Trump glorifies new COVID vaccine: what else did you expect?

by Jon Rappoport

December 9, 2020

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Note: In this climate, many people assume that if you say ANYTHING favorable about Trump, you support him all the way. If you say anything negative about him, you hate everything about him. I’ve never been in either camp. Read on.

As the vaccine rolls out in record time, Trump stands there selling it like a new golf course, the greatest gold course ever designed. [1]

Not long ago, in the headline of an article, I called Trump and Biden frauds. [2]

I’ve also explained why Trump is a better fraud for America than Biden.

With Trump, we get glints of freedom; with Biden we get the long dark night.

Biden’s people are already forging close relationships with the fascist governors. These connections include: how to push the vaccine.

It’s going to go this way, if Biden is installed in the Oval Office. Governors will say, “Well, people, we need every community to achieve 70% compliance with vaccination. And where that doesn’t happen, it looks like…we’ll have to declare new lockdowns, in order to protect all of us…”

That’s the carrot and the stick.

Under Trump as president, a similar scenario would play out, but he would be trying to open up the economy at the same time, through encouragement, through disparaging the governors who are taking the hardest line on lockdowns.

That may seem like a distinction without a difference, but it isn’t. It’s a signal to his millions of passionate followers: go back to work, open up the economy, find a way, defy restrictions.

If you’re laboring under the delusion that ANY president is going to unilaterally solve COVID fascism, and you don’t have to do anything yourself, you’re on the wrong track.

We have a giant snake encircling and winding through the population, and we have to cut off pieces of it wherever and however we can.

It would be pretty to think a politician is going to wade in and cut off the head of the snake in one mighty blow, but I don’t advise waiting for it to happen.

This is why I’ve said I don’t have faith in Trump, I have faith in the people who want freedom. Many of those people support Trump.

To be sure, Biden’s people would like to declare a federal mandate forcing every American to take the COVID vaccine, but at least for now, that’s not how I think his controllers are going to move.

They realize a federal mandate would not only face stiff legal challenges, it would create a high level of resistance—higher than presently exists—in the public.

They could try to pass a law stating that, in any designated area or zone, failure to achieve a 70% vaccination rate would, “during this state of emergency,” trigger a vaccine mandate; but I don’t think they’ll even go that far.

Biden’s controllers are focused on forging VERY tight relationships with the governors, and with big corporations. Those corporations, some of them, will demand vaccination for their employees, at the same time saying these employees have the right to refuse, in which case they’ll either have to work from home, or find a job elsewhere.

Biden forces will also push companies to opt for “immunity passports,” making it more difficult for people to travel, shop, gather in large numbers, unless they take the COVID shot.

If all this sounds like all-out war, that’s what it is.

The vaccine is a new front, a new phase in the war.

We would all like to find an easy way out, but that’s a pipe dream.

As far as Trump is concerned, he bought the big COVID con right at the beginning. He showed no real understanding of the situation, and he stood aside and allowed the destruction of the economy. He has never admitted just how widespread that destruction is, or his role in it. (I have stated this several times.)

So it should come as no surprise that he is now working the crowd like a carnival barker, hyping the vaccine.

Over the past months, some of Trump’s followers have assumed his glorification of the coming vaxx was a brilliant strategy on his part. He had a secret “rescue” from the vaccine planned.

Well, here we are. I don’t see rescue. I see Trump selling the vaxx. Nothing new.

Biden’s forces are also pushing climate change, open borders, defunding the police, and other disastrous policies that make him a worse option than Trump. But this article is about COVID. And in that sphere, Trump is better than Biden in the way I’ve described above.

What we actually needed, back in January, was a truly courageous president who stood up and refused to allow lockdowns, on Constitutional grounds—boldly, without compromise, giving away NO freedoms. We didn’t have that kind of leader.

This COVID vaccine is experimental, the people are guinea pigs, and the RNA technology embedded in the vaccine has been shown, in the past, to cause autoimmune reactions—meaning the body attacks itself. [3]

Trump pushing it as the messianic solution is madness.


[1] and (“President Trump Delivers Remarks at an Operation Warp Speed Vaccine Summit”, 12/8/20)



The Matrix Revealed

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Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

139 comments on “Trump glorifies new COVID vaccine: what else did you expect?

  1. Jen says:

    There’s something that’s really bothering me about the mRNA vaccine. I heard a talk given by a pharma guy within the last year or so about rolling out a biologic like a mRNA vaccine. I can’t remember the exact numbers, but he said the number of CDMO “fill and finish” plants that can handle biologics is actually quite small. He said that if they stopped all the other products they were making and focused solely on mRNA vaccines, that they could produce max ~80,000 a day, which means producing enough to vaccinate 300 million people would take over 10 years.

    So, where are all these vaccines coming from?

    The other part I don’t understand is “naked” mRNA is quite temperature stable and doesn’t require lipid encapsulation. It’s the other types of RNA, which have the ability to silence gene expression, that require lipid encapsulation and that decompose rapidly in higher temps and require low temperatures for preservation.

    I feel like we’re missing something here.

  2. Simon says:

    Tony Heller has an interesting graphic in this video at the 3 minute mark.

    This shows a typical corona virus season that peaks around the 20th of Jan. This could be the reason they have to do the Vaccine roll out now if they want to take credit for the seasonal decrease that typically occurs after this date.

