of behaviors.


This would be like going into a doctor’s office for a conversation, after which he brings in a team of doctors who sit around and discuss what you said, take a vote, and decide you have cancer.


The class of psychiatric drugs called anti-psychotics (or major tranquilizers), including Risperdal, Zyprexa, and Seroquel, is now the best-selling class of meds in the US.


Going back two decades, perhaps the number-one person in America dedicated to the psychiatric hustle was, indeed, a government representative. Wife of a two-term president, then senator, now secretary of state, Hillary Clinton campaigned tirelessly for accepting the diagnosis of mental illness “without stigma.”


She led the way; others followed.


The objective was to enable a cultural revolution. “We’re all victims.” “We all have some kind of mental problem.” “We all need treatment.”


The revolution succeeded. And in its wake, big government could and did expand the theme of dependence.


Angell, in her highly readable article, makes a further point that is often overlooked. At one time, patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and depression experienced relatively brief episodes. But with the onset of the drugs for treatment, patients now find themselves dealing with chronic conditions.


The obvious conclusion? The drugs are creating abnormal brain function.


Chronically debilitated patients are a perfect set-up for big-government dependence.


In the US, the use of psychiatric drugs increased 22% from 2001 to 2010.


In 2010, 21% of adult women took antidepressants.


In his book, Anatomy of an Epidemic, Robert Whitaker provides the capper: in 1987, 1.25 million Americans were on government disability as a result of mental illness. By 2010, that figure had risen to 4 million.


Yes, big government and psychiatry are in love. And it isn’t pretty.


The formula for creating this ever-expanding dependence?


One: Continually add new mental disorders to the official list. These labels have no basis in reality. They aren’t accompanied by any diagnostic tests. But they enable many more people to be assigned a mental illness.


Two: Prescribe drugs that are, in and of themselves, destructive and debilitating, and therefore create long-term patients.


Three: Deny the drugs are the culprits. Blame the deterioration of the patient on his “mental disorder.”


Four: Encourage a culture in which patients think of themselves as struggling to “regain normalcy,” but need constant outside help for the rest of their lives.


Five: Offer government assistance in this regard. The assistance, of course, is based on the person remaining “mentally ill.” The assistance is therefore a bargain. “As long as you continue to think of yourself as ill, we the government will help you.”




For detailed evidence that psychiatry is an arbitrary pseudoscience, and for an introduction to evidence that the prescribed drugs are toxic, see my previous articles:


Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

GMOs plus Obamacare: Your ticket to slavery

GMOs plus Obamacare: Your ticket to slavery

by Jon Rappoport

November 20, 2012

At this late date, there are still people who don’t see the consequences of Obamacare. They cling to the notion that it’s simply a wonderful system that will allow more people to get vital medical care. That’s all they see or want to see.

They agree that medical treatment has an alarming toxic track record. But they don’t want to admit that Obamacare will spread that toxicity even further.

Why are these people blind? Because they think of themselves as caring humanitarians, and they fit Obamacare right into that self-serving picture. It’s part of their “religion.”

Also, they don’t want to “be negative.”

Some day, I’m sure, being negative will get you a public decapitation in the town square.

Okay. Here we go.

The recent study which revealed that rats fed with GMOs developed cancer is just one example of the health hazards of GMO food.

The argument advanced by the Monsanto forces and their allies is: “people who eat GMO food aren’t dropping like flies, so we’re all okay.”

This is a case made by con artists for idiots.

GMO crops were originally introduced with no human safety studies. The crops were given carte blanche because the whole approval process was rigged.

People could be developing cancers as a result of eating GMO food and no one would know. People could be developing serious digestive disorders and neurological problems and no one would know.

To pursue this in detail, read Jeffrey Smith’s classic, Genetic Roulette: The Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods. Smith lays out 65 GMO health risks, with references. He also shows how safety assessments of GMO foods fall horribly short.

The GMO overlords need a cover-story-diversion for the harm their foods inflict. That cover story will, increasingly, be fashioned and sculpted by Obamacare.

Obamacare will eventually morph into a blueprint of all diagnosable diseases and disorders, and permitted treatments.

That’s what health insurance does. It assembles a comprehensive chart of what is covered by policies.

This will allow a perfect cover for the protection of “favored toxins.” In other words, when disease strikes as a result of GMOs, pesticides, other environmental chemicals, chemtrails, and so on, the medical diagnosis will fail to name the true culprits.

It’s called concealment.

Under Obamacare, who will put together that all-embracing list of permitted disease-diagnoses and treatments? The US Dept. of Health and Human Services. DHHS is a cabinet post under the president.

Therefore, the federal government (in collusion with pharmaceutical companies) will control, in great detail, the practice of medicine, and if that makes you feel warm and fuzzy, I have condos for sale on Pluto. You think the CDC and FDA are overbearing now? You haven’t seen anything yet.

Here’s a case of how this con game would function:

Let’s say a young boy suddenly develops rapid mood swings. He’s up, he’s down, he’s all over the place. He throws tantrums, then he sits in his room and won’t talk to anyone.

Unknown to him or his parents, the cause of all this bizarre behavior was GMO corn. The inserted genes in the corn provoked a massive inflammatory response, in which his immune system attacked the myelin insulation surrounding his nerves.

But the medical diagnosis, according to the Obamacare chart of allowable interpretations: Bipolar disease.

