MAY 18, 2010.  Over the years, I’ve written several articles about my consulting practice.  I’m now in a position to make clearer distinctions about this work.

In telephone sessions (usually once a week), I consult clients in four basic categories:



discovering buried goals/desires;


imagination and creative action;


energy for greater health and power.

Before embarking on a series of consultations with a client, we determine which one (or more) of these paths we are going to take.



The whole effort here is to construct a roadmap that takes the client from where he is to where he wants to go.  Normally, this process is done with entrepreneurs, but I’ve had a number of clients who were working for other people and wanted to advance their careers.

I have accumulated a whole series of check-points and questions that will make the designing of the map complete.     

The roadmap is as specific as possible.  Once it’s built, I help ensure the client executes all the indicated steps (actions) along the map.  So this isn’t just a theoretical exercise.

Real-world success is the objective—and traveling the full distance, as indicated in the road map, is the way to get there.  In sports, this is called executing the game plan.  The plan needs to be a series of specific steps, and the person has to take those steps.  And of course, the game plan has to be correct—following it has to bring the person to the success he’s seeking.      



Some clients are confused about what they truly want in life.  Therefore, we focus on that area.  Through dialogue and key exercises I’ve developed during many years of experience, the client comes to discover the “buried treasure.”

This in itself is a major accomplishment.  At that point, the client can choose to continue working with me to build a road map that will enable him to achieve his goal/desire in the real world.



For those people who feel a pull toward “new frontiers and undiscovered territory,” who believe they truly want to live a creative life, I focus on helping them gain greater and greater access to their own imagination.

This is very challenging and rewarding work.  It involves philosophy, education, and techniques by which clients come to use their innate capacity to invent, innovate, improvise, and build their dreams into reality, as fact, in the world. 



Behind many breakthroughs in alternative health research sits the single factor of energy.  With enough available live energy, a person will find his health naturally improves and expands. 

There is no ceiling on the amount of energy a person can produce and access.  The objective in this area of consulting is…more.  More energy.

To accomplish this, I employ a variety of techniques, some of which I’ve adapted from Tibetan practices that go back more than a thousand years.  When indicated, I also utilize what I call guided-imagery excursions, to reduce stress.  Stress tends to put a damper on energy; it blocks energy.



Some of the techniques I employ in my consulting work are done with the client during our sessions.  All the techniques can be done by the clients between sessions, and after our consulting work is done.

These techniques are always tailored to the specific needs of the client. 

I’ve been teaching and practicing these exercises myself for at least 15 years—in some cases, longer.



In working with clients, I’ve noticed that achieving success in any of the four areas I focus on brings about a kind of healing—by that I mean a sense of wholeness and confidence.  However, this is just a prelude to something greater: wider-ranging action that breaks new ground in life and literally invents the present and the future.  The person truly goes where he has not gone before.  The excitement and adventure that ensue can’t be overstated.

I welcome inquiries.


