CDC Director Robert Redfield: the letter that should have destroyed his career

by Jon Rappoport

August 5, 2020

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Long before Robert Redfield ascended to the CDC directorship, and also assumed a key post on the White House COVID Task Force, he was a US Army researcher working on an AIDS vaccine.

He ran into a great deal of trouble. His career was almost derailed. The Army finally saved him, through what some investigators assert was a complete whitewash.

On June 7th, 1994, two doctors from Public Citizen, Peter Lu and the relentless consumer advocate, Sidney Wolfe, wrote a long letter to Congressman Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Subcommittee on Health and the Environment. If Waxman had followed up with decisive action, Redfield might have been finished for good in the field of public health. Here are excerpts from the devastating letter:

“We are writing to request that your Subcommittee hold a hearing, as soon as possible, to investigate charges of grave impropriety committed by U.S. Department of Defense’ AIDS researchers. We have obtained Internal memoranda, not previously made public, from the Department of Defense that allege a systematic pattern of data manipulation, inappropriate statistical analyses and misleading data presentation by Army researchers in an apparent attempt to promote the usefulness of the GP160 AIDS vaccine…The Phase I and Phase II studies in which this alleged misconduct occurred were conducted by researchers at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR), led by Lt. Col. Robert Redfield, M.D., Chief of the Department of Retroviral Research, and misleading results from these trials were reported in…the New England Journal of Medicine in June 1991, the Journal AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses in June 1992 and the annual International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam in July 1992. In addition, overstated conclusions have been presented on two occasions at hearings before your Subcommittee.

“Meeting on October 23, 1992 to discuss the allegations by two Air Force research physicians (see below) of scientific misconduct by Dr. Redfield, a subcommittee of the Institutional Review Committee at the Wilford Hall U.S. Air Force Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas reached the following conclusion:

“The committee agreed the information presented by Dr. Redfield seriously threatens his credibility as a researcher and has the potential to negatively impact AIDS research funding for military institutions as a whole. His allegedly unethical behavior creates false hope and could result in premature deployment of the vaccine…

“That meeting was called to review an October 21, 1992 memorandum…from Maj. Craig W. Hendrix, M.D., Director of the HIV Program in the Air Force, and Col. R. Neal Boswell, MD., Associate Chief of the Division of Medicine in the Air Force, to Col. Donald Burke, M.D., Director of the Division of Retrovirology at WRAIR and Dr. Redfield’s immediate supervisor. The memorandum decried ‘The problem of misleading or, possibly, deceptive presentations by Dr. Redfleld, which overstate the GP160 [vaccine] Phase I data…’ and recommended that the following action be taken:

“(1) publicly correct the record in a medium suitable for widespread dissemination to our civilian scientific colleagues;

“(2) censure Dr. Redfield for potential scientific misconduct which should at least include temporarily suspending his involvement on the current immunotherapy protocols; and

“(3) initiate an investigation by a fully independent outside Investigative body…to evaluate the facts of the case and recommend appropriate actions.

“Senior Department of Defense scientists have known of this misconduct since at least October 1992, and Dr. Redfield has acknowledged that his analyses were faulty on at least three occasions to internal Department of Defense audiences (the earliest admission was on August 28, 1992)…”

This is a VERY damning letter. Vaccine fraud.

But Redfield not only avoided professional devastation, he rose through the political hierarchy, eventually becoming CDC director. At the CDC—let’s be frank—lying about vaccines in order to promote and sell them is job number one.

Redfield now also serves on the White House COVID Task Force, an organization dedicated to gaining rapid approval for a pandemic vaccine, come hell or high water.

Charges of extreme scientific fraud on an issue of vaccines THEN; the man occupies two high posts where pushing vaccines is paramount NOW.

But don’t worry, all you pod people wearing masks and waiting for the messianic COVID vaccine. All is well. Sure it is. The vaccine won’t harm or kill you or your children. Resume your pacified slumber.


The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

34 comments on “CDC Director Robert Redfield: the letter that should have destroyed his career

  1. Jerry says:

    Trump’s draining the swamp, huh?

    More confirming evidence that you must be a verified P.o.S. to slither up the ropes to the upper branches of state.

  2. Butch says:

    One should read Mikovitzs books “Plague” and the recent follow up “Plague of Corruption” for additional insight into this criminals history, particularly the HIV scam. Of course none of this is shocking to readers of this site, unless you haven’t absorbed Jon’s messages of truth.