Now come the Bipolar drugs. Lithium, Valproate, with their highly destructive adverse effects—and the sanctity of GMO crops is protected.

And to take this a step further, the company that produces and sells GMO corn seeds knows all this. It knows that many people who are being diagnosed with Bipolar are actually suffering from an autoimmune reaction to the genes inserted in the corn.

They have the perfect medical mechanism for covering up their secret.

In fact, this company is not just a GMO producer. It, like other giants, is also a chemical and pharmaceutical outfit. It makes a drug used to treat…Bipolar.

The circle is complete. The secret is protected, the money rolls in through several allied channels, and only the patient suffers.

Obamacare, in one of its several heinous aspects, is a stealth operation used to conceal crimes.

If you think this is science fiction, think again. It’s already happening. Researchers are madly probing for genes that cause cancer, and their PR people, based on no solid evidence, are trumpeting the “advances.”

Meanwhile, large numbers of people are developing cancer from exposure to pesticides. But the genetic diversion takes the public’s mind away from this fact into a more esoteric area.

As of 2012, people still have the right to enter a detox program aimed at ridding the body of stored pesticide chemicals. But up the line, the day will come when the Obamacare Program will rule that out as a permitted option for all people under the umbrella of the national health insurance plan. Meaning, everybody.

This is precisely what the drug companies want, which is why they participated in crafting Obamacare in the first place.

They want to lock down the population in a pharmaceutical arena and treat them from cradle to grave with their chemical agents.

No, you don’t see the lockdown now, as Obamacare enters the mainstream, but neither did you see drones flying overhead and giant computers recording every email, phone call, and product purchase you make, back in the day when the FBI was occasionally wire-tapping a suspect after obtaining a warrant.

These thing take time, but they happen.

Back when Lyndon Jonson announced an idea called The Great Society, you didn’t see the time when the US government would be spending a trillion dollars a year on means-tested welfare, or that at least half the country would want that sum to go higher without limit.

These things take time, but they happen.

In 1985, as the first word leaked out that corporations were experimenting with genes shot into food crops, you didn’t assume that, 25 years later, the world would be covered with GMO plants and that those genes would be floating and drifting into organic life from Pole to Pole.

These things take time, but they happen.

In the early 1950s, when Ritalin first arrived on the scene, you didn’t see that this highly toxic form of speed would be prescribed by doctors to more than five million children for a condition called ADHD, for which there is no diagnostic test.

These things take time, but they happen.

In the late 1940s, when young children received one vaccine, for smallpox, you didn’t see that the day would come when the CDC would recommend an incredible 55 doses of vaccines by age six, or that no studies would be done to assess the combined toxic effects of this vaccine load, or that the government would be trying to close down exemptions from vaccines.

These things take time, but they happen.

In the 1950s, as psychiatry was beginning to use a drug called Thorazine to treat “psychotic” patients, you didn’t see that the day would come when a bible of psychiatry, called the DSM, would list 297 distinct and separate “mental disorders,” none of which were diagnosed with any physical test. You didn’t see that the federal government would back, in every way possible, the pseudo-science of psychiatry, or that leading politicians and celebrities would endorse mental-disorder diagnosis and treatment with across-the-board toxic drugs. You didn’t see that some of these drugs would push people over the edge into committing murders.

These things take time, but they happen.

The Matrix Revealed

So it will be with Obamacare, as we move ahead. It will be used to lock down the population in a toxic pharmaceutical universe, and to gradually shave away competing forms of alternative healthcare.

This is the road we’re on. If, a few years ago, you didn’t think the freedom to pursue and manage your own health, according to your own desires, was important, you’d better believe it’s important now and in the future.

If you insist on clinging to the notion that Obamacare is a wonderful, wonderful thing, almost a religious sacrament, you don’t understand how history works, how things morph into other things, how agendas control that evolution, how what looked good at one moment turned into a nightmare, later on.

And as GMOs spread and cause disease, Obamacare will function as a steel barrier against doctors diagnosing patients with GMO-caused illnesses.

You know, when the patient came to me, I was sure he was suffering from a form of autism. But now that I look more closely, I realize it’s the insect genes in the grain he’s eating.”

Doctor, stop this nonsense. Consult your Obamacare Bible. Nowhere in it does it say there is a disease caused by GMOs. You can’t make that diagnosis. It won’t fly. You won’t get paid if you submit that insurance form. And you’ll get into trouble. Federal agents will visit your office. They’ll put you through the mill. They’ll threaten to cancel your ticket to practice medicine.”

That’s ridiculous. That would never happen.”

Oh no? Do you realize that, by statute, I’m required to turn you in? That’s right. I heard you say you wanted to make a diagnosis that wasn’t permitted by the Bible. I’m supposed to call Homeland Security. If I don’t, I’m guilty, too. I’m a co-conspirator.”

Give it time. Give it time.

Or if you don’t care, shut your eyes, and contemplate loving Obamacare, just as Winston Smith finally loved the State in Orwell’s 1984.

See: Dr. Barbara Starfield, “Is US health really the best in the world?” Journal of the American Association, July 26, 2000. Starfield revealed that, every year, the US medical system kills 225,000 people. Of those deaths, 106,000 are the result of FDA-approved drugs. Under Obamacare, these numbers will escalate.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at