  3. Kween Kleokatra says:

    “We have a giant snake encircling and winding through the population, and we have to cut off pieces of it wherever and however we can.”

    Magic Metaphor. I’m going to animate that one…

  4. Aron says:

    Always on point Jon. Nuanced. I love every word of it. All of your work has given me confidence & good information leading up to the big Christmas gathering. I hope (and how could it not be) that discussions will open up. I must prepare a bit further but a key opportunity is coming to get the whole extended family, step family included, on board with *reality*, and ready a dozen more *foot soldiers* for the fight against this tyranny.

  5. Sonia H. says:

    Clever dogs in government: Citizen, you can remove your masks and the 6-ft rule only as long as everyone’s got the shot. Oh, look – there’s a few people who won’t get with the program! The many attack the few in every imaginable way and the govt is standing back, all innocent.

    The sheeple are doing the govt’s dirty work for them. No reason to send soldiers door to door; the vaccinated will do it for them. Anybody remember the early days of the bolshevik coup? Reds and Whites in the Russian Civil War? There ya go, kids.

  6. tripletail says:

    Orange(33) man Drumpf(33) is a Free Mason/Jesuit who has easily fooled the sheeple, who will literally beg to be culled from the herd via the vaccine.

  7. Flat Albert says:

    Total U.S. Markets Capitalization is ~$38.51 trillion.

    The Top 5 investment management firms alone hold more than $21 trillion of that (~55%).

    Plus there are another 5-10 smaller investment management firms that gobble up another 15-30%.

    And ownership of all those firms generally follow the 80/20 Rule (The Pareto Principle).
    Thus these firms are largely controlled by the billionaire class.
    And they often exist as the largest shareholders/investors of each other.

    It’s these people, that largely own & thus control those investment firms and funds, that get to cast their votes in corporate governance.
    Individual Investors rarely, if ever, get a vote.

    Like a true Cartel.

    I mean good for them, but you can’t keep hoarding money amongst a few and not have it negatively affect the economy.
    Money needs to keep being spent, by more people, for economies to live, thrive and grow.

    And you can’t expect that massive wealth accumulation is not effecting or influencing politics.

    Money IS power.

    These firms, and that Aristocracy controlling them, have the holdings, and thus power to destroy the markets, and economy.

    Imagine, they can collectively (and stats they most often operate/vote in concert with one another) unload large volumes of shares, in any one company, or across numerous companies, causing share prices to plummet.
    Conversely, they can hoard those shares, generally preventing available inventory, thus driving share prices upwards.


    These firms largely own, and thus control the largest “competing” media & news companies.

    These firms largely own, and thus control the largest “competing” pharmaceutical companies.

    These firms largely own, and thus control the largest “competing” medical device manufacturers.

    These firms largely own, and thus control the largest “competing” tobacco companies.

    These firms largely own, and thus control the largest “competing” for-profit hospitals.

    These firms largely own, and thus control the largest “competing” insurance co’s.

    These firms largely own, and thus control the largest “competing” Online Retailers and E-tail companies.

    These firms largely own, and thus control the companies that exist as the largest political campaign contributors, to all major parties.

    These firms have the wealth, and thus power to force their owned media to keep pushing a new dangerous virus narrative.

    These firms have the wealth, and thus power to develop and distribute a vaccine for that dangerous virus, and get the government to pay for it and promote it.

    These firms have the wealth, and thus power to develop and distribute virus “tests” that only they seem to know many details about their operations/accuracy, and keep those secret.

    These firms have the wealth, and thus power to largely suppress dissent.

    So if it seems that “covid” is a scam, it is.
    If the pharmaceutical industry seems like a scam, it is.
    If the medical & healthcare industries seem like scams, they are.
    If the insurance industry seems like a scam, it is.
    If politics seems like a scam, it is.

  8. SuzanneL says:

    Mr. Rappaport, I’ll tell you exactly what’s going on.

    Trump is intentionally leading the entire vaccine industry, by its own greed, into ramming itself into a stone wall. And they’re falling for it. All the talk of Warp Speed military delivery, with only the rare soft mention of “for those who want it”, is intended to scare the crap out of the public, and it’s working.

    The tyrant king governors are already outing themselves drooling to mandate it. The ridiculous “inject disease to prevent disease” paradigm is being exposed for what it is — we’re supposed to avoid covid exposure at all costs for most of a year, and then turn around and start injecting it? Ridiculous.

    But not to the arrogant pharma lords, in their arrogance bubble. Trump knows the public will go into open revolt. We all watched big pharma’s suppression of safe inexpensive therapeutics, in favor of the wildest and most expensive therapeutics while the injections are to keep covid continually recycling through the public. (Right now they’re only faking it with fake tests.)

    Even the normies know there is some game going on. They’ve refused the flu injection en mass this year, waitin’ on da covids, and now there is no flu at all this “season”. (How obvious is that?!) Yup. Trump is taking his revenge for whatever he had witnessed in his private life, of the sadistic (a term he used against the VA, btw) vaccine industry destruction of other people’s babies, as discussed in the 2nd Republican primary debate of 2015. He is letting the industry commit (leading them to) utter self destruction, by their own greed. You watch.

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