  3. scooter says:

    Thanks, Jon. What a world, huh? Government that doesn’t govern, Medicine that doesn’t heal, Education that doesn’t educate, Media that lies. Upside-down world. These next three months will likely be weirder still. But, my greatest concern given that this cabal that rules the world never backs down only doubles-down, is a false flag event of magnitude. Stand by. The other shoe is on the way down.

    • kadak says:

      I hope everyone here has read Lobaczewski’s Political Ponerology – it’s free online now.

      Within it, he stresses that the individual can perceive living in a psychopathocratic state because every agency does the opposite of what it was designed to do.

      First published in 1984 (deep irony there), it was a stark warning that life behind the so-called iron curtain could happen anywhere – and it has.

  4. From Elsewhere says:

    Meanwhile, people lose jobs and lifetime savings. This has to stop, frauds punished, economy restored and diseases treated with conscience and humanity instead of greed and lust for power. Resist the predators and spread the truth, with powerful insights from Jon.

    • bob klinck says:

      It’s easy to say what must change, but just remember that the most powerful financial and corporate institutions will work against you. Know the enemy. Without reducing their power, by legislatively distributing it among the citizenry (it has to reside somewhere), the challenge will be overwhelming.

  5. SuzieQ says:

    Sadly this is not shocking how Big Pharma needs and supports this creep. We must stand up for what happens to our bodies and we, not gov’t, get to decide if we want to get injected or wear masks…without repercussions. More people need to speak out. Be strong and band together during these dark 1984 times.

  6. BoogeymanSlayer says:

    Oh, the revolving door on the way to get the big cheese—a job at the Center for Disease Creation, a highly paid position in Big pHARMa or the US government…you get the idea. A proverbial rat’s nest of con men and women who just cannot get enough money and power over others.

  7. Vlad Putin says:

    The situation in the office of the President is the most corrupt that the U.S.A. has ever seen, but no one will call him on all of his falsehoods; not that it would do any good. I find that his words have trickled down to right wing talk shows and the worst of it is that the hosts believe the misinformation that comes out of the white house. The republican senate should be kicked out of the government with Mitch McConnell first.

    In 70 years I have not seen anything as blatantly stupid as what I see in Washington. The virus is not the major problem in the united states, it is the entire government full of greedy people who will do anything to keep their government jobs. Name one thing that the U.S. government has done that benefited the citizens of the united states.

    Now that stupid [guy] in the oval office is trying to sell the proposition that mail in ballots are fake and he will stop the results of the election. Is he a dictator or a mob boss? He certainly acts like one. He is illiterate which was proven when he could not pronounce “YOSEMITE”.

    It is totally unbelievable that there is a person as stupid a Trump leading the free world.

    One can only hope that he and his mindless followers will die of the fake corona virus.

    I hope that your country can survive such twisted people in your government; good luck, you will need it.

    • Alessandro says:

      Your comments imply that this was not a problem before Trump which would be false. Remember Fauci was around during Obama and the dirt of politics has been around forever but is exacerbated now because of the lies on social media.

      To make a comment “One can only hope that he and his mindless followers will die of the fake corona virus” just highlights more about you than Trump and Co. Your attacks are ad homien which are as low an argument can get. Sad, really.

      Do you imagine the addled Biden, or rather the nursing home minders for him, will be any better than Trump. The USA is beset with major problems that have been there for decades but contained mostly by the cold war. Western Civilisation is eating itself from within. Take some time to read up on the ruin of other civilisations and you will see its all happening again here and now.

  8. Kia Kaha says:

    I have some serious inklings. Are any of these public figures who play crucial roles in the public’s perception masked or genuine. Do they actually do what they say they do? Or merely tapped speakers, media personas for photo ops who put on a mask to hide the real culprits behind the scenes so the agenda is not completely knocked off course and continues to proceed according to plan. Always bankers directing $nothing into or away from whatever will animate or deactivate the people involved, manipulating emotional reactions, pushing the public out of their way, giving themselves time to put things in place gradually.

    The real invisible enemy.

    I seriously doubt bankers would allow people to actually become billionaires, millionaires. That would pose a threat to power. Rather, they are merely public figures standing in for front companies that bankers, a small group of men, who own and control not only the companies by channeling their money through them, but own and control those specific people they tap for the purposes of the media’s presentation to alter the public’s perception of what’s going on and by whom, other than the corruption of the banking system itself that runs the “shadow government” show in entirety.

