JUNE 22, 2011. This article is being sent out as a press release to media outlets, indicating that I’m available for interviews on the subject. If you would like to pitch in, feel free to distribute it far and wide.


A recent development has highlighted the trend of authoritarian psychiatric invasions into everyday life.


A new book has revealed that the diagnosis of “bipolar disease” among American children is a scientific fraud and a precursor to the administration of highly dangerous drugs.


Psychiatrist Stuart Kaplan, a professor at Penn State College of Medicine, has written an article for the June 20th issue of Newsweek, based on his book, YOUR CHILD DOES NOT HAVE BIPOLAR DISORDER: HOW BAD SCIENCE AND GOOD PR CREATED THE DIAGNOSIS.


Kaplan states that, in 1995, there were fewer than 20,000 outpatient visits for pediatric bipolar disorder in the US. As of 2003, that number had swelled to a mind-boggling 800,000.


And yet there is no recognized psychiatric category called “pediatric bipolar disorder.”


But the publication of a 2002 best seller, The Bipolar Child, followed by wall to wall media coverage—Oprah, Time, 20/20, Dan Rather—took the country by storm.


Worse yet is the treatment regimen for children stemming from this false diagnosis. Two major drugs: Lithium and Valproate.


Adverse effects of Valproate include:


acute, life-threatening, and even fatal liver toxicity;


life-threatening inflammation of the pancreas;


brain damage.


Adverse effects of Lithium include:


intercranial pressure leading to blindness;


peripheral circulatory collapse;


stupor and coma.


Bipolar disorder has been diagnosed in children as young as two.


But this is not the first time an arbitrary psychiatric diagnosis has been made on children (or adults), then leading to the administration of highly dangerous drugs.


Mr. Rappoport is prepared to speak extensively about ADHD and Ritalin, and depression and Prozac (Paxil, Zoloft). Those two scenarios are strikingly similar to pediatric bipolar disorder.


Two vital facts:


In the years 2006-2008, a staggering 7.6% of American children were diagnosed with ADHD. (Source: Pediatrics, May 23, 2011)


27 million Americans are taking antidepressants. (Source: Archivesof General Psychiatry, 8/4/2009)


In what sense is all this population control? When you move in on the mind and make arbitrary diagnoses and follow up with highly toxic drugs, you are essentially waging war on the brain. These figures should indicate the scope of that ever-expanding war.


Call it profit-seeking, call it pseudo-science, call it incompetence. There are many ways to frame the issue. But the effects are no different from what happens on a battlefield. Great and lasting damage. And professional ignorance is no excuse, because these facts are out in the open, for anyone to examine.


Over the last 35 years, Jon Rappoport has gained a reputation as one of the most relentless medical investigative reporters in the world. Nominated early in his career for a Pulitzer Prize, Jon has written for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magizines in the US and Europe. His is currently the associate producer on a film in progress, American Addict, detailing the effects of pharmaceuticals on the US population.