  9. Kia Kaha says:

    I have some serious inklings. Are any of these public figures who play crucial roles in the public’s perception masked or genuine. Do they actually do what they say they do? Or merely tapped speakers, media personas for photo ops who put on a mask to hide the real culprits behind the scenes so the agenda is not completely knocked off course and continues to proceed according to plan. Always bankers directing $nothing into or away from whatever will animate or deactivate the people involved, manipulating emotional reactions, pushing the public out of their way, giving themselves time to put things in place gradually.

    The real invisible enemy.

    I seriously doubt bankers would allow people to actually become billionaires, millionaires. That would pose a threat to power. Rather, they are merely public figures standing in for front companies that bankers, a small group of men, who own and control not only the companies by channeling their money through them, but own and control those specific people they tap for the purposes of the media’s presentation to alter the public’s perception of what’s going on and by whom, other than the corruption of the banking system itself that runs the “shadow government” shit show in entirety.

    • Kia Kaha says:

      For example…

      Medical Examiner FULL Press Conference – Sandy Hook School Mass Shooting
      Former Chief State Medical Examiner H. Wayne Carver II dies

      In his role in the episode of the Sandy Hook Hoax, he was cast as the Chief Medical Coroner.
      The nose, the hair, the beard, glasses, suited and booted, big tall guy

      The writers permanently retired his character role, this mask
      Dr. H. Wayne Carver II – Obituary 2/21/1952 – 12/26/19

      Wiki says Dr. Robert R. Redfield was born 1951
      Wiki is not known for its accuracy, highly edited, monitored, controlled.

      Then we’re presented with this character….

      Coronavirus outbreak: U.S. task force led by Mike Pence says risk of COVID-19 remains low
      Who’s on the U.S. Coronavirus Task Force

      CDC director speaks out about schools reopening l GMA
      “a spectrum of choices, merely guidance…to keep their hands clean should something planned or “accidentally” go awry”

      Trump’s CDC director has a controversial past

      Dr. Robert R. Redfield, Director of the CDC – google images
      The nose, the hair, the beard, glasses, suited and booted, less weight, big tall guy

      Dr. Robert R Redfield – Wiki
      Redfield’s parents were both scientists at the National Institutes of Health. Tight family cult ties.

    • Kia Kaha says:

      And this guy….

      Bill Gates. Wasn’t the computer a stolen invention?
      Scouts hoover over universities looking for the best and the brightest who are inspired to create new ideas to steal and corrupt. Now they have the web. And they always have the patent office, a control lever. This particular tribe is known for lying, cheating, stealing, pirating their way through life and then claiming it as their own for public recognition, class distinction of “brilliance”, narcissistic grandiosity.

      Bill Gates Mother
      Mary Ann Maxwell (mother) – daddy banker
      Her Father: James Willard Maxwell (1864–1951), was president of the National City Bank in Seattle from 1911 to 1929 and a director of the Seattle branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

      She served on the UW Foundation Board of Directors, the UW Medical Center Board, and the UW School of Business Administration’s Advisory Board. where she led the movement on the board to divest the University of Washington’s holdings in South Africa to protest apartheid.
      Following her death, it was disclosed that she was the target of a kidnapping attempt several years earlier.

      Bill Gates Sr., is an American attorney and philanthropist, (suffers Alzheimer’s)
      Military, lawyer, director for Costco Wholesale, He is also a founding co-chair of the Pacific Health Summit, William H. Gates Sr. serves as an Honorary Chair for the World Justice Project. The project works to lead a global, multidisciplinary effort to strengthen the Rule of Law for the development of communities of opportunity and equity.
      Military, lawyer, food, health, rule of law

      Bill Gates
      Vaccines, GMO food, philanthropy, health, certainly falling in line with the “rule of law” aka The Law of Reversal.

      The Law of Reversal
      They take conscious law that is within us and create laws in an “ACT of Rebellion” against them, penalizing us if we don’t follow patriarchal laws. But we’re already penalized. Conscious law contains a “natural justice system”. We call it pain, suffering optional. It was meant to be a temporary signal to alert us that we needed to self-correct to remain in alignment with conscious law, to keep us safe, healthy, happy. Pain and suffering was never meant to be lived lifelong. No, just a minor temporary signal. So patriarchy issues laws that cause pain and suffering, then penalizes us if we don’t follow them, when our conscious mind says, no, this is not right, something is wrong here. Patriarchal law is massive foolishness. We could be enjoying our Earthly trip of a lifetime in paradise, plenty of everything we need, generosity absolutely everywhere.

      • JA says:

        Kia Kaha:

        You have done a masterful job of research. All of us wish to “say it isn’t so”, just to find out, yes it is so, and the rabbit hole just gets deeper and darker.

        “anyone who believes in the twin heresies of social distancing and masks is, by definition, either a certifiable insane cretin or is on the dark side of the human race. Most are left wing pro UN fascists and believers in the climate change nonsense.”

        Another quote:
        “The new global reset espoused by PRINCE CHARLES, means that every citizen must be useful to the state. So that’s the END of the Royal Family”!

        Look him up, his works are quite akin to Rappaports writing. They have a similar bite!

        • tony bonn says:

          vernon coleman is gold – great youtube videos

        • Kia Kaha says:

          Thank you. and for the link. I enjoy meeting and listening to like-minded. The confusion, tracking, censorship out there in YTland is otherwise near intolerable.

          To wear a mask is harmful. I do the opposite by practicing a breathing meditation. Oxygenating the body is ultimately most important to purify the body mind energy systems. We also come to know who we really are, which is the ultimate in taking off the mask! The wearing of the mask in both senses of the word leads to illness, confusion… mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

      • tony bonn says:

        bill gates is a woman. stop referring to her as a man. she is a biological woman. maxwell is probably related to ghislaine and robert. both of which go to mossad and 9/11.

  10. JA says:

    If you do any research on Waxman, he was just another piece of goo swimming in the swamp. Their inquiry to him would have gone into the round file.

    The subject: Its just another mask you can take off:
    Scroll down until you find the name of the video if it doesn’t come up with the link.

    Another huge confirmation of what Jon has been warning us about. What our lives and the near future is/will look like.

    • Laura says:

      I could not get there through that link as typed so here’s the whole thing: I just watched it and found it very disturbing (because of its truth), but also truly enlightening. “2020 – Hope for the best but prepare for the worst, and keep extras of everything essential,” etc. It’s so sadly true about how willingly just about everyone let this monstrosity of a “great reset” (to use the words of Marxist demon Klaus Schwab) play out, totally obedient in the service of psychotic power grabbers. I’ve never been a fan of the human race…this all just sadly confirms it more than I ever thought possible.

  11. D. Smith says:

    A great article here at this link tells about how small, localized communities are being hoodwinked into this face mask wearing nonsense. It’s short to read but good info, nevertheless.

    There is not now, nor will there EVER be, a good reason to wear a face mask. But everywhere I go, I see the sheeple wearing them as ordered. It’s more disgraceful to see people being so stupid than it is to hear about the few deaths being caused by something that is nothing more than the flu. People get the flu all the time and no one ever panicked before. This is politically based fearmongering and anyone with half a brain knows it.

    Shameful behavior on the part of the American public. What’s even more shameful is the fact that President Trump seems to have “sold out” to this crazy idea of vaccinations for all. Oh my God, we cannot let that happen. We just can’t. If we let that happen, Bill Gates will be running things from behind the curtain, just like the Wizard of Oz. In fact, that’s what this whole thing reminds me of – – and Trump better get his act together and soon because people in my neck of the woods, who do not believe in vaccines for every stinkin’ thing, are NOT going to support him if he doesn’t get his head out of his arse, (and this is a red state, has been for many years) but I’m afraid of the voting this year.

    Everyone write letters to Trump and beg him (hey, begging works) to stop the insanity of vaccines. They are basically untested at this point, no one seems to know what’s in them except maybe God might know, and we have already seen the damage done by vaccines in India and Africa (the people they use to “test” these things, as if they were animals – it’s purely sinful behavior). We MUST let Trump know how we feel and SOON.

    I implore you to please contact your state CONgresspeople (even if they’re beyond stupid), contact your local authorities about the lies being told regarding the “usefulness of vaccines” even though they’re unstudied, and refuse them as long as possible.

    • tony bonn says:

      trump is the swamp. he has waged a profoundly successful psychological warfare operation against americans, doing and saying a few things here and there to tease and deceive people into thinking he is somehow patriotic, conservative, or whatever assinine label you are looking for in a god, talking head, or hero.

      trump and fauci are a team – a good cop/bad cop shtick. trump’s cdc launched the corona hoax in january with the quarantine crap at airports, and quickly ratcheted up the heat, fully supporting and selecting fauci, into lockdowns, support of masks, vaccines, and the complete evisceration of liberties. when the biological woman bill gates demanded a social isolation policy, trump/fauci complied.

      he has visited cdc at least twice and none of it was to clean house. fauci is a signal to the gates/soros/clintons that he is with them. fauci is total piece of crap, evil, and the lysenko of our age.

      fauci stated in january 2017 that the trump administration would be engulfed in a health crisis of epic proportions. this is totally planned and based upon lies. trump and fauci are in on it together.

      the war between the press and trump is a total stage play. trump has stated that he is a one term president. the plot is to elect biden who will select some ignorant slut as vp, and then resign. he is probably already sleeping in a coffin once a week just in case.

      the lie about a helpless trump being surrounded swamp creatures makes me puke.

    • Larry C says:

      From the article, D. Smith linked to:

      “Another stunning revelation from Bulgarian Pathology Association (BPA) president Dr. Alexov is that he believes it’s currently “impossible” to create a vaccine against the virus.

      He also revealed that European pathologists haven’t identified any antibodies that are specific for SARS-CoV-2.

      These stunning statements raise major questions, including about officials’ and scientists’ claims regarding the many vaccines they’re rushing into clinical trials around the world.

      They also raise doubt about the veracity of claims of discovery of anti-novel-coronavirus antibodies (which are beginning to be used to treat patients).

      Novel-coronavirus-specific antibodies are supposedly the basis for the expensive serology test kits being used in many countries (some of which have been found to be unacceptably inaccurate).

      And they’re purportedly key to the immunity certificates coveted by Bill Gates that are about to go into widespread use — in the form of the COVI-PASS — in 15 countries including the UK, US, and Canada.

      Dr. Alexov made his jaw-dropping observations in a video interview summarizing the consensus of participants in a May 8, 2020, European Society of Pathology (ESP) webinar on COVID-19. “

  12. ken says:

    We’ve come a long way from 1992. Today they would have never heard the complaint, would have censored the doctors then cancelled them.

    • Piksil says:


      In a similar vein, what has happened to the testimony of Dr William Thompson, researcher for the CDC? He participated in the ordered destruction of MMR trial data that showed correlation between the vaccine and young African-American males.

      As a whistle-blower, he was supposed to give his testimony to congress or a congressional committee. That still hasn’t happened.

      But the MMR is still on the schedule of required vaccines.

      Maybe they’re afraid of info about pre-natal ultrasounds coming to light as well.

  13. Larry C says:

    Check out the second paragraph in this article. The context refers to the likelihood of a gradual changeover from fossil fuels to green energy.

    In the context of the stranglehold imposed by Fauci & Company on the U.S. economy however, it hits the bulls-eye SMACK DAB CENTER!

  14. Laura says:

    Henry Waxman (democrat, naturally) campaigned passionately against the natural health and supplement industries back in the 90s or thereabout; wanted total control over everyone’s personal health decisions. Naturally Waxman would cover for his crony Redfield…and they both look like the tyrants they are.

  15. Jon says:

    Thanks Jon so much for all you are doing to expose all of this fraud. Your information and insights are truly invaluable!

  16. Siouxma says:

    Too much Bait cutting…Buck up or we’re all doomed!

    If you believe this is a Scamdemic, are you still wearing a mask everywhere you go & following all the RULES???

    If you are, WHY? If you can’t handle a few Harpies, how are you going to resist when Trump, is telling everyone you have to get jabbed for the Greater Good???

    Every State mask order has to have a medical exemption. Even here in Michigulag that is the case. We all have a critical need for 20% O-2, so you’re not lying to use that reason if you are ever asked. We’ve only had to defend our rights at the Post Office, and they buckled, not us.

    We also both have CCWs, so we always carry and walk with confidence and friendly smiles as we do our business (we’re both in our early 70s, fyi).

    So, why are you still wearing a mask? Cuz Redmond and Fauci and Birx and Girlie Gates said so???? Submission is such the new fashion statement. Don’t succumb, for all our sakes.

    • tony bonn says:

      i have been thrown out of so many places or denied entrance because i don’t wear a mask and i have told each and every one to go fuck themselves. i have found alternative channels for groceries. i canceled my la fitness membership and told them good luck channeling howard hughes. i bought high margin food – and the stupid shits still threw me out. now i buy 0 from those assholes and will never return. i have also boycotted all spending. i used to go in every other week to my barber and pay 70 usd per visit for a basic haircut but i got so sick of looking at their face bras i am now cutting my own and i don’t care how bad it looks. i am sick of the g-d crap.

      • Siouxma says:

        My husband’s barbershop is owned by two women who refuse to wear masks and if you want your haircut, sign a waiver, and you’re good to go- $15. Wear a mask if you want to, or not.

        I am sorry you live somewhere that makes Michigulag look good.

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